Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 106 I heard that you use the engine to fly a plane

The regimental headquarters building is a two-story frame building, very long, like two rows of bungalows stacked on top of each other. It has three stairs, one on the left and one in the middle. It is painted in gray and white, the same as the J-6. It is said that it is It was built fifty years ago and has been repaired and renovated many times and is still in use today.

With the regiment headquarters building as the center, there are some bungalows scattered everywhere, which are the barracks of the teams directly under the regiment. Not far behind the regiment building is the so-called living area. Compared with the modern living area of ​​the Second Division, it is a slum. The bungalows in Yishui are not that young, most of them are in their twenties or thirties.

Early the next morning, Yang Jinshan took Li Zhan to the regiment headquarters building.

"The superior leaders came to inspect our group. Very few stayed to eat, and almost no one visited the camp. Do you know why?" Yang Jinshan said as he led Li Zhan through the snow.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "I can probably guess it."

"Tell me about it." Yang Jinshan asked with great interest. He just walked to the small yard and simply stopped at the long stone bench, sat down and took out his cigarette.

The long stone benches have been cleaned cleanly. In terms of hygiene, apart from the hospital, it is also the military camp, and it is not generally good.

Li Zhan smiled bitterly and took the cigarette from Yang Jinshan, sat down and said, "Deputy commander, your lung capacity will be reduced if you smoke like this. It will have an impact on flying."

"I heard that there are pilots abroad who dig holes in their masks to smoke cigars and smoke while flying the plane. It seems that this is also the case in Pakistan." Yang Jinshan said with a smile, took a comfortable puff and spit it out comfortably.

Li Zhan smokes without any psychological pressure. His boss smokes cigarettes. If he doesn't smoke, he is disobeying his superiors' instructions, so he can smoke comfortably.

"Tell me, what did you guess?" Yang Jinshan said.

Li Zhan said, "Probably because the barracks are too shabby and the food is poor. As a leader, the troops under his control are in such an environment. Under today's circumstances, it is somewhat dazzling. Anyway, out of sight, out of mind. But the leader There is nothing we can do, military spending is so small, there are so many mouths to open, everything has its priorities."

"We got to the point." Yang Jinshan stared deeply at the dilapidated barracks and said in a deep voice, "Yes, it's so embarrassing, but we have to look at it. No matter how poor he is, he is still a son, not a stepmother. It's uncomfortable. The chief makes it difficult for us. It’s also uncomfortable, what can I do, there is no way, no matter what age, someone has to sacrifice silently behind the scenes.”

He sighed deeply, "It's very helpless for such a big country, so many people, and such a large territory, but the enemy doesn't care if you have money or not, they just want to celebrate the New Year at your home all day long. What should I do? Beat them, beat them to death." Fight until he is scared, until his legs become weak when he sees our soldiers. How can we fight without good equipment? We must pay for it with human lives, one fight for one, two fight for one, in short, fight to the end."

"We must fight, fight clearly, and create peace for decades at a time. Isn't that what we do?" Li Zhan deeply felt the same and admired Yang Jinshan, the deputy commander who was a master's student in the urban corps. I even thought of a saying, an angry young man never dies, he just becomes a father.

Li Zhan said, "Except for the secondary artillery, which has always been given priority, among the three major services, the navy has received unprecedented attention since the Gulf War. In fact, I even think that most of our limited military expenditures in the past two decades have been invested in Regarding the development of the navy. You have no choice. The future is a world of oceans. This is a consensus. If the navy cannot develop it, you will not be able to export the influence of military power. What should we do? The air force and army can only endure and wait for the navy to run through the first stage. , when we have enough money, we can go back and bring in the Air Force and Army."

"Yes, you are right. This is why I can survive in the 101st Regiment. I always believe that the spring of the 101st Regiment will come soon, and we will not keep driving the old six and the small seven." Yang Jinshan said .

"So, deputy team leader, how much does Lao Liu's lever fee cost?" Li Zhan asked.

Yang Jinshan choked on the smoke and coughed for a while. After regaining his breath, he said, "You, I'm not used to your brain circuit. Just now you were so impassioned and loyal to serve your country. Why have you suddenly become a philistine?"

Li Zhan retorted, "How can this be philistine? When we first joined the army, we did physical fitness. The instructor said that we could do a hundred push-ups in one breath and we were rewarded with cigarettes. We all worked hard, not just to smoke cigarettes. It's very During the war, it was no longer enough to engage in ideological education, and now that we are in a materialistic society, we need to mention substantive things, at least to make everyone less worried."

"Oh, you should be a political worker. I've been convinced by you." Yang Jinshan shook his head helplessly, "It's not much money to drive the sixth one, about a hundred yuan. You don't have a chance now if you think about it. The sixth one in the training brigade is Save it for Xin Fei to practice."

Li Zhan shrugged, "Then let's stick to the J-7. One hundred dollars is a bit too little."

"Okay, stop talking, let's go, the leader is waiting."

Yang Jinshan waved his hand and led Li Zhan quickly to the regiment building and went straight to Xue Xiangdong's office.

After entering the door, Xue Xiangdong was puffing away, and Li Zhan was puzzled. Are all the 101st regiment smokers? How did they do it? I heard that in the past, Captain Xue couldn’t put down his chopsticks without half a pound of wine. If this was in the Second Division, he would have been punished a hundred times.

The layout and decoration have a sense of time travel, which is in line with the temperament of Lao Liu.

