Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 119 The young lady wants to prepare for this game

Chapter 119 The young lady wants to prepare for this game

Yang Jinshan immediately reported, "Commander, the North Command has ordered that a civil aircraft has a mechanical failure and needs to be diverted to this field. The detailed situation has been telegraphed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the fax machine over there started whirring and spitting out a message.

Xue Xiangdong walked quickly and pulled down the message and read it carefully.

The situation is both complex and simple.

An international cargo flight of Sichuan Airlines encountered a mechanical failure just after it entered its home airspace. The situation was quite urgent, and the captain requested to divert to the nearest airport instead of the planned airport. The civil air traffic control department contacted the troops urgently, hoping to get help.

So the nearest Beikuchang Station received the order, and only Beikukuchang Station had the conditions to accept the landing of the Boeing-747 heavy cargo plane. In fact, except for the provincial capital city airports, there are no civil aviation airports in the vast western region that can take off and land heavy cargo aircraft. The provincial capital city airport is more than 700 kilometers away.

"Li Zhan!" Xue Xiangdong shouted.


Li Zhan was so excited that he quickly put down the registration form and ran over.

Xue Xiangdong stared and asked, "What were you doing just now?"

"I'm not doing much, I'm just looking at the time registration form." Li Zhan replied.

"Why are you looking at the time registration form? Are you short of money?" Xue Xiangdong asked again.

Li Zhan's face turned red and his heart stopped beating, "No, no, I regard money as dirt. I just helped Han Hongjun and Li Zixin calculate how much tie rod fees they can have today. After all, the new standards have just been implemented, and they are the first Those who have received the new standard lever fee, I will have something to say if I figure out the roll call later..."

"You mean they are short of money?" Xue Xiangdong narrowed his eyes.

Yang Jinshan said nonchalantly, "The products of Han Hongjun's factory in Jiangsu are sold all over the country. Li Zixin's father is the CEO of an IT company."

Well, I can only blame myself for not knowing the background of my subordinates.

Xue Xiangdong didn't bother to talk nonsense. He handed over the message and said, "You should also take a look. The civilian airliner will be diverted to this site. The superior has agreed."

After he finished speaking, he quickly walked over to the radar operator and ordered the radar operator to find the location of the alternate flight. Yang Jinshan strode to Zhang Yuan's post to find out whether the weather conditions met the conditions for a heavy cargo plane to land at the site.

Here, Li Zhan read the telegram subconsciously, "Sichuan Airlines 8644?"

Everyone turned around suddenly. Xue Xiangdong saw Li Zhan's shocked expression and asked, "What, do you know him?"

"Yes, I know him." Li Zhan walked over and pointed to the message, "8644 was the first to transport relief supplies to the Sanhe disaster area. Sichuan Province prepared a batch of supplies within twelve hours, which was the response from all parts of the country. The fastest province or city, I was at Longcheng Airport at the time, and I directed the landing of the flight."

Xue Xiangdong was extremely surprised, "Is there such a coincidence? Great, then you should know something about the captain."

At this time, Zhang Yuan came over at the right time and reported, "The weather conditions are a bit poor and are not conventionally suitable for the landing of heavy cargo aircraft. However, if 8644 is the original captain, I personally think it is not a big problem."

The captain is definitely the most critical deciding factor.

Some things that captains never dare to think about are commonplace for some captains. For example, not all captains can fly plateau routes.

The captain has absolute authority over aircraft operating in the air, which is written into civil aviation regulations. Since the captain requested to divert to the nearest airport, it means that the situation of the plane is not optimistic. Knowing very well the technical level of Captain 8644, it is not difficult for Zhang Yuan to give his own opinion.

Li Zhan explained to Xue Xiangdong, "Deputy Director Zhang was also there at the time, and he was the main meteorological person in charge. The captain of 8644 was very skilled. The weather at that time was even worse than what we have now. Good land and air communication can help 8644 landed safely."

"Establish a contact channel with 8644 immediately." Xue Xiangdong gave the order immediately without hesitation for a second.

Li Zhan walked directly over and entered the communication frequency of 8644 himself, and immediately called, "Sichuan Airlines 8644, this is the tower of Beikuchang Station, answer received!"


After a while of interference, a familiar sweet female voice appeared, "Uh, Beikut Tower, I received it, how should I fly? Sichuan Airlines 8644."

Female captain?

Everyone was shocked, and the voice coming from the loudspeaker was clearly the voice of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl! Xue Xiangdong even suspected that the communication frequency had been hacked by radio enthusiasts! When he thought of the huge body of the Boeing 747-400F heavy cargo plane and the captain's seat in the cockpit of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, Xue Xiangdong was filled with all kinds of emotions.

"It's her, she's the original captain." Li Zhan said excitedly, nodding towards Zhang Yuan, who also made a cheering gesture excitedly.

Li Zhan calmed down and said, "Sichuan Airlines 8644, my radar has seen you and adjusted the frequency to 1111.11. You belong to me from now on. Keep the heading altitude."

"Adjust the frequency to 1111.11, maintain the heading altitude, I'm yours, okay, Sichuan Airlines 8644." The captain replied.

