Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 118 A call from the North Finger

The sky is getting brighter again, but the visibility has not improved significantly, but other data has become normal.

Flying in a low-visibility environment tests the pilot's psychological quality.

Li Zhan came to the tower and prepared to personally direct the training of Han Hongjun and Li Zixin.

I, Xue Xiangdong, and Yang Jinshan readjusted the flight route according to the navigation chart, avoiding the foggy areas in the mountainous areas, and adjusted the height of entry and exit. In short, everything was done safely. These were both Xue Xiangdong's meaning and Li Zhan's. Li Zhan did not blindly adhere to his principle of strictness and hardship, because he had just experienced the real situation of flying an old fighter plane under the same weather conditions.

Even the J-7s at the training base are more advanced than the J-7IIs.

Li Zhan obediently focused his training on takeoff and landing, and ate bite by bite to avoid stomach problems.

But the feeling of the Mist Sword is super good.

At 6:45 in the morning, the field support company used the newly "purchased" aviation snow plow to perform emergency support on the runway. Within ten minutes, the runway reached the take-off and landing standards, which was extremely efficient. Light snow has been falling, as fine as dust, filling the air. It can form a thin layer of snow within an hour or two after falling. Therefore, the ground support company must clear these thin snows before the next round of flight operations.

When Li Zhan went to the flight briefing room to explain the new training mission to Han Hongjun and Li Zixin, Xue Xiangdong also followed. After Li Zhan finished speaking, he repeatedly emphasized the safety issue, which made Han Honghua and Li Zixin feel embarrassed.

After careful consideration, Li Zhan said to the two of them, "There are two key points. First, climb through the clouds after takeoff. I just did it once. The airflow is very strong and the crosswind in the clouds is relatively strong. Hold the pole well." The steady climb is not a big problem. The second place is the landing. The clouds cover the station, but if you follow the prescribed route and come down, it is easy to see the station and find the runway."

He asked, "This basically gives you the route and heading. Are there any questions?"

Han Hongjun hesitated for a moment and asked, "Captain, the subject of encountering enemy planes on the way back..."

"Let's not do it. The situation in the sky is more complicated. Let's not do it this time." Xue Xiangdong waved his hand and made the final decision.

But he found that Han Hongjun did not respond, but looked at Li Zhan.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "We won't do it for the time being. We will proceed according to the latest briefing. Get ready and wait for the signal to dispatch."

After speaking, he and Xue Xiangdong returned to the tower.

Han Hongjun and Li Zixin were worried. The captain had changed a lot. It was obvious that the captain had put pressure on them. However, a few minutes later, they realized that the captain's change actually came from the sky. The situation was more complicated than expected.

At the emergency dispatch signal, Han Hongjun and Li Zixin rushed out of the flight briefing room, boarded the already driven fighter jet, and taxied to the take-off position.

Li Zhan saw the opportunity and gave the order, "Yao Liang, Yao San, check it and you can take off."

"Yaoliangguai received!"

"Yaosanguai received!"

Han Hongjun pushed the throttle lever all the way, turned on the afterburner, and released the brakes. The J-7II fighter jet ran forward like a wild bull, with its long airspeed tube like a spear in the hands of a lancer. When he was rising from the ground, Li Zixin started to taxi, and in the same operation, he took off with afterburner and lifted off the ground like a green onion on dry land.

The single planes took off neatly one after another, and the distance between them was very good. It can be seen that the ground training was done very skillfully.

"Turn two, turn left, heading 270, altitude 13,000, over." Li Zhan gave Han Hongjun a new instruction.

Han Hongjun repeated the instruction, "Turn left, heading 270, altitude 13,000, turn one or two."

With this, Li Zhan gave an order to Li Zixin, "Yao San Gui, turn right, heading 270, altitude 15,000, note that the height difference between you and Yao Liang Gui is 2,000, over."

Li Zixin replied, "Yaosanguai received, continue to turn right to heading 270, altitude 15,000, altitude difference 2,000, completed."

The two J-7IIs bloomed two flowers during the climb, turning left and right respectively and continuing to climb. After completing the command requirements, the two fighters eventually headed the same route, but there was an altitude difference of two thousand meters.

Height difference is a very important requirement and is key to avoiding mid-air collisions. If there is no altitude difference, there is a possibility of collision between Han Hongjun and Li Zixin, because they are heading in the same route.

When the troops engage in air combat training, the first thing to determine is the altitude difference. The participating pilots conduct air combat strictly in accordance with the designated routes.

However, the existence of altitude difference restrained the pilots' hands and feet. They could only occupy the attack position, attack and escape unchanged for many years. Not to mention the 73rd Division, Nan Batian would adopt the same air combat training model.

The aerial target training that Li Zhan conducted while serving in the Second Division was actually aerial combat training. At that time, he was positioned higher than Nie Jianfeng, who was acting as a target drone, thus avoiding the possibility of a collision.

He has realized that this air combat training model seriously restricts the improvement of combat effectiveness and cannot be called "free air combat" at all.

In a war, the enemy will not agree on a height difference with you!

However, after experiencing some things, Li Zhan will not act too hastily. He will eat food one mouthful at a time. If he takes medicine too hard, not only will it not be able to break the ice of his old thinking, but he may also be hurt by the rebound.

