Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2893: 2 Kings of Boxing!


Ling Xiao pointed at the eyebrows of the emperor with his finger, his fingers were crystal clear, and contained a kind of years of breath fluctuations, so that the Sifang Void seemed to be still for a moment.

Years prisoners!

Emperor's art in menstruation contains the power of time taboo, and it is unpredictable to be able to imprison the world with time.

The emperor only felt that at the fingertips, it seemed that there was an invisible and indefinite chain of time entwined around him, making him seem to be trapped in the void, only to be able to open his finger to his eyebrow. prior to.

"This is... the power of time?! Open me!"

Heavenly Son roared, and his eyes were full of madness, and the power of the two great Peerless Emperors Suddenly exploded, causing the four heavenly heavens to shake violently.

He broke the chain of time chained by him, but Ling Xiao's finger also broke through Tianzi's eyebrow.


The blood was permeating, the emperor shivered, and the eyebrows were like a huge wave in the sea. He roared up in the sky, and a black vortex of magic light gathered in his sea of ​​knowledge, and the years were imprisoned. The hidden horror divine power is insane.

Although the emperor blocked the blow, he was hit hard, and the whole person stumbled backwards, and the whole body was violently shaken.

Ling Xiao received the inheritance of the Emperor of the Years, and exhibited the days of the prisoner. The blow was too sudden. Even if the Son of Heaven did not respond, he was immediately hit hard.

The power of time is the greatest and vastest force, capable of destroying everything, burying everything, and even destroying the heavens and all spirits.

Even if the great emperor was gorgeous, he could not withstand the invasion of the years.

Have you ever seen the past and present, so many ancient peerless emperors are all buried in the long river of time, and only the deeds of only a few words have passed down.

"Huh? Your body is so powerful? But you still have to die!"

In Ling Xiao's eyes, the murderous ascension rises, the chaotic light in his palm rises, the power of fate lingers, the causal breath flickers, but in the end a mysterious and ancient reincarnation is formed.

Ling Xiao burst out with a punch, and the four strongest forces gathered in his palm, the mighty power seemed to be able to annihilate everything and suppress it towards the emperor.

Chaos, destiny, cause and effect, reincarnation!

These four mysteries of heavenly power contain the ultimate mystery of the universe. Although Ling Xiao has not yet penetrated it, he only understands the fur, but he has been able to use the power of the four mysteries to converge in one and burst into earth-shaking. Supreme power!

"Ling Xiao, take me a knife!"

At this moment, the undead emperor also shouted, his body's momentum rose to the extreme, the blood of his horror rose, as if the blood of his body was burning, the ancient war knife in his hand rose into the sky, and it was a sudden The long Daogang crisscrossed the sky and fell towards Ling Xiao!

Undead Sky Sword!

The Godlessness in the Undead is also one of the most powerful means of the Undead Devil Emperor. It can be used to plunder the life of all spirits and kill everything.

With the Undead Sky Sword, the more beasts killed, the stronger the Master of the Undead Sky Sword. In the end, with the help of the vast and majestic essence of life, even the power to destroy the heavens and the earth can explode.

Taking advantage of the battle between Ling Xiao and the emperor, the undead emperor urged the blood of the undead emperor, and saved the whole sword to the extreme, and then broke out this powerful sword!

"Undead Emperor? Last time I let you escape, this time I want to see where you can escape!"

A glimmer of cold light flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and a dazzling light appeared in the other palm, which contained the atmosphere of Yin and Yang, and instantly turned into a dazzling seven-color divine glow.


Ling Xiao took a picture towards the undead emperor, the colorful sky rose up magnificently, and shrouded towards the undead emperor!

The colorful sky is after Ling Xiao's enlightenment on the five elements mystery and the yin and yang mysteries, and a peerless mystery of enlightenment, which contains the power of the five elements yin and yang, can break the world and decompose all matter.

The Undead Heavenly Sword played by the Undead Emperor is indeed extremely powerful, and Ling Xiao also has the intention to try the power of the colorful skylight, and immediately shot towards the Undead Emperor.

At the same time, Ling Xiao didn't stop chasing the emperor. The four elephant palms contained four superpowers, sealed off the chaotic void around him, and suppressed towards the emperor.


There was a hint of madness in the eyes of Tianzi, a roar in his mouth, half of the black magic light surging around the body, half of the fierce chaos surging, intertwined with each other, as if forming a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi Picture, winning towards Ling Xiao.

"Ling Xiao, I'd like to see if you can break through my demon figure!"

Heavenly Son said coldly, that Yin-Yang Taiji map contained the power of the gods and demons, but it was the peerless secret method created by Heavenly Son, which can block everything and contains a very strong defensive power.

This is the attempt made by Tianzi to merge Wujian Jing and Tiandi Jing, and it also represents his ambition. He wants to break away from the path of Wujian Devil Emperor and Tiandi and embark on a path of his own.


Ling Xiao's expression was very indifferent. At the same time, facing the attacks of the emperor and the undead emperor, he not only did not retreat in the slightest, but also actively attacked. He won with the four elephant palm prints and the colorful sky.

The four elephant palm prints are fierce and unmatched, and suddenly slammed on the demon figure, making the void violently The endless magic light and chaotic gas exploded, and the demon figure also arrived in an instant. Extreme.

Tianzi was shocked, and the whole person flew out at once.

But what surprised Ling Xiao was that the magic figure of the gods was so strong that he was not smashed by him!


The Undead Sky Sword burst into a fierce blaze of light, sharp and unmatched, and the huge knife gang seemed to be able to destroy everything, but after colliding with the colorful sky light, it seemed to be chopped into the air, and instantly lost its lock to Ling Xiao.

What made the immortal emperor's face change a lot is that the colorful sky contains the power of the five elements of Yin and Yang, which circulates with each other, endlessly, constantly destroying the power of the undead sky knife, and finally the horror of the knife light exploded.

The immortal emperor flew out directly, his body full of blood and blood, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

Although he has overestimated Ling Xiao's combat power, when he actually faced Ling Xiao, he still found that the gap between him and Ling Xiao became huge!

The Undead Sky Sword, which he shot with all his strength, was so easily broken by Colorful Sky!

"It's up to you? Also deserving to grab the spot of the Son of Heaven?"

Ling Xiao's eyes were indifferent, he didn't stay in the slightest shot, he didn't have the slightest breath of fireworks around him, but his shot contained the supreme power, and the power of suppressing everything was between his hands and feet.

The emperor and the undead emperor roared again and again, bursting out the strongest power. Even the blood of the emperor and the atheism were stimulated, but they still fell into the disadvantage.


The King of Soul and the Emperor of Heavenly Corpse glanced at each other, and the murderous opportunity filled the eyes, and they stood up instantly and shot!

However, their goal is not Ling Xiao, but Zhao Ritian shrouded in a blaze of blazing light!

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