Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 105 I don’t believe in that evil

In Beiku in December, it was freezing and snowy, so Li Zhan was blinded - he could not go back to the station.

Heavy snow blocked the only combat readiness road leading to the station. After talking to the regiment on the phone, he could only go to the hostel of the military station and show his ID to check in.

After settling in, Li Zhan watched the heavy snow falling outside the venue, which was particularly conspicuous under the street lights. With nothing going on, he tried to call the Second Division using the military landline. Three months have passed, and any resentment has long since dissipated. I miss my comrades-in-arms, Nie Jianfeng, Tang Leilei, Niu Yaoyang, the arrogant man, and Lou Yiwang, who was implicated by him.

After seven twists and turns, he actually got through the phone number of the Fourth Regiment's agency. What's even more coincidental was that the agency was working overtime, and Lou Yiwang was helping.

A few minutes later, Li Zhan and Lou Yiwang got in touch, and they chatted excitedly. However, Lou Yiwang's side seemed to be quite slow. Li Zhan felt disappointed and finally asked, "Yes, how are Captain Nie and the others? How is Nighthawk Squadron?"

Okay, what the heck, if you leave, what kind of Nighthawk Squadron will there be? Besides, it’s just the J-8FR, which casts a shadow on you. You don’t even dare to fly, and it has long existed in name only.

Lou Yiwang thought this in his heart but didn't dare to say it. He sighed slightly and said, "It's not bad. I'm definitely not as energetic as Brother Yi when you were here. Nie Jianfeng was selected for the Flying Sharks training team and has been gone for two months. Tang Leilei is still here, and the division has set up a modification brigade, and he is one of them. I am also training to modify the J-10."

Li Zhan was even more frustrated and asked sourly, "Flying Shark Training Team, is it a carrier-based fighter training camp?"

"Yes, it has been rumored for a long time, and now it is confirmed. Our division has a lot of top players. Brother No. 1, the Flying Shark Training Team is selected by the entire army. The Air Force Air Force and Naval Air Force only look at strength. You should sign up. , I can definitely go." Lou Yiwang reported an important situation.

A glimmer of hope arose in Li Zhan's heart, "So that's it..."

"Brother Yi, don't hate the teacher." Lou Yiwang said in a deep voice.

Li Zhan sighed, "You all know."

"I understand, brothers are all on your side, but you also have to understand the teacher's difficulties." Lou Yiwang comforted.

"There's nothing to hate. It's not bad here. The scenery around the station is really beautiful. You can see the scenery all year round from a mountain. Working here is like working in a painting. ." Li Zhanyan said with a sincere smile, what kept flashing in front of his eyes was the old body of "Lao Liu".

Lou Yiwang felt relieved and said with a smile, "Isn't that great? Yes, when you go home to visit relatives, remember to go back to the old army. We all miss you."

"Okay, I will definitely do it. Lao Lou, just get busy and hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhan couldn't help but sigh. His understanding of carrier-based fighter jets only exists on paper. Although his understanding is not profound, he is very clear that flying carrier-based fighter jets is the ultimate position of every pilot. All take-off and landing work is completed on a deck that is only 200 meters long and 50 meters wide, and it requires the essence of flight technology to be concentrated.

Must fight for it.

Li Zhan couldn't wait a minute, so he picked up the phone and called back to the group, directly asking Xue Xiangdong.

"Captain, I am Li Zhan. I heard that there is a flying shark training team that is recruiting carrier-based fighter pilots. I would like to sign up for it." Li Zhan got straight to the point.

Xue Xiangdong was also unambiguous, "Are you going to open the J-6 aircraft carrier?"

Li Zhan was stopped by one sentence.

"I have heard about what you are talking about, but our division is not within the scope. Xiao Li, we have a long way to go. I dare not say anything else. But I can guarantee you one thing. As long as you work hard in our regiment, in the future, There are some advanced models for you to fly, don’t worry!” Xue Xiangdong said confidently.

If he had just arrived at that time, Li Zhan might have believed it. Ever since he learned from the young cadres of other services and arms that Xue Xiangdong was a famous loudmouth in the military region, known as Xue Dapao, Li Zhan was suspicious of Xue Xiangdong's words.

Li Zhan sighed and said, "I know, I will definitely sign up if I have the opportunity in the future."

"Needless to say, if our division is within the selection range, I will apply for you directly. If you do well, you will also win honor for our group, right? Okay, let's put this matter aside for the time being. Yes, when the snow stops tomorrow, Lao Lu’s brothers will go out to clear the snow on the war preparation road, and I will ask them to pick you up and bring you back."

"Yes." Li Zhan replied weakly.

Putting down the phone again, Li Zhan was in a bad mood. He couldn't help but call the number given by his master, and was surprised to find that he was refused transfer. This put another layer of gloom in Li Zhan's heart.

What on earth is Master doing?

After a sleepless night, the next day, an army infantry regiment stationed nearby came to Taitai to haul a heavy truck, took Li Zhan with him, and roared all the way towards Beikuchang Station. About one battalion of troops used various snow plowing machines to clear the snow on the combat readiness road. Astonishingly, there were snowplows modified from the chassis of the 59 tank. Two of them, one horse in a row, were advancing in front, while the troops followed behind to clean up the remaining snow.

We continued like this until evening, and then we successfully met up with the field service company that was cleaning up from the station to the city. The two parties have been cooperating for a long time, and the process is quite proficient. They said hello and went home.

Yang Jinshan jumped out of the Cheetah. He was wearing a black leather flight suit and holding a 07 desert camouflage coat in his hand as he strode over.

