Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 101 The Last Dignity

The Rag King also has dignity.

The country's poor troops don't have much money to buy airplanes. I can wait, and I can take over what you used. However, my soldiers must be my soldiers, and they will never "educate others' children."

It comes down to the self-esteem of the troops.


Just because I am a rag picker?

Chen Hualin only complained that the political commissar of the second division was here, not the division commander, and he had some friendship with this political commissar, otherwise he would not be able to relieve his anger without scolding him.

What do you think I am?

It’s all junk anyway, so what’s the difference between me picking up someone else’s and your second master’s?

Chen Hualin was furious, but on the surface he remained calm, showing no sign of how angry he was.

"Commander Chen, our fourth regiment will soon refit the J-10, and the J-7E currently equipped will definitely be handed over to our brother troops." Fang Chenghe said in a deep voice.

Chen Hualin said, "That's right. The troops are still very poor. Use them as much as you can. The combat direction you are responsible for on the southern frontline is more important. The pressure on combat readiness is relatively high. You should give priority to modifying third-generation aircraft. Our Seventy-Three will use them anyway. The J-7 is also easy to use. There is not much difference between the E-type and the E-type."

The implication: I don’t care.

Fang Chenghe continued to say in a deep voice, "The order to modify the J-10 was issued suddenly. Before that, it was decided to modify the G-type of the J-7 first. Mr. Chen, you probably know the G-type. It has changed a lot. It has the capabilities of a quasi-third-generation aircraft." Combat capability.”

Chen Hualin snorted and said, "That's why it's so annoying to say that people are more powerful than others. We are using Type 2 that has been in service for more than ten years. You can choose whatever you want, and even the latest Type G is disgusted."

"Our division made some inquiries before coming here. The batch of G-types has not yet been clearly assigned to which unit. I think our second division has a certain say in this aspect..." Fang Chenghe said.

Chen Hualin's eyes rolled up, wondering what she was thinking.

"Mr. Chen, you help me and I'll help you. Brothers should help each other, right?" Fang Chenghe said with a slight smile.

Chen Hualin thought quickly, "Is this true?"

So delicious.

"Commander Chen, you have forgotten that our two armies have been paired up before. Of course we should cooperate with each other. This is absolutely no problem." Fang Chenghe said.

Chen Hualin said, "Deal."

Fang Chenghe breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and saluted, "Thank you, Mr. Chen."

"Don't worry about thanking him yet." Chen Hualin waved his hand and said, "I can let him work in the 101st Regiment on a temporary basis for at most one year. If you don't take him back after the time limit, you have to send me the files. One day If we don’t see the J-7G within a year, you have to send me the files. I can’t work in vain and end up with nothing.”

Fang Chenghe chuckled, "No problem."

"One more thing." Chen Hualin said in a deep voice, "I have always valued talents. To be honest, I really want this soldier. If he personally proposes to stay in the 73rd Division, I hope your Second Division will not stop him. I, Seventh Division No matter how bad the equipment of the Thirteenth Division is, it is still a front-line fully trained unit and a unit with all-weather combat capabilities. I can't always pick up rags."

This is a very serious statement.

Fang Chenghe pondered and agreed, "Okay, I agree. If he is unwilling to return to the Second Division, I will not stop him. Our Second Division does not want soldiers who are 'in Cao's camp but in Han'."

Words that seemed familiar.

"It's a deal."

In a few words, Li Zhan's fate was decided.

For the Rag King's troops, as long as they have new equipment, can their pride be eaten away?

In a moment, Xue Xiangdong and others arrived and immediately reported to Chen Hualin. After talking for more than ten minutes, Xue Xiangdong felt a little depressed and his face looked unhappy. Anyone would be unhappy if he had it with him. I thought I had picked up a treasure, but I didn't expect that I was just here for a temporary job. Of course, Chen Hualin kept silent about Li Zhan's mistakes.

"Oh, I should have thought of it earlier. Why would talents run here?" Xue Xiangdong lit a cigarette and started smoking it in front of Chen Hualin.

