Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 130 How many tons are needed?

Li Zhan stood alone about twenty meters away from Xue Xiangdong and Zheng Kaiyun. Just ten minutes ago, he was dismissed by Zheng Kaiyun, so he understood that what the two leaders were going to talk about next was not suitable for him, a low-level officer. Heard it.

The two of them lowered their voices so Li Zhan couldn't hear anything.

A few minutes later, Xue Xiangdong turned around and shouted, "Li Zhan."

"Arrived!" Li Zhan was excited.

"come over."

Xue Xiangdong's tone was lighter.

Li Zhan came over quickly and found that Zheng Kaiyun's complexion had improved a lot, and he suddenly knew better.

"Li Zhan, as the Spring Festival is approaching, Station Commander Zheng proposed to give our regiment a batch of New Year's goods. You would like to make a speech on behalf of the grassroots officers and soldiers." Xue Xiangdong said with a smile.

Zheng Kaiyun explained without any hesitation, "The 101st Regiment is permanently stationed here. I have been here for twenty years. After serving as the five leaders of your 101st Regiment, I have a deep affection for the 101st Regiment. "

Hearing this, Li Zhan was filled with contempt. The last time I asked you for aviation fuel, I had to talk to you so hard that I had to kneel down before you gave me three tons. Why didn't you talk about "deep feelings" at that time?

"In line with the principle of strengthening the relationship between each other, the station decided to buy a batch of New Year's goods for the comrades of the 101st Group during the Spring Festival this year. Captain Xue also agreed. Let's see what your grassroots needs. Let's talk about it. The station will try its best to think of it. There is a way to solve it." Zheng Kaiyun felt a little embarrassed and stopped.

Li Zhan glanced at Xue Xiangdong, but didn't see any hint, so he simply said what he wanted, "Stationmaster Zheng, it doesn't matter if there are any New Year's goods. Why don't you give me some more aviation fuel?"

Xue Xiangdong narrowed his eyes and smiled broadly.

"How many tons do you need?" Zheng Kaiyun asked.

Li Zhan suspected that he had heard wrongly. Was he so straightforward? Is this the way you act? He was even prepared for tough negotiations. And he had already guessed that Xue Xiangdong asked him to participate just to get aviation fuel. The whole group is short of aviation fuel only the Crazy Demon Brigade, and only the Crazy Demon Brigade is qualified to ask for aviation fuel from the station. Don’t forget that the Crazy Demon Brigade is a simulated blue army unit approved by the Military Region Air Division.

It is most appropriate for Li Zhan to open this mouth.

Xue Xiangdong's abacus crackled.

Zheng Kaiyun didn't want to fight a tug-of-war, so it would be better if she could save some money. However, he has experienced Li Zhan's power and knows who this kid is. If you really piss him off, he won't take a gram from you. In the end, you will be the one who suffers. Since you want to "keep your mouth shut", just do it simply and show your generosity, maybe they won't be embarrassed to ask you for more.

He was wrong again.

When did Li Zhan feel embarrassed about things that are tangible and tangible, such as rod fees, aviation fuel, and ammunition? When Sanhe was fighting floods, when he was driving an open-top J-8FR to prepare for the landing, he didn't forget to calculate how much he would be able to earn in tow rod fees during the flood fighting period.

Stationmaster Zheng has never seen a big snake poop.

"One hundred tons." Li Zhan said.

Zheng Kaiyun almost lost her balance and looked at Li Zhan in horror, unable to speak. Xue Xiangdong was so frightened that he almost staggered. He finally regained his composure and thought to himself, this guy really dares to speak. Zheng Kaiyun dares to give you a hundred tons. Those who bomb the pilots later will squeeze him into aviation fuel and burn it. .

"In addition, we also need to have New Year's goods. Life is hard for our flight group, chief. We haven't seen any smell of oil for several days. Everyone is given ten pounds of pork, ten pounds of peanut oil, and fifty pounds of rice. What do you think? In addition, the conditions of family housing at the station It's better than ours. Let's share some rooms later so that the families of our grassroots cadres who come to the team to celebrate the New Year will have a place to cook and at least have the opportunity to reunite for the New Year." Li Zhan made a request in a crackling voice.

Zheng Kaiyun's eyes widened. She wanted to be angry but didn't dare, so she could only endure it.

After a pause, Li Zhan thought carefully.

Seeing him like this, Zheng Kaiyun didn't dare to neglect him. If he were allowed to continue thinking, he didn't know what outrageous request he would make. So Zheng Kaiyun made her tone as friendly as possible and said quickly, "Xiao Li, Xiao Li, there is no problem with this New Year's product, absolutely no problem. Even if there are no conditions, the station will create conditions to solve it."

Quickly changing into a grimace, Zheng Kaiyun lowered her attitude, "It's just the aviation fuel...Xiao Li, let me tell you, the 30 tons used to replace the aircraft engine snow plow basically belong to me." I have all the motor aviation fuel in my hand. I’m not negotiating the price, but I really can’t get it.”

As he said that, he looked at Xue Xiangdong resentfully.

Xue Xiangdong thought for a while and had to help Zheng Kaiyun. He said, "Xiao Li, stationmaster Zheng really can't afford a hundred tons of aviation fuel. The aviation fuel allocated every year has a clear use direction, and the extra loss budget is relatively tight." strict."

"Oh, is that ninety tons okay?" Li Zhan was very kind and easy to talk to.

Zheng Kaiyun almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Is it the ten tons of jet fuel that I am short of?

"I am here in the name of a guide for the Mad Demon Brigade, and Xiao Li is mainly responsible for it. I will go and tie up my hands, and you can talk." Xue Xiangdong waved his hand and left.

"Old Xue!" Zheng Kaiyun couldn't stop Xue Xiangdong, and now she was worried.