"Xiao Li, put this on." Yang Jinshan handed the coat in his hand to Li Zhan, and the driver had already taken Li Zhan's luggage.

Li Zhan was shivering from the cold and was not polite. He quickly put on his coat and said, "The cold here is different from the cold in the north. I should have brought my coat."

"According to the carrying regulations, your backpack was packed correctly. It was autumn three months ago." Yang Jinshan handed over a cigarette, lit it for Li Zhan, and then lit one himself.

Li Zhan hesitated for a moment, and then started to smoke comfortably.

"How is the training going? The accommodation and food are not bad. It was very difficult when I participated before. I heard that now they are all single-person dormitories." Yang Jinshan smiled and chatted with Li Zhan, not taking Li Zhan seriously at all. Look at it as a junior officer.

On the other side, the officers and soldiers of the field maintenance company and the maintenance brigade were working feverishly to clear the last part of the snow on the road to the edge.

Li Zhan replied, "I heard from the instructor that the environment is much better. The new barracks we live in this time are small single suites. The accommodation environment is very comfortable. The food is based on the highest standards for trainees. I am not the highest-ranked military officer, but I am a Kongqinzao standard, so the food will be unified to the Kongqinzao standard.”

"Oh, so those people are taking advantage of you." Yang Jinshan laughed and blew out a puff of smoke.

Li Zhan watched the smoke he exhaled quickly rise and disappear, and he took a heavy drag on his cigarette and asked, "Deputy Regiment Yang, the officers and soldiers of our regiment seem to be quite aggressive smokers."

"Ten years ago, I asked my commander the same question when I arrived at the 101st Regiment. Oh, the division commander was the old commander of our regiment. At that time, the commander was still the brigade captain." Yang Jinshan walked towards the roadside of the combat readiness highway, looking at A white forest in the distance said, "Look here, the station is a two-hour drive from Beikucheng District. During the season when the mountains are closed by heavy snow, communication is completely cut off. From the station to the nearest market, there is a township. It’s also an hour’s drive away.”

At this point, he looked at Li Zhan and said, "Many conscripts have been in the 101st Regiment for two years and have never been out of a field. There is a lack of extracurricular activities and recreational facilities. To be the leader of the 101st Regiment, you don't have to look at flying skills. , depends on management ability. Among the leaders of the regiment, Captain Xue’s flying skills are above average. But he has the ability to manage the 101st regiment, which is located under the desert foothills. From the time he became the regiment’s chief of staff to now , in the entire ten years, there has not been a single disciplinary incident in the 101st Regiment.”

The honest image of Xue Xiangdong flashed before Li Zhan's eyes, and he was in awe.

With a passion to die together with the enemy, most Chinese soldiers can do it. However, during non-war periods, the entire regiment's officers and soldiers were convinced and obeyed the rules without any violation of discipline for ten years, which is a model.

Troop management during non-war periods will test the leadership and management capabilities of the unit commander more than troop management during war periods.

Isn't Li Zhan a clear proof?

His whims actually reflect the lack of management ability of Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe.

"So, from now on, if the leader says something that is not pleasant to the ears, you must not take it to heart. He has that kind of character, and everyone knows it. The leader who has given himself up to nothing has already become more than just our leader. Long." Yang Jinshan said with memories, and became heavy as he spoke.

Li Zhan realized the emotion and said seriously, "Of course, the leader's words are orders. I will absolutely obey management and obey orders."

"Li Zhan, I won't beat around the bush with you, and the people of the 101st Regiment don't like to beat around the bush either. Let me tell you this, you are not an ordinary cadre, and you should not be treated differently by the regiment leaders. Just look at it now, I am like The regiment leader and you are standing together smoking and chatting. Would another cadre dare to do this? Don’t forget, the regiment has very strict management of cadres. Any cadre who dares to do this will have to be reviewed at the shift meeting the next day." Yang Jinshan said straight to the point.

Staring into Li Zhan's eyes, Yang Jinshan said, "You should understand what I mean."

Li Zhan said, "Deputy Yang, you think things are too complicated. I am just a soldier. No matter what happened in the past, I am just a soldier after all. I fully understand my position."

With four first-class merits added to his body, Li Zhan can fight with the 101st Regiment, and with the 73rd Division, he can... he can do too much, and it is absolutely certain that as long as he is not fighting with the local Things are related, he is the most handsome guy in the army.

Throwing down the cigarette butt and stamping it out, Li Zhan said with a wry smile, "Vice-Tuan Yang, you wouldn't come here to warn me, would you? I really have never meant to be arrogant. My past achievements represent the past, and even the present I can’t explain it, let alone talk about the future. I am definitely not betting on staying in the 101st Regiment, but I have realized some truths in a short period of time. Can I achieve something in the so-called ace unit? If That's right. How do you explain the military history of our army? Where do so many examples of the inferiority defeating the superior come from? I don't believe that the dagger in my hand cannot kill an enemy holding an automatic rifle. At least in the face of such an enemy, I have Courage to rush forward, even if it can only be blocked by flesh and blood."

Yang Jinshan looked at Li Zhan blankly and got to know Li Zhan again. After a long time, he said, "You should be doing political work. Even I made you talk so passionately that you wanted to throw your head and shed your blood."

"How can I do political work? I just speak from my heart."

"Okay, it seems that the group leader is very discerning when he proposes that you become a captain."

"I am the captain...not the deputy anymore?"

Can you still get promoted and move people around?

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