Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2161: Cai Yi!

"This matter is inevitable! Although the ancient seal contains the power of heaven and can control the power of 108 holy cities, it is not ruled out that there are other secret methods that can deprive the power of the Taoist seal!"

The old goat's look is dignified.

He understood the horror of the ancient seal and controlled the Taoist seal. The unscrupulous Daoist is the guardian of the Daoist holy city. It can be called invincible in the Daoist holy city, but if it is deprived of its power, then It's dangerous.

"Daoshan will not allow us to stay in the Dao Palace. I'm afraid there is something in the Dao Palace that we don't know. If we want to understand all of this, we need to visit the Dao Palace!"

The unscrupulous Taoist said slowly.

"Do you want to explore the Dao Palace? This idea is good! But the colorful butterfly outside looks at it, it's not so easy to hide her perception! It's not as good as me to visit the Dao Palace, everything is just as usual!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and nodded.

"There will be no danger in the Tao Palace?"

There was a trace of worry in Xue Wei's eyes.

"Relax, I'm just going to explore the truth and reality, there will be no danger!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.


I saw Ling Xiao's whole body flashing light, and a stream of light suddenly shot out of his body, and turned into a body exactly like him. No matter what appearance or breath, there was no difference from Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's body flickered slightly and disappeared into the void.

Covering the sky can cover all the fluctuations in breath, even if the colorful butterfly is staying outside at the moment, it has not found that Ling Xiao has left quietly.

Tao Palace.

On the top of a mountain in the center of the Dao Holy City, an ancient bronze palace is the Dao Palace, and it is also the most central place of the Dao Holy City.

In the palace of the Dao, the chaos was filled with mist, the light of the ray of light was faint, and a very mysterious figure was sitting on the faint disc. At the moment, the three people of Daoshan, Daohai and Daohe were standing in front of that figure, their expressions were extremely respectful.

"Is there actually an isolation formation? It seems that they are not too stupid!"

The figure said faintly, as if there were colorful divine light intertwined in the eyes, it looked mysterious and extraordinary.

"Adults, they are very alert. I doubt they have noticed anything. After all, Wu Liang was once chased and killed by the people we sent!"

Daoshan said respectfully.

"It's okay, they can't turn my palm out! Don't think that the Dao clan can control the holy city of the Dao clan, they are too tender, everything is going according to plan, and the Dao clan will be changed tomorrow!"

The figure said slowly, the gods in the eyes seemed to penetrate people's hearts.

"Yes, lord!"

Daoshan, Daohai and Daohe couldn't help but tremble, they could not help but kneel down and said extremely respectfully.

They are well aware of the horror of this adult in front of them, even if the unscrupulous Daoist has the Taoist seal, it is impossible to be the opponent of this adult.


At this moment, Ling Xiao and the void merged into one, and quietly infiltrated into the vicinity of Dao Palace.

There are many guards around the Dao Palace, and there are even many dark whistle in the dark. The security is strong, and the powerful Yuanshen wave covers the area around the Dao Palace, even the flies will not let go.

Seeing that Dao Gong's security was so strict, Ling Xiao increasingly speculated that there must be some kind of secret in Dao Gong.

"You have to find a way to get in!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

He was sure to hide the guards outside the Dao Palace, but there must be a strong formation prohibition in the Dao Palace. He rushed into it, and he will definitely be discovered by the people in the Dao Palace.

Just when Ling Xiao was hesitant, a familiar figure suddenly caught his eyes.

"is her?"

There was a trace of surprise in Ling Xiao's eyes. It was a beautiful woman, dressed in a red dress and graceful, and walked towards the palace under the guidance of several guards.

Ling Xiao was surprised because the woman's appearance was exactly the same as Cai Die.

"It's not Caidie! Although they have the same appearance, they have different temperaments. Could it be Caidie's sibling?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Although he speculated in his heart, he immediately discovered that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I saw him flashing around, and when the red dress woman passed by, it directly turned into a dust and stuck to the red dress woman.


The gate of Dao Palace slowly opened.

"Girl in color clothes, your lord is waiting for you inside the palace, I hope you don't let him down!"

Among the guards, headed by a young man with a nine-and-a-half-century act, he smiled coldly, and then turned and left with the guard.

Cai Yi stood in the doorway of Daogong Palace, a trace of struggling color appeared on her face, and eventually became extremely sorrowful. With a bite of her teeth, she walked into Daogong Palace with extreme determination!

The gate of the Dao Palace was closed again, and Ling Xiao finally realized the scene in the Dao Palace.

In the Taoist palace, the chaos is hazy, the gas is translucent, and it looks peaceful and serene, like a is full of dreamy atmosphere.

In the most central part of the Dao Palace, a mysterious figure sits, shrouded in chaos, unable to see his face, but a pair of eyes are extremely mysterious, revealing colorful divine light, mysterious and majestic.

"Cai Yi, you are still here!"

A faint voice rang within the Dao Palace, extremely clear.

Ling Xiao could feel that the figure's breath was extremely powerful, making him feel a certain threat. Ling Xiao fully urged the swallowing secret of the sky, and the whole person's breath disappeared without a trace, as if it was a dust, Very inconspicuous.

Ling Xiao tried his best to hide his existence, while also observing the situation in the palace.

"Adult, Cai Yi has thought about it clearly, and is willing to dedicate herself to the adult, and ask the adult to spare my sister Cai Die!"

Cai Yi said softly, the sound was like a jade bead hitting a jade plate, crisp and sweet.

Her fragrant shoulders shivered, as if she had made a decision, her eyes were full of decisiveness, and the red skirt on her body slipped quietly, revealing a perfect body!

Two lines of tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, making her exude a temperament that I still feel pitiful!


Ling Xiao was also stunned. The red dress of the color dress slipped down, and he was completely covered up. A fragrant fragrance came out, containing the girl's breath, and Ling Xiao did not react for a while.

That figure looked at Caiyi's body lightly, his eyes full of unabashed appreciation: "Caiyi girl, you are really great, willing to sacrifice yourself for your sister, is this really worth it?"

"It's worth it! Just ask adults to let go of the butterfly!"

Cai Yi shivered and embraced her arms helplessly, but there was no fear in her eyes. She looked directly at the eyes in front of her, and her eyes were full of firmness.

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