Zhang Yuan held back his laughter, and he naturally understood something else. At that time, they were a bunch of idiots at Longcheng Airport who took some time out of their busy schedule to make fun of the female captain and female controller, but they had never met each other and didn't know what she was like. But just listening to the female captain’s voice is very comforting.

Yang Jinshan asked Xue Xiangdong in a low voice, "Captain, the Boeing 747 is a large aircraft, so a young girl can be the captain? She also flies international routes."

"You ask me, I ask who to go to, I don't understand civil aviation." Xue Xiangdong shook his head solemnly.

Li Zhan was concentrating on the radar screen. The light spot representing Sichuan Airlines 8644 had been marked by the radar operator. It was just an enlarged light spot, and it was not as advanced as the civil aviation control department with numbering and speed and altitude information standards. Function. In fact, the target's flight parameters all depend on the radar operator to quickly calculate them. Those who can operate radar terminals alone these days are all talented people.

"Sichuan Airlines 8644, continue to maintain the heading altitude. You are 120 kilometers away from me. What other malfunction did you encounter?" Li Zhan asked the captain.

The captain replied, "There was a fire in my cargo hold, but the open flames have been put out. The crew was unable to find out the cause of the fire, so I have to land as soon as possible, Sichuan Airlines 8644."

The words spoken with a hint of lightness and sweetness made the senior men at the Beikuchang Station Tower stand on end and almost break out in a cold sweat. A fire in the cargo hold is a first-class emergency or a special accident. The report shows that Sichuan Airlines 8644 has been flying for seven hours. If the fire was caused by a mechanical failure, it should have happened long ago. If it was not a fire caused by a mechanical failure, it means that it is most likely related to the cargo being carried. Once it's all burned, everyone will be roasted alive in the air.

"Sichuan Airlines 8644, this channel is confidential and exclusive. The following dialogue should be as detailed and clear as possible, and end with completion, completion." Li Zhan first emphasized the discipline of dialogue.

The captain's lady immediately said, "Copy it, understand, it's over, it's over, it's over."

"Comrade Captain, please report the status of the aircraft in detail and whether all systems are normal. Over."

"Comrade Tower, everything is fine with me, over."

"Does the fuel margin meet the landing standards? Over."

"Uh, yes, I have to put the gas in, over."

"The clouds are low here, the visibility is about five kilometers, and the ground wind and air pressure are normal. Are you sure? It's over."

"I, I'm confident, no problem, it's okay, it's over."

"Excuse me, what's the cargo capacity? Over."

"I pulled eighty tons of cargo. I can't tell you the details. It's over."

Li Zhan calculated quickly. 8644 is a Boeing-747-400F all-cargo aircraft. The maximum cargo capacity is close to 100 tons. It is usually not loaded with the maximum cargo capacity. Between 80 tons and 90 tons should be the commonly used cargo capacity. This model is a veritable intercontinental aircraft with a maximum range of 10,000 kilometers. Based on the flight time, 8644 should have flown back from Eastern Europe, and its final destination was Zhongyuan Airport. Calculating this, 8644 does not need to release a lot of fuel.

Afraid that the captain would only release excess fuel in accordance with the regulations, Li Zhan reminded, "You must release as much fuel as possible to reduce the weight of the aircraft. It is best to release the fuel arriving at the destination airport. Do you understand? Over."

"Ah? I can do it under the maximum landing weight, no problem, it's over." The captain understood immediately, but insisted on only putting in excess fuel.

In other words, the captain still wanted to take off immediately after eliminating the threat, so she hoped to leave enough fuel to fly to Zhongyuan Airport.

Li Zhan had to remind again, "The weather conditions here are not optimistic. You must reduce the empty weight as much as possible, so you must release as much fuel as possible and only leave the minimum amount of fuel. Over."

The minimum fuel level is used to ensure that the aircraft will have enough fuel to go around to the next alternate landing site after an unsuccessful landing. Relatively speaking, the amount of fuel left is just enough to fly to the provincial capital city airport 700 kilometers away, which is definitely much lighter than the Zhongyuan Airport 2,000 kilometers away.

The girl who can fly a heavy cargo plane is obviously not an ordinary girl. After weighing it again and again, she no longer insisted and agreed, "Understood, I will put as much fuel as possible, but I can't see the airport yet, it's over. "

"Please record the azimuth parameters, north latitude XXX.XX, east longitude XXX.XX, completed."

The reason why Li Zhan decisively enabled the confidential frequency band was precisely because his conversation with 8644 would definitely involve confidential information, such as the specific orientation parameters of the Beiku station. At this time, the captain of 8644 also discovered a strange phenomenon - the frequency kept jumping back and forth irregularly, but she could always receive the signal.

Frequency hopping technology is a highly confidential radio communication technology.

With specific azimuth parameters, the Boeing-747-400F heavy cargo aircraft with advanced flight systems can even automatically fly to the target and then automatically circle according to the set program. In contrast, the J-7II is a manual transmission classic car from half a century ago.

There was a period of silence. Li Zhan could only see 8644 flying steadily towards the field through the radar, and the captain could only see through the GPS navigation system that he was approaching the destination airport.

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