Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3195: The emperor cannot be humiliated!

This is the most difficult battle since Ling Xiao proved the emperor.

Although the Emperor Spirit is not an Emperor, to a certain extent, it possesses part of the fighting power of the Emperor.

When Ling Xiao faced the Emperor Spirit, whether it was his powerful imperial technique, or his own era fist and forged fist, he felt like he was hitting cotton and there was no place to use it.

The imperial spirit in front of him is water-tight, and any attack can be perfectly resolved by him. No matter how powerful the attack is, in front of him, his power will be greatly lost.

On the contrary, the Emperor Spirit could explode the world's most powerful force with a single blow, so that Ling Xiao, Ji Feixuan, and Ba Dao must all deal with it.

What can affect the Emperor Spirit is Ling Xiao's extremely powerful Qi and Blood power.

After all, Emperor Spirit is a spiritual body. Ling Xiao’s qi and blood are vast and majestic. The whole person is like a scorching sun. The powerful qi and blood can annihilate spiritual entities, but he is very difficult to get close to Emperor Spirit, so the damage caused is also Very little.

Ling Xiao, Ji Feixuan and Ba Dao struggled hard, but they quickly fell into a disadvantage and were suppressed by the Emperor Spirit.

In the distance, the young man stood by the Huangquan Shenghe River, his body suffocated, his hands swiftly stamped, the Huangquan Shenghe River was surging, and a stream of water came towards him.

With his seal, the waters condensed with each other, forming an extremely powerful area of ​​Huangquan, which was like a ghostly area, which made people feel terrified.

Although Ling Xiao didn't know what Playboy was looking at, but looking at Playboy's movements, Ling Xiao understood that Playboy must be making a move.

"This emperor spirit is so strong?!"

Ji Feixuan's eyes were full of dignity.

She is a peerless emperor, just a step away from the realm of the emperor. Facing an emperor who only has part of the power of the emperor, she fell into the disadvantage and shocked her heart.

"This Sovereign Sword Emperor, I'm afraid it's not the ordinary emperor!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were bright and bright, and he said to himself softly.

The powerful Emperor Spirit in front of him exceeded Ling Xiao's imagination, and the terrifying breath of Emperor Spirit was vaguely similar to the Heavenly Emperor Emperor Ling Xiao had seen.

"You're right! This Emperor of Heavenly Sword, even in the emperor's lifetime, is also a top power! Is his emperor spirit comparable to the average emperor?"

The voice of evil thoughts sounded in Ling Xiao's heart.

However, Ling Xiao's tone of listening to evil thoughts, without any worries, seemed extremely relaxed.

"What do you say? Is there any way you can deal with the Emperor Spirit?"

Ling Xiao quickly asked.

"What can I do? Of course, only you can deal with the Emperor Spirit!"

The evil thought grinned.

"Less nonsense, hurry up!"

Ling Xiao frowned.

"Master, what kind of character was Emperor Da Tian Dao during his lifetime? How could it be controlled by a young man in a devil's place? This is a shame! If you can wake up the Emperor's spirit, there will be a good show!"

Heinously said.

"Are there any thoughts to awaken the Emperor Spirit?"

Ling Xiao couldn't help but move.

"Yes! But whether you can wake up the Emperor Spirit's thoughts depends on you and Ba Da......"

The evil thought said to Ling Xiao.

After hearing the evil thoughts, Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment.

It turns out so!

"Ba Dao, wait for me to shoot, you will urge Ba Tian Di to cut!"

Ling Xiao's business came into Ba Da's mind.

"it is good!"

Ba Dao is unknown, but he didn't have any doubts about Ling Xiao's words, and he immediately agreed.


Ling Xiao's fiery blood rose around his body. After he shook the Emperor Spirit, the endless blood gathered, and the whole body exuded a force of evil and darkness.

Behind him, chaos is raging, darkness rises, vaguely leading to an infernal hell.

A dazzling blade of thorns rose to the extreme, illuminating this side of the world and slashing down towards the imperial spirit.

Abi Hell Burial Sky Sword!

This knife is a heart-cutting knife, pointing directly at Dao Xin.

He turned out to want to smash the spirit of the emperor spirit with the taboo knife.

But what kind of character is the Decepticons?

Although there is only one Emperor Spirit left, the strength of the Tao heart is not something that Xiao Xiao can break, even if the power of Abi Hell Burial Sky Sword is terrifying.


The Emperor Spirit seemed to have been greatly provoked. The blazing light around him, the endless sword rising, his extremely vague face turned clear instantly.

A pair of eyes shot a bright beam of light, as if they could penetrate the heavens and the world, destroy hundreds of millions of stars, and contain the killing intention of the peerless.

Emperor Ling slashed toward Ling Xiao, and Emperor Tian Tian gleamed with radiance and mightiness like Tianhe, locking Ling Xiao in front of him.

"Just now!"

Ling Xiao shouted towards Ba Da.

He didn't change his look, his fighting intentions rose in his eyes, and the wordless scripture rushed into the sky under the control of evil thoughts, and suppressed towards the Emperor Spirit.

The Ba Dao also shot without hesitation.

A fiery river of swords spans hundreds of thousands of miles of void, and has the same origin as the sword of the Emperor Spirit, and contains the power of great destruction.

The Wushu Tianshu floats on top of the Emperor's head, and in a flash a chain of Taoist Orders hangs down, containing a mysterious and ethereal Taoist rhythm, which envelopes the Emperor's Spirit.

Looking at the Ba Tian Emperor cut by the Ba Dao in front of him, the eyes of the Emperor Spirit became a little confused, as if trying to remember something.

"not good!"

In the distance, the **** was shocked, and saw that the state of the Emperor Spirit was not right at this moment. He quickly pointed to the sky, and the sky of the Huangquan River surged toward the Emperor Spirit.

"act recklessly!"

The evil thought sneered, and as he urged the Wordless Scripture, the Wordless Scripture radiated a blazing glory, like a huge enchantment, and immediately blocked the water of the Huangquan River.

The Emperor Spirit was not affected by the slightest influence, and the confusion in the eyes gradually dissipated, and a trace of fluctuation appeared.

"How can it be?!"

The **** jumped in his heart, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

He didn't want to think about stood up in an instant and was about to enter the Huangquan Holy River.

But the next moment, his whole person seemed to be frozen, and he was set in the void.

"Emperor, insultable!"

The vast and quaint voice exploded in the void, and the Emperor took a step forward, and instantly appeared in front of Tiaohua.

Emperor Ling's expression was calm and calm, as if there was a hint of relief, but the **** felt that a monstrous murderous intention locked him up.

"Impossible! Impossible! You have been enslaved by the Huangquan Shenghe, and you will not be born forever! What about the emperor? How can you wake up to be wise?"

The **** shouted wildly, his eyes full of unwillingness and despair.

But the Emperor Ling ignored him.


A dazzling slash fell down, locking up the playboy, and contained a vast peerless dignity.

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