Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2855: The origin of the robbery!

In the present state of Ling Xiao, we can see that what Jiang Yuyang is taking is an unprecedented road, rooted in human fortune and conviction, and achieve his own universal avenue.

This is different from the Lord of Reincarnation. The Road of Reincarnation that the Lord of Reincarnation took was originally the path taken by the Great Emperor of Reincarnation. The Lord of Reincarnation is nothing but a latecomer.

The three thousand avenues can be said to be the roads opened by the predecessors. Although the descendants advance along the path of the predecessors, they can more easily break through to the realm of the emperor, but they are not the roads they opened, and they are destined to surpass the predecessors!

The reason why Heavenly Emperor shook ancient and modern times, and was able to sweep across the heavens, and even slaughter the Emperor only, is because he walked out of a path without ancients, the way of Heavenly Emperor!

Today, Jiang Yuyang is also the same, out of his own way, the way of the emperor!

"Jiang Yuyang's human emperor's road was originally the most promising person to become the tenth emperor of the human race! Unfortunately, his reincarnation of IX and the opportunities of the previous VIII were missed. Although the accumulation is strong, now the era of catastrophe is coming. The luck is weakened. Although he is advancing bravely, he may not hope to break through the realm of the emperor in this life!"

The voice of the sloppy emperor passed into Ling Xiao's ear, with a little regret.

"That's not necessarily! If the human race can survive this era of catastrophe and become the master of the era again! Jiang Yuyang's predecessor's emperor road is completely complete, and there may not be a chance to glimpse the realm of the emperor!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered with a fine awn, and said slowly.

"You're right! But it's too difficult! This era of the Great Tribulation is the most terrifying era of the Great Era since 108 eras. By that time, countless arrogant kings and even ancient emperors It is possible to resurrect and compete for the only chance of detachment!"

Sloppy Emperor sighed softly.

"A chance of detachment?"

Ling Xiao grasped the key in the words of Scruffy Emperor and asked with some curiosity.

"Don't ask me, I don't know too! It should be related to the realm above the emperor. Lord Kunwu may know one or two!"

Emperor Sloppy said.

"Is the realm above the emperor?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a longing look.

The emperor is already the strongest of the heavens and the world. It is said to be invincible and immortal. It is difficult for the emperor to divide the victory.

Of course, Heavenly Emperor can suppress the Great Emperor, except for the Peerless Demon who kills the Great Emperor.

What kind of state is above the emperor?

Perhaps it is truly immortal?

"No matter how, Jiang Yuyang walked out of the road of the emperor, even if he could not break through the realm of the emperor, but as long as he stepped in the realm of God and combined with the details of his ninth, he could quickly reach the realm of the nineth heaven and become an invincible emperor. Just like Master Kunwu! At that time, the pressure of the human race could be much lower!"

The sloppy emperor said slowly, his voice was full of expectations.

Today's human race, although protected by the God Realm Barrier, is still in danger.

Once the era of catastrophe comes, the heavens and the worlds will complete the final integration, and the human race will be in danger. If the three emperors of the Devil return, then how should the human race resist?

Not to mention, in addition to the demon clan, there are other alien strong people such as fairy clan and demon clan, and it is not excluded that there are hidden great emperors.

At that time, the Great Emperor shot, the human race may be in danger of genocide!

"I understand! I hope this place can hide for as long as possible!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

"I'm afraid it's difficult! Next, we have to prepare for the war. Jiang Yuyang, the old kid, is too loud to cross the robbery. I am afraid that it will not be long before the Mozu will find out!"

The sloppy emperor shook his head.


Jiang Yuyang has survived fifty thunders. Although it looks safe, his breath is ten times stronger than before.

Especially the figure behind Jiang Yuyang, like the ancient emperor came into the world, more and more solid, exuding the majestic, ancient and mysterious atmosphere fluctuations!

Such a strong breath has made it difficult to cover up the chaotic minefields around this planet. I am afraid that it will not be long before they will be discovered by those strong aliens.

Especially Mozu, Mozu has the deepest understanding of Jiang Yuyang, and is the least hopeful of Jiang Yuyang's breakthrough!

Ling Xiao and Scrambled Emperor have been waiting in line forever, and vigilantly probed everything around them.

However, to make them feel relieved a little bit, after Jiang Yuyang passed the eighty-one Thunder Tribulation, he completed the number of ninety-nine Supreme, and the Heavenly Dao Tribulation was finally over!


Jiang Yuyang's whole body radiated a dazzling ray of light, like a fluttering immortality, and the whole body exudes a vast amount of heavenly power, as if it has become a part of the heavenly way.

He didn't seem to have changed, but his breath became more and more unpredictable, especially the flesh began to become crystal clear, filled with an immortal luster.

This is a sign that the flesh is transforming towards the original body.

Although it is only a preliminary change, it shows that Jiang Yuyang's foot has stepped into the realm of emperor!


In Jiang Yuyang's body, endless chaotic light rose, and chaos opened up in an instant, as if a vast and ancient world emerged, and then Jiang Yuyang was enveloped.

In that ancient world, there was a mysterious scene of the war between gods and demons, the fierce beasts emptied, human races wearing animal skins, walking out of the virgin forest, the blue lines of the road, reduced to alien food, from a very miserable state Start to be angry and strong, gradually growing up.

And Jiang Yuyang's whole person became extremely illusory, as if entering the chaotic world.

In the chaotic world, Jiang Yuyang became the emperor of the human race, and after comprehending the heavens and the earth, he realized the method of cultivation, educated the human beings, and led the human race to become stronger.

He beheaded the gods and demons, slaughtered the fierce beasts, expelled the aliens, led the human race to win battle after battle, and won the opportunity for the human race to rest and recuperate.

He drilled wood for fire, weaved cloth for clothes, and felled wood to build a nest. He passed on the language of the human race, set the script of the human race, and made the human race know the shame. Barbarism is moving towards civilization.


The scene that Ling Xiao saw seemed to be Jiang Yuyang's Tao, Jiang Yuyang's belief, Jiang Yuyang's persistence, and Jiang Yuyang's perseverance.

This is Renhuang appeared very clearly in front of Ling Xiao.

"This is... the origin of the robbery?!"

Ling Xiao's heart shook, guessing that Jiang Yuyang was currently traversing the robbery of the source, and was immersed in the source world constructed by his emperor's avenue.

This is the test of the origin of the avenue and the test of Jiang Yuyang's own way.

Moreover, Ling Xiao finally understood why Jiang Yuyang only let him and the sloppy emperor protect his law.

Jiang Yuyang's emperor's road, when he was crossing the root of the robbery, was extremely clearly displayed in front of Ling Xiao and the sloppy emperor. If the two of them have dissent, they can completely destroy Jiang Yuyang with a single blow.

This is also heavy trust!

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