Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 116 Men should use afterburner

Apart from agreeing, Zheng Kaiyun had no other choice. Besides, to be fair, he took advantage. If this work is done well, Beiku Field Station will undoubtedly stand out soon after the training begins, adding an important factor to the year-end selection of advanced military work stations.

That's not something that can be exchanged for thirty tons of jet fuel.

After nearly four months, Li Zhan was once again dressed neatly. After wearing a winter leather flight jacket, cotton trousers, flight boots, flight helmet, and labor protection gloves, he will think that this will be the most handsome time.

Flight briefing room at 5:30 in the morning.

The remaining two are Han Hongjun and Li Zixin. Together with Li Zhan, they form a three-machine formation. They are the only formation approved for combat training under complex weather conditions. On the basis of complex meteorological conditions, Li Zhan added a dawn attack. That means launching a raid at dawn, simulating an attack on the ground, and then returning for another encounter. If it is successfully completed, it is a good start.

Li Zhan saw Han Hongjun and Li Zixin sitting there with no where to rest their hands and feet, and he remembered the same situation in the flight briefing room when he flew solo for the first time.

They are obviously the same age, but they have an older mental age because of some unique experiences.

"The visibility is low, so it's no different from night flying." Li Zhan walked over, sat down in front of them, put his hands on his knees, and said, "Follow your usual training, pay attention to the airflow and clouds, you can all do it well-done."

When he said this, the two of them became even more nervous, and their smiles were a little stiff.

After rubbing his hands, Li Zhan put on his white labor protection gloves and said, "I will go up to check the situation first. If I think you are not suitable to come up, I will let the tower notify you."

"Captain, I can." Han Hongjun said.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "I chose you because your level is higher in the brigade. If I think the actual weather environment exceeds expectations, not only you, but the entire brigade except me will be unfit for flying."

"Li Zixin, your night flight is the best. Han Hongjun, your flying skills are the best in Xinfei. As long as you perform normally, I don't think there is a big problem." Li Zhan said.

Han Hongjun was embarrassed. A low-level mistake like pressing the wrong parachute button happened to him. He really needed a beautiful turnaround to clear his name.

Slowly, Li Zhan stopped smiling, his expression became serious, and asked, "Do you know the difference between air force pilots and civil aviation pilots?"

The two looked at each other, and Li Zixin replied, "We fly fighter jets, and civil aviation pilots fly passenger planes."

Han Hongjun thought for a while and replied, "Besides, uh, the salary of civil aviation pilots is higher than ours."

At another time, Li Zhan would definitely give a thumbs up to praise Han Hongjun, but this is the moment of war.

Li Zhan said seriously, "Civil aviation pilots are pilots, and Air Force pilots are flying combatants. We are not only pilots, but also combatants. In other words, we are combatants first, and then pilots. Flying skills cannot represent combat effectiveness, but combat effectiveness Awareness can absolutely take full advantage of flying technology.”

"What civil aviation pilots think about is to safely deliver passengers to their destinations, take off safely, fly safely, and land safely. As for us, we want to fight. We want to shoot down the enemy. There are only two outcomes when we go to the sky. The first is to return triumphantly. Landed, second, shot down.”

He pointed at the ceiling and said, "You must remember that once you get into the sky, you must do everything possible to shoot down the enemy, because doing so is the only way to ensure that you will not be shot down."

Han Hongjun and Li Zixin stared blankly and fell into deep thought.

This is a brand new analysis for military pilots. They have never heard such a concise and concise explanation. From the moment they enter the aviation school to the time they join the army, the instructors and squadron commanders emphasize safety the most. Just like going to work happily and returning home safely.

First ensure flight safety, and then conduct combat training on this basis. Decades of training thinking has been deeply ingrained and everyone has taken it for granted. Although it seems reasonable, it actually goes against the principle of close to actual combat training.

Perhaps only those who have personally experienced blood and fire can have such a profound understanding.

Anyone goes to the battlefield, and when you find that what you have learned in normal training is almost useless, you will hate all the training methods that you once thought were completely reasonable, because you will face death.

After letting them digest it for a while, Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "I have been studying and analyzing today's combat training repeatedly in the past few days, and I have made all the preparations that need to be done. To be honest, I don't agree with this. After taking off, we have determined what altitude and direction we should go to, what point we will enter the attack route, and at which point we will break away. Is it practical to fly the plane along the planned route in real combat? What should I do if I encounter an enemy plane? , what to do if encountering ground anti-aircraft fire."

"What is more difficult to overcome than complex weather is the ice of people's thinking. The snow on the runway can be cleared with aircraft exhaust flames, but how to clear the ice of thinking?" Li Zhan seemed to be asking, and also seemed to be asking himself.

Han Hongjun and Li Zixin finally understood the good intentions of the captain, and also understood that they were sitting here at this moment not only because of their top-notch qualities in all aspects, but also because their combat ideas have always been regarded as the best in the 101st Regiment. More radical.

However, compared with Li Zhan's, their so-called radical ideas are still as conservative as bound to their feet.

Li Zhan stood up and said, "This is the first time. I allow you to fly as planned and experience the feeling of flying under complex weather conditions. It won't be so simple next time."

"Understood!" The two stood up and replied in unison.

The yellow siren sounded, and Li Zhan picked up his flying helmet and rushed out. Han Hongjun and Li Zixin rushed for a few steps and then suddenly stopped - it wasn't their turn yet.

