Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 107 Professional Blues

The western region is vast and sparsely populated. Most of the area is Gobi desert, with mountains, hills, mountains, and plains. Various terrains converge, making it a natural training ground.

Based on this, the blue army in Li Zhan's vision has a lot to do. It took him a week to cover a 100-kilometer radius around the stadium, and another three days to submit a 30,000-word Blues team concept.

That concept plan knocked Xue Xiangdong and Yang Jinshan unconscious. Even Yang Jinshan, a well-informed and talented urban student, was stunned by Li Zhan's magnificent work.

Xue Xiangdong put down the thick concept plan, his unshaven Chinese character face was very serious, he stared at Li Zhan and said, "It is well written, the starting point and the end point are quite accurate. Based on the existing conditions, we will build a new blue army and base it on the ground." , build the Air Force's first simulated Blue Army base. It has a thorough understanding of the topography and landforms of the region, and thorough utilization of existing equipment. It has bright spots in tactics and is quite close to the powerful enemy Air Force. In every aspect, Taking it into consideration, you obviously put in the hard work.”

He changed the subject and said, "However, there is a small problem."

Staring at Li Zhan, he asked, "Comrade Li Zhan, please tell me, are your ideas and plans for the regiment or for the aviation department?"

Yang Jinshan couldn't help laughing and quickly covered it up.

Li Zhan raised his chin slightly, but he did not feel inferior at all. He said, "Captain, if you don't have ideals as a human being, what's the difference between being a salted fish? How will an army develop in the future if it has no enterprising spirit? You often give us It is said that the 101st Group will not remain unknown forever. One day in the future, we will definitely be able to overtake in corners and directly modify fourth-generation aircraft."

Pointing to the concept plan on the table, Li Zhan rubbed his nose, feeling a little tempted to smoke, but he held back and said, "So far, the Air Force Aviation Force does not have a professional tactical training base. The professional tactical training I am referring to The base is a base where professional simulated Blue Army troops are stationed, like the Army's Zhurihe Base. It not only provides training hardware, but also provides opponents, professional opponents."

"In my humble opinion, the 101st Regiment and even the 73rd Division have only this opportunity to achieve overtaking in a corner. The superiors have asked our regiment to be responsible for setting up a simulated blue army brigade to serve as a grindstone for the aviation units in the military region, and there are no other restrictions. . Why don’t we let go and go big? Although conditions are limited, we can do it step by step. Small steps every day add up to a big step every year. A big step for the 101st Regiment is the development of the Air Force. With one small step, we will eventually contribute our strength to the modernization of the People's Air Force..."

"Stop it." Xue Xiangdong raised his hand and made a stop gesture. "The political commissar is not at home. Please let me live in peace for two more days."

Yang Jinshan burst out laughing. Li Zhan was also very embarrassed and couldn't help but laugh too.

After dividing the cigarettes, Xue Xiangdong took two puffs and said, "Okay, I believe in your theory of small steps and big steps. Please tell me specifically, what do you want to do?"

"Concentrate the entire regiment's resources on this matter." Li Zhan said categorically, "Either don't do it, or do your best to do it. Our regiment has not had any heavy tasks for several years, except for combat preparations. To be honest, the regiment The atmosphere here is very dull and lacks much vitality. If it weren’t for your high moral character, leader, I think the 101st regiment would have sunk long ago.”

After being flattered by this flattery, Xue Xiangdong stood back and smiled reservedly. The credit was all his. He stayed under the foothills of the desert for twenty years and gave up his life to the leader. He not only had hard work, but also made indelible contributions.

Li Zhan looked at Yang Jinshan and said, "This concentration is not an ordinary concentration, but a high degree of absolute concentration. All resources and all focus of work must be focused on the work of becoming a professional blue force. We have no money. But there is a place. It is such a big place. In terms of usable area, Beikuchang Station can be ranked at the forefront of the entire army, right? Let’s slowly rebuild and build slowly. As long as we have perseverance and persevere to the end, victory will eventually belong to us, and the enemy will It will tremble under our crotches..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Xue Xiangdong once again raised his hand to stop Li Zhan. "Stop beating me, my head is dizzy. Li Zhan, what you said is correct, what about the specifics, how to do it specifically?"

Yang Jinshan spread his hands and said, "Yes, we have a big framework and a guiding ideology. I don't think it will be a big problem if you want the whole group to concentrate resources on this matter. How to do it specifically is not mentioned in your plan. "

Anyway, the group members only have a few possessions, and if they are all concentrated on you, they won’t be able to support your ambitions.

"Regiment leader, deputy regiment, the strong enemy is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and we are crossing the river by feeling the stones. The reason why I didn't make a specific plan is because I think it is more appropriate to copy the strong enemy's model. In short, how do they organize it? We will organize it however we want, we will use whatever tactics they use, even their serial numbers, code names, and the way they use combat language, etc., etc., in short, the principle is to make as many similarities as possible. It must be As my first move, I thought I would first change the paint of the fighter planes to be exactly the same as those of the powerful enemy air wing."

Xue Xiangdong and Yang Jinshan were both stunned. Is this too much?

"This, will this affect the military's political construction?" Xue Xiangdong asked uncertainly.

Li Zhan said, "Absolutely not. It's just changes in troop tactics and other aspects. To put it bluntly, it means transferring the training methods of powerful enemies. Other aspects of work are of course how to do it."

Yang Jinshan thoughtfully touched his chin and said, "It's interesting."

After some thought, Xue Xiangdong said decisively, "Okay, then just report it to the division. Li Zhan, you can start working on it now."

Li Zhan asked uncertainly, "Commander, will the division headquarters approve it?"

