Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 114 Aviation Snow Plow

The heavy snow has been raging for three whole days, with the snow thickness exceeding 30 centimeters. The entire station was shrouded in white during the day. When the heavy snow turned to light snow, some rain also fell, adding a bit of chill.

Low visibility is the devil. No matter how talented Li Zhan is, he would not dare to seriously violate God's will. Xue Xiangdong expressed a certain degree of support for his proposed combat training under complex weather conditions. The weather station issued the lowest weather report, and the Kuangmo Brigade could only dispatch three fighter planes. Only when Li Zhan agreed to these two items did Xue Xiangdong provide support. Li Zhan agreed and gave up the plan to dispatch the entire brigade.

The so-called minimum weather refers to the lowest weather conditions for troops to fly. The training program has standards. Once the minimum weather line is exceeded, the aircraft cannot fly under any circumstances. That's the bottom line. In fact, the training syllabus has clear provisions on many aspects. However, during the implementation process, some troops unilaterally emphasized flight safety, so that the training standards of many subjects were compromised.

Li Zhan can understand Xue Xiangdong's concerns. Ten years of stability have been hard-won. If it were him, he might not be as objective as Xue Xiangdong.


Modern warfare is changing rapidly, and powerful enemies are making progress every day. We are already in a backward position. If we don't make more efforts to catch up, we will never change the situation behind us.

The current situation faced by the Chinese Air Force is that it is ahead in military research and development, but its combat concepts and combat training are obviously lagging behind. This is an abnormal development situation of the national defense system. The defense industry is a special industry. Generally speaking, there is only one user, usually the military. As the sole user, the military must propose the direction of research and development, not just technical indicators, to guide the development of the defense industry. The military must force the military industry to research and develop, so that they can come up with the most advantageous weapons.

The research and development of the J-8FR is actually an attempt. It is developed according to the needs put forward by the troops. The troops use it first and come up with detailed rectification suggestions. The manufacturer then makes improvements and finally finalizes the equipment for the troops.

In terms of technical indicators, the J-11 and J-10 series of fighters are fully capable of operating in the lowest weather environment. It is a pity that because the troops stick to the rules and have rigid thinking in battle training, most of them fail to exert the full combat effectiveness of their equipment.

Li Zhan's real purpose of conducting combat training in complex weather conditions is to break the ice of the 101st Regiment's old combat training thinking. This is much more important than obtaining advanced fighters.

In the final analysis, the deciding factor lies in people.

The snowfall continued intermittently for two days, until the early morning of the third day. The rain and snow basically stopped, but it was still gray as far as the eye could see, with snow particles as fine as dust covering the earth. In the bright light of the flight area , the places as far as the eye can see are gray, like photos taken by a camera with a dusty lens.

At 1:30 in the morning, Li Zhan got up and took Han Hongjun and another new pilot Wu Zhen to the maintenance hangar. The lights are brightly lit here all night long, and the brothers of the maintenance team are doing the finishing work. Li Zixin, who has been stuck here for the past three days, has sunken eye sockets but is in good spirits.

But I saw a Shaanxi Automobile 8×8 heavy truck. The entire carriage was cut off, leaving only the floor of the carriage. A closer look revealed that the floor and the frame were also reinforced. A large shelf was welded to the floor, and an air jet was placed on it. Type engine, the nozzle is inclined downward at about 45 degrees. On the left side between the cockpit and the large frame, there is a simple operating platform, and even a simple chair is welded. Most of the space between the cockpit and the large shelf is an oversized fuel tank that has been insulated. There are several sets of batteries placed in the space under the shelf, and various circuits are densely packed.

Li Zixin came over, saluted Li Zhan, and reported, "Captain, fortunately you have fulfilled your duty. According to your instructions, the aviation snow removal truck has been modified and can be tested immediately."

Han Hongjun and Wu Zhen were stunned. Is this a snowplow? Mount the aviation engine on a heavy truck and blow the nozzle on the snow? They absolutely believe that the effect will be very good, and they also believe that the fuel consumption will be very objective. Isn’t it too wealthy to use aviation to clear snow?

"Vice-General Cong, thank you for your hard work." Li Zhan saluted a major who was walking towards him.

Cong Dawei, deputy captain of the Maintenance Brigade, was one of the people Li Zhan dealt with the most. Pilots and maintenance personnel have a close relationship. If there is no problem with either party, both will be affected. The pilots sincerely hope to please the aircraft maintenance staff, and the maintenance staff also hope that the pilots will be motivated and make more contributions. Sometimes the two are more like roles, one is external and the other is internal. For a crew, if the maintenance is not good, the pilot will not be able to return. If the pilot is not doing good maintenance, the pilot will have no motivation.

Cong Dawei was so happy. Ever since he was determined to provide security specifically for the Mad Demon Brigade, he and his soldiers had been at odds with each other for quite some time. The more pilots fly, the more their subsidies will increase. And according to the analysis of Li Zhan, everyone is very confident that they can get some credit in the future. For example, have a group first-class meritorious service or something.

"Captain, why do I have to work hard? I am working for the mad demon. Let me show you that our ground crew brothers will never hold you back!" Cong Dawei looked flattered and stood at attention and saluted quickly.

Li Zhan nodded heavily, "Okay, let us join hands and strive to build a strong People's Air Force!"


Everyone had black lines on their foreheads. This captain was good at everything, but he was always making slogans. People who didn't know better thought he was a political worker. He was not like a military cadre who had earned four first-class merits through hard work.

