Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 131 Political workers are not easy to do either

Nan Lianghong "stayed out of it" and was responsible for counting votes. Han Hongjun and Li Zixin collected the tickets and handed them to Nan Lianghong. The latter organized them and started reading. The first two sat down on the left and right sides of Li Zhan and recorded them on white paper.

"Li Zhan." Nan Lianghong read out the first ticket.

Li Zhan's brows furrowed, and he realized that he had still been negligent. However, he did not call a halt hastily, nor did he declare his vote invalid. Firstly, it would affect the votes of other comrades, and secondly, it would also be a blow to everyone's enthusiasm.

After dozens of votes were sung quickly, Han Hongjun and Li Zixin tallied up the results and handed them to Li Zhan, then returned to their seats. Nan Lianghong sorted out all the tickets again and handed them to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan put the ballots in the folder, held the results in his hand, raised his eyes and glanced around, and said, "After voting, two officers and non-commissioned officers were selected. The top two with the most votes received family housing for one month. The use rights will start on New Year's Eve. Well, the top three for officers are Li Zhan, Lin Fei, and Lei Yiming, and for non-commissioned officers, they are Ma Xiaogang and Zhang Tiezhu."

"There is a situation here to explain. I don't care about it. I have only been here for a few months and I am the least anxious." Li Zhan said.

Cong Dawei raised his hand and said, "Captain, how can this be done? It's fair and just. You were elected by everyone, how can you not be counted?"

"Yes, captain, you said everyone has a share in fairness and justice, how can it be excluded." Cao Xing raised his hand in agreement.

Other officers and soldiers spoke out firmly against Li Zhan's decision.

However, Li Zhan made up his mind, waved his hands to signal everyone to calm down, and said, "Stop talking, I will be the next batch, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

"Captain." Nan Lianghong spoke. He was the deputy chief of staff. Even though he was an ordinary pilot in the Crazy Demon Brigade, his words carried weight. "Actually, if you don't tell me, all comrades can understand it. Since my brothers and sisters To be honest, your state after leaving was a little different. You always had a straight face, and we looked anxious. You are good for the comrades, and this comrade knows it in their hearts. But as our leader Yan, your condition is actually the team’s top priority. So I firmly believe that you should have your younger siblings come over and have a good reunion with you during the Spring Festival.”

Li Zhan was confused after hearing this, and when he saw everyone nodding in agreement, he felt even more strange.

"What siblings? What siblings? You don't know that I'm single!" Li Zhan said in confusion.

Han Hongjun reminded in a low voice, "The lady who drives the 747 heavy cargo plane."

"Ah?" Li Zhan was extremely surprised.

Looking at everyone's ambiguous expressions again, Li Zhan understood everything. He even regards Zhu Qingying as his partner, which is really ridiculous.

"Let me make it clear that Comrade Zhu Qingying and I are only friends. Please don't make random speculations and comments." Li Zhan made it very clear that after the Ying Wanjun incident, he became quite sensitive to the relationship between men and women, and he was quite a bit concerned. Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years.

But he didn't intend to explain. The more he explained this kind of thing, the more confused he became.

Knocking on the table lightly, Li Zhan said seriously, "Okay, here is the list of those who have the right to use the family room for one month. The officers are Lin Fei and Lei Yiming, and the non-commissioned officers are Ma Xiaogang and Zhang Tiezhu. Is there any difference? Opinion?"

His sharp eyes glanced around.

Nan Lianghong raised her hand, "I agree!"

"Agree!" Everyone raised their hands in agreement.

Li Zhan nodded with satisfaction, folded the list and stuffed it into his pocket, and finally said, "Okay, the above four comrades can notify their families to come to the team, and the station will arrange a car to pick them up at the train station."

When he was about to announce the adjournment of the meeting, Zhang Tiezhu suddenly raised his hand and stood up to report, "Report, report!"

"Oh, Tiezhu, tell me." Li Zhan nodded slightly.

Zhang Tiezhu's face turned red. Obviously, he didn't often speak on such occasions, but if he didn't say it now, things wouldn't be changed once they were settled. Everyone can see that there is no reason to take back the military order once it is issued. Li Zhan simply said what he said - the number of votes was not disclosed, and no one knows whether the person elected was elected by everyone's vote. There is probably a story in this. , the key is that everyone sincerely approves of these four people receiving awards.

Lin Fei and Lei Yiming are both veteran pilots, and can be said to be the most dedicated comrades among veteran pilots. As far as the economic situation is concerned, they do not have as heavy a burden as Nan Lianghong, and they are more than enough. However, the two of them are the farthest away from home. Lin Fei is from Anhui and Lei Yiming and Hu Jian are both from the army. They have been stationed in this remote area in the west since the day they were discharged from the army. Their revolutionary consciousness is very high, and they often take vacations. Be humble and give opportunities to the comrades who need them most. It's been two years since the two of them had been back home. The most touching thing is that Lei Yiming's son was over two years old, and he met him just a few days after he was born.

Therefore, even if they don't vote, everyone thinks that they are the two officers who should be given the right to use the family room.

Ma Xiaogang and Zhang Tiezhu are both third-term non-commissioned officers. The former is a top technician and the latter is a good hand in ammunition. They were both married in 2008. The army originally gave them wedding leave, but something happened in Georgia on the day of the Olympics, and the army immediately recalled them. On the day he received the order, Zhang Tiezhu's wedding banquet was being held in the village. He put on his military uniform, picked up his bag and left on the spot. From now on, I can only talk to the bride on the phone.

If you want to choose the person who is most qualified to obtain the right to use the family room, it must be Zhang Tiezhu.

