Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 120 Junhang Yaodongyao, hello

A deep whine came from above.

Li Zhan immediately called 8644, "8644, can't you see the runway? Over?"

"Not yet. Get ready to go down through the clouds. Which runway number should I use? It's over." asked the captain.

Li Zhan subconsciously glanced at Xue Xiangdong, who shrugged and said, "Just tell her to enter the third turn from the north and dismount the landing gear."

"You enter from the north and fly three sides to lower the landing gear, then fly four sides and land from south to north. Do you understand? It's over." Li Zhan said.

The captain was stunned for a moment, muttering to herself, don't military airports have runway numbers? Thinking about this, she subconsciously asked, "Don't your runways have numbers? Over."

Li Zhan replied, "Yes, please follow the instructions, over."

"Oh, okay, the fuel release is complete, I'm going down to altitude, it's over." said the captain.

The rumbling sound of heavy-duty aircraft was getting louder and louder, and the earth was covered with overwhelming ground. There was nothing in the foggy sky, but everyone could clearly feel that the huge pressure was constantly decreasing. The 8644 overhead has a dead weight and load of 380 tons, a length of 70 meters, and a wingspan of 65 meters. It is basically a super-heavy missile.

The reason why Li Zhan insisted on letting 8644 drain as much fuel as possible was to reduce weight. Beiku Station meets the standards for taking off and landing large aircraft such as Boeing-747, but for the heavier and nearly fully loaded Boeing-747-400F heavy-duty cargo aircraft, the runway's endurance and length are almost close to the maximum. peak.

Therefore, for insurance reasons, whether it is for landing safety or the runway's peak capacity, it is necessary to reduce the weight as much as possible.

A huge iron bird appeared at the third turn, and everyone quickly raised their eyes to look over. Li Zhan held up his binoculars to observe the status of the landing gear habitually, and confirmed that the front and rear landing gear were fully lowered. The Boeing-747-400F main landing gear is densely packed with four groups, each of which is an eight-wheel combination.

The Boeing-747-400F has an advanced sensing system that does not require the ground to confirm whether the landing gear is lowered normally. Li Zhan's poor people's thinking has become a habit.

The aircraft in front of me is larger and heavier than any aircraft currently in service in the Chinese Air Force. Everyone felt strange when they thought that the person flying this plane was a young girl. It seemed as if I could see a little girl directing a strong man who was more than two meters tall and weighed more than 300 kilograms to work obediently.

Four heavy-duty aircraft engines produced by Pratt \u0026 Whitney made a deafening sound that shook the windshield of the tower and shook it slightly.

Li Zhan couldn't help but sigh, "Men should fly muscle planes. This is a real heavy-duty aircraft."

Compared with the Boeing-747-400F, the Air Force's largest transport aircraft in active service, the IL-76, appears malnourished. Facing such a sturdy man as the Boeing-747-400F, the IL-76 is more like a primary school student. Regardless of the technical level of load-carrying range or other aspects, there is absolutely no way to compare.

The captain's skills were undoubtedly excellent. She did not fly in a straight line on three sides, but tilted to the right side and flew outward, with the belly of the plane tilted towards the tower on the left side. Another important reason for doing this is that the turning radius of a heavy cargo aircraft is very large, and it needs to be far enough away to have enough distance to complete the U-turn and align with the runway when turning left into the four sides.

At an intersection where a car can make a U-turn, a large truck needs to make more adjustments forwards and backwards, or pull away to the outside before entering the U-turn. An airplane cannot reverse in the air, so it can only pull away to the outside to get the result. A distance greater than the turning radius.

Everyone can see this.

Xue Xiangdong couldn't help but praise, "The technique is good and the measurements are taken well in advance."

Li Zhan said, "We were at Longcheng Airport at the time. The weather above the airport was also very bad, with strong crosswinds and heavy rain. 8644 was almost fully loaded, and she landed safely."

"Female civil aviation captain? She sounds young, is it possible?" The plane reached below the clouds and there was basically no problem. Xue Xiangdong felt relieved and asked.

Li Zhan shook his head helplessly, "I don't know, I haven't seen her, but I can confirm that she is indeed the captain."

"Civil aviation is too..." Xue Xiangdong couldn't find a suitable adjective for a while. In the military, whoever can be the captain of the Il-76 large transport aircraft does not have more than ten or twenty years of flying experience, and everyone has a minimum of two to three thousand flight hours.

Yang Jinshan put down the microphone and reported, "Captain, the ground emergency preparations are complete. Station Commander Zheng is in command on the spot."

"Okay!" Xue Xiangdong has nothing to worry about. What happens next depends entirely on the captain, and the ground staff can't help.

At this time, fire trucks, ambulances, engineering vehicles and other rescue vehicles as well as a rescue team of hundreds of people were assembled at the designated location. They were the emergency rescue team in the flight area of ​​​​Beiku Station. Their efficiency was much higher than that of the civil aviation airport. Also more professional.

The roar of the engine was overwhelming again. Li Zhan turned to the left and looked over. 8644 was already aligned with the runway. The captain's report came at the right time: "Tower, I'm aligned with the runway. Manual landing, completed."