Chen Hualin in turn comforted Xue Xiangdong, "Don't be unhappy. Even if he is given to you, what will happen? The most broken models he flies in the Second Division are more advanced than the aircraft of your regiment. Can you keep him? Don't even think about it. There are too many. Isn’t it worthy of one’s conscience to treat people well and give them a good-looking experience of hard-working grassroots work in remote areas?”

"That's not what you say." Xue Xiangdong retorted, "The fact that our regiment's aircraft are lagging behind now does not mean that it will always be lagging behind. Maybe we will be directly equipped with new third-generation aircraft in the future?"

"Xue Dapao, that's what you are good at. You are better at comforting people than I am."

What kind of generals and what kind of soldiers? Chen Hualin, who already knew the destiny, didn't seem to know the destiny at all. He was still the arrogant and rough Commander Wang. So his subordinates all have this kind of character. Anyway, the equipment is the worst, so they don't care if it gets worse. It has the meaning of breaking the pot. But in terms of combat training, there is no compromise at all. They are just as hardworking and have a grassroots counterattack heart.

"Commander, I have made arrangements for him. He will be the deputy captain first, then go to Chang'an for training, and he will be promoted to a higher level when he comes back. After a year or two, he will be promoted to deputy regiment." Xue Xiangdong sighed.

Chen Hualin laughed angrily, "Did you mention the deputy regiment cadre on your own initiative? You have forgotten who you are, right Xue Dapao? You can go to the Chang'an training class just by asking? Do you think you are the commander?"

"Isn't it enough for the regiment to recommend and be approved by the division? What, division commander, you won't disagree, right?" questionable."

Fortunately, Fang Chenghe was not here, otherwise he would have taken Li Zhan and left here immediately - no one in the 73rd Division was reliable. It is simply a joke that the main league position should be promoted to the deputy league position.

But this is the Seventy-Third Division. There is nothing that cannot be lost, so it is calm, which means being strong without desire. Just as Xue Xiangdong dared to confront Chen Hualin, Chen Hualin dared to confront the deputy commander when he arrived at the military region.

The most humble person is invincible, and "mean" here refers to backwardness and poverty.

Xue Xiangdong's words seemed unbelievable to others, but Chen Hualin was used to it. He thought about it and said, "That's right. Three first-class merits. There may be a fourth one soon. Special treatment can be given when promoting such cadres." "

"But he is only on a temporary basis, what should we do about this?" Xue Xiangdong asked.

Chen Hualin glared, "You must have drunk too much fake wine. Since you are on a temporary job, you will be someone else's cadre. What do you worry about? Give him a deputy captain, and he can do whatever he wants, as long as nothing happens."

"This trip was in vain." Xue Xiangdong was very disappointed.

Chen Hualin said sternly, "Xue Xiangdong, I'm warning you, be polite to people. If the Second Division doesn't look good, we won't have a hard time either. Do you still want to replace the master J-6 of the training brigade?"

"Of course I do, even in my dreams." Xue Xiangdong became excited, "Commander, look at the entire army, how can any combat unit still retain the sixth child? I heard that the aviation school is almost no longer needed. So we are the treasures. Serve like a child."

Oh my god, it's 2009, and the 101st Regiment of the 73rd Division actually has J-6s.

An old fellow who has served for half a century!

"If you want to change it, just get it done. In one year at most, I will send you the latest J-7." Chen Hualin waved his hand, very boldly, just like giving his children a meal of meat during the New Year.

Xue Xiangdong could no longer hold the cigarette, and his eyes were about to burst into flames. "Sir, are you serious about this? There is no joke in the army. Don't make fun of me, old Xue. I am already forty, at most I can do it again." A few years. Before I leave the army, I can see the regiment changing its equipment, and I will die with peace of mind. Commander, as long as you change the equipment of our regiment, I will treat him as my ancestor!"

My nose is a little sore.

The Second Division is picky about third-generation aircraft, and the Seventy-third Division is guarding the Chinese Air Force.

Brothers are in a hurry and have released today's second chapter in advance. Everyone should go to bed early and have a good night.

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