Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 100 The Rag King of the West

"Step on the accelerator!"

Xue Xiangdong urged the driver again.

The Cheetah 2030A off-road vehicle in Army camouflage was galloping on the unpaved road. After passing through the uneven road section, the two-ton 2030A was on the ground. The suspension specially built for broken roads stabilized the body very well. The V-shaped six-cylinder The engine's continuous, steady and powerful power output drives the vehicle forward, and the dust raised behind it has already covered the sky.

Looking from the air, in the endless desert, the sparse woods have already been covered with golden autumn clothes. After a slight gust of wind, the fallen leaves dance, but the tops of the mountains in the distance are already covered with snow. An unpaved combat readiness road has a serpentine layout across the desert, connecting the east and west ends, connecting Kubei Station with high-grade highways in the suburbs.

Overhead, the sun was shining brightly, and it was still warm in early autumn and September in the western region.

"Captain, I heard that the political commissar of the Second Division sent it here in person. Who is this new guy? It's so grand?" the driver stepped on the accelerator a little deeper and asked.

Xue Xiangdong, who has a Chinese character face, is wearing a 87-style four-color camouflage uniform. He is unshaven and has rough skin. Looking at his face, you can think of the biting cold wind in the west. He is not tall and has a stocky build. He has no military temperament and looks more like a middle-aged migrant worker.

Officers and soldiers all know that Captain Xue likes to wear old-fashioned camouflage uniforms. At that time, there was only one type of camouflage uniforms for the three armed forces. They were all type 87 jungle camouflage training uniforms, jacket style with rubber bands on the hem. The army, navy and air force, including the Second Artillery Corps, all have the same style.

Xue Xiangdong, who was almost 40 years old, held a very aloof position in the Air Force 73 Division. Whether you said he was maverick or conservative, in his eyes it was all passing by.

Because of this, he has no airs and gets along with the soldiers like brothers. Even the soldiers dare to joke and complain with him. But he is very strict with cadres, even harsh.

For example, the young staff captain sitting in the back row at this time could only listen to the driver who was only a second-term non-commissioned officer joking with the regiment commander. He was always careful to accompany him, let alone participate in it.

Another characteristic of Xue Xiangdong is that he likes to sit in the passenger seat. On the contrary, his staff can often enjoy the treatment in the back seat.

"Awesome man, I'm better than your captain." Xue Xiangdong rolled down the window and lit a cigarette.

The young staff captain wanted to stop him, but in the end he didn't dare to speak.

Xue Xiangdong puffed away contentedly and said, "Have you ever seen three first-class merits in less than a year after joining the army?"

"What? How is that possible!" the driver exclaimed.

"There is one second-class merit and two third-class merit. Damn it, I have been flying for half my life and I still haven't achieved this result." Xue Xiangdong spat out.

"Then, then, why did our group come?" the driver said subconsciously.

Xue Xiangdong stared, "Xiao Chenzi, what do you mean, am I bad at Yaotong and Yaotuan?"

"No, no, although our regiment's equipment is slightly behind, its fighting style is extremely tenacious and its training is quite solid." The driver quickly made amends.

In fact, everyone knows that the 101st Regiment is the undisputed first-line and third-rate unit among the Air Force aviation units - stationed on the front line and equipped with third-rate equipment.

"What does it mean to send such a top person to explain that the superiors attach great importance to us! Do you know what it means? The superiors are starting to pay attention, and the shotgun can be replaced with cannons just around the corner! I don't care about Jianshi, Su Liangqi, if you want to go up, just go to the latest Jianxiang Jianten Six." Xue Xiangdong waved his hand vigorously and said. The cigarette ashes fell on the center console. He went over to blow them away in one breath and wiped them with his sleeve.

Xue Xiangdong said longingly, "I have thought about it. I will announce the appointment as soon as I receive him. I will be the deputy captain first, and then he will be sent to Chang'an to study. When I come back, I will be the deputy regiment within three years. The superiors value our regiment so much." For such a talented person to come, our group cannot fail to express his gratitude."

It was unbelievable to decide the personnel arrangements of the regiment in just a few words, and in front of the soldiers in the car. However, the captain staff officers and pilots in the rear row have long been accustomed to it.

Along the way, Xue Xiangdong kept looking forward to the future of the 101st Regiment, which was obviously bright and full of hope.

How would he feel if he knew that the adults in his eyes were demoted?

"Give the gas!" Xue Xiangdong looked at the Seagull waterproof mechanical watch with scratches on the mirror. It was already 13:30 in the afternoon. "The flight is not delayed. It should land at 14:15, within half an hour. Get to the airport.”

"Don't worry, captain, we will definitely make it there." The driver was full of confidence. He had traveled this road many times and knew the way to take the shortest time.

After getting on the asphalt road in the suburbs of the city, the speed suddenly increased. The driver turned on the police lights on the central grid, which were very eye-catching even in the daytime. He also sounded the special police sonic horn from time to time, constantly overtaking local vehicles.

The phone rings.

Xue Xiangdong took it out and put it close to his ear. It was a Nokia 1030 brick. "Commander, I am Xue Xiangdong. Yes, I am on the way. I will definitely arrive before the flight lands. I won't lose face. Hahaha, what? Oh, okay, okay, I know. ”

"Go to the military station guest house." Xue Xiangdong said thoughtfully.

