Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 115 Exchange for aviation oil

Zheng Kaiyun had suffered from insomnia in the past few days, but even if he couldn't sleep, he still had a bad temper when he was woken up after one o'clock in the morning. When he heard that it was Li Zhan who was looking for him, he wanted to hide. It’s very late at night to ask for aviation fuel. But when the attendant conveyed Li Zhan's words, Zheng Kaiyun's thoughts came to life.

Help me solve my problems?

If you don't cause trouble for me, I'll burn high incense.

However, Zheng Kaiyun really had to go. He couldn't offend a captain who had four first-class merits at will. Furthermore, maybe Li Zhan really has a way to cure his insomnia?

After putting on his winter training uniform and military coat, he rushed over in his 80% new Pajero V73. His car is much more advanced than Xue Xiangdong's, at least one generation more advanced. This shows how much real power the site administrator has. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Looking towards the gray outside and feeling the slippery feeling of the V73 snow tires on the snow, Zheng Kaiyun's mood improved.

The logistics support of the station is the responsibility of the station, which of course includes the road support. To be precise, the hardware support of the entire station is the responsibility of the station. The troops have to fly, weather permitting, and if your field support is lagging behind, the division will cause trouble for you.

Zheng Kaiyun was always paying attention to the movements of the Mad Demon Brigade. As soon as he heard that this madman Li Zhan was going to engage in battle training under complicated weather conditions, he jumped on top of the other two. With the current snow level, it will take at least two days for all the snow on the track to be cleared back to usable standards.

Maybe the weather will improve in two days, so there won't be any complicated weather conditions. It would be strange if the teacher didn't find trouble for him, so he couldn't sleep.

As soon as I entered the flight area, I heard a rumbling sound. I followed the sound through the car window and saw a strange-looking heavy truck driving slowly on the main runway, with fire coming from the back of its butt.

Hey, isn't that the tail flame of the aviation engine?

Zheng Kaiyun immediately became energetic, thought of something quickly, and urged the driver to drive faster.

As soon as he got off the car, he strode up to catch up. Li Zhan stood at attention with a smile and saluted, "Hello, chief!"

"I would rather call you chief." Zheng Kaiyun returned the courtesy and said angrily.

Who can stand being forced to kneel down and beg for fuel at every turn? Who has the guts to stand up to you, the major and captain of the battalion, but he definitely can’t stand up to you, the "loving military pacesetter" and the first-class hero with four consecutive rounds.

Li Zhan pointed to the Hangfa snowplow and said, "Comrade stationmaster, look, I've cured your insomnia. We have modified three Hangfa snowplows. After testing, the three Hangfa snowplows only require two The snow on the main runway can be cleared in just one round trip. You can see the effect."

Zheng Kaiyun squatted down and carefully observed the track surface. He was definitely an expert in this area. This was what he did at the track. After caressing it carefully, Zheng Kaiyun was greatly surprised. The effect is not just average, but great. Not only was the snow cleared cleanly, but even the usual fine particles of sand were gone.

How can the fine sand hidden in the wrinkles of the runway withstand such a strong wind, and how can it have a place to stay.

"High efficiency." Zheng Kaiyun stood up, with excitement in her eyes, "Xiao Li, when you think of scrapping the aircraft to clear the snow, your method is very good."

Li Zhan was quite surprised, "Stationmaster, you can see the scrapped aircraft."

"I've been working at the station for twenty years, what haven't I seen?" Zheng Kaiyun snorted coldly and pointed at the tail flame of the aircraft engine that was slowly disappearing. "I can tell what power the aircraft engine is operating at just by looking at the color of the tail flame. , yours is only half the power at most, if you don’t believe me, go and take a look.”

Li Zhan gave a thumbs up and said in admiration, "It is indeed scrapped, otherwise I wouldn't come."

After waving her hand, Zheng Kaiyun said, "Xiao Li, I've accepted this love. I'll send someone to take over right away. Thank you for your hard work, brothers."

Li Zhan said with a smile, "Whatever you said, stationmaster, is what we should do. Besides, the three aviation snowplows were originally tailor-made for you."

"Yes, yes, Comrade Li Zhan is a good comrade." Zheng Kaiyun said.

Li Zhan said, "Exchange it for aviation oil."

"Huh?" Zheng Kaiyun didn't hear clearly.

Li Zhan said, "Exchange jet fuel for three aviation snowplows."

Suddenly, Zheng Kaiyun was angry and pointed at Li Zhan, "You guys are waiting for me here? Can't I get the scrapped aviation engines? I can get them as much as you want."

Li Zhan was not worried at all and said with a smile, "Try it."

Zheng Kaiyun stopped talking.

They have no problem with field security, and they have no problem with other security at the ground. However, it is nonsense to do aircraft engine maintenance. There are no professionals at the ground, but the aviation team has a lot of maintenance teams. What is a simple technical problem on the flight team's side is a high-tech problem for the field station, and the eyes are darkened.

"How much?" Zheng Kaiyun asked gloomily.

Li Zhan stretched out a finger and said, "Twenty tons, just once. I will never open my mouth to you again."

