Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 135 New Year’s Eve Combat Preparation Duty

The Spring Festival of 2010 is coming soon, and the first snow of the New Year is falling soon. The New Year is coming, and Li Zhan is the only one who thinks about flying every day, while everyone else is getting ready to welcome the New Year.

Many people have forgotten what kind of force the 73rd Division is. No matter how shabby it is, it is still a fighter division on the front line. It is responsible for daily combat readiness patrols and ensuring the safety of the airspace line. The 101st Regiment prepared for combat last year, and this year it’s the brothers’ turn.

However, combat readiness patrols are generally strengthened during major festivals, and all troops must have combat readiness duty units. Li Zhan and Xue Xiangdong managed to use the name of the simulated blue army aviation unit of the military region to snatch away the holiday combat preparation task that was supposed to be for the first group.

It's no use grabbing it.

Because the weather did not allow flying.

After arranging things in the family room, Li Zhan went to the weather observatory every day and rubbed Zhang Yuan every day, as if Zhang Yuan could affect the weather. Of course Zhang Yuan cannot affect the weather, but only he can decide whether to fly. At this point, nothing the division commander Chen Hualin said was effective, let alone Xue Xiangdong.

Once Zhang Yuan signs, you can fly. If he doesn't sign, you can't fly. There is absolutely no third possibility. This is the absolute power and absolute responsibility of the person in charge of the weather station.

Slowly Zhang Yuan saw that Li Zhan ultimately wanted him to sign and let him go.

"Are you kidding? Who is responsible if something goes wrong? I am responsible! Don't mess with me!" Finally on the day before New Year's Eve, Zhang Yuan couldn't help it, reprimanded Li Zhan, and then persuaded him earnestly, "Brother No.1. , just stop messing around, okay? You let me have a good meal during the Chinese New Year. The weather conditions don’t allow flying. Even if I sign for you, what will happen if something happens after you get on board? You also have to consider everyone’s safety. Okay, okay, okay. , don’t say any more. I support your plan to conduct combat training under complex weather conditions. Haven’t I always supported you? But you also need to divide your time. This is a legal holiday during the Chinese New Year. How many days can you let everyone spend? Have a happy birthday."

Li Zhan was unhappy and said, "Deputy Director Zhang, what you said is wrong. If you want to go home and hold your wife on your birthday, why do you want to be a soldier? Soldiers want to live a happy life, but ordinary people don't. ! Why do we come to the army from all over the world to put on military uniform? The reason is to protect our country and to let the people live a peaceful life! Never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind, the highest superior mentioned in his speech during the inspection of the XX army last year Contemporary soldiers must be more dedicated than ever before, always unswervingly implement the highest purpose of serving the people into specific work, always unswervingly put improving combat capabilities in the first place, and always firmly Unswervingly promote that our army is not afraid of hardship or fatigue..."

"Stop, stop, stop..."

Zhang Yuan immediately realized that he had made a mistake and should not have thought about giving political education lessons to Li Zhan. His political talk could fool even a proven cadre like the regiment leader.

His head was spinning.

"Even if you say "flower", I can't sign this word. I can't make fun of the pilot's life, and neither can you!" Zhang Yuan's attitude was very firm.

Li Zhan changed his tactics, pointed at the cloud map and said, "Except for snowfall, other conditions meet the minimum meteorological requirements. We can't let the troops stop fighting when it snows, right? The station now has aircraft-engined snow removal trucks, all of which start twenty at the same time. The main runway can be cleared of snow in minutes. As long as I get to the sky, I'll be fine."

"What about the crosswind? Let me ask you, what about the crosswind on the ground? See for yourself, it has exceeded the minimum meteorological standards." Zhang Yuan said, pointing to the latest recorded crosswind data on the ground.

Li Zhan said, "It can be overcome. It's not that I haven't trained on the subject of taking off in strong crosswinds. It's just right. Let's integrate it and learn it. In the future, if we fight against the Red Army, the Red Army can't take off and we can't take off. Then we will have an asymmetric advantage." Yet?"

"Taking off in strong crosswinds? Do you think you're in the Second Division? Even in the Second Division, single-engine fighters have never done training in taking off and landing in strong crosswinds. Is it possible that you want to fly the J-6?" Zhang Yuan said with a sneer.

Everyone knows this.

Single-engine fighters have a natural weakness because they do not have the conditions to use the thrust difference between the two engines to resist the influence of crosswinds. It is difficult to rely solely on the rudder wing of the vertical tail. The most critical thing is that the J-7 cannot do it, but the J-10, a third-generation aircraft that uses a fly-by-wire control system and has an intelligent management system, can do it.

Where can I find the third-generation aircraft on Group 101?

Zhang Yuan mocked Li Zhan for flying the J-6 because the J-6 is a twin-engine fighter that can take off in strong crosswinds by adjusting the thrust of the left and right engines. However, what Zhang Yuan did not understand was that an old aircraft like the J-6 could not adjust the thrust of a certain engine independently! Neither does Plath.

Li Zhan didn't say anything, but instead asked, "Who told you that single-engine fighters can't do it? Lao Zhang, let me tell you, there are no weak fighters, only meaty ones. If you are willing to give fuel, there is no fighter that can't fly."

