Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 132 I can’t lead the team without clearing the tickets

The meeting was over. Li Zhan asked everyone to go back and write down their experiences and hand them over before roll call. He asked Nan Lianghong to stay and discuss buying train tickets.

The families of the four key cadres who have been granted the right to use their family rooms all have to come by train. The family members of Zhang Tiezhu who have the farthest journey must leave tomorrow, otherwise they will not be able to arrive before New Year's Eve.

Nan Lianghong said apologetically, "Captain, I really can't do anything about this matter. Although my family is in Beikucheng, I'm not very familiar with the local people, let alone the people in the railway department. I'm afraid there is only one way."

"What solution?" Li Zhan asked.

Nan Lianghong said, "Let Zhang Tiezhu's family come over by civil aviation, but the cost is a bit excessive. You need to negotiate with the station to resolve this."

Li Zhan shook his head, "No, no, no, this is a last resort. A bowl of water should be served evenly and not treated differently. We still have to find a way to buy a sleeper ticket."

He thought for a moment and said, "It's really not feasible for the regiment to come forward to coordinate the military transportation department. Ask them to communicate with the railway department."

"Isn't it necessary?" Nan Lianghong was shocked, "There is no need to engage in such a big battle."

Only units at the regiment level or above are qualified to negotiate with other departments as a first-level party committee organization, especially when it comes to the local railway system, which is not a trivial matter. If ordinary people can't buy tickets, they'll have to spend more money to find scalpers (only Guangzhou Railway and Chengdu Railway Bureau piloted the real-name system for train tickets in 2010). In fact, Zhang Tiezhu's family members can also buy from scalpers, but Li Zhan has never thought of this method. It's not that it's difficult to reimburse the extra money, but that Li Zhan doesn't bother to do so from the bottom of his heart.

If I, the battalion-level captain of the Chinese People's Air Force, can't even solve this little thing, what confidence do I have to fly a J-6 Plus fighter to patrol the airspace and be ready to hit supersonic speeds at any time to attack invading enemies?

For Li Zhan, this matter not only related to his personal ability to do things, but also related to the very important collective sense of honor of military personnel.

I risked my life to protect my family and my country, and I just wanted to meet my wife and have a sleep during the Spring Festival! Can't you even buy a train ticket?

Is this the end of the world?

Are people so indifferent?

Or is this society terminally ill?

You must definitely prevent officers and soldiers from having the above thoughts.

The organization comes forward to help you solve a small matter for the organization but a big matter for you. This will give the officers and soldiers a stronger sense of collective honor. In the eyes of officers and soldiers, especially those at the grassroots level, they all have the same subconscious mind - are there still things that the army cannot solve?

Therefore, no matter how much resources Li Zhan uses, he still has to buy the prescribed train tickets at regular fares. Buying tickets is a small matter, but it is a big deal.

Li Zhan did not want to explain clearly, but said directly to Nan Lianghong, "Deputy Chief of Staff Nan, I have now formally submitted an application to the command office, asking the regiment to immediately coordinate the railway transportation department to solve the problem of round-trip train transportation for the family members of the four comrades coming to the regiment. Ticket issue.”

"This... I'm in a dilemma." Nan Lianghong said with a wry smile.

"You can't make the decision anyway, so hurry up and report to the regiment headquarters. It's best to get results before lights out. If not, I'll set off to Beiku tonight to go directly to the leaders of the railway department." Li Zhan said calmly. .

Nan Lianghong finally figured out that once the captain decided something, the Boeing 747 heavy cargo plane couldn't pull it back even if it pushed back, so he agreed and left immediately.

But sometimes things don't go as smoothly as expected. Xue Xiangdong directly called the Military Transportation Office in Beiku. The best result was that he could only buy a berth for the day after tomorrow, and no seats for tomorrow. Li Zhan didn't think about it at all. Not to mention not having a seat for three whole days, even sitting down would be painful. It has to be a hard sleeper, not a hard seat!

