Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2240: Wandering furiously!


Those sword lights are divided in the void, some contain monstrous flames, some can freeze everything, some contain endless thunder, each sword light seems to contain a kind of avenue power, intertwined with each other, will The vital points of the immortal emperor are locked up.

The Heavenly Emperor Sword is the Heavenly Emperor's Extreme Emperor's Soldier. Legend holds that the Heavenly Emperor Sword can control the power of the Heavenly Emperor, mobilize the heavens and the heavens, and explode the power of destroying the heaven and earth.


The immortal emperor's face changed drastically, his eyes gloomy, his body suddenly burst into a blazing light, making the void oscillate, the world roared, and a very terrifying breath spewed out of his eyebrows.

It was a figure that looked extremely vague, surrounded by chaos and darkness, intertwined with dark light, exuding an invincible momentum that swallowed all kinds of wildness, like a king without God, dignified and mysterious.

"Is the immortal devil's brand?"

Emperor said with some surprise.

That figure scattered the mighty Ji Dao Emperor Wei, which was the imprint of the immortal devil emperor's eyebrows, and it was also the immortal emperor's biggest support and card.

However, under the threat of Heavenly Emperor Sword, the undead emperor also had to summon the immortal demon emperor's brand.

He felt the threat of death, and he was likely to die under the sword spirit of Heavenly Emperor Sword.


The Void concussion, the immortal Devil Emperor's brand rose from the sky, a huge palmprint was shot out of the sky, and suddenly the fierce sword qi was all bombarded by him.

The undead Devil Emperor's castration continued unabated, and he went straight into the sky and slammed into the giant net of sword gas that blocked Da Luo Tu Juan in the void.

The sword net shook violently in the void, the runes exploded, and the sky of divine light swept the Quartet. Although the sword of the Heavenly Dao contained the power of the Heavenly Dao, the imprint of the undead Demon Emperor, containing the divine power of the Great Emperor, under one blow, Directly smashed the sword net above the void into scum powder.

The big Luo Tujuan bloomed a bright light, the mountains fell from the void, and directly rolled up the undead emperor.

"Emperor, given today, I wrote down, there will be good rewards in the coming day!"

The immortal emperor glanced at the emperor, his eyes full of angry killing intentions.


He was swept up by the great Luo Tujuan, and at the same time wrapped the primordial prince in it, rising up in the sky instantly, directly breaking through the void and escaping from the void.

The emperor did not chase down the undead and primitive emperors, and his eyes were as dazzling as the divine sun, as if there was no slight accident about the escape of the undead and primitive emperors.

"Master Tianzi, just let them escape?"

Yuanchen Shengzi asked somewhat unwillingly.

If we can cut off the undead and primordial emperors here, the reputation of the emperor will surely shake the worlds and become the veritable first arrogance, sweeping everything.

But the Son of Yuanchen did not expect that the Son of Heaven would release both the Undead Emperor and the Original Emperor.

"Immortal Devil Emperor's branded avatar is very strong. If I forcibly leave the immortal Emperor, I am afraid that it will only anger the Undead Emperor. This is not the moment to start a full-scale war with the Devil Realm! Moreover, the two of them are no longer my opponents!"

Tianzi said lightly, his voice very calm.

"Humph! It's really cheap for them!"

Yuanchen Shengzi snorted coldly, with a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

After the immortal emperor and the primordial emperor fled, the remaining dozens of demon clan strong eyes showed a desperate look, and even some people began to become crazy, trying to desperately.

After all, they are also very clear that without the immortal princes and primordial princes, their strength is simply not an opponent of the strong human race.

"Kill them!"

Yuanchen Shengzi sneered, then waved.


Suddenly, several powerful human clan powerful shots, one by one like a dragon, the whole body was blazing with light, exploding the power of the road, and there was an unpredictable Tianwei between the hands and feet, and the sky was facing those demons. The strong kill.

Blood and rain were flying in the void, and the fierce war broke out in an instant.

Although those demon clan strong people want to desperately, even want to explode to die with the human clan strong people, but their resistance has no effect, and finally all buried in the hands of the human clan Tianjiao, the soul is completely scattered and died.

At this point, except for the undead emperor and the original emperor, all other arrogant strongmen were buried here in this hunting operation of the demon race.

There was a thick **** atmosphere in the void, as if it had just gone through a war.

"Long Aotian, just catch without a hand?"

Yuanchen Shengzi looked at Ling Xiao indifferently and snorted.

The eyes of many strong human races all fell on Ling Xiao and others, with shock, disdain, ridicule, and indifference. The powerful and unparalleled atmosphere burst out, locking the most central Ling Xiao and others. .

"Shut it off? Could it be that you want to shoot me?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine mane, said lightly.

Zhao Ritian, Lao Goat, Jin Se, and others all stood beside Ling Xiao, and their eyes were all very alert.

In particular, Zhao Ritian's Yan Emperor Ding, brilliant light, brilliant glow, ancient and mysterious, twirling on the top of Zhao Ritian's head, seems to be able to break the world at any time.

"How? Lord Tianzi wants to shoot me?"

Ling Xiao smiled but the voice was full of unabashed ridicule.

"Are you Long Longtian? Your talent is indeed good, but you and the Demon Clan Powerhouse have been covered by the big Luotu volume. No one knows whether you are a real human race, or a devil who is mixed in, so You have to be checked!"

The emperor said lightly.

"What if we don't want to?"

Ling Xiao laughed angrily. The so-called acceptance of the emperor was nothing more than an excuse, in order to let Ling Xiao catch a few of them and then investigate them without any trouble.

But now, Ling Xiao's caution seems to be beyond the expectations of the emperor.

"If you don't want to, you can only kill you! For the safety of the ancient chaos, for the prosperity of the human race, we must put an end to all the possibility of harmful people! So you must catch your hand and accept the inspection, otherwise, it is A dead end!"

Tianzi said lightly, as if nothing had been affected by Ling Xiao's words at all.

"It's really fair, what kind of **** is for the prosperity of the human race? If you want to talk to us directly, why don't you hide it?"

The old goat sneered, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

It was extremely angry in his heart. After hearing the words of Tianzi, he immediately knew that Tianzi had bad intentions. Otherwise, once they fell into the hands of Tianzi, they could only be slain.

This is a condition that no one can promise!

ps: Today is Mu Yu's birthday. I drink and drink with my friends in the evening. Today there is only one more change. Everyone take a break early. Tomorrow should be able to change more. Everyone take a break early.

(End of this chapter)

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