Therefore, Li Zhan will not have any more expectations. As long as Han Hongjun and Li Zixin can complete the takeoff and landing beautifully, this flight training under complex weather conditions will be considered a pass. He no longer had the nerve to mention "combat training", it was just flight training at best.

Han Hongjun, who was climbing through the clouds, finally understood why Li Zhan lowered his requirements. At this moment, he and his plane were shaking violently. Under the influence of the strong airflow, the fighter plane swayed as if it had been drugged. Occasionally, A strong crosswind came over, and he could clearly feel that the fighter plane was like a lonely boat in the sea, and was in danger of rolling over at any time. The most heart-stopping thing is that everything you look at is clouds and you can’t see anything. You don’t know whether it’s a mountain peak or something else coming towards you. The fear of the unknown always dominates your emotions.

At this time, he had no choice but to persevere. He knew that there was nothing but the sky. As long as he believed in this, he could overcome the fear of the unknown.

When it suddenly dawned in front of him that the fighter plane's posture had stabilized, Han Hongjun felt his butthole tighten, and a burst of pleasure rose up from the sole of his right foot and went straight to his forehead, which made him feel refreshed.

After enjoying the pleasure for a while, he glanced at the altimeter. Han Hongjun reported cheerfully while leveling, "Tower, Yiliangguai report, heading 270, altitude 13,000, over."

"Yao Liang Guai, keep it up." Li Zhan replied.

Immediately, Li Zixin also reported the situation, and Li Zhan also asked him to maintain the current flying status.

Thirty kilometers away from the main peak of Beiku, Li Zhan gave the order to the two of them, "Yao Liang Gui, Yao San Gui, 30 kilometers away from the target, search and attack by yourself, return as planned, over."

"Yao Liangguai understands. We will search and attack on our own and return as planned."

"Received Yaosanguai, search and attack on your own and return."

This was the only link that Li Zhan reserved for them that they could act on their own, and it was also the simplest link. For such a big target, after determining the attack route, it enters a dive and then breaks away, which is as light as water. Moreover, the return route arranged for them was from high altitude to avoid the heavy fog and air currents in the mountainous areas. Li Zhan had just flown over and thought it was better to play it safe. After all, Han Hongjun and Li Zixin had no previous experience in flying in mountainous areas under complex weather conditions.

Climbing to altitude and returning home, we avoided both the heavy fog in the mountains and the mid- and low-altitude clouds. It was no different from our usual flight. The difficulty is finding the landmarks and then the airport runway to land on. Li Zhan explored the road and mapped out the route, so there wasn't much difficulty. Due to visibility problems, Han Hongjun and Li Zixin passed through the field once each. After the tower confirmed that the landing gear was lowered normally, they turned around and landed in four turns according to Li Zhan's previous route.

After the last Li Zixin slid off the main track, Li Zhan felt relieved. Probably only through personal experience could Li Zhan understand Xue Xiangdong's concerns as the first person in charge. He can not think about anything in the sky, and flying the plane well is better than anything else. What the ground commander has to consider are all other factors and influences that the pilot does not consider.

As someone who has been there, Xue Xiangdong smiled and said to Li Zhan, "How does it feel? Have you experienced what it means to be worried? Ground commanders are like mothers who let their children run wild. When they come back safely, they will be relieved. The so-called landing is safe, Only when you land safely can you feel at ease.”

"Captain, it's safe to leave the bag." Li Zhan corrected, retorting in his heart, I am your father.

Xue Xiangdong said, "It's right to be safe after landing. This is our ultimate pursuit of flying."

If you think about it carefully, it's true. Isn't it true that every takeoff is expected to end with a safe landing? Whether it is daily training or fighting with the enemy, if you can return and land safely, it means you are the winner - losers do not deserve to return.

Li Zhan said, "Captain, I still insist on training close to actual combat, but I also agree to work steadily and step by step."

"That's the best thing you can think of. I'm worried that you may be using too much force regardless of the situation. Boy, do you really think that being a model of flight safety is a satire?" If you only pursue flight safety, who will defend the airspace? You are too young, learn and understand slowly."

Li Zhan heard the implication, which caused him to think deeply. He has always believed that the so-called flight safety pacesetter unit, flight safety flag division, etc. are another kind of satire on the combat troops. But Xue Xiangdong's words made him realize that maybe his view was too one-sided. Is there any unknown plot here?

He was about to ask Xue Xiangdong for advice, but Xue Xiangdong was talking to Yang Jinshan about other things. Seeing this, Li Zhan immediately walked towards the timekeeper, asked for the registration form and looked at it carefully.

He had been holding it in for a long time. Calculating his flight time to be one hour and forty-five minutes, he smiled and nodded. According to the calculation principle, one hour and forty-five minutes counts as two hours, which means that today I got 650 yuan for the rod.

The red phone in the tower used to communicate with Beizhi (Beiku Command Post) rang, and Yang Jinshan, who was nearest, immediately picked up the phone, "Yang Jinshan, 101st Regiment, Beikuchang! Yes! Yes! Understand! Yes! Understand! Resolutely complete the mission !”

Then set an ambitious goal: the total number of monthly tickets is now 1,400. If it can reach 5,000 this month, an additional 50,000 words will be added next month.

What if it comes true?

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