Could it be that the tide has turned and I have to kneel down to him?

Zheng Kaiyun regretted it so much. If she had been nicer to Li Zhan at that time, even if she was a little nice to him, the situation might not be so tense now. It’s just a few tons of jet fuel. Why not give him a few more tons? If you can’t do it now, people will ask for 180 tons.

New Year's goods are easy to deal with. At worst, war preparation funds will be used to purchase them. But you can't buy aviation fuel, and you can't add 92, 95, 98 No. gasoline or No. 0 diesel to the plane. He naturally remembered a saying - a problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Isn’t the current problem something that money can’t solve?

Sighing, Zheng Kaiyun lowered her posture and said, "Xiao Li, your request is indeed beyond my ability. I am just the station commander, not the logistics director of the military region. Please understand me. Difficulty."

After another conversation, Zheng Kaiyun's tone became pleading, and she said, "Xiao Li, do you think this will work? I will free up ten sets of family rooms, and I will kick everyone out, and I will ensure that you can use them for at least a month. In addition, I will prepare all the daily necessities, bedding, etc., and replace them with brand new ones. You can bring your bags and move in. You can set up a year-end reward or something in the brigade to give this benefit to married cadres who have performed well."

"What about the travel expenses? What about the travel expenses for the family members to come to the team? Will the station pay for it?" Li Zhan asked closely. If you were not a leader, Zheng Kaiyun's suggestion was quite reliable.

At this station deep in the desert, what the cadres and backbones who have families want to do most is to reunite with their families. But if you come to the team, you can only live in a small house, and the conditions are relatively poor. It is very troublesome to live all the way to Beikucheng District.

The camp is a station, so of course people keep the best for themselves. There are three rows of two bedrooms and one living room. All facilities are basically complete and very comfortable. If the cadres at the field station are not able to take the vacation, the family members staying in the team for a month will be the same as staying at home.

The officers and soldiers of the flying regiment have been envious of him for a long time.

Zheng Kaiyun gritted her teeth and said, "Solve it! I'll handle it for my family's train tickets to and from the station!"

"Hard sleep." Li Zhan said.

"Sleep hard, sleep hard!"

"The station has to send a car to Beikucheng to pick him up, and he has to send a car to deliver the person when he leaves. In short, all aspects have to be arranged," Li Zhan said.

Zheng Kaiyun risked her life, "Pick it up! Send it off! Xiao Li, as long as you agree, you can tell me how to get to the station, okay?"

"Reliable." Li Zhan finally nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, how many tons of aviation fuel can be given?"

Zheng Kaiyun stretched out two fingers and said, "Twenty tons, at most twenty tons, and it can only be given to you in the second half of the year. It cannot be taken out in the first half of the year anyway."

It looked like it was the end, Li Zhan secretly thought in his heart, anyway, he would be short of something before he spoke again...

Feeling proud of his intelligence, Li Zhan pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Well... well, we are all a family, as much as we need. Yes, the matter of family housing must be implemented as soon as possible. I will Let’s start working on incentive programs.”

"No problem, I will let them free up tonight, and I will send someone to the city to purchase tomorrow. The key will be handed over to you before roll call." Zheng Kaiyun hopes that the sooner the better, the sooner he implements it, he can sleep more peacefully.

Li Zhan stood at attention and saluted, "Thank you, chief!"

The most important problem was solved. Zheng Kaiyun was not willing to stay for a second longer and immediately left the tarmac. He had a lot of things to deal with, and he had to bear the brunt of finding out the whole thing. If he didn't handle this aspect well, he wouldn't be able to explain it.

"How was it? How was the result?" Xue Xiangdong came over with a smile and asked Li Zhan, who was immersed in joy.

Li Zhan raised his chest and raised his head, "Report to the regimental commander! Fortunately, he has fulfilled his mission! Station Commander Zheng promised to give us twenty tons of aviation fuel!"

Hearing this, Xue Xiangdong's expression suddenly changed, and he stared at Li Zhan and asked, "You're lucky enough to live up to your fate with only twenty tons? If I had known you were useless, I would have gone into battle myself!"

"Hey, leader, don't worry, I haven't finished what I said." Li Zhan was confident and decided to give Xue Xiangdong a surprise. He said, "Everyone has ten kilograms of pork, ten kilograms of peanut oil and fifty kilograms of rice. The New Year's goods will be given to us according to this standard. The regiment is prepared, it’s not old or young.”

Xue Xiangdong took a deep breath to control his temper.

Li Zhan continued, "In addition to this, stationmaster Zheng promised to free up ten family rooms, which we can use for a month. Daily necessities, bedding, etc. are all newly purchased. Isn't it the Chinese New Year soon? I plan to do it in the brigade. As a reward, the family members of married cadres who have performed well can come and live in the team for a month and have a good reunion. In addition, stationmaster Zheng promised to pay for the round-trip train tickets for the family members to come to the team. They will have hard sleepers, not hard seats."

"Oh..." Xue Xiangdong's face improved a little, and he touched his chin and said, "This is not bad. Well, this is not bad. The real benefits are a good incentive for the backbone of cadres."

Li Zhan was a little disappointed when he didn't see Xue Xiangdong showing the surprise he expected.

Xue Xiangdong frowned and said, "Your brigade only has a few married cadres. Do you need ten sets? You keep three sets and give the remaining seven sets to the regiment."

"No, Captain!" Li Zhan suddenly became anxious, "How can this be done! It's so hard for me..."

"Four sets! That's all!" Xue Xiangdong interrupted Li Zhan seriously, "How much other troops in the regiment have paid for your Kuangmao Brigade, you can't take everything, this matter is settled!"

"My entire regiment doesn't have one set, and your whole team wants to cause ten sets. It's a joke!"

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