Li Zhan climbed onto the J-7II numbered Dongyao, connected the oxygen supply system and radio with the help of Cong Dawei, and then checked the status of various systems of the fighter that was already in driving mode. The cockpit of the J-7E is already in terrible condition, and the cockpit of the J-7II is simply unsightly, but it is the most familiar to Li Zhan.

There is not much difference from the JJ-7.

He can touch any button with perfect accuracy with his eyes closed.

After confirming that everything was normal, Li Zhan signed the handover form handed over by Cong Dawei. Cong Dawei climbed down the boarding ladder, removed the boarding ladder, and issued a signal to close the hatch cover and slide out. The fighter plane slid out eagerly, faster than It's usually much faster.

This was the first combat training of the 101st Regiment in many years under complex weather conditions. All relevant units in the entire regiment were equipped with elite soldiers and generals. The tower commander was Xue Xiangdong himself, and Yang Jinshan was his deputy commander.

Li Zhan went up first to find out the situation, flew him once or twice, and after landing took over the control of the tower from Xue Xiangdong, directing Han Hongjun and Li Zixin to conduct training. This is the only plan Xue Xiangdong can accept.

The sky before dawn is getting darker and darker. Except for the sign lights and road width lights, there are not many lights in the flight area, so the pilots can more accurately judge the runway, taxiway, and parallel highways. Li Zhan could clearly feel the slipperiness of the landing gear tires, and through the bright light of the marking lights he could see a thin drizzle of mist falling.

Carefully and quickly entering the take-off position, Li Zhan kept the fighter plane in a taxiing state and reported to the tower, "Tower, the cave is ready. Requesting to take off, completed."

Xue Xiangdong looked at the red and green navigation lights on the left and right under the fighter plane's fuselage, and replied, "The hole is ready for takeoff after checking. After leaving the ground, climb to the right and leave. There are thick clouds to the west. It's over!"

"Understood, check the takeoff, turn right after leaving the ground and climb, over."

Li Zhan pushed the throttle lever, turned on the afterburner, and released the brakes when the fighter plane was trembling. The No. 01 J-7II fighter roared and sprayed blue tail flames from its nozzle, and ran furiously towards the other end of the runway.

"Hey, it's really a waste of the engine. Even when you take off, you have to turn on the afterburner!" Xue Xiangdong said when he saw the blue tail flames, and lightly hit the command platform with his fist.

It is well known that turning on afterburner will shorten the engine life.

Yang Jinshan pointed at the No. 01 fighter jet taxiing quickly on the runway and said, "Captain, you really can't blame him for this. It was an emergency takeoff. According to the regulations, afterburner is required. The shorter the takeoff time, the better. You see He didn't stop even after he reached the take-off position."

Having said that, Yang Jinshan was actually pounding in his heart. Based on the actual lifespan of WP-7A, which is more than one hundred hours, it is really possible for the Mad Demon Brigade to consume the inventory in the warehouse within a foreseeable time. The account is easy to calculate. If you activate the afterburner a few times, nothing will happen.

Xue Xiangdong didn't say anything anymore. In fact, he was psychologically affected by the legend of Li Zhan. His nerves were inevitably a little tense. It was not surprising that at the slightest sign of trouble, everyone would be on guard.

Taking off from dry land, the J-7II turned right and climbed at a large angle, piercing the night sky covered with thick clouds in a nearly vertical manner. The blue tail flame ejected from the engine nozzle was tens of meters long and produced approximately 1.5 times the The powerful thrust compared to normal thrust pushed the fighter plane to climb at a speed of nearly 150 meters per second.

He fully utilized the advantages of a light, high-altitude, high-speed fighter, and his crisp movements were like cutting a cucumber with a knife.

Li Zhan measured the time very accurately. From the time he turned on the afterburner, he turned off the afterburner one and a half minutes later. Theoretically, the improved WP-7A turbojet engine can continue to fly with afterburner for three minutes, but in actual operation, to save engine life, it generally does not exceed two minutes. There was no need for a large overload maneuver at this time. When Li Zhan saw that the altimeter showed that the altitude was nearly 8,000 meters, he decisively turned off the afterburner.

The tail flame ejected from the nozzle returned to its normal orange color, and its length suddenly shortened a lot. The tower could no longer see the No. 01 fighter jet that had entered the clouds.

After passing through the clouds and reaching an altitude of 10,000 meters, Li Zhan aimed at the Big Dipper and continued to climb. The air became thinner and thinner, the air pressure became lower and lower, and the temperature became lower and lower, so much so that Li Zhan, who was wearing a jacket-style leather flight suit, was stunned. Can feel the cold outside.

At 15,000 meters, Li Zhanping flew and reported to the tower, "Tower, cave unit report, altitude, 15,000, heading 360, airspeed at 900, completed."

In the tower, Xue Xiangdong breathed a sigh of relief, "The tower received it, the cave unit is carried out according to the plan, completed."

"Understood, proceed as planned, completed."

The airspace layer 8000-13000 is an international civil aviation route. Below 8000, the clouds are thick and turbulent, so there is no choice but to go to the height of 15000 meters.

Before flying to the airspace line, Li Zhan turned left according to the tower's instructions and entered the Beiku Mountains. At this time, the first ray of sunlight in the morning appeared, reflecting on the left side of his face. He turned his head and looked at the orange sun in the east, and his mood suddenly brightened.

"Tower, I'm Dong Yao. Prepare to attack from altitude. Over."

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