Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2239: Heavenly Emperor Sword!

Tianzi, this is a legendary name.

Heavenly Emperor is the head of the Nine Emperors of the Human Race and the most dazzling peerless emperor who created the era of the Human Race. It is precisely because of the rise of the Heavenly Emperor that the Human Race has gone from darkness to light, and has a beautiful future. It can enter the God Realm and coerce the heavens.

As the heir of Heavenly Emperor, he has accumulated too many mysterious colors since he was born, shouldering the expectations of countless people, hoping that he can continue the glory of Heavenly Emperor and become the great emperor of the human race.

Continuing the blood of the heavenly emperor, the talent of the emperor is naturally peerless. It is known as the body of the heavenly path. The genius demon of the generation is the first in the world.

Even the immortal emperor is extremely proud, but he has to admit that the emperor is stronger than him!

At this moment, the voice of the emperor rang in everyone's ears, so that everyone could not help but look slightly changed, and his eyes fell on the Heavenly Emperor's chariot at the same time.

The emperor on the emperor's chariot is like the center of heaven and earth, attracting worldwide attention and dazzling.

"It's a weird feeling! Two uncles, how do I feel that this emperor feels so familiar to me?"

Zhao Ritian's eyes showed a hint of doubt, and he said secretly in his heart.

He saw the figure above the Heavenly Emperor's chariot from the first glance, and felt a little trance, as if he had met this person, giving him a very strange feeling.

"Perhaps, you really met him!"

The second uncle said slowly, the sound was a little strange, as if it was suppressing something, making people unable to hear any mood swings.


Zhao Ritian nodded, he was optimistic by nature, and he couldn't even think about things he couldn't figure out.

The immortal emperor stared at the emperor, his eyes icy, and said with a sneer: "Emperor, I admit that your strength is indeed very strong! But do you really think it is up to you to keep me?"


He radiated an extremely dangerous breath fluctuation all over his body, the void slightly oscillated, and the big Luo Tuo floated in the void, filled with a circle of dangerous extreme divinity, which made the undead emperor look sharp. .

He owns the Great Emperor Da Luo Tu Juan, although he feels that maybe he is not the opponent of the emperor, but there is no problem with the Da Luo Tu Juan self-protection.

"Your reliance is nothing but Da Luo Tu Juan, but... What if Da Luo Tu Juan is gone?"

Tian Zi's voice was still very dull, but listening to the ears of the undead Emperor seemed like a thunder and a thunder, and his face could not help changing.



In the Emperor's chariot, the bright light bloomed, and in the blink of an instant a brilliant sword light hung out in the sky, containing unpredictable Tianwei, intertwined into a horrible sword net, directly toward the big Luo figure scroll Shoot!

The sword lights are extremely fierce, and each sword light seems to contain heaven and earth, forming a very powerful sword array between each other, covering the big Luotu volume in it.

The undead emperor's heart is not good, when the sword light is shot, it also urges the Da Luo Tu Juan, but the Da Luo Tu Juan and Jian Guang collide, and each other burst into a fiery fiery awn, just like The sky was cracking, the breath was terrifying.

And the induction between Da Luo Tu Juan and the immortal emperor, as if being cut off by Jianguang, became weaker and weaker.

"not good!"

The undead emperor rose into the air instantly, his whole body was boiling with indignation, and he directly exploded the superpower of the heavenly realm. He urged the Da Luotu scroll with all his strength, wanted to smash that piece of intertwined sword net, and then returned again.

But that powerful sword net was actually stronger than imagined, and the big Luotu scroll was completely trapped in it, and the number of sword light divisions was increasing. The overwhelming sword rain was like a vast sea. , People quickly see no trace of the big Luo Tujuan.

At the same time, from the Emperor's chariot there was another bright sword light, pointing directly at the eyebrows of the undead Emperor!

"Heavenly Emperor Sword? Is this Emperor Heavenly Emperor Sword?!"

The undead Emperor trembles, his eyes full of incredible looks.

Heavenly Emperor Sword is the Heavenly Emperor's extreme Taoist soldier, which contains the power of the Three Thousand Avenues and is unmatched in power. It is rumored that the Heavenly Emperor has gathered the heavens and the worlds, and the origin of the Three Thousand Avenues has been refined and hidden. With the true meaning of the ruling, it is like a side of heaven, which can overwhelm all realms and be incomparable terror.

Heavenly Emperor Sword is even called the first sword of the heavens!

It's just that the legendary Tiandao Emperor Sword and the Heavenly Emperor disappeared together. The undead Emperor didn't expect that he would see the Heavenly Sword Emperor's Sword in the hands of the Heavenly Son. Could it be that the Heavenly Emperor passed the Heavenly Sword to him?

"This sword... is also familiar!"

Zhao Ritian's eyes are also a little weird. His eyes fell on the body of Tiandao Emperor Sword, and he felt more familiar, as if he had seen Tianzi and Tiandao Emperor Sword.


The undead prince encountered a great crisis, and the sword of the Heavenly Dao was extremely horrible. Not only could he temporarily trap the big Luo Tujuan with the sword, he was even able to deal with the undead prince.

What made the undead emperor's heart depressingly was that he was forced to such a state, and the emperor didn't even get off the emperor's chariot.

The immortal emperor's body burst into a powerful breath, and his body shook slightly, and a figure exactly like him appeared in front of him, whether it was breath, cultivation, or even soul fluctuations.


Jianguang instantly penetrated the eyebrows of the avatar, and beheaded the avatar completely. The undead Emperor also took the opportunity to escape from the scope of the sword light blockade.

"How could you trap my big Luo Tuan, who the **** are you?!"

The eyes of the immortal emperor were full of shock and anger, and he did not expect that the emperor would even know his greatest secret.

Although the Da Luo Tu Juan was the ultimate emperor he got, he had no way to completely control the Da Luo Tu Juan. There seemed to be an inexplicable rejection between the two. The prince paid a great price to do it.

Emperor Tianzi differentiated the power of Daoyuan with the sword of Heavenly Emperor Dao, attached to Jianguang to form a powerful sword array, and made the already weak connection between the undead Emperor and Da Luo Tuju become weaker and weaker.

If it were not for itself to know the secret between the undead prince and the big Luo Tujuan, it would be impossible to point the key so accurately and fiercely.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

It seemed that Tianzi didn't reply to the idea of ​​the immortal emperor at all. The light of the emperor's chariot was shining brightly, and there were several sword lights coming out of the sky. , Want to crucify him completely on the spot!

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