Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3004: 4 like Futian array!

Beyond the ruins.

Wu Xingchen, the son of Zhenwu Immortal Gate, once again returned to the valley, his face extremely cold, his eyes full of monstrous murderous intent.

There were three young men and women with extraordinary momentum who came with him.

These three are the helpers Wu Xingchen has found. They are Ren Tianjue, the son of Shaoguangxianmen, Dongfangbai, the son of Yinyangxianmen, and Fang Xueqing, the lady of Kunlun Xianmen!

"Wu Xingchen, are you sure this is the place where the Immortal Emperor devoured?"

Nian Tianju, the son of Shaoguang Xianmen, looked at the valley and asked with some doubt.

"Wu Xingchen, even though Lei Ling only had the cultivation of Xianjun, he was extremely powerful, and even your true Wuxianmen had been wiped out by the whole army. We must be careful!"

Fang Qingxue looked around with some vigilance and said slowly.

"What are you afraid of? There are four of us here, don't say it's a Lei Ling District, even Taiyuan Xianmen's Taiyuan, we all have the power to fight! According to Wu Xingchen, Lei Ling must have entered the ruins at this moment. Among them, shall we go in directly and catch the turtle in an urn?"

Dongfang Bai smiled indifferently.

Although he is a man, he has a beautiful face, and he is wearing a woman's dress. He is very tweaky between speeches. His voice is very sharp and makes people sound awkward.

Although Ren Tianjue and Fang Qingxue are very calm on the surface, they are quietly separated from Dongfang Bai by some distance.

"Three Dao brothers, I don't think we can act rashly! No one knows what danger there will be in the ruins! The devouring of the immortal emperor's heritage and treasures must have fallen into the hands of Nai Ling, not as good as us In this valley, ambush him, and when he comes out, kill him directly!"

Wu Xingchen's eyes showed a fierce look.

He hated Ling Xiao to the extreme.

The Zhenwu Immortal Gate is among the nine Great Immortal Gates. Although it is not the strongest, it can also be ranked in the middle reaches. I did not expect that just entering the Immortal Demon Cave, I was killed by Ling Xiao. More than a dozen immortal disciples, now only Wu Xingchen is left alone.

So he was very unwilling, even if he escaped, he also found the three strong men as helpers, wanting to kill Ling Xiao here.

"Ambush in this valley? Yes! I have a picture of the Four Elephants Futian Array, which is a treasure left by an immortal emperor in the ancient times, but it requires four pieces of extreme Taoist soldiers to suppress it. In the picture, even the strongest of the five or six heavens in the fairy monarchy will definitely die!"

Ren Tianjue's eyes flashed, and sneered.

"Sixiang Futian array? Brother Ren is willing to take out such a treasure? Brother Ren rest assured that when he kills Leiling and gets the treasure on him, we will definitely compensate you!"

Wu Xingchen was overjoyed and said quickly.

All four of them are the sons and daughters of Immortal Gate. This time they entered the Immortal Demon Cave, knowing the extremely dangerous here, so they all brought the Jidao Emperor to defend themselves.

However, Wu Xingchen had seen Ling Xiao's powerful combat power. Even with the three big helpers, he still felt a little nervous.

But after hearing the Four Elephants Futian array, he no longer has any concerns.

The four-image Futian array map is well-known in the fairy realm, which contains the formation of the world. If it is suppressed by the Jidao Emperor soldiers, it can destroy all the powerful under the great emperor.

However, the four-image Futian array in Nintendo's hands should not be a complete version, but it is enough to deal with a Lei Ling.

"Brother Wu, you don't have to be polite! Me and Leiling are also endless. This kind of traitor and scum of the fairy clan really thought that if they turned to the Protoss, would they be arrogant in front of me? Cut him off today and eliminate the clan. harm!"

Ren Tian absolutely sneered.

Outside of Immortal Demon Cave, he was defeated by Ling Xiao in a boxing fight, which he considered a shame and shame. This shame can only be washed with Ling Xiao's life and blood.

"Okay! There are four images of Futian array, then Leiling will definitely die!"

Wu Xingchen said confidently.

Dongfangbai and Fang Qingxue naturally have no objections. There are four images of Futian array, and they are full of confidence in this battle.


The light shining in the palm of Nintendo's palms, an ancient array emerged, and in a flash, it covered the sky and covered the whole valley.

The void is distorted, overlapping and overlapping, and hundreds of millions of stars converge, as if brewing a supreme murderous opportunity.

All four of them, without any hesitation, instantly sacrificed the Ji Dao Emperor soldiers and hid them in the Sixiang Futian array map.

The four of them flickered and disappeared completely.

Calm was quickly restored in the valley, as if nothing had changed at all, but no one thought that this place was even laid down with a peerless killing array, waiting for Ling Xiao to leave the ruins.


Among the ruins.

Ling Xiao has completely refined the devoured Dao Guo.

His mystery of swallowing the sky also broke through from the state of consummation, condensing the origin of swallowing the sky and becoming the true mystery of the original source!

Today, Ling Xiao already has 13 kinds of original secret techniques!

Ling Xiao discovered that these secret techniques of origin have evolved into a supreme technique like emperor's art after the evolution of the origin of the avenue, as if some kind of sublimation and transformation have occurred.

Moreover, Ling Xiao can create his own supernatural power based on these original secret techniques.

Ling Xiao can feel that these 13 kinds of original mysteries are extremely powerful, and can be merged with each other. This is the power of original fusion, which can explode hundreds of times.

Before Ling Xiao was in the world, he had already begun to try the power of mystery fusion.

Today, Ling Xiao finds that this is the fusion between the avenues and the resonance between the origins.

Heaven Swallowing Mystery, although it is only the 14th mystery of Tiangang, not even among the twelve days of merit, Ling Xiao found that the Heaven Swallowing Mystery is the best secret to help him complete the original fusion.

Swallow Heaven Road Fruit Cohesion ~ ~ Ling Xiao can completely integrate the origin of Twelve Avenues based on Swallow Heaven origin.

Once this fusion is completed, the supreme power of destruction will explode!

"In the rumors, the extreme of Dao can be called an emperor! But one kind of avenue has endlessness, and all heavens have endless avenues! Perhaps, the fusion of avenues is the best way for me!"

Ling Xiao slowly opened her eyes, a gleam of enlightenment appeared in her eyes.

The master of heaven respects the origin of the avenue, and can enter the realm of the emperor, and the nineth heaven of the realm of the emperor is itself a process of continuous enlightenment, fusion and use of the avenue.

If a kind of avenue can reach its peak, and then form its own way, that is the real testimony.

Justify yourself!

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