Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 108 The Elephant Walk of the Old Guys

On the fourth day of the New Year, yesterday, taking advantage of the New Year's Day holiday, the field service company spent a whole day clearing the snow on the runway to ensure today's flight.

At 7:55 a.m., Li Zhan arrived at the tower on time. Xue Xiangdong and Yang Jinshan were in position and stood on the left and right sides of Li Zhan.

At eight o'clock, Xue Xiangdong ordered, "Let's start."


Li Zhan stood at attention and saluted, raised the microphone to his mouth, and loudly issued an order: "Attention, reference personnel! I am Li Zhan, the chief examiner and the commander of this assessment! My order! All reference personnel line up as planned. Take off, over!”

On the side of the parking bay on the parallel highway, there are neatly parked a row of J-7 and Z-2 aircraft, thirty-six of them, and it is a spectacular sight. The ground crew waved the small red flag vigorously, and the leading J-7 Zhuang Er began to slide out of the parking space. The fighters behind it followed and slowly formed a column.

Elephant walks!

Viewed from the tower, dozens of fighter planes formed a neat column, extending from one end of the parallel road to the other, like a long dragon, marching forward like an elephant. The roar of the engines resounded through the sky above Beikuchang Station. The washed sky was actually sapphire blue, providing the best environment for today's important flight.

Li Zhanshou's blood boiled, and Xue Xiangdong burst into tears.

Even if they were dozens of early-model J-7s, such a grand occasion would be rare.

The 101st Regiment has not seen such a scene for decades. Since the 101st Regiment came to this site forty years ago, Beikuchang Station has never reproduced the busy flight operations of the "international airport" in the past.

"Is the 101st Regiment bad? No, it's not bad at all. Thirty years ago, our 101st Regiment was a prestigious first-class main flying regiment. At that time, our regiment was the first batch of troops equipped with J-7s and was a key construction unit! I 101 The regiment has fifty-four fighter aircraft. It is a large-scale flying regiment. It has been fully equipped for many years and can support half a fighter division."

Xue Xiangdong sighed with emotion, his words full of sadness.

"However, time has passed and people and things have changed. The 101st Regiment is still the 101st Regiment, but the world has changed. The equipment of the entire regiment is not as good as a J-10. Along the way, we have fallen behind a lot."

"Li Zhan, you have confidence and I have even more confidence. In the future, our regiment will complete the modification of third-generation aircraft, and it will be one of the few large-scale aviation regiments in the entire army. If you have the ability to be the commander of the regiment, you will command more air power than many countries." Our air force is even stronger! Come on!"

Li Zhan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Xue Dapao was Xue Dapao. He never forgot Dapao's promise and his unsteady will kept him fooled. Li Zhan even believed that the reason Yang Jinshan, a highly educated cadre with a bright future, stayed in this inhospitable place for ten years was definitely deceived by Xue Dapao.

"Captain, relying on advanced equipment to convince people is not enough. Let's see how I can use the second-generation old guys to defeat those third-generation proud guys." Li Zhan said with his head held high.

Yang Jinshan suddenly said, "Then you are Li Dapao."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xue Xiangdong laughed regardless of his appearance, unaware that Yang Jinshan had also ridiculed him. The cadres in other positions in the tower also burst into laughter, which actually made Li Zhan blush. Today's weatherman is Zhang Yuan. He doesn't really like Xue Xiangdong's style of leadership, but he admires it from the bottom of his heart. It was Xue Xiangdong's uncompromising and bold style that established unparalleled prestige.

There is even a saying in private that one should imitate Xue Xiangdong as a man, a real man and not pretentious.

"Okay, let's get down to business, Li Zhan. Today's command will be entirely handed over to you. I have only one request." Xue Xiangdong put his hands behind his back and said seriously, "Thirty-six go up, and thirty-six land safely."

Li Zhan saluted, "Yes! I promise to complete the mission!"

It was time to test his ability to command a large fleet of aircraft. Xue Xiangdong and Yang Jinshan, one served as his deputy commander and the other served as his combat staff, which was a very high standard.

When a captain wants to convince the public, Li Zhan must have corresponding command capabilities, and he must pass this level. He was assessing others, so Xue Xiangdong was assessing him.

All thirty-six J-7 Zhuang-2s arrived at the take-off position, forming a double column. The lead aircraft column was one fuselage ahead of the wingman column, occupying almost one-third of the 3,000-meter runway. This is a serious way of taking off in a large aircraft group battle. Two aircraft take off in formation, and the front and rear intervals are compressed into a very short time and distance. It is also an important subject that tests the collective combat capability of an aviation unit.

All aircraft reported that everything was normal.

Everyone's eyes focused on Li Zhan.

Li Zhanyunjin raised the microphone and issued his first combat order after arriving at the 101st Regiment: "Order! The reference fighter plane took off as planned, over!"

"Dongyao received! Take off as planned!"

The fighter plane with the assessment number Dongyao was at the front. The pilot was Nan Lianghong, the deputy chief of staff of the regiment headquarters, an air force major, a Gansu man, who also cooked old meat from fresh meat in the desert, and was one of the reference personnel. The highest military rank.

Facts have shown that there are too many people who are unwilling to waste their limited military careers by doing nothing, including regimental leaders.

Xue Xiangdong's emotions are complicated. Li Zhan's arrival is like a catfish thrown into a goldfish bowl. The peaceful life of the 101st Regiment, which has been comfortable for many years, is broken. If you don't work hard and swim forward, Li Zhan, a catfish that will eventually become hungry, will Devour you without mercy.

As a result, the comfortable goldfish bowl turned into a turbulent ocean of battle.

