Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 134 I solved it with just one phone call

Back at the Cheetah 2030 off-road vehicle, Li Zhan said to Xiao Chen a little irritably, "Give me a cigarette."

"Captain Li, how can I have a cigarette? I don't smoke." Xiao Chen was flustered, his eyes flickered, and he subconsciously lowered his left arm that was resting on the car window frame.

The disciplinary rectification implemented in the past period includes a ban on smoking and drinking. Even Xue Dapao, who is addicted to alcohol, has suppressed it. Who dares to commit crimes against the trend?

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up." Li Zhan didn't have the patience to wait with him.

Xiao Chen reluctantly took out a cigarette from his inner pocket and handed it to Li Zhan, "Team Li, I didn't smoke during working hours. Monitor Tiezhu, please bear with me."

Li Zhan ignored him, lit up the cigarette, took a heavy puff, raised his head and blew it out. The smoke and hot air spurted out together, which was quite poetic under the light of the slightly foggy night. But his mood had nothing to do with poetry or painting.

Xiao Chen also noticed that Zhang Tiezhu was not in a high mood, so he also handed Zhang Tiezhu a cigarette and whispered, "Squad leader Tiezhu, can't you get a ticket?"

"..." Zhang Tiezhu didn't answer, fearing to make Li Zhan even more unhappy.

Here, Xiao Chen started to slander again. He couldn't handle it anymore. He couldn't handle it even if the regiment leader took action. So what if you go to Beikucheng? Li Dapao is really Li Dapao. Now there is something interesting. I was bragging to my comrades.

Li Zhan is really a little optimistic, which is related to his lack of contact with local society. Moreover, he had never taken a train before joining the army, so he had no idea how stressful railway transportation was. The most important thing is that he did not truly realize the power of Spring Festival travel.

Is it a trivial matter to get a sleeper ticket for trains departing within 24 hours during the most stressful period of Spring Festival travel? It can be said that at this time, there is probably nothing more difficult to handle than this. Stationmaster Zhang was very honest and willing to help. He didn't even dare to tell Li Zhan that he had no so-called motor vehicle tickets. Being able to get hard seat tickets is already a very ideal result. That is a migration of more than 4,000 kilometers from the southeastern coast to the northern border of the west!

Could it be that what Xue Xiangdong and the Military Transportation Department couldn't handle, could he, Li Zhan, handle it?

In fact, even Zhang Tiezhu didn't have any hopes, so he wouldn't be disappointed.

Xue Xiangdong is a good person. He knows Li Zhan very well. If he is not allowed to come over, he will definitely take this matter to heart and make it difficult for him. Furthermore, he will go to Beikucheng itself all night for the soldiers. This is already a very good attitude. The outcome of this trip is actually not the most important thing to Xue Xiangdong. People who can be leaders are scary. Many things can be seen through one thing, and many actions can be affected by one action.

"Captain, I'll let my wife come by plane, or I'll be reimbursed according to the train standard. Do you think this is okay?" Zhang Tiezhu said with great determination.

It’s not easy to buy air tickets during the peak period of Spring Festival travel. Even if you can buy one, it will definitely be a full-price ticket, which costs nearly 4,000 yuan. Seeing that the captain was so unhappy because of his own affairs, Zhang Tiezhu felt so sorry that he decided to fight for it.

Li Zhan threw the cigarette butt at his feet and stamped it out. He handed over his cell phone and said, "Are you kidding? If I could do this, why would I come to Beiku? Here, call back and ask if someone has arrived at the train station."


"obey orders."


Zhang Tiezhu's wife was very excited. In less than an hour since she received the call, she had already packed up and was ready to rush to the train station. It can be seen that she is very excited about missing her husband, and such a sudden arrangement by the army seems to her to be "like winning a jackpot." This is what she said when talking to her husband on the phone.

Knowing that his wife was going to rush to the train station, Zhang Tiezhu hesitated again and wanted to stop her, but couldn't bear to pour cold water on her. After Li Zhan glared at him, he hung up the phone after a few words of instruction. His wife was so happy that while waiting for the bus, she called her parents and told her parents-in-law and the little sisters in the next village.

To sum it up, there is a core point: the army reimbursed the round trip expenses and invited me to reunite with Tiezhu, and I could stay for a month!

This supreme honor belonging to military personnel cannot be compared with superficial money.

This is the sense of honor that Li Zhan and many leading cadres hope to create in the military. The honor of military families is the honor of military personnel, which reflects the social status of military personnel. It requires society to give preferential treatment to the special profession of military personnel to maintain it.

At this moment, Xiao Chen also realized that it was not the time to gloat. When Zhang Tiezhu returned the phone to Li Zhan, he said to Li Zhan, "Captain Li, you probably haven't been out during the Spring Festival. You don't know how terrifying the Spring Festival is." Not to mention these two days, all train tickets are probably sold out within a month, and most of the time you are lucky if you can get a seat without a seat. I went home during the Spring Festival vacation last year, just in time for the peak period. As a result, I couldn’t buy a train ticket at all, so I had to fly back.”

Zhang Tiezhu said, "Captain, forget it, it's too much trouble."