"Xiao Li is back. Sit, sit, sit, sit. How do you feel about the training? Are your classmates getting along well? Let me tell you, you are the only one in the Air Force this time. You are working hard and working hard. According to the training class As far as the principle of high or low is concerned, those people have all benefited from you, how about it, have you appointed a squad leader?" Xue Xiangdong's hearty voice rang out, motioning for the two of them to sit down.

Li Zhan stood at attention and replied, "Report to the leader, I am the secretary of the party branch of the training class, temporary."

"This is very good. It's more valuable than the squad leader. Those classmates of yours will all call you leader from now on. Sit down, sit down and talk." Xue Xiangdong laughed.

After chatting for a few more words, Xue Xiangdong's face straightened and he said, "Li Zhan, sit down and let the regiment study and decide and leave the task of establishing the Blue Army brigade to you."

Li Zhan was confused. Why did a blue army team appear?

Yang Jinshan nodded to Xue Xiangdong and explained to Li Zhan, "According to the order of the Military Region Air Force Headquarters, our 73rd Division is responsible for forming a simulated Blue Army unit. The division has given this important task to our regiment. After repeated studies in the regiment, I think you are the most suitable to be the captain of this brigade. Li Zhan, I heard that you have defeated HNA’s simulated blue army three times.”

"Haihang simulated the Blue Army. The opponents we fought three times were all Yunba. We have never fought against their fighters, so our experience cannot be transferred."

When Li Zhan heard the words "serve as the captain", he felt excited. He originally said he would be the deputy captain, but now he will go directly to the main camp. What good news!

After knocking the ashes from his cigarette, Xue Xiangdong said, "You are wrong about this. Experience is experience, and it is completely transferable. At least you know better than others what confrontation is like. We have always been fighting against ourselves, and we know the root cause of the fight. What colors are there? The simulated blue army brigade this time is for all the flying regiments in the military region. It is the grindstone force of the military region. It must be you. "

Li Zhan finally stood up and said resolutely, "Captain, I am determined to complete the mission!"

"I believe you have the ability and confidence to complete this task. Sit down." Xue Xiangdong said seriously, "Tell me how you plan to do it."

Li Zhan was summoned here just to talk about this matter.

Yang Jinshan coughed a little and reminded, "Captain, should you tell Comrade Li Zhan about the appointment first? Let him be mentally prepared."

You have to feed the horse, what's the point of just cracking the whip?

Xue Xiangdong came back to his senses, smiled and quickly took out the order from the drawer and handed it to Li Zhan, "The division has appointed you to the main camp, Major Jin. Comrade Li has been promoted like a rocket."

Looking at the signature of the Air Force Commander on the order, Li Zhan was satisfied and said, "Commander, I will continue to work hard to make new achievements and contribute to the construction of a modern People's Air Force!"

"This kid comes as soon as he opens his mouth. He is a political worker." Xue Xiangdong said with a smile.

Yang Jinshan said, "How about holding a meeting to study it?"

Li Zhan became anxious and said quickly, "Captain, deputy commander, I don't have that ability. I can only fly planes and stuff. I really can't do political work. I really can't do it."

"Okay!" Xue Xiangdong slapped the table and said seriously, "I heard that you drive planes and pay for engines. Other troops are afraid of me but not me. There are hundreds of engines sealed in the warehouse. If you have the ability, you can drive them all for me and scrap them. You give me I can build it, as long as you can drive it!"

Li Zhan's eyes lit up, "Commander, did you say that there will be no limit on my flight time? Is the sealed engine the J-7-2?"

"Most of them are, they are all dismantled from retired fighter planes of our brother armies. Many of them can still fly for more than a hundred hours and are in very good condition. As for your flight time, it depends on your experience in building a simulated Blue Army brigade. According to the regulations, the training time will definitely be tilted towards you, I guarantee this." Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan was immediately stimulated. As long as the flight time was not limited, he could say anything!

Any grievances or scoldings are just floating clouds, just let them fly freely! He really didn't care much about what type of aircraft he was flying. In the final analysis, what he yearned for deep down in his heart was the feeling of looking down at all living beings. At that moment, he was the savior.

"It's just..." After Li Zhan calmed down, he frowned in thought and said, "Using the J-7-2 to simulate a powerful enemy's third-generation aircraft, will it make Xiaoxiao a joke?"

"What?" Neither Xue Xiangdong nor Yang Jinshan understood what was said.

Li Zhan explained, "Can the J-7-2 be able to shoulder such a heavy burden? In our Lankong aviation unit, there are only a few fighter flight groups, and they all use the Baye and the relatively new J-7E type."

"The equipment and technology gap can be ignored, mainly in tactics. Except for the equipment and technology gap, everything else is simulated as much as possible to simulate the Blue Army. I don't think this is a big problem." Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan finally understood that Xue Xiangdong and Yang Jinshan actually had no experience in this area, and they looked at each other with blank eyes.

This is probably the main factor in letting go and letting yourself fly with all your strength, right?

How to simulate the construction of blue army troops is a new topic. It is not only pursued by the Air Force, but also by other military services. The earliest simulated Blue Army unit can be traced back to the early 1990s, when a certain division of the Army began to build a professional Blue Army unit, which was the predecessor of Zhu Rihe's Blue Army Brigade.

The pace of the Air Force is slightly slower. In the past two years, the Air Force of various military regions has begun to develop simulated blue army units, which is slower than that of Hainan Airlines.

Li Zhan keenly sensed that this was an opportunity to make a big impact.

I drank too much last night and was deceived by a guy for a chapter. Thank you brothers for the reward. I will send you an extra update. I will update the first chapter of the new day at 0:05. Good night!

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