Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 109 The Sky Demon in the West

The take-off and landing of large aircraft groups must follow the four-turn take-off and landing procedure, otherwise mid-air collision accidents are very likely to occur. The continuous takeoff of a two-plane formation tests the emergency dispatch capability of the troops. To a certain extent, when the enemy and we are evenly matched, whoever has more planes in the sky has a greater chance of controlling the air.

The aircraft carrier battle group focuses on the continuous dispatch rate of the carrier-based aviation units within a short period of time within 24 hours. If it cannot maintain a strong firepower output in a time unit, the aircraft carrier battle group will lose its tactical significance.

For land-based aviation units, the same principle applies.

Li Zhan instantly knew whose plane it was, and he knew the sequence of takeoff and landing of the fleet by heart. At this time, an umbrella flower suddenly bloomed on the back of the J-7II fighter jet facing the tower, and then the entire fighter jet suddenly raised its nose like a running person who was suddenly pulled by the collar. It was about to stall.

The atmosphere in the tower instantly solidified like ice.

Xue Xiangdong couldn't help but glared at Li Zhan. Could it be that this guy not only crashed the plane himself but also brought out a team that often crashed the plane? What kind of physique is this?

"Yao Liang Guai! Oil the push rod! Oil the push rod quickly!" Li Zhan's command was issued almost at the same time as the speed parachute fell off.

The deceleration parachute automatically falls off according to the pulling force. After the parachute is opened, the pulling force value reaches the set value, and it will automatically disconnect from the fighter aircraft. When reading relevant military news, there are often scenes of fighter jets landing and releasing their parachutes. After the fighter planes taxied for a certain distance, the parachute disconnected. In fact, it was not controlled by the pilot, but an automatic disconnection mechanism based on the above principle.

The flight attitude of the fighter plane is destroyed instantly, which is very dangerous especially for the fighter plane during the landing process. If not, it may stall and crash.

The reason why Li Zhan gave instructions to the pilot without hesitation was because the pilot of the fighter plane was a new pilot named Han Hongjun who had only been flying solo for half a year. He usually performed well and his flying skills were among the best in the regiment.


The biggest disadvantage for new pilots is their lack of experience!

Especially the experience in handling dangerous situations!

Every air force pilot must memorize hundreds of ways to deal with dangerous situations. They must be familiar with them, but after all, they are theoretical and they can only be operated a few times on a simulator. The actual situation is ever-changing, and slight changes in wind speed, direction, height, pressure and other factors will have an impact on the shape of the danger. Applying rigid emergency response plans often fails to solve the problem, and pilots must deal with it flexibly based on the actual situation.

Therefore, Li Zhan must promptly remind Han Hongjun what operations he should do!

The several dangerous situations Li Zhan encountered when he was in the Second Division, except for the parachute jump, the rest of the handling methods were sorted out and reported by the Second Division. Now they have been included in the dangerous situation handling regulations and are an important part of the Second Division's annual work. Achievement. Li Zhan made a huge contribution to the Second Division, but relatively speaking, the Second Division actually did not give Li Zhan any new knowledge, because he was better than many pilots in the Second Division. It was through some channels that Chen Hualin found out about Li Zhan's abilities, so he did not hesitate to put Li Zhan in the 101st Regiment at the cost of stalemate the relationship with the Second Division. All in all, they are people who can't afford to do anything early. Chen Hualin hopes that Li Zhan will bring glory to the 73rd Division.

"Li Zhan is as good as twenty-four J-7Es." Chen Hualin said to Xue Xiangdong.

There is no doubt that Li Zhan's instructions are very correct. The Yaoliangguai suddenly lost speed, and at the same time the nose of the aircraft was tilted up. The only way was to regain speed as soon as possible to flatten the fighter. These two actions must be completed in a very short period of time. Once the fighter plane stalls or enters a spin, it is basically impossible to save it.

To Li Zhan's surprise, Han Hongjun's movements were very fast. In the blink of an eye, the Yaodongguai fighter aircraft staggered back to its posture.

"Hey, I want this soldier." Li Zhan suddenly said loudly.

Xue Xiangdong couldn't help but say, "You only want the one with the problem?"

"No." Li Zhan shook his head and explained, "Captain, this guy started to remedy the situation when I gave the order. He is very calm and his movements are precise and fast. This is rare."

Xue Xiangdong waved his hand, "I said I won't interfere with your choice, you can make up your own mind."

"I want him. We can decide now." Li Zhan picked up the list and put an X on Han Hongjun's name.

Yang Jinshan asked strangely, "Why is it an ×? Shouldn't the chosen one be marked with a √?"

"There's no difference!" Li Zhan said.

Yang Jinshan wanted to say something, but suddenly realized - yes, there is no difference! But this brain circuit is really different from ordinary people! With such a captain on the table, the future Blue Army team...

He didn't dare to expand his imagination any further.

"Tower, I've lowered the landing gear, Yaoliangguai." Han Hongjun was actually frightened into a cold sweat, and his heart was pounding. His back was already wet in such a cold day, and his voice was trembling.

Li Zhan looked at the observer. The new recruit Danzi was also very nervous. It was the first time he encountered such a thing. He said tremblingly, "Report, report! The landing gear is completely down!"

The 101st Regiment has won the banner of the safe flying pacesetter unit for ten years!

Since Yang Jinshan joined the 101st Regiment, the regiment has never encountered any danger.

He wondered, "What's going on with Han Hongjun? Why did he make such a low-level mistake?"

"Maybe it's a mechanical failure?" Li Zhan asked tentatively.