The more this happened, the more unwilling Li Zhan became. When Sanhe was fighting floods and blowing up mountains to release floods, he repeatedly attacked but failed to explode. He did not give up even in such a critical situation. He persisted until the last moment and finally completed the task. At the end of the day, isn’t it just buying a ticket?

Just buy a ticket!

Li Zhan became angry, pointed at Zhang Tiezhu and said, "You get in the car and wait while I make a call."

Zhang Tiezhu hesitated to speak, so he had to get in the car first.

Turning around and walking a little further away, Li Zhan took out his mobile phone and made a call. Zhang Tiezhu and Xiao Chen could see Li Zhan talking to them sideways but could not hear the sound of the call. But they were very excited to see Li Zhan talking on the phone.

"Squad leader Tiezhu, who do you think Team Li called? Is it the team leader?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

Zhang Tiezhu felt very guilty and said casually, "You don't have to avoid us when you call the captain. Alas, the captain has to worry about me. Just now in the stationmaster's office, the captain looked uncomfortable when he spoke in a low voice. I’ve never seen him talk like that.”

"Can't you? Aren't they saying that the little prince of the lever is hard-hearted? He doesn't treat anyone well except the lever fee." Xiao Chen said in surprise.

Zhang Tiezhu said quickly, "Don't listen to those rumors. The brigade captain is a very nice person. He just needs to be stricter in training. Besides, strict training is a good thing. You should know his glorious history in the Second Division."

"More than know, the leader of the regiment said every now and then. More than glory, he is simply a legend, a legendary pilot. He just loves money and is always willing to pull the rod and pay for it. Last time, deputy commander Yang Jinshan said that Captain Li actually asked him to ask Mr. Liu The lever fee is enough, I’ll accept it." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

Zhang Tiezhu defended without any confidence, "Things are not what you think. Listen to my defense and explanation. The team leader has said that during this period there are some mocking rumors in the team, saying that our Kuangmo team loves money. In fact, this is not the case at all. …”

"Hehe, the explanation is just a cover-up, squad leader Tiezhu, don't be nervous, it's not a secret anyway. Besides, if you have the ability to earn more lever fees, what's the point? If you don't steal, rob, or rely on the party, you can be self-reliant." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

Zhang Tiezhu has a stupid mouth. It's really hard to explain this kind of thing. The more he describes it, the darker it becomes. He warned Xiao Chen, "Don't raise the lever fee or anything else in front of the captain, or he'll slap you."

"I know, I know, how dare I be naughty with him." Xiao Chen said with lingering fear.

The incident of Tang Song hiding the screwdriver in the morning was discovered by Captain Li's sharp eyes, and every time Xiao Chen looked at Captain Li, he would feel palpitations coming from the soles of his feet. He didn't know that it was the natural fear of the weak towards the strong, but very soon Visibly scared.

Therefore, Xiao Chen dared to tease the regiment leaders and did not even take other cadres seriously, but he would never dare to make a mistake in front of Captain Li.

Not long after, Li Zhan came back and said directly to Zhang Tiezhu, "It's solved. Call your wife and ask her to go directly to the police station in front of the station. Someone will send the ticket there and urge her to leave at 1:30 in the morning. , time is tight.”

After taking the phone, Zhang Tiezhu didn't have time to get excited and quickly called.

Li Zhan said with emotion, "Squad leader Tiezhu, you are so ungrateful..."

Xiao Chen was still stunned. Is this solved?

Can it be solved with just a phone call?

Then why didn't you call earlier and come to Beikucheng specifically?

Xiao Chen and Monk Zhang Er were confused. How could he know that there were many unknown things in this world, and there were many unknown people doing unknown things.

It was hard for them to imagine what resources Li Zhan had used for this train ticket. He owed Dafa a lot of favors.

A few minutes ago, Li Zhan had the following conversation with the old leader.

"This matter must be resolved no matter what. I just became the team leader and I can't handle it after I boast about my awesomeness. How can I lead this team in the future?"

"How you bring it is your business. Go to your leader. I have a lot of military affairs and you ask me to buy tickets for you. As long as you have two peanuts, you won't drink like this."

"Aren't you my leader? Don't underestimate the matter of buying tickets. What time is it now? Spring Festival Transport, Spring Festival Transport, do you understand? You know nothing about Spring Festival Transport."

"Okay, don't bother me with this shit, just handle it yourself!"

"Damn it, you really won't help?"

"Why are you still threatening me? A lot of my priorities are life-threatening at any moment. You want me to buy a ticket for you? What do you think!"

"You don't care what I think. I'm already aggrieved. If you can't solve this problem, what's the use of you! Okay, I won't help you, just wait for me."

"Hey, Li Zhan, what I'm teasing you about is getting a sleeper ticket. No matter how big the deal is, I'll arrange it wherever the person is."

"That's mean. If you couldn't have agreed earlier, it would be over. I have to scold you to feel comfortable."

"Isn't this another promotion? Let me practice with you, haha."

I have just arrived in Beijing and am preparing for a twenty-day training. I will try my best to keep this updated in the future. Come on, tell me which street guy said that training was out of context? How could such a prestigious place like the Central National Cadre College conduct out-of-context training?

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