Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2919: Physically invincible!

Everyone did not expect that Ling Xiao was so overbearing.

Surrounded by a group of heroes, the opportunity is overflowing, and the other party is still a true disciple of Huangtai, but it was just killed by Ling Xiao in a word!

Everyone was shocked by the horror of Ling Xiao's strength, but also lamented his boldness. Was it true that he was not afraid of Jiuzhong Emperor Que and the Chinese?

"Ling Xiao, you are dead!"

Huang Tai's face instantly gloomy, his eyes full of cold murderous intention.

Qingpao Youth is his proselytized disciple. His talent is amazing. He had hoped to prove his sanctification after several years of training, but now he just died in Ling Xiao’s hands, and even he had no chance of rescue.


A purple thunder rose around Huangtai, Sheng Wei diffused, exuding an extremely dangerous atmosphere, and instantly locked Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao killed Qingpao Youth Town in one sentence, and Huang Tai's heart was also full of anger, vaguely guessing that Ling Xiao had already proven to be a sanctification.

He knew his mission, and the Nine Heaven King next to him was like him, all to test Ling Xiao's true cultivation and combat power. As for how to deal with Ling Xiao, he had his own big shots.

He confessed that even if Ling Xiao's fighting ability was superb, if he was invincible, plus Jiu Tian Wang Huaqiu, he would certainly be able to capture Ling Xiao.

"Huangtai, when you persecuted me in the Temple of War, how domineering and prestige was that? Today, take your life as the price of what you did in that year!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, a fiery gleam was revealed in his eyes.


He threw a punch at Huangtai and took the lead.

Ling Xiao burst out with a punch, as if chaos exploded in the void, the blazing divine light surged, and the laws of the avenues all oscillated at the same time, while oppressing towards Huangtai.

"Ling Xiao, even if you preach sanctification? No one can save you today!"

Huangtai roared with a loud voice, and the whole body's momentum rose to the extreme. The sky of thunder and light gathered in his palm, and suddenly turned into a huge thunder palm, and it was suppressed toward Lingxiao.

Huangtai has cultivated Lei Di's tactics to a state of perfection. With this palm down, there is a thunder world emerging in the palm of the hand, and even Lei Di's true body has appeared on the sky vault indistinctly, containing an extremely overbearing murderous opportunity. .


The violent tremor of the void, Ling Xiao's fist print came up into the sky, and suddenly collided with the sky of thunder.

The sky of thunder and light burst into a dazzling light rain, and it couldn't resist the power of Ling Xiao's fist at all. The sky dome around it was violently shaking, and the purple palm print was also broken by Ling Xiao's punch.


Huang Tai was shocked, and his eyes were full of unbelievable expressions. He only felt a force that numbed his scalp. His power was so unbearable in front of Ling Xiao's punch.


Huang Tai's arm exploded into a blood mist directly in the void. He stumbled back and spurted blood into his mouth. The body protection Sheng Gang also broke in an instant.

"Ling Xiao actually defeated Elder Huangtai by a boxing? This... how is this possible?!"

Everyone was shocked, dumbfounded, couldn't believe everything in front of them.

Huang Tai is the elder elder of the Ninth Emperor Que. Although his talents are average, he is now a strong man in the Sage Realm. They did not expect Huang Tai to be so vulnerable in front of Ling Xiao.

"Is it that Ling Xiao has already sanctified the sanctification? But even if he sanctified the sanctification, how could there be such a terrible combat power? Is the Son of Heaven chosen to be so against the sky?"

Everyone's heart is full of doubts.

"Old dog, take you on the road!"

Ling Xiao's eyes are sharp and unmatched. He punches like a dragon, and the flesh and blood around him are slightly oscillating, releasing a trace of powerful chaotic energy, making the emptiness of the Quartet trembling violently, as if unable to bear this power, appeared The cracks in the void.

Ling Xiao was full of endless power. After his sanctification in the flesh, he felt that the **** of heaven and earth had disappeared. With a punch, he could penetrate nine days, shatter ten places, and had no power.

"King of Heaven, save me!"

Huang Tai's eyes showed a terrified look, he broke out the strongest power to resist, and even sacrificed a powerful holy treasure, while asking for help towards Huaqiu.

His scalp was numb and his body was trembling. Ling Xiao's punch made him feel the threat of death and frightened him to death. At this moment, he still respected the dignity of the saint and only wanted to live.

Ling Xiao's punch is terrible.

"Ling Xiao, I'm so arrogant!"

Huaqiu's eyes flashed coldly and instantly rose up in the sky, and the whole body was glowing with radiance, filled with an immortal wave, as if all methods were invading and eternal.

He punched towards Ling Xiao with a punch, and the fist print was vertical and horizontal, like a bright big day, vast and powerful, capable of suppressing everything.

This is the immortal fist of the supreme sacred law of the Chinese ethnic group. Hua Qiu also saw the strangeness of Ling Xiao's strength, so he didn't keep his hand in the slightest.

What Huangtai sacrificed was a tripod-shaped treasure, exuding a powerful treasure, but it was the treasure of Huangtai's ritual with hard work. At this moment, because he was forced to the extreme by Ling Xiao, he would not hesitate to sacrifice. Came out.


Ling Xiao punched on the Ding-shaped holy treasure, and made a muffled sound. A treasure light and runes were annihilated at the same time. The Ding-shaped treasure seemed to endure some kind of incomparable horror power. The crack, and then directly exploded.

The treasure of life was destroyed, and Huangtai was also greatly repulsed. The whole person was spurting blood, the breath was depressed, and his eyes were full of anger, and he was about to die under the fist of Ling Xiao.

Nine Heavens Wang Huaqiu killed him.


The two fists sky was tumbling, the sky was shaking, the vast chaotic light exploded violently, and a wave of extremely horrible waves erupted sweeping the Quartet.

Ling Xiao's body was immobile, but Huaqiu was blown out by Ling Xiao!

"How could your flesh be so strong? Are you... are you... flesh sanctified?!"

Hua Qiu shook his body, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

His arm was trembling violently, and it seemed okay on the surface, but the force of Ling Xiao’s punch had actually entered his arm, and he overbearingly destroyed the blood vessels and meridians above his arm. His arm Can't lift it anymore.

And Hua Qiu was full of blood and blood, as if it were going to burn, Immortal Fist was so unbearable in front of Ling Xiao's punch.

Hua Qiu could not imagine why Ling Xiao's flesh was so strong, but he suddenly remembered the legendary record, combined with the heaven and earth vision that appeared when Ling Xiao just left the chaotic ancient land, almost let him be determined instantly. Jiucheng.

(End of this chapter)

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