The driver thought he heard wrongly, "Where are you going? Isn't it an airport?"

"The military station guest house." Xue Xiangdong frowned and said thoughtfully, "The official plane I was on landed an hour ago. Now I am waiting at the military station guest house. The division commander and their division political commissar are all there."

The captain and staff officer in the back row gasped suddenly, and the driver was so surprised that he stopped holding the steering wheel and the car swayed slightly.

"It's a business jet..."

"It's so fierce!"

The staff captain finally couldn't help but interjected, "Captain, it seems that the superiors don't pay enough attention to our regiment."

“What do you know?” Why do pilots deserve so much effort and such high standards? Our commander has never flown on official planes a few times."

The captain and staff officer felt very aggrieved. The driver could say whatever he said, but I just flattered him along the pole. As for flattering him, why not go up all at once?

Xue Xiangdong said to himself, "I'm afraid this matter is not simple, but what is the ins and outs of it? The new ace of the second division was transferred to our third-line fighter pilot... Could it be that a mistake was made? It is impossible to have such a high standard if a mistake is made. Give it away."

After all, he had no clue. He had always been very open-minded, so he simply leaned back comfortably and said with a smile, "No matter how many things he does, he is a real talent in the end, and he will only benefit our group without any harm."

The pilot smiled and said, "That's right. As long as the plane can fly smoothly, I don't care who he is."

"You, comrade, just don't sound good when you talk. Remember, be polite to me, and make sure that people feel the enthusiasm of our rag king in the west." Xue Xiangdong said seriously, not without mocking himself.

The driver said, "I understand, commander, you can rest assured."

The captain and staff officer felt even more aggrieved. Aren't the driver's words even more exaggerated? Why didn't they pick him up? Why did they pick on the cadre? Is it because the cadre's salary is higher than that of the non-commissioned officer? Is it just because cadres are cadres?

Who doesn't know that the soldiers of the 101st Regiment are happy because they have a regimental commander who prefers big-headed soldiers.

When Xue Xiangdong hurried to the hostel of the military station, Air Force Colonel Chen Hualin, commander of the Air Force 73 Division, was talking to Fang Chenghe in the small reception room. It was half business and half private, and the two of them had met several times in southern Xinjiang, so the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

"Lao Fang, your Second Division is the trump card. If you dislike this or dislike that, my 73rd Division will not dislike it. Do you still have any soldiers who are willing to come over? I will accept them all." Chen Hualin took a puff of cigarette and said with a smile. .

Fang Chenghe said with a helpless smile, "Mr. Chen, please let me finish what I'm saying. You've blocked the road before I even opened my mouth. How can we continue talking?"

"There's nothing to talk about. Isn't it that Comrade Li Zhan's way of showing love is wrong? I don't care if your Second Division cares about it, and Xue Xiangdong doesn't even care. So you can rest assured that I, the 73rd Division, will definitely take it. Treat Comrade Li Zhan as a brother who is closer than himself." Chen Hualin said with a smile.

Fang Chenghe smiled bitterly, "That's what I'm afraid of. Mr. Chen, I'll tell you the truth. Before I came here, our commander repeatedly told me to ask you to help me with this. I'll first put him in the 73rd Division to practice and sharpen his edges." It can take as little as one year or as long as two years, and he will still have to return to the Second Division."

"Are you kidding me?" Chen Hualin squinted his eyes, lit another cigarette, put out the match and threw it into the ashtray, took a puff of cigarette and said, "Personnel files, organizational relations, you have to give them all to me. Turn around or you take the person back.”

Fang Chenghe was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Chen Hualin to be so disrespectful.

After thinking for a while, Fang Chenghe said, "Mr. Chen, please help us. We also have our own difficulties."

"This matter is not negotiable. If you want to transfer people, you have to go through the procedures. Your Second Division wants nothing. Even if it is to engage in confrontation training, I, the Seventy-third Division, are not qualified to be your opponent. Political Commissar Fang, I will say something ugly. I said here, if you agree, you will stay, otherwise, I will take you to the airport." Chen Hualin said.

Fang Chenghe also came to his senses, and secretly cursed himself and the Second Master. His self-confidence as the best in the world, and having been in an environment of special care and protection from his superiors for a long time, over time, he believed that everyone in the world had to give in to him, so he had his own self-esteem. Big mentality.

Many people privately made fun of the Seventy-Third Division, saying that she was the king of rags in the west. how you said that? Throughout the history of the 73rd Division, the unit has never been equipped with new equipment. All the fighter planes used by the division are second-hand goods that have been eliminated by brother forces.

Why did Qi Hong choose to transfer Li Zhan to the 73rd Division instead of other units?

Because the J-7II fighters eliminated by the Second Division many years ago were taken over by the 73rd Division. According to this regulation, if the 73rd Division wants to retrofit new models, it can only follow the Second Division and "pick up old clothes and wear them."

This is where the name King of Rags comes from.

Therefore, Qi Hong believed that Chen Hualin would not refuse to help, because if the 73rd Division wanted to "wear new clothes", it had to give the Second Division a smile.

Stable update resumed, chapter 1 at 0:05, chapter 1 at 7:00 p.m. Thank you brothers for your support!

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