Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1229: Accident

Chapter 1229 Accident

Xu Jiawen said loudly: "Zheng Pei'an, let me go. If you do this again, I will call the police."

Zheng Pei'an had no intention of letting her go: "Jiawen, is someone putting pressure on you? Is it Master? Is Master not letting us be together?"

Xu Jiawen realized that the Zheng Pei'an in front of her was simply unreasonable. She was shy and anxious, and said loudly: "No! It's me who doesn't like you. I've never liked you."

"Impossible! You obviously like me, I'm not blind, I can see it!" Zheng Pei'an desperately wanted to hold Xu Jiawen in his arms.

Xu Jiawen was shy and anxious. He wanted to break free but couldn't resist Zheng Pei'an's strength.

At this time, someone rushed behind Zheng Pei'an, grabbed his collar, and slapped him hard: "You bastard, let her go!"

Zheng Pei'an was so slapped that stars appeared in his eyes. Only then did he realize that master Xu Changshan had appeared in front of him. Zheng Pei'an covered his face and said in surprise: "Master..."

"Don't call me master!" Xu Changshan said angrily. He went to see Zheng Pei'an this afternoon and happened to see Zheng Pei'an leaving with his luggage. Out of concern for Zheng Pei'an, Xu Changshan took a car and followed him all the way to the high-speed rail station. Xu Changshan had the guts With a bad premonition, he bought a train ticket to Nanjiang in the nearest time, but when he entered the high-speed rail station to wait for the train, Zheng Pei'an had already left.

Although Xu Changshan was nervous, he never thought that Zheng Pei'an would hurt his daughter. He decided to come to Nanjiang to have a good talk with them and untie the knot in his heart. He didn't want Zheng Pei'an to become decadent because of this incident, and he didn't Telling others is mainly because Zheng Pei'an's face will be difficult to live with.

Xu Changshan repeatedly called Zheng Pei'an and his daughter on the way, but he couldn't get through, which made him more and more anxious.

After getting off the bus in Nanjiang, Xu Changshan went to his daughter's house first, but Xu Jiawen was not there, so Xu Changshan braved the rain to go to the university to find her, and happened to encounter Zheng Pei'an pestering his daughter halfway.

Zheng Pei'an was startled when he saw his master suddenly appearing. He suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself hard: "Master...I...was wrong...don't misunderstand...I..."

When Xu Jiawen was in panic and helplessness, he saw his father appearing in front of him. He felt as if he had seen a savior and rushed over crying: "Dad..." Before she could reach her father, the back of her head suddenly tightened, but she was struck by Zheng Pei'an. Grasping her hair, Zheng Pei'an dragged her back to him and hugged her tightly.

Hsu Jiawen screamed: "Let me go, Zheng Pei'an, you lunatic."

Zheng Pei'an murmured to himself: "No,"

 Xu Changshan saw his daughter being hugged by Zheng Pei'an who was almost crazy. He was worried and scared: "Pei'an! Wake up! Can you wake up? Let's talk about it, master and disciple."

Zheng Pei'an shook his head: "I understand, you look down on me and you don't let Jiawen and me be together. You clearly know that we love each other, why do you have to break us up?"

Xu Changshan said: "Pei'an, you are crazy. If you still recognize me as your master, let go of Jiawen and calm down. Can we talk again?"

Zheng Pei'an sneered: "Master? What kind of medical skills do you think I really want to learn from you? I have no talent. You are right to scold me. I have too many thoughts. All my thoughts are on your daughter. You obviously know everything. Why did you lie to me? Why did you continue to use me?"

Xu Jiawen was already frightened by Zheng Pei'an's crazy look.

Xu Changshan said: "Pei'an, Master ignored your feelings, but Master has never lied to you, let alone used you. How about you let go of Jiawen."

Zheng Pei'an shook his head, his eyes filled with pain: "I have liked you for so many years, but you regarded me as a fool. I thought you were divorced. I finally managed to see the moonlight after the clouds cleared, but She flirted with other men again..."

Xu Jiawen burst into tears and said, "Zheng Pei'an, please stop being so ridiculous."

Zheng Pei'an chuckled and said: "I'm fooling around. You don't understand me. You don't understand me at all. How could I be willing to hurt you? Even if I hurt myself, I won't hurt you..." He bit his lip, as if he was talking to his heart. Fighting against his inner demons, he finally let go of Xu Jiawen, and Xu Jiawen, who regained his freedom, ran desperately towards his father.

Xu Changshan's eyes suddenly widened. He pushed his daughter away desperately and rushed towards Zheng Pei'an, because he saw that Zheng Pei'an was planning to jump off the overpass. Xu Changshan hugged Zheng Pei'an tightly: "Pei'an, calm down!"

"let me go!"

The master and the apprentice were entangled on the overpass. They lost their balance in the entanglement, and their bodies rolled down the steps of the overpass.

Xu Jiawen chased to the edge of the stairs and saw that the two people who had rolled down the stairs to the bottom were motionless. Their legs were weak and they collapsed on the spot. Their mouths opened and closed, but the sound of "Dad" could not be heard...

Zheng Pei'an got up from the ground with a **** head. His body was hit many times as he rolled down. It was very painful, but fortunately he was not seriously injured. He remembered something and lowered his head to look for Xu Changshan's figure.

