Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2894: Banten Emperor Mark!

The King of the Witching Spirit and the Emperor of the Heavenly Corpse finally shot.

The two of them were watching the battle before, but they found that the emperor and the undead emperor even joined forces, but they were still suppressed by Ling Xiao. The strength of Ling Xiao surprised them.

But whether it is the Son of Heaven or the wordless book on Ling Xiao, they are greedy and coveted, and it is impossible to give up.

They both realized that Ling Xiao and Zhao Ritian had a good relationship, so they wanted to take this opportunity to capture Zhao Ritian, maybe Ling Xiao could be used as a bogey.

"Huh? You guys are looking for death!"

Ling Xiao also discovered that Wuling King and Heavenly Corpse Emperor even shot towards Zhao Ritian. He couldn't help but blinked in the eyes, and immediately gave up fighting against the Emperor and the Undead Emperor and went to rescue Zhao Ritian.

"Ling Xiao, don't you want to go before you have broken through the devil figure of this seat?"

Emperor sneered a sneer, the blazing divine light around him, the divine figure swirling around, spilled down a chain of order gods, and suppressed towards Lingxiao.

He naturally also discovered the actions of the Wuling King and the Heavenly Corpse Emperor, and it was impossible for Ling Xiao to come to rescue Zhao Ritian, so he stopped Ling Xiao with a very decisive shot.

"Ling Xiao, taste the power of my immortal seal!"

The immortal emperor was also cold and sneered.

He punched out with a punch, an ancient punch printed across the void, containing immortal fluctuations and majestic vitality, surrounded by mysterious runes, as if he could devour all vitality.

As soon as the immortal seal came out, Ling Xiao felt that the vitality in his body was a bit confused, as if he was going to rush out of the body and rush towards the immortal seal.

"Go away!"

The murderous eyes overflowed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and the colorful sky rose in the palm of his hand, containing the power to decompose everything and destroy it. The vast blooms in an instant, covering the sky and covering the sun, like a vast colorful ocean.


In the palm of Ling Xiao, Fan Tianyin radiated a blazing light, just like an ancient mountain, across the sky towards the Wuling King and the undead emperor.

Fan Tianyin's power is unmatched, plus Fan Tianyin's current Thunder Spirit King has long been a saint's cultivation practice. In Fan Tianyin's daily participation in the punishment of heavenly punishment, the strength is extremely powerful.

Ling Xiao also hoped that Fan Tianyin could temporarily block the Wuling King and Heavenly Corpse Emperor, and wait for him to repel the Heavenly Son and the Undead Emperor, and then come to rescue Zhao Ritian.

"A piece of holy treasure also wants to block us? Delusion!"

Wu Ling Wang sneered, and the muscles of his whole body burst into a violent force, and he punched directly, wanting to fly Fan Tianyin out.

He is a peerless genius of the Wu clan. The Wu clan is the best at physical training. The flesh is powerful and unmatched. The flesh of the Wuling King can even be comparable to the holy treasure. In his opinion, he can explode Fantian with a single punch. .


Fan Tianyin is ancient and mysterious. From it, a thunderous thunder bursts out in a flash. The vastness is like a punishment. A ray of thunder and light are twisted and twisted like a dragon. It contains the power of terror and destruction. Together.

The violent shock of the void, not only did Tian Tianyin not be blown out as the Witch King imagined, but the terrifying thunder shock made him tremendously shocked, the current raged on him, and his full hair was nourishing. Ringing.


Heavenly Corpse Emperor flashed his eyes, his wings fluttering behind him, and he flew through the thunder quickly, avoiding the bombardment of the mysterious spell of heaven.

He is a family of zombies, and he hates the power of supremacy, especially the secret technique of natural punishment seems to have natural restraint with him, so that he has no way to approach Zhao Ritian for a time.

"Fan Tianyin...or Fantian Emperor's Seal..."

In Zhao Ritian's consciousness of the sea, the second uncle saw the Fan Tianyin floating in the void, his eyes showed a look missed, and he sighed softly.


At the next moment, he turned into a shining streamer, rushed out of Zhao Ritian's sea of ​​knowledge, and instantly entered into Fantianyin.

The Thunder King who was originally controlling Fan Tianyin's enemies suddenly shuddered, feeling like he was being stared by the ancient wild beasts, and his body was stiff, and there was no way to move.

"who are you?"

King Lei Ling asked, his voice trembling.

"Don't worry! Fan Tianyin temporarily borrowed me to use it. The two of them dared to shoot Di Hao, it is time to teach them a lesson!"

An old and grand voice rang in the ear of Thunder King.

"Who is Dihao?"

King Lei Ling froze for a moment, and asked with some doubt.

But that voice did not answer him, and Fan Tianyin instantly moved!


Fan Tianyin trembles slightly, the next moment a vast and unparalleled force spurt out of Fan Tianyin, the power suddenly increased tens of times, just like a bright sun, traversing the sky dome.

Originally the Soul King and the Heavenly Corpse Emperor discovered that the thunder in Fan Tianyin had dissipated, and were planning to take a vigorous effort to capture Zhao Ritian, but suddenly felt a very dangerous breath burst out.


Fan Tianyin fell from the sky dome, wrapped in the power of ruining the heavens and the earth, as if it could break the world of the four directions, majestic, ancient and immortal.


Both the Wuling King and the Heavenly Corpse Emperor could not help but tremble, and there was an unbelievable look in their eyes.

The power that broke out in Fantianyin ~ ~ made their scalp numb, even without thinking, the whole body sprayed a blazing divine light, and the strongest power directly broke out, towards Fantianyin Go up.


Two bright torrents and Fan Tianyin collided together, and the square sky turbulent in an instant, the two torrents broke apart in an instant, and the King of Soul and the Emperor of Heavenly Corpse were all in shock, feeling like they were hit by Above an indestructible mountain, he flew out directly.

"Dare you two ants, dare to shoot against Di Hao?"

The indifferent sound exploded in the void, containing ancient and majestic fluctuations, so that both the Witch Spirit King and the Heavenly Corpse Emperor could not help changing their faces.

"who are you?"

The Soul King said coldly.


Fan Tianyin descended from the sky and floated on the top of Zhao Ritian's head, shed a bright light, forming a mysterious enchantment and protecting Zhao Ritian.

And that voice never sounded again, as if disdain for the Wuling King and the Emperor Heavenly Corpse.


Heavenly Corpse Emperor shouted, sharp fangs, **** eyes, feeling extremely stubborn, they did not expect that Zhao Ritian would still be guarded by the mysterious strong.

Although they didn't know who that person was, they also vaguely guessed, only fearing that there was an extremely powerful instrument hidden in Fan Tianyin.

The enchantment formed by Fan Tianyin is extremely strong. I am afraid that the two of them shot together and it is difficult to break the enchantment within a period of time.

"Now, the only way to kill Ling Xiao is to do it first!"

The Wuling King and Heavenly Corpse Emperor glanced at each other, and their eyes showed monstrous killing intentions. They gave up Zhao Ritian decisively and turned to kill Ling Xiao.

End of this chapter

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