Li Zhan, who came to the regiment headquarters, said firmly to Xue Xiangdong, "Commander, tonight we must first solve the problem of Zhang Tiezhu's family coming to the regiment. It's just getting dark and there is still time. I request to go to Beikucheng and directly Go to the leaders of Beiku Railway Station and ask them for help.”

Xue Xiangdong looked at Deputy Political Commissar Wang Anguo, who frowned and said, "How effective will it be if you go? The Beiku Military Transportation Office is very helpful, but it can only contact the hard sleeper the day after tomorrow. I think I will let Zhang Tiezhu's If the family members arrive a day or two late, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

"Chief, train delays are serious during the peak period of Spring Festival travel. It's not surprising that trains are delayed for more than ten hours if you're unlucky. People come and go after the Spring Festival, so it's not that meaningful." Li Zhan argued.

Wang Anguo said, "I understand your mood. This is not allowed by the circumstances."

Li Zhan shook his head with a firm attitude, "I've already spoken out. The military orders are like mountains. I can't lead this team if I can't handle this little thing."

"This is no small matter, Xiao Li." Wang Anguo said with a smile, "It's hard to get a ticket during the peak period of Spring Festival travel. Even if we go out, if you can't buy it, you can't buy it. If you don't have a ticket, you don't have a ticket. Do you think you have this on your head? The hat is very useful, right?”

Li Zhan said resolutely, "I think it is more effective than any hat in the world."

"Stop talking." Xue Xiangdong raised his hand to interrupt the conversation between the two, and said directly to Li Zhan, "There is no trivial matter in the military, and it doesn't matter who the leader is when he speaks. I agree with you. Take my car and try your best." If it really didn't work out, the regiment would find a way to cover part of the travel expenses. The special affairs department asked Zhang Tiezhu's family members to take a civil flight to the provincial capital, and let the station send a car to pick them up. Since we want to give the soldiers a sense of pride, we can't start at the end but end at the end!"

It is not easy to be a military chief. There are very few people who can lead the troops to roar when they become a military chief. That requires extremely strong personal charisma. Xue Xiangdong embodies the decisiveness of killing in battle, and the vigor and resoluteness in daily work. Ding is Dingmao, this is his personal style, and what is reflected in combination with other aspects is personal charm.

The 101st Regiment still maintained strong fighting spirit during the long period of third-line equipment status, although its combat thinking tended to be relatively conservative.

"Thank you, captain!" Li Zhan saluted and turned around to leave. When he got downstairs, Xue Xiangdong's driver, Xiao Chen, had not received the notification yet.

After waiting for two minutes, a small car driving a 2030 off-road vehicle came at lightning speed. Li Zhan jumped on the car and said, "Xiao Chen! Go to Kuangmo Machinery Maintenance to take someone with you first!"

"Yes!" Xiao Chen agreed and got excited.

Xiao Chen dared to joke with the group leader, but he didn't dare to joke with the famous little prince of the lever. He made twenty or thirty yuan every minute, but he only got three thousand yuan as salary a month. This economic level is the easiest to establish a hierarchy, especially when the age difference is not big. On the contrary, the leader who has a high position and Xiao Chen has no specific concept is more approachable.

He is said to be Xiao Chen, but he is actually only two years younger than Li Zhan. He is in his fifth year this year. At the end of the year, he will either be transferred to the second term or go home. He loves everyone. As long as he doesn't make mistakes, he doesn't have to give anything except the leader. No one else's face.

But the little prince who pulled the lever made a lot of money, which made Xiao Chen stand in awe.

Sometimes, while lying on the bed, Xiao Chen would involuntarily think that if I was given another chance, I would definitely try hard to fly a plane and make a lot of money. It's a pity that if you miss some things, you can never find them back. You can only stare blankly at the sky and watch the planes silently.

The second update is also posted today. I don’t know how many people have understood this chapter. Please vote... I will update the next chapter at this time tomorrow.

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