"I'll think of a way, my face is still useful." Xue Xiangdong said deeply while smoking a cigarette, giving Frog a "I don't know if I can withstand it" style of trying to turn the tide.

At first glance, he seems to have an impatient temper and he has decided on a major event with just a few words, but in fact, he is thoughtful and thoughtful. He has already calculated and analyzed it many times, and he must have multiple plans in his mind. Yang Jinshan is the deputy commander of operations and has served in the 101st Regiment for ten years. He knew very well that as long as the group leader agreed and supported what was being done, it was hard to say whether the expected results would be achieved in the end, but there would definitely be no problems.

Some people say that this is a manifestation of Xue Xiangdong's ability, while others say that Xue Xiangdong just has good luck following him.

If it's the latter, meeting a soldier like Li Zhan, who is always following bad luck, can actually have a neutralizing effect.

Li Zhan said, "Commander, if that's the case, then I'll take action. First, I have to select pilots and maintenance personnel from the entire regiment. Every soldier must pass the assessment test."

"No problem, just go ahead and do it."

Xue Xiangdong's straightforward and neat style of action is fully reflected in his actions.

Is there anything the 101st Group can't lose, or is there anything worth losing? J-6 or J-7? No more, nothing left. So, do you still need to worry? When a person is extremely poor, he no longer cares about being poor because he has already reached the bottom. If an army's equipment is like this, what else is there to worry about? Once it's done well, it will skyrocket, and no matter how bad it is, it will be better than it is now. At worst, the status quo has been maintained for decades.

The Second Division had many concerns, but the Seventy-third Division had none.

When Li Zhan unfolded his fists and kicks, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was as comfortable as a fish in water, completely free of restraints. For example, he proposed that the drawbar fees for simulated Blue Army pilots should be increased, higher than those of brother units, so that the specialness of the simulated Blue Army group could be reflected and the pilots would have a sense of honor.

He only mentioned it briefly and never thought that it could be realized.

As a result, the regiment held a meeting of the regiment party committee to discuss the plan. After forming a resolution, it was reported to the division headquarters, which approved it as quickly as possible.

The drawbar fee for simulated Blue Army pilots is set at 325 yuan per hour, which is 25 yuan higher than that of the brother armies and 75 yuan higher than the other two brigades.

Li Zhan was very excited!

Finally no need for two hundred and fifty.

It turns out that Xue Dapao is not only a verbal cannon, but also a real cannon!

Li Zhan declared on the spot that he would fight to the death and fight to the end to make the simulation of the Blue Army team a success!

Xue Xiangdong and Yang Jinshan, who was in charge of the simulation training brigade, finally figured out that Li Zhan was a dog. He would wag his tail when he threw a bone, even if you kicked him hard enough before that. However, this is a simplification of the contradiction. As long as the lever fee is in place, this soldier is easy to manage. Xue Xiangdong couldn't understand why such a good Second Bing Division couldn't manage it well?

Qi Hong: We'll see, there will be times when you cry.

According to the plan, the 101st Regiment's simulated blue army brigade is a large-scale brigade, with 18 J-7L-2 fighter jets in the best condition in the regiment, 18 carefully selected pilots, and carefully selected maintenance personnel. The squadron and the station established a separate logistics support squadron to provide specialized logistics support for the simulated Blue Army brigade. Even the meals were set up independently, and another small stove was opened.

As soon as the plan was announced, the whole group was in an uproar.

The group is notoriously poor, why are they so generous all of a sudden? Everyone couldn't believe it at first, and then they were eager to try it. Their energy and energy suddenly increased a lot, and the fiery passion felt like it would melt the snow on the ground.

When the list of responsible cadres of the simulated Blue Army brigade was announced, Li Zhan suddenly became a favorite in the eyes of the entire regiment's officers and soldiers. He finally got rid of the days of being poked in the spine and scolded. Then the threshold of his dormitory was almost broken. Next to the small courtyard of the regiment leaders is the small courtyard for cadres at the deputy battalion level and above. Three rows of bungalows are laid out in a "door" shape. Li Zhan lives in Room 101.

After dealing with the pilots who came to report their work one after another, Li Zhan began the work of selecting personnel. Pilots are the center of gravity, the foundation, and the cornerstone. The pilot is also the only factor that Li Zhan can control. You can't control the equipment level. Anyway, it's the J-7 J-2, which is at least fifteen years behind the E-type to be eliminated by the Second Division. It was once called the B-type.

Li Zhan doesn't know how to drive Liu Ye, and he won't be able to do it in this life.

The only one who can control it is the pilot. To improve the quality of pilots, not to reach his level, as long as the overall level can reach two-thirds of his, Li Zhan is confident that all the brother troops who come to challenge will be defeated and "die" in the desert. superior.

Li Zhan must learn to be a teacher and a leader. He must not only fly well himself, but also lead his troops to fly well. Unable to contact his master, he approached Political Commissar Chen at the original training base, hoping to get help. When he learned that Li Zhan had become the captain of the brigade, Political Commissar Chen sent him relevant teaching materials without hesitation and encouraged him to roll up his sleeves and work harder. Political Commissar Chen didn't even know that he was "assigned" to the 73rd Division, and Li Zhan was embarrassed to tell him.

While strengthening his own studies, Li Zhan began to study all the files of the pilots in the regiment. During the days when he was not flying airplanes, Li Zhan felt that his life was quite fulfilling.

Time flies so fast and New Year’s Day is here in the blink of an eye. After New Year's Day, the regiment started training and mobilization, and the assessment and testing work officially kicked off.

On a flight day with good weather, Li Zhan stood in the tower as an observer for the first time.

The first update is here. Brothers have voted for the new day. We will continue to update tonight. This month we will maintain daily updates of 10,000 words.

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