Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3194: War Emperor Spirit!

"Hangboy, I want you to die!!!"

Ba Dao shouted loudly, his voice very sad, full of monstrous hatred.

He didn't even think of the fact that the young man was able to control the Emperor of the Sword Sovereign and let him attack them.

No matter who wins or loses, it is an unacceptable result for Ba Dao.

And the culprit of all this is the young man.

"When you kill the Emperor Spirit, say this again! But I'm curious, can you really take the heart out of your ancestors?"

The **** said with a smile.


Ling Xiao and Ji Feixuan have collided with Emperor Ling.

The knife that broke out from the Emperor Spirit was fiercely dazzling, as if to divide the world and the world into two halves.

Overlord cut!

In the hands of the Emperor Spirit, the power of the Demon Emperor is far greater than that of the Dou Dao, so that both Ling Xiao and Ji Feixuan are facing the enemy. They feel that their hairs are standing upright, and they have exploded to meet the enemy.

Ling Xiao's unmatched fist marks shattered instantly, and Ji Feixuan's sword spirit was also annihilated one after another. The two of them flew out like a lightning strike.

On Ling Xiao's arm, there was a trace of blood visible deep in the bone, and the intention of the knife was diffused, preventing his injury from healing itself.

"Is this the Emperor Spirit?"

Ling Xiao's face was slightly pale, but her eyes became brighter and brighter.

Emperor spirit is the imprint and obsession left by the emperor. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as the spiritual body of the emperor. Although it does not have all the power of the body, it also has part of the power of the emperor.

Just like the sword that slashed the heavenly emperor, even Ling Xiao and Ji Feixuan, who had the power of the peerless emperor, were instantly split.

This is the power of the Supreme Emperor!

Ling Xiao rushed into the air with his whole body of war, staring at the emperor in front of him, his blood was boiling, his eyes were sharp, and a force of terror began to brew.

Since this emperor's spirit is the reliance of the playboy, then break the emperor's spirit first.

As for the Ba Dao, it seems a little lost, and his eyes are full of cold killing intentions, and he wants to rush towards the young man directly.

But he was stopped by the Emperor Spirit, and he was only able to passively defend, dodge continuously in the sky of the sword, and looked extremely embarrassed.

"Ling Xiao, this Emperor Spirit is very strong, and possesses some of the powers of the Sovereign Sword Emperor, but the Emperor Spirit is a spiritual body, and the power of qi, blood, and masculinity is its nemesis. Fight!"

Ji Feixuan said slowly to Ling Xiao.

She exudes a breath of vitality all over her body, the sword is rising, and the whole person's momentum has become extremely fierce, just like a peerless sword.

Innumerable sword qi condensed around her, and was vast and mighty, just like the big waves, locking the emperor in front of her.

"Be careful yourself!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

He understands that Ji Feixuan said it well, but facing the Emperor's spirit, even if Ji Feixuan possesses the skill of a peerless emperor, it is still very dangerous.

The spirit of the Emperor's spirit is eternal and immortal, and hegemony is as if it can cut through everything. It contains the power to destroy the world.

The sword meaning on Ji Feixuan's body is like a river of life, endless.

If the spirit of Emperor Spirit is Zhigang, Ji Feixuan's sword is Zhirou.

From supreme to supple, these are the two extremes, which are most vividly displayed on Emperor Ling and Ji Feixuan.


Ji Feixuan took the lead, and a silver ancient sword appeared in her palm. There was a powerful Diwei filled and mighty, like a long practice of Changhong, pointing directly at the emperor's eyebrows.

The silver ancient sword is the ancient sword of life, and it is also a powerful pole soldier.

Facing the powerful pressure of Emperor Spirit at this moment, Ji Feixuan still sacrificed the ancient sword of life.


The emperor's face is vague, but his eyes are cold and overbearing, and the blazing light flashes, as if there are endless swordsmanship.

Facing Ji Feixuan's sword, he did not shy away and fell directly with a palm knife.

The endless blades of mansions converged and turned into a huge blade, like a huge wave that directly cut off the surroundings, and directly cut on the ancient sword of life.


Mars is shining, the light is shining, the ancient sword of life is buzzing and trembling, Ji Feixuan is in the endless ocean of swords, the sword of life is like a candlelight in the wind, and it should be extinguished at any time.

Her face was a little pale, and the knife was arrogantly poured into her body, causing her viscera to be injured, and her arm was about to lose consciousness.

But she is still stubbornly resisting.


At the same time, Ling Xiao's body was full of blood and blood, like a burning golden flame, coming from across the void, and directly punched down on the imperial spirit.

The chaotic fist seal shattered everything, and it was tough and overbearing. It didn't lose much to the spirit of the emperor's spirit. It also contained the peerless sense of power grasped by Ling Xiao and wanted to suppress the emperor's spirit.

The Emperor's spirit looks muted, and the palm of the sky falls down, and there seems to be a vast world in his palm.

Endless Daomang rushed from all around, chopping towards Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's unmatched fist seal burst into tears, and he was about to approach the Emperor Spirit, but in an instant it seemed to be across the endless world and close to the horizon.

Ling Xiao was trapped by the endless sword mansions, he fought hard to kill, wanted to rush out.

"Ancestor, offended!"

Seeing the plight of Ling Xiao and Ji Feixuan, Ba Dao's eyes also showed a decisive color, gritted his teeth and said.

He could not break out of the siege of Emperor Ling's sword, and he could not attack Duan Duo. At this moment, only by cutting the Emperor in front of him would he be able to face Duo Duo directly.

Despite the tremendous pain and struggling in the heart of Ba Dao, he still held the knife up at the moment.


Like a dragon chanting through the sky, the candle dragon knife emerged from the palm of the sword, and the cold sword burst into the air. In an instant, it was like an ancient candle dragon rising from the sky and slashing down towards the emperor spirit.

Overlord cut!

Facing the Emperor Spirit, Ba Dao also exhibited Ba Tian Emperor.

He even has this extravagant hope in his heart, hoping to be able to awaken the Emperor Sword Sovereign through the Sovereign Emperor.

Faced with this blow from the Ba knife, there seemed to be a flash of light in the eyes of the Emperor Spirit, but it seemed that there was no reaction at all. The endless knives of the whole body converged and turned into a black knife, towards the ba The knife fell.

The black knife gang, containing endless power of destruction, collided with the candle dragon a violent roar broke out instantly.


The Ba Dao was shocked like a broken kite and flew straight out.

He coughed up blood in his mouth, and the candle dragon knife buzzed and trembled, as if he was about to fly away at any time.

"Ancestor, come again!"

The eyes of Ba Dao were full of unyielding looks.

Overlord cut!

Hunyuan cut in one go!

Destruction Sword!

Seven ways to kill!


The inheritance of Ba Dao from Ba Tian Dao Emperor, a variety of peerless swordsmanship, no godsmanship, was exhibited by him, and constantly collided with the Emperor Spirit, and a very fierce battle broke out.

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