Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3003: Devour the avenue!


Ling Xiao felt that there was something wrong with the remnant soul, as if there was no spiritual wisdom, but just repeated such a sentence mechanically.


The remnant soul was like a lightning, coming across the sky, the speed was almost extreme.

Even if it is only the remnant of the great emperor, it still contains immense power, and it came to the face, making Ling Xiao feel a breath of tremor.

"Damn people, **** it!"

That remnant soul repeated again, and then came directly into Ling Xiao's Yuanshen Zhihai.

The monstrous murderous intentions surging, he turned out to want to win away!

"court death!"

The murderous air flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and an aura of horror erupted instantly.

He did not hesitate to urge the wordless heavenly book among the Yuanshen, and at the same time, the jade dish of fortune also emerged, and went towards the repression of that residual soul.


At the moment when the remnant soul entered Ling Xiao's consciousness of the sea, the Wushu Tianshu and the forged jade dish were settled on the remnant soul at the same time.

The fierce tremor of the remnant soul exploded, and a powerful engulfing source exploded, as if to want to swallow the wordless book and the jade dish made into the body.

But the Wordless Heavenly Book shines brightly. Under the blessing of the Wordless Heavenly Book, Ling Xiao operates the Heaven Swallowing Mystery, and the vast Heaven Swallowing God Realm emerges. A remnant soul shrouded.

"Make me!"

Ling Xiao shouted loudly, suppressing the remnant soul with the wordless book and the jade dish made of chemistry, while trapping the remnant soul with the fire of swallowing the sky, wanting to refine it completely.

Ling Xiao could feel that although the remnant soul devouring the Immortal Emperor was still there, he didn't know why, and became like a puppet, without the sense of autonomy.

Although he still maintains a strong hostility to the Protoss, and even wants to completely kill Ling Xiao as soon as he appears, he is still trapped by Ling Xiao.

There are two great treasures of chaos, even if it devours the remnant of the fairy emperor, there is no way to escape.

"Ah...the gods, all damn..."

That remnant soul struggled violently, the endless flames rising around the body, the face twisted, and the figure became more and more unreal.

Although he still retained part of his strength and his hostility to the Protoss, he was easily trapped by Ling Xiao because of his lack of autonomy.

Under the blessings of the two great chaotic treasures, this remnant soul was soon refined into nothingness, leaving only some pure Yuanshen fragments into Ling Xiao's Yuanshen.

"Did you devour the Immortal Emperor, actually died in the hands of a sword emperor of the Protoss? No wonder he has such a strong hostility to the Protoss!"

Ling Xiao opened her eyes slowly, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

He got some memory fragments of the remnant soul, and saw that the devouring immortal emperor died in the hands of a sword emperor of the **** clan, but as to who the sword emperor is, the result is not clear.

Countless years ago, Devouring Immortal Emperor was already dead.

At that time, his heart was torn apart, full of the original power of the sword emperor's kendo.

But it was Devouring Avenue that swallowed the Immortal Emperor's cultivation.

Because the fruit of the Dao Road has not been broken, so for countless years, it has formed a strange forest of life, which can let it devour the endless vitality.

For countless years, the heart that devoured the Immortal Emperor was gradually repaired, and then the incomplete spirit condensed into a residual soul.

It is a pity that the residual soul does not have any sense of autonomy, just like a puppet.

Otherwise, if the remnant soul of the autonomous consciousness can cause great trouble to Ling Xiao, even if he has two chaotic treasures, it is difficult to deal with.


Above the void, the endless sword energy rose, and that heart tremor was instantly left with a trace of sword energy, like a spider web, as if it would be broken at any time.

Without the control of the remnant soul, the heart can't resist the extreme sword spirit around it.

"not good!"

A jump in Ling Xiao's heart instantly stood up and pounced towards that heart.

At the same time, he was full of sword energy, and the Sword of Sacrifice was sacrificed by him, and he fell towards the surrounding areas of the sword.

Ling Xiao knew from the memory fragments of the remnant soul, that there was Daoguo that swallowed the avenue in that heart, which made him overjoyed.

Must get that Dao Guo.

As long as the Dao Fruit of Devouring Avenue is obtained, Ling Xiao's Heaven Swallowing Mystery will be able to go further and let him directly understand the origin of Devouring Avenue.

That Daoguo is the most precious treasure left by the Devouring Immortal Emperor.


Ling Xiao's figure was like lightning, and rushed into that heart instantly.

The heart was chopped with a lot of cracks by the infinite amount of sword gas around it, and the vitality in the heart began to escape.

Those who devoured the heart of the Immortal Emperor had accumulated countless years of life, and Ling Xiao felt extremely distressed.

However, the most important thing is that Dao Guo.

Ling Xiao didn't have time to distress the origin of life, but could only swallow the majestic life origin in the heart while running the swallowing mystery of the sky, while quickly searching for the trace of the Dao Guo.

"it's here!"

Suddenly, Ling Xiao blinked in the eyes, and saw a black crystal in front of her, which looked crystal clear and mysterious, surrounded by a strange engulfing vortex. The source of life was because of this crystal, which gathered Here.

Ling Xiao was determined almost instantaneously, this black spar was devouring Dao Guo!


Ling Xiao didn't hesitate at all, and immediately swallowed the sky-swallowing mystery. The vast world of swallowing heaven appeared around him, and then walked towards the black spar.

There is no slight exclusion.

After all, the mysterious technique of swallowing the sky is the original technique, which contains the power to devour the avenue, and it is very easy to merge with the black spar at this moment.

Almost instantly, Ling Xiao fell into the realm of enlightenment.

In his knowledge of the sea, Yuanshen radiated immense light. The original twelve kinds of avenues were originally shaken at the same time.

The origin of the thirteenth avenue gradually condensed out.

Devour the avenue of origin!

The atmosphere of Ling Xiao's whole body was violent and unmatched, and a terrifying devouring force broke out in the Heaven Swallowing Holy Realm, covering all the sources of life in this heart.

Even the violent skyrocketing of the Heaven-Swallowing Realm enveloped the endless field of swords beyond the heart.

Nothing can be refined!

This is the horror of Devouring All heavens, billions of living creatures, endless treasures, can all be swallowed up by Devouring Avenue.

Even, even other sources of avenues can be devoured!

Incorporating the Dao Guo left by the Devouring Immortal Emperor, Ling Xiao's Sky Swallowing Mystery was finally completed, condensing the origin.

Ling Xiao sat in the void, surrounded by a terrifying engulfing vortex, whether it was the heart of the Immortal Emperor or the swordless Emperor of the Sword Emperor.

Even the violent tremors around the void, this ancient space seems to be completely swallowed by Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's breath is getting stronger and stronger, devouring the heart of the Immortal Emperor, and accumulating countless years of life roots, all of which have become a part of Ling Xiao's own, so that his cultivation practices have begun to skyrocket!

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