Xu Changshan lay motionless on the steps, his forehead already on the ground, and a large pool of blood flowed under his head. Under the street lamp, the blood continued to spread to the surroundings under the infiltration of the autumn rain.

Zheng Pei'an's expression changed. He looked at Xu Changshan who was motionless beside him in despair, and covered his head in pain: "Master..."

Zheng Pei'an looked up and saw the red and blue lights in the distance. His lips were trembling violently with pain and fear. Different thoughts were fighting fiercely in his mind. He quickly made a decision. He wanted to leave here. He had to leave here. He didn't want to Being misunderstood as a murderer, although...although...he didn't dare to think about it.

"Don't go..." Xu Jiawen stood up holding on to the guardrail. Her voice was like a gnat. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't scream out. Looking at Zheng Pei'an who quickly disappeared into the crowd, her vision went dark and she collapsed on the ground again. Behind him, a middle-aged man came quickly from the overpass and helped Xu Jiawen sympathetically: "Jiawen, don't be afraid, I'm here..."

Su Qing came to the foot of the overpass according to the location given by Xu Chunliang. When she saw the crowd gathered under the overpass to watch the excitement, she subconsciously stepped on the brakes. The vehicle behind her couldn't brake enough and hit the rear of the car. Su Qing because of this The world was spinning due to the impact, and she couldn't care less about herself, let alone checking the damage to the car. She unbuckled her seat belt, stumbled towards the overpass, separated from the crowd and squeezed in.

When she saw the scene in front of her clearly, she subconsciously covered her lips, and tears burst out like a flood: "Grandpa Xu...Grandpa Xu..."

Xu Changshan was lying motionless on the ground. Su Qing didn't dare to touch him, so she took out her mobile phone and dialed 120: "Someone, please help me..." She cried while calling.

The belated sound of police sirens came from the distance...

Jiangbei Air Rescue Base is located on the top floor of the ward building of Dongzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After receiving Xu Chunliang’s call for help, Vice President Pan Junfeng immediately decided to help. It took an hour to complete all the procedures according to normal procedures, but because Xu Chunliang’s situation was urgent , Pan Junfeng decided to arrange for Air 120 to take off first, and then go through the formalities.

Xu Chunliang called him and when he arrived at the air rescue base, the helicopter was already ready to go.

 If Xu Chunliang was driving to Nanjiang, it would take at least three hours even if he was speeding the whole way. With the assistance of Air 120, it only took him 70 minutes to arrive at the Provincial People's Medical Hospital aerodrome.

Although Su Qing tried her best to control her emotions, Xu Chunliang still noticed something abnormal in her voice. He wished he could teleport to Nanjiang, but that was not realistic. He could only use all his human connections to achieve it in the shortest time. Arrive at Nanjiang.

As soon as Xu Chunliang stepped out of the elevator door on the operating room floor, he heard his sister-in-law's heartbreaking cries, and his heart instantly sank to the bottom.

Since he came to this world, Xu Chunliang has never been so frightened and helpless as now, as if his body was hollowed out in an instant, and the temperature of his blood dropped to freezing point.

"Chunliang!" Su Qing, with tears in her eyes, saw Xu Chunliang first. She rushed up to him, grabbed Xu Chunliang's hand, and noticed that Xu Chunliang's big hand was cold.

 “My grandfather, he...”

Su Qing shook her head, tears falling down.

Xu Chunliang looked at Xu Jiawen who was crying with red eyes: "What should I ask you?"

Xu Jiawen trembled with fright. Next to her stood a well-dressed middle-aged man. The man had been comforting her. His name was Sui Dongjun. He was a professor at Nanjiang University and Xu Jiawen's recent date.

Sui Dongjun saw Xu Chunliang striding towards him, and quickly stepped forward to block Xu Jiawen's face: "You are Chunliang, right..."

Xu Chunliang said: "Please get out of the way."

Sui Dongjun said: "Your sister-in-law is the most upset when something like this happens. Please stop irritating her."

"Chunliang! Your grandfather is gone...ah...father..." Xu Jiawen cried loudly.

Xu Chunliang roared: "Impossible!"

Su Qing hugged him from behind: "Chunliang, calm down, calm down." But how could she hug Xu Chunliang, who was almost out of control? Xu Chunliang broke away effortlessly and rushed to the operating room.

There were two police officers around. Seeing that the situation was not good, they hurried over to stop Xu Chunliang.

 “Get away!” Xu Chunliang roared angrily.

At this time, the door of the operating room opened, and the medical staff pushed Xu Changshan's body out. Xu Chunliang rushed over and lifted the white cloth covering his grandfather's face with trembling hands.

Xu Changshan lay quietly on the cart, with no breathing or heartbeat. He left this world before he had time to say goodbye to his precious grandson.

Xu Chunliang's eyes filled with tears: "Grandpa, Grandpa, I'm here!" He reached out and held Grandpa's wrist, hoping to detect his pulse, and put his ear against his chest.

The leading doctor was used to seeing this kind of scene. He sighed and said: "The patient was not in good condition when he was brought here. He had multiple fractures in his body, a fractured cervical vertebrae, and bleeding in the brain stem. There was nothing we could do."

No matter how capable Xu Chunliang was, he couldn't bring his grandfather back to life. He was late, and he was still too late after all.

But the stubborn Xu Chunliang still took out the golden needle and started acupuncture on his grandfather's body.

 (End of this chapter)

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