Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 129 The screwdriver was found

The sun went down and it was almost 21:00 when it got dark. The search and counter-investigation lasted for a full two hours and is still going on. Several high-power lighting lamps illuminated the scene. It was like daylight, and everyone looked extremely serious.

The six members of Cao Xing's crew who had stood there motionless for two hours were already trembling with cold, and their lips were bloodless. Without Xue Xiangdong's order, no one dared to let them relax and stamp their feet to keep warm, nor did they dare to move.

If Ding Junzi can survive, they are willing to stand until the next dawn.

Zheng Kaiyun was pacing back and forth in her military coat. She no longer cared about the regulations on smoking in the flight area. One cigarette after another, everywhere she walked was filled with cigarette butts. The seven officers and soldiers of the support company on duty also lined up neatly and took their military postures there, no different from Cao Xing's maintenance team.

Some people may think that the officers and soldiers of the support company are unlucky, but no snowflake is innocent when an avalanche occurs.

Li Zhan saw that the team responsible for inspecting the fighter planes had begun to dismantle the engines. In the cold weather, the maintenance brothers could only wear thin labor protection gloves to work. The fighter plane must not be moved, and nothing on the scene can be moved until the missing screwdriver is found.

He couldn't bear it, so he pulled Cong Dawei aside and asked in a low voice, "If you can't find it, just keep looking for it? Is it useful?"

After all, he is just a new pilot who has been in the army for more than a year. He is the same as Han Hongjun, Li Zixin and others. Of course, there are many things in the army that he has never seen or experienced, and many things that aircraft maintenance has encountered are even more familiar. Have not heard. Li Zhan knew the seriousness of such accidents, but was not familiar with the relevant handling methods.

Cong Dawei sighed and said, "I keep looking and won't stop. I dismantled the engine and couldn't find it, so I continued to dismantle it and cut it into eight pieces. If I still can't find it, I turned the entire station over and looked for it. The team leader said to dig in the ground. Three feet is no joke. If necessary, I will dig three feet deep. All in all, don’t do anything else until you find it. Let’s all look for it together.”

It's absolutely crazy, but it's reasonable and necessary. The screwdriver that mysteriously disappeared in the flight area is a time bomb. Unless this time bomb is found, the safety hazard cannot be eliminated. Tonight's night flight has been ruined, and the flight training below will definitely be stopped until it is found.

Li Zhan even suspected that if he couldn't find it on this fighter plane, Xue Xiangdong would probably dismantle the other fighters into pieces to check and look for it.

"What if I still can't find it?" Li Zhan couldn't help but ask.

Cong Dawei shook his head decisively, "It's impossible, absolutely impossible to find, even a fly, as long as it doesn't leave the camp, even if it dies in the most remote corner, we have to find it and bury it, if necessary! "

Sighing deeply, he said in a deep voice, "Similar things happened to the brothers a few years ago. After replacing the wearing parts, there was an extra rivet. The maintenance team had been in contact with three aircraft, but they couldn't find it. There was a missing rivet somewhere, so I finally dismantled all three aircraft and matched them one by one. Finally, I discovered that when I received the spare parts, the warehouse had neglected to provide an extra rivet."

"From the deputy commander in charge to the warehouse assistant to the handler, including the maintenance team, all were punished and transferred to the military. No one was left behind."

Li Zhan took a breath and secretly laughed at him. Usually his attention is on flying, and his understanding of aircraft maintenance is limited to doing daily maintenance with Lou Yiwang, Niu Yaoyang and others during the Second Division. The purpose is to understand the specific structure of fighter aircraft, and he is not familiar with aircraft maintenance accidents. Only then did I discover how strict the fighter planes were maintained before being handed over to the pilots.

Sighing slightly, Li Zhan was about to say something when a Cheetah car came over at lightning speed and braked suddenly, dragging two black tire marks on the somewhat wet ground. Before the car stopped, Han Bo opened the car door, jumped out, and walked anxiously towards Xue Xiangdong.

Cong Dawei sighed, "Deputy Commander Han is now in trouble."

Han Bo, the deputy commander of the maintenance team, as the team leader in charge of maintenance, Han Bo definitely has the main leadership responsibility. Li Zhan remembered that Deputy Captain Han was on vacation to celebrate the Spring Festival at home. His home was in Beikucheng, three hours away from the station. Judging from the dusty Cheetah car with snow on its roof, Han Bo must have rushed to the station like crazy as soon as he received the call.

Han Bo gasped and reported to Xue Xiangdong in a low voice, "Captain, I'm here."

Xue Xiangdong gave him a cold look and said nothing.

Is Han Bo unlucky? He is not unlucky. As the deputy commander in charge of aircraft maintenance, he bears the unshirkable responsibility for anything that happens in the aircraft maintenance area. Among the several deputy commanders, Yang Jinshan, who is in charge of operations, has the least real power, while the one in charge of aircraft maintenance is the most popular one in everyone's eyes. The more important the position, the more important the responsibility, whether you are on vacation or on duty.

The temperature of about ten degrees below zero was completely ignored by everyone. As time went by, the possibility of finding a screwdriver became smaller and smaller, which meant that the search scope had to be expanded and never gave up.

The impact has already been caused, and it is a huge impact. Not to mention that tonight's night flight was in vain, and the subsequent flight training was basically out of the question. No matter how this matter is resolved in the end, a major rectification of the aircraft maintenance is indispensable, and the discipline rectification of the entire team and station will definitely not be lacking. Such a major man-made accident must be taken seriously wherever it occurs. Railway maintenance departments, machinery manufacturing workshops, high-tech laboratories, etc., once similar accidents occur, comprehensive rectification is essential.

