Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3193: The imperial spirit is immortal!

"It's strange, the **** led us here. Could it be that he wanted to kill us with this knife? Where did he hide?"

Ji Feixuan asked with some doubt.

"I know where he is!"

Ba Dao said slowly, there was a strong killing intention in his eyes.

He had already determined that the prince of the prince to sacrifice the black needle of death was led by the resentment of the Emperor of the Heavenly Sword, so that the killing intention of the prince to the prince of the prince became more and more prosperous.

"I also want to see what he has to rely on to deal with us!"

Ling Xiao's eyes also showed a hint of curiosity.

Ba Dao rose in the sky and flew towards the front, followed by Ling Xiao and Ji Feixuan.

The little black fat man has been taken into the small world by Ling Xiao. In this strange area, the little black fat man's cultivation behavior is still a little too weak.

Although the guy was reluctant, he was obediently obedient.

Ba Da seems to be very sure about the position of the young man, and moves directly towards the front, the purpose is very clear.


Ling Xiao heard a roar in front of her, like a thundering turbulence, like a turbulent sea, majestic and vast.

At the beginning, the sound was not loud, but as they kept getting closer, the powerful sound swept through, making them shocked.

"That's... a river of heaven?!"

Ji Feixuan's eyes flashed, and said with some surprise.

Flying across a huge mountain, the eyes suddenly opened up.

Above the void in front of the three Ling Xiao, a vast Tianhe appeared.

The Tianhe River is surging and the waves are turbulent, filled with chaos, coming from the depths of the endless chaos and leading to the unknown region.

The Tianhe River appeared in front of them in such abrupt manner.

Tianhe is vast and boundless. I don’t know how many tens of millions of miles are wide or how long it is. Standing in front of Tianhe, the three Ling Xiao all felt very small.

"This is... Huangquan Shenghe?!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

In front of the Tianhe, the river was filled with chaos, and it looked a little yellow, with a thick death air, as if coming from hell, without any vitality.

In the Tianhe, the big waves raged, swept the sky, the void was twisted, and some very strange scenes appeared.

There is blood of the gods and demons, there is the sky of the emperor, there are wailing of all the spirits, there are the destruction of the heavens...

Those strange sights, like the mark of time and space left in the Tianhe, recorded a glimpse of a certain era, but it was enough to shake Ling Xiao and others.

In particular, Ling Xiao could vaguely see that there was a corpse floating in the Tianhe River, following the big waves, and flowing to unknown places.

This is the Huangquan Holy River in Ling Xiao's memory!

According to legend, it has penetrated the heavens and the world, and even penetrated the ancient times, burying all vitality, and the ultimate destination of all powerful creatures, Huangquan Shenghe.

It is exactly the same as the Huangquan Shenghe that Ling Xiao saw in the God of War Realm.

However, Ling Xiao's cultivation at the moment is thousands and thousands of times that of God of War Realm, so he can vaguely see the whole picture of Huangquan Shenghe.

The Huangquan Shenghe in front of him is bigger than any big rivers that Lingxiao saw. Even in the river, Lingxiao saw the corpses of the wild beasts.

Incomparably huge wild behemoths, floating in the sacred river of Huangquan, tiny like ants.

"Huangquan Shenghe? How can it appear here?"

Ji Feixuan also asked with some doubts.

"Perhaps, he should be asked!"

The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and landed on a figure by the river.


Standing near the Huangquan Shenghe River, the young man in white clothes wins the snow, looks elegant and elegant, surrounded by chaos, with his back to the three people, it seems vaguely integrated with the Huangquan Shenghe River.

"You are here? I didn't expect that even the sword intentions left by the Heavenly Sword Emperor could kill you. It seems that you are really strong!"

The **** turned slowly, his eyes light but calm.

"Tao Dan, is this Huangquan Shenghe your dependant?"

Ling Xiao glanced at Playboy, and said lightly.

"You even know the Huangquan Shenghe? But, to deal with you, where is the Huangquan Shenghe needed? After coming here, your life and death are all under my control!"

The **** was surprised, but he smiled slightly.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Ji Feixuan said coldly.

"Tao Dan, did you dare to sacrifice the Black Death Pin with the resentment of the Emperor Sword Emperor? You **** it!"

Ba Dadao's eyes were full of murderous intentions, and he said angrily.

"I have forgotten that you are a member of the Heavenly Sword family. The Emperor of the Heavenly Sword should be regarded as your ancestor? But I am curious if the Emperor of the Heavenly Sword will kill you, the genius of you? "

The **** chuckled.


Han Mang flashed in the eyes of Ba Dao.


I saw the sleeves of the **** waving, and suddenly in the Huangquan Holy River, the waves were violent, the death gas was surging, and a powerful and terrifying gas machine was gradually condensing and forming.

"The soul is back!"

The **** spit out extremely strange and obscure syllables in his mouth, and his whole breath became very strange.


Above the Huangquan Shenghe River, endless life gathers, the waves rise, the fiery light blooms, and a figure emerges vaguely.

It was a middle-aged man in a black robe. His face was blurred, his eyes were fierce and overbearing, and there was an invincible sword all around him.

His figure looked very illusory, not solid, but the terrifying atmosphere made the three of Ling Xiao instantly enemies.


Ba Da Shi trembles, and his eyes are full of incredible looks.

Although the figure in front of him looked vague and his face was unclear, Ba Dao recognized it instantly.

This is Emperor Sword Emperor!

"Yes! This is the Emperor of the Destiny Sword and Emperor of the Sovereign Sword! Are you very happy to see your Don't thank me!"

The **** smiled indifferently, and then his face was instantly cold, full of cold killing intention, and a syllable protruded in his mouth.


With the order of the prince, the Emperor Daotiandao exudes a monstrous murderous intention, and he instantly kills Ling Xiao, Ji Feixuan and Badao.

"Emperor Spirit of Emperor Sword Sword? Are you able to drive Emperor Emperor Sword of Emperor Sword? Dear Playboy, I really look down on you!"

Ling Xiao took a deep look at the playboy, his hair was standing upright, the original power of the body was surging, and then he punched out!

Although the great emperor fell, but the heroic spirit is immortal, it is a kind of road mark that lives between heaven and earth. It can return in a special form and explode into the world.

The Decathlon Sword Emperor in front of him is an Emperor Spirit!

Although it was just an emperor spirit, it was still terrifyingly terrifying, and Ling Xiao, Ji Feixuan and Ba Da felt a strong threat at the first shot.

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