Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2895: Fight for 4 days!


The wraith king's majestic blood rose up, and a series of bright symbols rose up, so that his muscles began to skyrocket.

The Wuling King originally had a height of one foot. His body was soaring at the moment, and he turned into a giant of dozens of feet in an instant. His body was full of explosive power. The ancient, wild and mysterious seemed to be able to destroy everything.

He punched towards Ling Xiao with a punch, and the huge fist resembled a small hill, bursting with fiery fists.


The emperor of the Heavenly Corpse screamed suddenly, the sound was sharp, and there was a horrible sound wave that made the soul tremble. His fangs were fierce, his wings spread out like a cloud of heaven, and there was no terror in the whole body. Breath fluctuates.

I saw the emperor of the Heavenly Corpse trembling, and suddenly turned into a **** lightning, shooting towards Ling Xiao.

At this moment, Ling Xiao's blazing radiance around him was fighting with the emperor and the undead emperor, and the strongest fighting power broke out. No matter how the emperor and the undead emperor attacked, they were all resolved by Ling Xiao.

At this moment, seeing the King of the Witch Spirit and the Emperor of the Heavenly Corpse also joined in, Ling Xiao's cold eyes flashed.

"I don't know if I'm dead or alive! I originally planned to spare you a life. Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Ling Xiao drank coldly, the blazing divine light rose around him, and he punched toward the Wuling King.

The ancient magical power of the Wuling King is terror-free, but it is inherited from the ancient Wu clan. It is not a genius from a demon clan.

But when he really faced Ling Xiao, he knew Ling Xiao's horror.


The violent shock of the void, the four heavens are shaking, as if hundreds of millions of stars are falling down. The wizard of the wizard feels an unparalleled power from the fist of Ling Xiao. The vastness is like a sea, and the whole person suddenly retreats. Come.


After Ling Xiao repulsed the King of Witch Spirit, his blazing divine light rose around him, and a palm was shot towards the Emperor of Heavenly Corpse. The body of the child.

Heavenly Corpse Emperor's wings are like blades, sharp and unmatched, and colliding with Ling Xiao's palm broke out the sound of gold and iron clashes, trying to cut Ling Xiao's palm directly.

However, the firmness of Ling Xiao's palm is sturdy, filled with an immortal luster, and directly dropped the emperor of the corpse from the sky.

"Your physical body has reached the limit? want to be sanctified by the physical body?!"

Wu Ling Wang stared at Ling Xiao Road incredulously.

The sanctification of the flesh is the most powerful road that countless strong people yearn for, and it is also the most difficult road. The strong men who can be sanctified in the flesh can be immortal and immortal.

The Wuling King's flesh is powerful and unmatched, and has the talents of the Wu people. Naturally, he also wants to take the path of sanctification of the flesh, but he also knows the difficulty of sanctification of the flesh. Rao is that his flesh is not strong today, but from the flesh. Saint still has a long distance to go.

But now he found that Ling Xiao is not far from the sanctification of the flesh.

Or, just one step away!

"A genius of the Matriarch? Your physical body is very strong, but it is a pity that you have taken the wrong path. It is nothing more than wishful thinking to want to be sanctified!"

Ling Xiao glanced lightly at the Wuling King.

"Crazy! How can you judge my way at will? Ling Xiao, if you don't want to die, hand over Wushu Tianshu, then kneel down and beg for mercy, we can spare you!"

The Soul King stared at Ling Xiao Road with a somber gaze.

The three corpses Emperor, Immortal Emperor and Tianzi stood in the other three directions of Ling Xiao. Four Tianjiao surrounded Ling Xiao, and a dangerous gas machine erupted around him, bringing the most central Ling Xiao Locked up, as if a fatal blow would break out at any time.

Their eyes were full of powerful fighting intentions and killing opportunities. In the final battle, they also did not have any remaining hands, and they chose to join forces to fight against the strong enemy.

"Did you? I don't know what it is!"

Ling Xiao said calmly, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, and his heart gave birth to a fierce killing intention.

The emperor and the undead emperor had already become dead in his heart, and although the witch spirit king and the emperor of the corpse had no injustice with Ling Xiao, they coveted no words and chose to shoot Ling Xiao and became the enemy of Ling Xiao. .

For the enemy, be as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves!


Ling Xiao's horrible vitality permeated the whole body, a circle of bright divine light diffused, containing the mysterious law of the road, there are a total of twelve Divine Rings, representing the vast power of the twelve days of merit, let the most central Ling Xiao has a mysterious meaning that does not invade the law.

"Ling Xiao, you can kill the three bastards, but Tianzi's physical body must not have too much damage. You have to find a way to kill Tianzi's Yuanshen!"

At this time, an old and mysterious voice passed into Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea.

"You are... that mysterious creature of Zhao Ritian's body? Who are you?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved After a little thought, he guessed the origin of this voice and asked secretly.

" can call me my second uncle! Tianzi's physical body and fate belong to Zhao Ritian. Zhao Ritian's real name is Emperor Hao, and he is the real Son of Heaven Emperor!"

The second uncle coughed softly.


Ling Xiao was shocked, and his eyes showed an incredible look.

Ling Xiao's attention was all attracted by the words of the second uncle.

Emperor Hao? The real Son of Heaven?

The words of the second uncle set off a wave of turbulence in Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea, making him a little unbelievable for a while, and slightly lost his mind.

At the moment when Ling Xiao was distracted, the Emperor, the Undead Emperor, the King of Witching Spirit and the Emperor of Heavenly Corpse all discovered the flaws of Ling Xiao's body and shot at the same time.

All four of them are peerless arrogance, and naturally know how to use the flaw to break out of the strongest blow.


Four blazing divine lights burst into thin air, containing the power of the vast avenue of law, intertwined with each other, striking Lingxiao from all directions, instantly submerging Lingxiao.

The fist of Heavenly Emperor suppresses the Quartet, the immortal seal destroys everything, the Wuzu palm is fierce and the Heavenly Corpse desperate knife cuts the sky!

The four great peerless arrogances all exerted the most powerful force of killing and fell directly on Ling Xiao's body.

Void concussion, Ling Xiao's blazing divine light exploded around him, a Tao symbol was broken, the twelve eternal and immortal rings, in the face of this terrifying attack, even began to break apart inch by inch.


The four heavenly arrogances all screamed loudly, their eyes were cold and unmatched, and they rushed to the ground, wanting to kill Ling Xiao completely!


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