Li Zhan immediately replied, "I saw it, the posture is very good, keep it, it's over."

He pays close attention to the changes in the ground wind. During the landing process, the aircraft is most afraid of strong crosswinds on the ground. In the past, there have been many accidents in which aircraft were overturned by strong crosswinds when aligning with the runway for descent.

There were no surprises along the way.

When 8644 raised its head slightly, the rear landing gear group firmly touched the runway and splashed several clouds of water mist. Everyone in the tower breathed a sigh of relief. The speed of 8644 was controlled very well. After the nose landing gear touched the ground, the captain did not start the reverse thrust immediately. Instead, she waited for the aircraft to stabilize its taxiing attitude before turning on the reverse thrust in a leisurely manner. This calmness was enough to impress everyone.

The roar of reverse thrust came. Before that, we first saw slight water stains on the runway. Under the action of the reverse thrust, thick water mist rose up from the engine room, covering half of the fuselage. Under the powerful reverse thrust, the aircraft slowed down very quickly as if it was being held firmly by a big hand. The 8644, which weighed more than 300 tons, could only land and glide a few miles farther than the J-7 fighter without a speeding parachute. 100 meters.

"8644, welcome to this field. On behalf of Unit 9527101, I would like to express my sincere greetings to you and welcome everyone!" Li Zhan finally put his mind at ease and greeted in a loud voice.

The captain said, "Thank you. Well, where should I go? Sichuan Airlines 8644."

Li Zhan thought of Longcheng Airport, where a similar conversation had happened.

He couldn't help but smile and said, "Have you seen the highest hangar in the north? Of course you can't get in, so you have to park in the open space in front of the hangar. That's where we put the large transport aircraft. I'll let the ground take you. One moment, it’s over.”

"Understood, thank you, I saw the guidance vehicle, Junhang Yaodong Yao, hello! Over."

Li Zhan's eyes bulged out, "Me? Do you remember me?"

"Hahaha, I've heard it a long time ago. Your voice is very recognizable and magnetic, Junhang Yaodongyao."

The tower attendant burst into laughter.

This is the first time I've seen her openly flirting on the channel.

Just like waiting for the lottery draw, Li Zhan took the commuter bus to 8644. He was nervous and unpredictable along the way. What kind of woman would the female captain of 8644 be? Is she really as young as her voice suggests? She is a little girl? That's impossible. Flying a plane isn't about treating guests to dinner, singing, and clubbing. Where's the little girl?

Would that be... an aunt with a loli voice?

"Uh, stop for a moment." Li Zhan patted the driver's shoulder.

The driver stopped the car and looked back at Comrade Li Zhan, the captain of the Kuangmo Brigade in confusion. He was surprised to find that the cadre was covered in cold sweat.

"Captain Li, are you feeling unwell?" the driver couldn't help but ask.

Li Zhan was naturally frightened into a cold sweat by a certain possibility. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that this possibility was very high. Just imagine, that is a heavy cargo plane flying international routes, and the captain is so skilled, how could he be a young man?

Maybe she is the second generation of female pilots who switched from military aviation to civil aviation!

All in all, the second generation of female pilots in military aviation are already in their forties.

Otherwise, just keep in mind that dying in public is always depressing.

"Let's go, let's face it and give up as soon as possible." Xue Xiangdong on the co-pilot said, waving his hands.

Li Zhan was extremely embarrassed and surprised, "Captain, how do you know what I am thinking?"

"I'm forty years old this year, and the pork I've eaten is worth several tons of jet fuel. How can I not know what you kid is thinking? Don't hold out any hope. It's a girl who can fly a heavy cargo plane? Maybe I'll have to call her sister. Okay. Come on, we have military-civilian youth gatherings on Youth Day, so you have to make a good choice." Xue Xiangdong said sharply.

The driver couldn't hold back his laughter and continued driving towards 8644.

After arriving there, when he got off the bus, he saw the ground staff standing there in a daze. After figuring out what was going on, Li Zhan was also stunned.

Without a suitable ramp car, the cabin door of the Boeing-747 is too high, higher than that of the IL-76. There is a spiral staircase truck at Beikuchang Station that can protect the Il-76. After getting up, I found that there was still a gap of two or three meters from the hatch.

"Hey, Lao Zheng, why don't you just bring a ladder? Why are you so dazed? I think you, the webmaster, are being fooled." .

Zheng Kaiyun stared, "What if I fall? Are you responsible?"

"I'm responsible!" Xue Xiangdong didn't hesitate at all. "It's only two or three meters high. If they can fall, they won't go back. Hurry and find a ladder."

Zheng Kaiyun may have been waiting for this sentence, and immediately asked someone to find a ladder. The superior's repeated orders must not conflict with the local government. If a civil airliner lands safely at your site, but the crew falls down when getting off the plane, that is your responsibility.

The ladder was quickly found, and was supported by three soldiers on the small platform on the spiral ladder of the spiral ladder truck. The spiral ladder truck slowly moved towards the cabin door. Climb down.

Li Zhan became even more nervous, staring at the cabin door with his heart beating fast, and his breathing began to become disordered...

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