In turn, doesn't it prove that there are problems with Xue Xiangdong's management style? The army has to fight, so why not turn it into a nursing home? Xue Xiangdong had mixed emotions because of this. Of course, in his opinion, the fact that the officers and soldiers of the 101st Regiment still maintained a high fighting spirit was not the fault of the regiment, but the good education of the party. But everyone knows in their hearts that if there is no Xue Xiangdong, everyone will definitely sink and really live in retirement.

Nan Lianghong released the brakes, and the WP-7B turbojet engine of the J-7 Kong-II fighter that had been in service for 20 years burst out with powerful thrust, pushing the single-delta-wing aerodynamically designed fighter forward like a charge against the enemy. A fighter, the long airspeed tube under the nose is the spear in the soldier's hand, breaking the air and stabbing the enemy.

After taxiing for about 700 meters, Nan Lianghong and his wingman pulled up at the same time. At this time, the second two-plane formation was already taxiing, only 500 meters away from Nan Lianghong's formation. When the Nanlianghong two-plane formation turned left to climb, the second two-plane formation had already started to climb.

Such a continuous take-off of two planes was a spectacular scene.

Li Zhan secretly marveled in his heart. The equipment was very broken and backward, but the quality of the pilots was absolutely top-notch. Just the connection between the continuous take-off of a large fleet of two-plane formations fully proved that the 101st Regiment had a lot of hard work and experience.

Xue Xiangdong raised his chin proudly. Even if compared with his brother's troops with the most advanced equipment, the strength of the army was comparable. As a regiment leader, he was so qualified to be proud.

On the other hand, he was equally proud to be able to apply for today's large-scale assessment. Thirty-six fighter planes are dispatched continuously, and there will be thirty-six fighter planes operating in the airspace at the same time. Such a grand gesture is absolutely extremely rare.

The Second Master usually looks like a red-faced uncle wearing a vest and slippers, who goes to the market to buy vegetables and sells food at the street vendors for one or two yuan, wearing a vest and slippers. He is a real wealthy man in the south. . When it comes time to show off our strength, aviation fuel is burned according to the number of trains. One burns more than a dozen cans and the other burns more than a dozen cans. They are train oil cans, not cans!

The Second Division has at least two large-scale transfer trainings every year.

How many years has it been since the 73rd Division conducted large-scale transition training? How long has it been since there was no aircraft group above the brigade level over the Beikuchang Station where the 101st Regiment is stationed?

To apply for this assessment, the procedures involved for the units and departments involved are much more troublesome than imagined!

Don’t forget that Beikuchang Station is located on the border. You can get more than 30 fighter planes on board at once, and the small countries nearby are still not trembling? The J-7 Zhuang-2 is not popular. That is because better fighters have emerged and newer research and development successes are constantly being made. But in the eyes of the air forces of those small countries, the J-7 Zhuang-2 is definitely a killer!

Therefore, it is not easy for the top four levels of leadership, including the headquarters, aviation department, and military region aviation department, to approve this large-scale assessment.

In order to ensure the smoothness of this large-scale assessment, the division headquarters allocated an additional batch of aviation supplies and fuel to the 101st Regiment. Otherwise, the 101st Regiment will be in trouble this year - you will use up all the aviation supplies and fuel for the year in one fell swoop. , what will be the next training plan?

This is only January, the mobilization for training has just been completed, and the beginning of the one-year training plan.

Combat readiness aviation supplies and aviation fuel must not be touched.

The desert on the south side of Beikuchang Station turned into a sea of ​​joy. More than thirty fighter jets roared and launched a group air combat confrontation according to the plan. The time has come to test the commander's command and coordination. Just keeping these fighters from mid-air collision is enough to give any commander a headache.

Fortunately, the training airspace is large enough. The vast desert and Gobi, including the mountains and hills to the north, are all training airspace for the troops. Moreover, judging from the civil aviation route map, the area with the sparsest air routes is the vast western and northern region, and the air routes become denser towards the east.

The most convincing point in the professional blue army plan proposed by Li Zhan is that the 101st Regiment has a natural training ground that other troops do not have. Compared with many brother units that have been tied up by urbanization, the 101st Regiment is like rural people. They have no money to buy commercial housing, but they have built large bungalows in the village and can park several large trucks in the front yard. There is even a vegetable garden of several hundred square meters in the back yard. .

Target shooting in groups and free air combat in groups are two major assessment subjects. Among them, the ground targets were shot with live ammunition, using machine guns, so each reference fighter plane was loaded with live ammunition. Today, just 30 mm caliber aircraft cannon shells will consume a lot.

The 101st group is like a poor boy celebrating the New Year today.

Li Zhan was highly focused and handled every step impeccably, making people suspect that he had extensive experience in ground command of large aircraft groups. Today, with the changes in modern combat styles, air combat with large fleets has rarely occurred. In the foreseeable future, we will probably never see the scenes of hundreds of fighter planes fighting during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, or even the free air combat of more than a dozen fighter planes.

In fact, Li Zhan had a vague hunch that what he was commanding at this moment was probably the last large-scale carnival of the Chinese Air Force's second-generation aircraft.

He had no time to be sentimental, because the fleet began to return. At this time, he had been standing and commanding with high concentration for more than an hour.

What is the most difficult part of launching a large aircraft group into the air? The combat process is difficult to control by ground command, which mainly relies on the pilot's subjective initiative. Most of the time, ground command can only play a supporting role. Then, takeoff and landing are the most important aspects for ground command.

Fighter planes returned one after another, and with each one landing safely, Li Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, and Xue Xiangdong's expression softened. At this time, Li Zhan realized how the personnel on duty at the Second Division tower felt when he was in the sky, and he must understand and considerate them.

"Hey, who the hell is that? Why did he release the drag chute after turning three?"

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