"Test the car." Li Zhan gave the order.

Cong Dawei immediately called the driver over, started the Shaanxi Automobile heavy truck and roared out of the hangar. The rest of the people took commuter cars and ran ahead to lead the way until they drove to the main runway. Beikukuchang Station is a large station. In addition to the main runway, there is also an auxiliary runway, which is two thousand meters long.

If it is in a coastal area, the actual deputy division level, the actual area and the specifications of the flight area are higher than those at the West County station. Xixian Station can take off and land IL-76, and Beiku Station can take off and land large civil aviation aircraft, such as Airbus 330, Boeing 747 and even heavy cargo planes.

Li Zhan applied in advance, and at 1:30 in the morning, the sign lights on both sides of the main runway came on on time, and two dotted lines appeared on the flight zone in the dark. However, these marking lights did not emit much light, so a truck equipped with a high-power searchlight was provided to provide lighting.

Several cars formed a small convoy and headed towards the main runway. All vehicles were equipped with anti-skid chains, and two deep ruts were made in the thick snow.

Arriving at the main runway, the personnel at various positions were ready. Li Zixin personally operated the startup of the aircraft engine and the adjustment of the power. He also held a walkie-talkie in his hand to maintain communication with Li Zhan.

When everyone was ready, Li Zhan gave the order to Li Zixin, "Drive!"

Li Zixin started the aircraft engine. The engine speed of the Shaanxi Automobile heavy truck increased sharply and made a huge roar, providing a continuous supply of power to the battery. Driven by the power, the WP-7A turbojet aircraft engine started suddenly.

The original plan was to use the engine equipped with the J-6, but Li Zixin believed that the fuel consumption was too high, so Li Zhan kept doing it and found three WP-7As used by the scrapped J-7II for modification. The so-called scrapped aviation engine does not mean that it is completely damaged. Most of them have reached the end of their service life and no longer meet the technical indicators. Li Zixin and the maintenance staff worked together for two days to repair three scrapped WP-7As. As long as they could drive, they could output half the power.

But I saw a tail flame about five meters long coming out of the nozzle, spraying like a fire dragon onto the runway with a thickness of 30 centimeters of snow. Snow melts into water visibly with the naked eye at high temperatures of up to 1,000 degrees Celsius, and then sublimates into water vapor when heated. This process is quite fast. Humans cannot see this process, because what comes out of the nozzle is not only high temperature, but also super high wind force. So a scene like this was formed - the tail flames that were sprayed from the nozzle towards the surface encountered obstacles and then refracted, bringing out a continuous stream of water vapor, like a long dragon composed of water mist rising into the air.

Han Hongjun said in surprise, "The effect is too obvious, thirty centimeters of snow!"

Amidst the rumbling sound of the aircraft, Li Zhan couldn't hear clearly, "What chicken blood?"

"Captain! I said the effect is very obvious! You probably won't even need to clean up the rear if you sweep all the way!" Han Hongjun said at the top of his voice.

Li Zhan pointed at the tail flame and said, "Look, it's orange-red, and the temperature should be a thousand degrees. Coupled with the strong wind, no matter how thick the snow is, it can't stop it!"

"Will the runway be damaged? Also, how much aviation fuel will this cost?" Wu Zhen asked loudly with some worry.

The runway naturally has strict specifications. It must be impact-resistant, heat-resistant and have strong friction. If you use the tail flame of an aircraft engine to remove snow, if the temperature is too high, it will shorten the life of the runway, which is not worth the gain.

Li Zhan said, "No! Li Zixin has made precise calculations. As long as the operation requirements are strictly followed, the runway will not be damaged!"

He did not answer the question of fuel consumption.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zixin signaled to the driver, and the heavy truck started to drive slowly, probably at a speed of five kilometers per hour. What surprised Li Zhan was that Li Zixin actually controlled the nozzle of the aircraft engine to move up, down, left and right, which meant that the nozzle was not fixed, but could move within a certain angle.

Only then did Li Zhan observe that the large frame mainly carries the ball bearing in the middle of the aircraft engine, and remote control is achieved through an electric drive lever. Li Zhan was very satisfied and was pleasantly surprised by Li Zixin's subjective initiative. He actually didn't expect the direction of the nozzle to move.

Li Zhan picked up the walkie-talkie and called the snowplow: "The snowplow is starting!"

The snowplow that had been waiting for a long time in front of the aviation snowplow slowly started to move. It was actually a snowplow modified from an engineering forklift. It slowly pushed forward like a bulldozer, pushing the snow to both sides. However, snow plows can only be used to deal with thick snow. It is difficult to deal with thin ice and thin snow layers. The main reason is to worry about damaging the runway.

There was a snowplow truck in front, and the aviation snowplow truck behind followed up with a "baking blow". The thick snow was cleared away, and the original appearance of the runway was revealed everywhere it passed. Li Zhan used the soles of his cotton shoes to feel the runway surface that had been baked by the aviation snowplow, and even took off his gloves to test the temperature of the runway surface, which was all as expected.

He raised his eyes and looked at the main runway. It was more than fifty meters wide. Three aviation snowplows were working in a row. It only took two round trips to clear the runway.

Li Zhan smiled brightly and instructed Wu Zhen, "Wu Zhen! Go to the station duty room immediately and ask them to report to station manager Zheng Kaiyun, saying that I have a way to cure his insomnia."

Wu Zhen saluted and answered yes, even though he didn't understand, he quickly got on the commuter bus and left.

Second update today.

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