"Impossible. Don't say this in front of Deputy Commander Han Bohan, he will definitely get angry with you." Yang Jinshan warned in a low voice.

Han Bo, the deputy chief of the maintenance team, is in charge of the maintenance department. When you say there is a mechanical failure, don't you mean that Deputy Commander Han is not doing his job well? Besides, the 101st Regiment's maintenance is notoriously good, otherwise so many Sixth Master would have been disabled long ago and still be in use today.

At least in the regiment, Han Bo's ranking was above Yang Jinshan, who was in charge of combat.

"Turn around, lower the landing gear, pay attention to the ground wind of 5 meters, wind direction 90, normal pressure 960, you can land, over." Li Zhan replied to Han Hongjun.

"Yao Liang Gui received, the ground wind is five meters, the wind direction is 90 degrees, and the normal pressure is 960 degrees. It's over." Han Hongjun stabilized his mind and appeared in front of the tower with a beautiful landing posture, sliding without a parachute. After a little over a thousand meters, we slowly left the runway.

At this time, Li Zhan had already commanded the next fighter plane to land.

Deputy Chief of Staff Nan Lianghong is older, 38 years old this year. His flying style is very steady and every operation is very regular. You can't find any fault at all. After Li Zhan watched his landing, what came to his mind was the scene of a civil airliner landing steadily. Passengers may not even feel that the plane has landed.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Zhan put a √ on Nan Lianghong's name.

"Well, not bad, I have a good vision." Xue Xiangdong glanced at it and nodded with satisfaction.

Yang Jinshan also slightly nodded his head and smiled to express his agreement. Suddenly he remembered, glared at Li Zhan, and said to Xue Xiangdong, "Captain, this boy's √ means he will be eliminated."

"Huh?" Xue Xiangdong took a while to react, glared at Li Zhan and said, "You don't like him?"

Li Zhan felt Xue Xiangdong's compelling gaze and explained, "Captain, Deputy Chief of Staff Nan's flying style has been finalized, and it's hard for me to lead him. Besides, his skills are not good, but he is not suitable for the Blue Army team." .”

"What do you mean, if you don't have good skills but if you don't have good skills, are you out of your mind? Stop talking nonsense and select him." Xue Xiangdong ordered Li Zhan forcefully for the first time.

Li Zhan was surprised. Didn't he agree not to interfere?

"Li Zhan, listen to the regimental commander and elect the deputy chief of staff of the south." Yang Jinshan said solemnly.

When Li Zhan frowned and hesitated, Xue Xiangdong urged him again in a stern tone.

Then Li Zhan didn't hesitate anymore and gave Nan Lianghong an X.

"Well, not bad." Xue Xiangdong was satisfied.

Li Zhan had no choice but to sigh in his heart. When he looked up, another fighter plane landed. When Li Zhan saw the fuselage number, he immediately felt much better and said with a smile, "Li Zixin, the number one in our group's new flight, is well-deserved. It seems that the rise and fall are very smooth. It depends on the film interpretation."

As he spoke, he put an X on Li Zixin's name without hesitation, and then nodded to himself with satisfaction, as if to praise himself for making a wise decision.

Yang Jinshan asked abruptly, "What if the film reading fails?"

"Then I'm not suitable to be the captain." Li Zhan didn't hesitate at all, pointing to the radar display over there, and said, "From his movement trajectory, I can basically judge the difference between free air combat and ground target shooting. As a result, if he fails the test, it means that I made a serious error in my judgment, and he is not suitable to be the captain."

Yang Jinshan's eyes almost popped out, "Can you distinguish the movement trajectories of each fighter plane and determine their respective routes?"

That's a total of thirty-six fighter planes!

Xue Xiangdong also looked surprised.

Li Zhizhi smiled shyly and nodded slightly, "Yes, I can write it down. I have had a better memory since I was a child, and my tracking memory is pretty good."

Each dot on the radar display is a fighter plane, and it is an old-fashioned radar display. There is nothing but a light spot, unlike the small light spots of civil aviation that have flight numbers next to them. In other words, the thirty-six small light spots are all the same, and Li Zhan can actually distinguish them...

Are you still human?

When they thought about Li Zhan's four first-class merits, Xue Xiangdong and Yang Jinshan had to swallow their surprise. Only non-human beings can accomplish extraordinary things.

The last fighter plane landed safely and the moment the parachute opened, the tower could not help but burst into cheers. This assessment is of great significance and should be regarded as the glorious opening ceremony of the 101st Regiment's reorganization. Li Zhan also drew the last X, and the list of seventeen pilots in the Blue Army Group was finalized. Including him, a total of eighteen pilots and eighteen J-7II fighter jets in the best condition were compiled.

Li Zhan saluted Xue Xiangdong, handed over the list with both hands, and reported, "Comrade leader! The list of selected members of the Blue Army team has been determined, please give instructions!"

"Take a break!" Xue Xiangdong returned the greeting.

After reading the list, Xue Xiangdong looked neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. He nodded slightly and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Li Zhan replied loudly, "Report to the captain! Today the Blue Army brigade will be codenamed Kuangmo, and it will be called the Kuangmo brigade. The brigade's simulated Blue Army work will start from today! Please give the order to the captain, and the selected personnel will report to me immediately!"

"Han Hongjun can't do it. How did the parachute escape? This matter needs to be investigated clearly." Xue Xiangdong said with a cold face.

Li Zhan said resolutely, "I analyze that the boy accidentally touched the switch. However, captain, today is a big event. It is normal for him to be nervous as a newbie. I ask the group to deal with it lightly!"

"Do you have to have him?"

"Yes! No one of the seventeen can be missing!"

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