"Don't go too far. You only have three snow plows and you want twenty tons of oil from me. It's so unreasonable!" Zheng Kaiyun's face turned dark. "You think I can give you the aviation oil just by saying I will give it to you." Well, the bomber division will come over for training in the spring, and if those oil tigers don't take good care of them, no one will have a good life."

Li Zhan said, "Stationmaster, can you get straight to the point and talk to me? A mere twenty tons of aviation fuel is enough for the H-6 to fly twice in the sky. You must have something to do. In short, not even a gram of twenty tons can be lost, and I still have I can help you modify a few more units, and the efficiency of your field support will go up in the future."

"Ten tons, only ten tons left." Zheng Kaiyun said.

Li Zhan shook his head, "Twenty tons, not a gram less."

Hearing this, Zheng Kaiyun frowned. Twenty tons of aviation fuel is not much, but it is definitely not a small amount. For three to two tons of aviation fuel, he can save a little here and there. Twenty tons is not easy to make up for. The key is that other than "deducting" the bomber division's aviation fuel, he had no other way to allocate an additional 20 tons of aviation fuel to Li Zhan.

However, what Li Zhan said makes sense. If those H-6 oil tigers go up to a squadron and make two turns, they will burn dozens of tons. It is not impossible for the bomber division to fly one or two less sorties, and besides, they all have a certain limit. flexible.

However, Zheng Kaiyun would not compromise easily, otherwise would he still have a good life if Li Zhan entangled him?

It's hard for anyone to save some money these days and not be able to squander it casually.

"Fifteen tons."

Zheng Kaiyun gritted her teeth and said, "There is no need for more. The flight of your 101st regiment must be guaranteed, and the training of the bomber division must also be guaranteed. Besides, they are considered half of the strategic force. You, comrade, have to figure out which is more important. Again. Sir, the division has approved your high-intensity flight plan, and now it has approved your combat training under complex weather conditions. This is already the greatest support in these years, and our stations will never hold back. Captain Li, you Just don’t make things difficult for me anymore.”

Seeing Li Zhan's thoughtful look, Zheng Kaiyun was encouraged and continued, "As the 101st regiment is stationed here, there will be many opportunities in the future. I owe you a favor this time. I will definitely help anyone who can in the future." No problem."

"The meteorological station has a forecast in the evening. The weather standards have reached the minimum meteorological requirements around six o'clock in the morning. According to the plan, the fighter jets of the Kuangma Brigade will be dispatched urgently. If this were not the case, the station commander, the aviation snow removal truck would not be replaced. Okay, let's help clean up the track at the station, what do you think?" Li Zhan asked for instructions.

Zheng Kaiyun's eyes almost popped out of her head. It was not an accident, but a fright - your flight team has done the job of field security, why do you still need to do the field station? This is more serious than being punished. This is retreat in order to advance!

"Li Zhan, don't push people too hard." Zheng Kaiyun suppressed her anger.

Li Zhan didn't take it seriously at all and said, "Thirty tons of aviation fuel, not a gram less. Station Commander Zheng, you have great powers, I believe you can solve it."

"You really think I have no other choice!" Zheng Kaiyun's voice suddenly rose, attracting the other people's attention.

Li Zhan snorted and said, "Then come up with other methods."

I'm afraid a colonel who can scare Li Zhan has not yet been born. He dares to attack the division commander. You, a regimental-level station commander, really have no deterrent effect.

"You!" Zheng Kaiyun pointed at Li Zhan, trembling with anger.

Li Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Stationmaster Zheng, one aviation snowplow truck can be replaced with ten tons of aviation oil. I said it, just this time. You think about it carefully, this is more cost-effective than doing business. Believe me, I'm right." .”

Slowly, Zheng Kaiyun calmed down, and then frowned in thought. After a while, she asked tentatively, "The research and development results of the aviation snowplow truck have been returned to the station?"

"You really dare to think about it!" Li Zhan was shocked and said, "Someone must believe me. Of course, the research and development results are ours, and rewards will be given based on merit. Our application materials have been prepared long ago."

Instead, he was so angry that he laughed, pointed at the aviation snowplow that had run away and said, "You know, the aviation snowplow has improved the efficiency of field security. Isn't this the result of work? You still want to research and develop The result, I dare you to think about it!”

Zheng Kaiyun had to think carefully.

He would never have looked down upon Li Zhan because of his low rank and rank, and he would not look down upon him now. To be honest, what Li Zhan said was true, and at least it could solve his urgent needs. He also knew very well that it was a good attitude for Li Zhan to take the initiative to talk to him. Otherwise, Li Zhan would not care about anything and call for emergency dispatch when the time comes. If you failed to ensure the safety of the field on time, the responsibility will be yours.

The key point is that this is what logistics support does. If the combat capability of the combat troops is affected because your logistics support is not in place, it is not as simple as reporting criticism.

In the final analysis, Li Zhan is selfless.

Twenty tons turned into thirty tons, and Zheng Kaiyun didn't find it as difficult to accept as before. This year's training has just started, and it is not impossible to make up for the gap of 30 tons after half a year.

Han Hongjun and Wu Zhen listened to every word and tried not to laugh. Only then did they understand why the captain was not worried about the fuel consumption of the aviation snowplow.

It turns out there is a big customer.

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