So when Zhang Tiezhu asked to speak, everyone was very concerned about it, for fear that something would happen again. There are even pessimistic comrades who can't help but guess-could it be that the bride has been pried away? After all, they returned before the wedding banquet was over. They left for more than a year, and it was the wedding period that should have been sweet.

Zhang Tiezhu became more and more nervous, his face became redder and redder, and he said hesitantly, "Captain, captain, I don't want the family room anymore. Give it to other comrades. My family members don't have time to come to the team."

"Is it because you don't have time to come to the team or for other reasons? Zhang Tiezhu, there are no outsiders here, please make it clear." Cong Dawei asked quickly. He was not aware of this change, for fear of accidentally irritating the team leader again.

Zhang Tiezhu hesitated and said, "I just don't have time, I don't have anything else to do. She, she has to go to work."

"Oh, I was negligent." Li Zhan nodded slightly.

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Zhan asked, "Squad leader Tiezhu, what does my sister-in-law do? What unit is she in?"

Zhang Tiezhu joined the army at the age of eighteen and served for eleven years. He is thirty this year. There is no problem in calling Li Zhan this way, and everyone knows that he has no official airs and shows considerable respect for the veterans.

"She sells clothes in a shopping mall. Business is best during the holidays, so it's hard to ask for leave." Zhang Tiezhu gradually calmed down and spoke more eloquently.

Upon hearing this, Li Zhan waved his hand and said, "I'll take care of this. Give me the phone number of the leader of their unit, and I'll help her ask for leave in the name of the army."

"No, no, no, captain, it's difficult for their mall leaders to speak." Zhang Tiezhu said quickly.

Li Zhan snorted coldly and said, "This is a member of the military. It's hard to talk, isn't it? I'll call your local civil affairs and let them communicate. I don't believe how difficult it is to ask for a month's leave."

"Captain, there's really no need." Zhang Tiezhu was about to cry.

Meeting such a domineering leader is not always a good thing.

Nan Lianghong thought for a while, then leaned over and whispered a few words to Li Zhan. Li Zhan suddenly understood, and then said to everyone, "Oh, the reward for the right to use the family room also includes round-trip travel expenses, hard sleepers, and full compensation. This It’s a benefit promised by the station. In addition, the brigade is considering giving consolation payments to the families of key cadres who have not been on leave for two years or more. When the time comes, I will take out the charter and submit it to the group for approval."

"Then I'll ask my wife to quit her job." Zhang Tiezhu said immediately.

Everyone was shocked.

Zhang Tiezhu realized that he spoke too quickly, and quickly explained, "My wife's job is not difficult to find, she just sells clothes. At worst, I can find it after I go home after the holidays."

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Tiezhu's face turned red.

If Xue Xiangdong saw this, he would definitely fall into deep thought - did the Mad Demon Brigade first let the little prince of the tie rod be transformed into the tie rod brigade?

The atmosphere became relaxed, but many people knew very well that Zhang Tiezhu was just enjoying himself in hardship. Hu Jian's economy is prosperous, but there are also areas of poverty. For example, in Longyan area, a famous old revolutionary area, the Gutian Conference with extremely important historical significance was held in Gutian Village, Longyan. In China's political map, the Longyan area has a very high historical status, but its economic it there?

Any old revolutionary area can basically be equated with lagging economic development. The strategy of “rural areas surrounding cities” can be understood as the vast poverty-stricken areas surrounding relatively wealthy areas. This will make it clear (liao) and (le).

Zhang Tiezhu is from Gutian. His home is in the mountains surrounding the Gutian Conference site. It is a famous poor village in the village area. If it is a national-level poverty-stricken village, it will be much more comfortable. Tens of millions of special funds are allocated every year, and basically what is needed is given. On the contrary, the poor villages in Zhongbuliuqiu were temporarily put aside. When the economy of the poor villages at the bottom was improved, the poor villages in Zhongbuliuqiu became the poor villages at the bottom. Then tens of millions of yuan of special projects were Poverty alleviation funds are used to boost the economy, and this cycle continues until poverty is completely eradicated.

It's just that before the Spring Festival of 2010, Zhang Tiezhu's hometown had not yet experienced major changes.

The distance from Hu Jian to the area where Beikuchang Station is located is more than 4,500 kilometers, and the train takes three days. Time is not an issue. The key is that the round trip cost per person is nearly 2,000 yuan. This is definitely a huge expense for Zhang Tiezhu, a small and poor family.

Doesn’t Zhang Tiezhu miss his wife? Of course he does! There is not even a mother in Beikuchang Station, and she is newlywed, so it would be strange not to miss her! But the strength doesn’t allow it! If you endure it, not only will you be able to save travel expenses, but your wife will also be able to earn an extra 1,800 yuan by working at home during the Spring Festival. It’s a lot of money to go back and forth.

Now that the army has reimbursed the round trip expenses, there is still 2,000 yuan left. Is there anything more exciting than this?

He was so excited that he said what he was thinking on the spot - it didn't matter if he quit his job, as long as the travel expenses were paid!

Seeing that Zhang Tiezhu was hesitant and still wanted to speak, Li Zhan pointed at him and said, "Let me make it clear first that your parents can come if they want, but their transportation expenses cannot be solved by the troops. This is a rule."

Zhang Tiezhu said hurriedly, "Captain, what my parents can't leave is, just, isn't this Spring Festival luck? It's hard to buy tickets..."

Hey, it's a new problem, and it's more urgent and difficult to deal with.

It seems that political workers are not easy to do either. Li Zhan thought this way, but he had a little more understanding of political workers.

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