Security is usually the focus of the chief official, which shows its importance.

Li Zhan couldn't help with anything, but it wasn't his style to just stand and watch. Through calm chatting, the officers and soldiers of Cao Xing's maintenance team calmed down, and they carefully inquired about the whole process again, and there was no trace of any suspicion. The operations of Cao Xing's maintenance team can be said to be very standardized, if they didn't lie. Li Zhan believed that it was impossible for them to lie about such a major matter.

Seeing Zheng Kaiyun standing in front of the seven officers and soldiers of the security company talking to a cadre, Li Zhan asked Cao Xing, "The security company hasn't touched any tools, right?"

Cao Xing shook his head, "No, after they handed over the security vehicle to us, they waited at the designated location according to regulations. They are not new people and know the relationship between them."

"Isn't there a new soldier? New soldiers don't have much consciousness." Li Zhan raised his finger and pointed at the private at the end of the team over there, "Yes, the new soldier hasn't left the army yet, has he? How did the private get here?"

Everyone looked at it, but they didn't think it was strange.

Cao Xing said, "There are also people who are discharged from the army in advance, mainly because of insufficient manpower. The new training regiments in the provincial capital are trained in batches, first come, first trained, first discharged. However, military ranks are put on in advance and have not been officially awarded. .”

In the past few years, it has been winter recruitment. New recruits basically join the army in December and are discharged from the army in mid-March of the following year. Depending on the actual situation, some troops will arrive earlier and some troops will arrive later. If the company is in urgent need of manpower, the soldiers who have completed the recruit training first will be demobilized in advance, and the titles will be unified after they are officially demobilized. This is a good way to solve the problem of insufficient personnel.

"The recruits are not sure."

Li Zhan said this and walked over.

Everyone was so sensitive at this moment. As soon as Zheng Kaiyun saw Li Zhan approaching, she immediately stopped talking to her cadres and followed Li Zhan with her eyes.

Li Zhan walked directly to the seven officers and soldiers of the support company and looked at them one by one. Finally, his eyes fell on the face of the small private. He was surprised to find that the small private was swaying, his lips were white and his forehead was covered with sweat. The temperature was over ten degrees below zero and I even broke out in a cold sweat.

"Squad leader, is your soldier sick? He is sweating profusely." Li Zhan said to the third-term non-commissioned officer at the head of the queue.

The third-term sergeant came over quickly, took off his gloves, held the young private's shoulders to check his body temperature with his palms, and asked in a low voice, "Tang Songchen, how do you feel?"

Private Tang Songchen was shaking so hard that he couldn't speak. He could only see his mouth opening and opening.

The third-term sergeant hurriedly walked over to report to Zheng Kaiyun. Before he could finish his words, Tang Songchen collapsed and was about to fall to the ground. Li Zhan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick to hold him, but his hand was accidentally hit by something. He was startled suddenly, grabbed Tang Songchen's shoulders and lifted him up, his voice was colder than ice, "Stand still!"

His voice attracted the attention of many people. Everyone's nerves were at their most sensitive, all movements were extremely careful, and no one talked frequently.

When Li Zhan asked this question, he was undoubtedly shocked.

"Stand still!"

Li Zhan quickly took two steps back to distance himself, and shouted again in a higher voice.

Tang Songchen staggered and finally stood firm with gritted teeth, and burst into tears.

"What is that in your pocket? Take it out." Li Zhan stared at Tang Songchen coldly.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, everyone knew what was going on.

Zheng Kaiyun reacted the fastest. She walked over in three steps and then grabbed Tang Songchen's shoulder with one hand and started to search her body with the other.

Tang Songchen took out a screwdriver from the left pocket of Tang Songchen's jacket.

Zheng Kaiyun's face turned darker than the night on the spot. Even without verification, he was sure that the screwdriver was the one lost by the maintenance staff. Looking at Tang Songchen again, Zheng Kaiyun wanted to kill him.

Everyone stopped.

Xue Xiangdong and other leaders of the 101st Regiment walked over quickly. As soon as they saw the screwdriver in Zheng Kaiyun's hand and the little private who was crying so hard that he couldn't stand still, he understood everything. Xue Xiangdong breathed a big sigh of relief and put down a large stone. But to be on the safe side, he asked Cong Dawei and Cao Xing to come over and check the screwdriver. The numbers matched and they were sure to be the missing one. At this time, Cao Xing's crew The soldiers could not wait to cry with joy.

"Lock him up."

Zheng Kaiyun, who was on the verge of an explosion, pointed at Tang Songchen and gritted her teeth and said to the third-phase sergeant, then changed her words, "Come here from the guard company! Lock them all up!"

Immediately, a squad of soldiers from the security company, led by the station's military affairs section chief, escorted seven officers and soldiers from the security company into the commuter car and directly sent them to the solitary confinement room, including the leading cadre who was talking to Zheng Kaiyun just now. .

Some people are happy and some are sad. To be precise, some people cry until there are no tears left.

Zheng Kaiyun spent more than 20 years cultivating Qi to control her emotions that were on the verge of collapse. She made her tone as gentle as possible and said to Xue Xiangdong, "Captain Xue, please take a step to speak."

He said and walked to a remote place.

Xue Xiangdong frowned and pointed at Li Zhan, "You come too."

The two walked over and began informal negotiations.

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