Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2920: The death of Huangtai!

"Physical sanctification?"

These four words seem to have a certain magic power, so that everyone in the Lingxiao Mountains is shocked, and all their eyes fall on Ling Xiao's body at the same time.

"The sanctification of the flesh, how many years has no one been sanctified by the flesh? This is the most difficult way, Ling Xiao did he actually do it?"

An old saint shuddered, and his turbid eyes were full of excitement.

"I remembered that when Tian Xiao appeared just now, there was a vision. The vision was the legendary flesh sanctification! The flesh sanctification is the flesh breaking the limits of heaven and earth, breaking the **** of the road, and becoming a small world. , Once a breakthrough will cause an amazing sky!"

"This is a sanctification of the flesh. My human race is weak. This road is too difficult! If Ling Xiao is really a sanctification of the flesh, that day's endowment turned against the sky, and the son of the heavens can be regarded as a veritable one!"

"Although the sanctification of the flesh is difficult, but the fighting power is superb, and it is invincible in the same realm. Although Elder Huangtai and the Nine Heaven King both have the perfect practice of the Saint Realm, I am afraid they are not Ling Xiao's opponents!

Everyone was talking in a whisper. The news was amazing. They seemed to see a living myth. The sanctification of the flesh represents unlimited possibilities.

"Nine Heavenly Kings of Chinese? But so!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his expression was very calm.


He did not stop his hand, the streamer flashed beneath his feet, the whole person was like an invisible lightning, and he appeared directly behind Hua Qiu in a blink of an eye, punching him toward Hua Qiu.

After proving the sanctification, Ling Xiao's understanding of the secret art in the Wordless Book also reached a new level, just like the movement of the secret art by him to the state of great success, he can already move as he pleases, although still Can not reach the level of moving the heavens, but moving within a big world can still be done.

Hua Qiu didn't expect Ling Xiao's speed to be so weird. When he felt the danger, Ling Xiao's punch was close to him.

"Long Aotian, do you dare to provoke the majesty of the Chinese? Dangzhu!"

Huaqiu’s eyes were full of murderous opportunities, and the whole person exploded in the void in an instant, turning into a bright light rain, avoiding Ling Xiao’s lore punch, and then re-condensing to form.


A golden war gun appeared in Huaqiu's hand, exuding the ancient breath fluctuations, the sharp point of the gun was unmatched, as if it could penetrate everything, and in his palm, the sky spurred toward Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao slapped on the Golden War Gun. The Golden War Gun made a clear sound. Mars was shooting everywhere, but it did not break.

Ling Xiao kicked out, as if he could crush a mountain, containing the extremely violent power fluctuations, Hua Qiu quickly raised a golden war gun to resist.

Only hearing a muffled sound, the Golden War Gun actually flexed directly, the unmatched divine power exploded, Hua Qiu's arms began to tremble, the blood vessels above the arm exploded directly, the blood mist was filled, and the whole person was as if Lightning strikes, blood spouting wildly.

Ling Xiao used the anti-shock force of the golden war gun to kill Huang Tai directly.

Although Huaqiu and Huangtai joined forces, in front of Ling Xiao's terrifying combat power, there was no chance of resistance at all, and it was suppressed by Sisi, and it was dangerous.

"Ling Xiao, do you dare?"

Huangtai's death was furious, and his eyes were full of seductive expressions.

He was even destroyed by Ling Xiao. He knew that he was not Ling Xiao’s opponent at all. Now he was hit hard again, and he couldn’t resist, so he shouted, and he didn’t want to escape directly into the distance. .

"Don't I dare? Can you come and kill me? Would you not let me kill you? Joke!"

Ling Xiao sneered with a sneer, pointed out the volley, directly pierced Huang Tai's eyebrows, Ling's fierce finger can penetrate everything, terrified to the extreme.


At this moment, behind Ling Xiao, an ancient and icy voice sounded. The sound of breaking through the sky came at a rapid speed, and a huge palm print fell from the sky, shot down towards the top of his head, containing the unfathomable Shengwei.

That is a great saint, shot!

The great saint's shot was extremely fierce, and he wanted to put Ling Xiao to death as soon as he shot it. Although it was for the purpose of saving Huang Tai, it was obviously intentional and sinister.


Ling Xiao's expression was indifferent, as if there was no slightest accident, not even looking back, just a simple word in his mouth.


Bright rays of light converge behind Ling Xiao, forming an ancient rune, which contains the mysterious atmosphere of the vicissitudes of time, as if the laws of the avenues around them are shaking at the same time.

That rune was dazzling and dazzling, and suddenly greeted it towards a huge palm seal, and the power of vast time exploded, fixing that palm seal in the void.

Although that palm print is only fixed for one breathing time, one breathing time is enough to do many things.


Blood light bloomed, Huangtai was directly pierced by Ling Xiao with one finger.

The power of terror exploded in Huang Tai's head, spreading towards him at the same time, so that Huang Tai was directly transformed into a blood mist, even the Yuanshen could not escape, and was crushed by Ling Xiao with one finger !

The majestic pieces of Yuanshen were completely swallowed by Ling Xiao's secret swallowing of the sky.

The elder of the Ninth Emperor Que was too stunned to die in Ling Xiao's hands.


The rune behind him was broken, and the mighty palm print was suppressed, Ling Xiao turned around calmly, punched out, and collided with the palm print.

Shenguang exploded, the sky was shaking, the palm print was directly smashed by Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao was also sent out by Zhen Fei, and fell in the distance.

"Who are you?"

Ling Xiao stared at a figure that appeared in the said indifferently.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a black python robe. His face looked majestic, and his eyes were full of cold murderous intent. The look at the moment was extremely ugly, staring at Ling Xiao.

His surrounding Shengwei is incomparably vast and unfathomable, stronger than Huangtai and Huaqiu, but is a strong man in a great holy realm!

"Did you dare to kill Huangtai? Ling Xiao, the emperor originally wanted to save you a life, but now it seems that you really deserve to die!"

The middle-aged man in Python robe said indifferently, his voice was like thunder, domineering and majestic.

"It's the Emperor Dongtian of the Ninth Emperor Que? Hey, I didn't expect to kill Ling Xiao, even he was dispatched!"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes full of awe.

The Chinese have nine kings, and the nineth emperor Que also has five princes. Each of them is a superpower in the Great Sacred Realm, and its strength is unmatched. It is only under the mysterious emperor of the nineth emperor Que.

(End of this chapter)

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