Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2856: The crisis is coming!

Extraterrestrial starry sky.

A breathy figure sits on top of a sun, and the whole body exudes endless magic energy. Every time he swallows the void, there will be a vast sun fire swallowed into his belly.

The sun was indefinite, and after dozens of breaths, the sun gradually shrank, and finally flew directly into his mouth, and disappeared completely!

"Well? Such a powerful emperor's robbery must be Jiang Yuyang's robbery! Renhuang Avenue? Hey, I will cut you off today!"

The figure suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with bloodthirsty and cold killing intentions.


He rose into the air instantaneously, the monstrous devilish surging around him took a step, and suddenly broke through the empty void, and went in the direction of Jiang Yuyang's robbery.

Amidst the starry sky, there is a floating continent, exuding monstrous death.


The trembling tremor of the continent, in an instant a bronze coffin rushed out of the depths of the continent, exuding ancient and mysterious fluctuations.

"Jiang Yuyang...cross the robbery...damn..."

An obscure and cold sound wave came out from the bronze coffin, and the bronze coffin also instantly rose into the sky, directly breaking through the heavy void, and left.

The whole body is shrouded in a bright fairy light on the planet, the mountains are vast, the ancient trees are towering, and the auspicious gas is steaming out like a fairyland.

An old man with white hair sitting on the top of the mountain, the misty clouds in front of him, mysterious.

The old man looked immortal, and his breath was unfathomable. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and shot two beams that were as scary as a magic lamp.

"Is the human emperor of the human race? It can be used as the main medicine of the old man's elixir, refining a human elixir and giving it to your highness!"

The old man said to himself softly.

At the next moment, he was holding a whisk and riding a godly white crane. He also rushed into the depths of the starry sky and disappeared.


God Realm has always been the focal point of the heavens and the world.

Although powerful people can't enter God Realm, there are often fierce battles in the realm of God Realm.

Although Jiang Yuyang practiced the Emperor's Road, although he has not yet broken through to the emperor's realm, his reputation is second only to the emperor Kunwu Mountain of the human race.

After learning that Jiang Yuyang was about to cross the robbery, many powerful people in the heavens and all realms were monitoring God Realm, paying attention to Jiang Yuyang's every move.

They don't want such a person who has cultivated the Emperor Avenue to successfully break through to the realm of emperor!

Although Jiang Yuyang's tomb robbery was secret, but his tomb roar was too loud, and even the surrounding Thunder Realm could not be covered, and he was eventually discovered.


The demonic middle-aged man, the bronze coffin, and the old man with white hair all invariably penetrated the void and appeared in the extraterrestrial starry sky.

"Mozu, Zombie and Immortal? It seems that Jiang Yuyang for my human race, you are really painstaking!"

A faint voice sounded!


The blazing divine light bloomed, the void shattered, and an ancient **** shrieked day after day, not knowing that there were hundreds of thousands of feet tall, and they were immediately blocked in front of the three figures.

Kunwu Mountain Emperor fluttered in white, standing on the top of Kunwu God Mountain, his expression was pale but ethereal, and his breath was strong and unmatched, so that the stars around them were extremely small.

"Emperor Kunwu Mountain?!"

Middle-aged men of the Mozu, bronze coffins and elders of the Xian clan all exclaimed in unison, and there was a trace of fear in the voice.

"If you retreat now, I can spare you not to die! But if you insist on stepping forward, then don't blame me!"

Emperor Kunwu said lightly.

"You're welcome? Emperor Kunwu Mountain, your strength is indeed very strong, but today we are going to kill Jiang Yuyang, you can't stop it!"

The middle-aged man of the Mozu said coldly.

"Just the three of you? Maybe not enough!"

Emperor Kunwu said lightly.

"Emperor Kunwu Mountain, you must be arrogant! Today Jiang Yuyang we are determined. If you dare to block, then you will be solved together!"

The voice in the bronze coffin sounded, overbearing and cold.

"Emperor Kunwu Mountain, although you are strong, can you stop us all?"

The elder of the fairy family also smiled slightly.


As if to respond to his words, a terrifying figure appeared in the void all around, and a cold murderous intention emerged, locking the emperor of Kunwu Mountain in front of him.

"Kunwu Mountain, I will kill you today, the shame of a million years ago!"

The icy, unmatched sound exploded in the void like thunder.


As if another black hole emerged, exuding the horror that swallowed everything, a black hair was flying, and the cold and cold figure wandered out of the black hole, holding a black war gun, all around him exuding grief. .

It was a young man in black robe. As soon as he appeared in the void, the breath directly overwhelmed the three men, and the Kunwu Mountain Emperor's chamber resisted the courtesy, and even won!

The black war rifle in his hand exudes extremely terrifying holy power, as if it can destroy everything.

"Cholera devil?"

The eyes of Emperor Kunwu Mountain flashed, and his expression became more solemn.

The devil's cholera demon is the indestructible demon of the devil. Xiuwei has reached the ninth heaven of the emperor, and is known as the strongest under the three demon emperors!

As soon as he appeared, he immediately caused great pressure, so that the three figures could not help but bowed his head slightly.

"Not only the devil cholera, but this seat! Emperor Kunwu Mountain, you can't save Jiang Yuyang!"

A clear laughter sounded, the chaotic mist in the void spread out, a woman in a black dress stepped out, she looked very beautiful, but her eyes were full of cold killing intent.

"After the dead!"

Emperor Kunwu said slowly, his eyes became extremely sharp.

After the underworld of the underworld, a peerless strong man who is not weaker than the cholera is also the cultivation of Emperor Realm Jiuzhongtian, and his strength is unpredictable!

Today, the cholera demon king and Minghou came out just to stop the emperor Kunwu Mountain!

"On your own, do you want to stop me?"

Emperor Kunwu said lightly, his expression was very calm, as if there were no accidents.

"Hee hee, Emperor Kunwu Mountain, we know that your monstrous fighting power has supported the human race for hundreds of millions of years, but it is the backbone of the human race! Although these of us can't kill you, it's okay to trap you for a while! And Jiang Yuyang is in danger!".

Ming Hou said with a grin, stepping towards the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

She and the cholera demon came one after the other, and the three emperors were scattered around, and the five emperors blocked the Kunwushan emperor at the same time.

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