"You're supposed to be driving!" Zhang Yuan said helplessly, "Is this how the plane flies? Besides, can you overcome strong crosswinds with high speed?"

"You don't know how to fly. Anyway, we have a way. Lao Zhang, I won't embarrass you. As long as it meets the minimum weather requirements, you must sign this for me. You can't let me get stuck. Don't take the Spring Festival as an excuse. Why don't we stop fighting during the Chinese New Year?" Li Zhan took a step back and said.

He has also carefully weighed it. So far, only Han Hongjun and Li Zixin have conducted training under complex weather conditions. The weather is now worse than before. It is not safe to rush the entire brigade. He had to consider Xue Xiangdong's feelings.

So he took a step back and agreed that all data would meet the minimum meteorological requirements before applying for a flight.

Zhang Yuan was also annoyed by Li Zhan, so he agreed and said, "As long as the minimum weather requirements are met, I will definitely sign in accordance with the regulations. As for whether you can fly, it is not up to me."

"I'll go ask for instructions from the regiment, as long as you don't block me here." Li Zhan said.

"Okay, okay, come back quickly. It's New Year's Eve tomorrow, why don't your brigade do something about the hygiene?" Zhang Yuan waved his hand.

Li Zhan sighed and said, "Let's do it, why not do it? I heard that a leader will come to inspect on the first day of the new year. You have to keep an eye on me and try to fly up there on the first day of the new year. Otherwise, what will the leader inspect when inspecting?" Can’t we have a queue? What’s the point of not flying the plane into the sky?”

"Okay, this is a political mission, I'm sure I'll take it seriously." Zhang Yuan also stopped joking and agreed seriously.

Li Zhan waved his hand and left.

There are only two festivals that are more enjoyable for soldiers, Army Day and Spring Festival, which are also the most important festivals of the year. One is birthday, everyone's birthday, and the other symbolizes reunion. Most military units implement the statutory holiday system and also have weekends off. However, this is not the case for front-line troops and full-training troops. They are basically either training or preparing for training.

The term "fully trained troops" is an old saying. It exists in all branches of the military, and it is not determined by the level of equipment, but by the nature of the area where it is stationed, the orientation of operations, and the tasks it undertakes. The 73rd Division is a well-known rag-tag division in the west, specializing in picking up second-hand goods from its brothers' troops, but this division is also a fully trained division with full personnel. Two of the three flight groups are large-scale groups. Although the equipment is old and outdated, the quantity is definitely sufficient. The quantity is large enough to satisfy the needs.

Therefore, for the 73rd Division, Army Day and Spring Festival are even more important. After all, there is not much time to rest.

Li Zhan could not and would not spoil the good mood of the officers and soldiers during the festival, so he did not mention a word about training and led everyone to thoroughly clean up the housekeeping throughout the afternoon. Perhaps to take care of his emotions, the regiment put him on combat readiness duty on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Xue Xiangdong and other regiment leaders finally realized that nothing could stimulate Li Zhan except flying.

At the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve, the group and the venue jointly had a big meal. As an exception, each person was given a bottle of beer, but judging from the situation in previous years, most of them had to drink more. In addition to pilots on combat duty, other pilots are also tacitly allowed to drink. The Chinese New Year is coming, and they are all children who have left home. No leader can forcefully stop anyone who is not homesick.

Li Zhan ate and chatted with the brothers in the brigade. The dining hall was full of laughter and laughter, and from time to time there was a loud roar that almost shook the ceiling - Go! Dry! ! Dry! ! !

Xue Xiangdong was the happiest. He was a famous drunkard of the 73rd Division, and he couldn't walk because of the smell of alcohol. He led the team leaders to toast table by table, thanking the brothers for their hard work in the past year, and encouraging the comrades to continue their efforts to reach new heights in the coming year. The beer was poured from one tea vat to another.

Seeing that it was almost time, Li Zhan handed over the team to Nan Lianghong to greet him, and took Li Zixin to the flight briefing room to take over the duty of the previous pilot. It wasn't dark yet, but it was snowing a little, and the scenery was quite strange.

Combat readiness duty is not training. Unless the weather is so bad that the aircraft cannot get into the sky, once there is an air condition, you have to take off with all your strength. There is no second choice. Therefore, this is completely different from Li Zhanmo and Zhang Yuan signing.

The two J-7s are on duty. Li Zhan's No. 101 fighter plane has never been able to find the cause of the abnormal engine operation. After repeated tests, all aspects were normal, so it returned to normal training status. At this time, the ground power supply truck had started up the aircraft on duty, and the oil pipe of the refueling truck continued to replenish fuel for the aircraft on duty. As soon as the order is given, these ground auxiliary equipment will be removed immediately, and the pilot can slide out directly. At this time, the issue of cost-efficiency will not be considered. No matter how much aviation fuel is wasted, it is necessary to ensure that the aircraft on duty is in driving condition and minimize the take-off preparation time.

During the festive season, we miss our loved ones even more. During these days, we talk about things at home, the New Year’s Eve scenes in previous years and the New Year’s Eve scenes in our hometown. Li Zhan and Li Zixin chatted about interesting things without a word. The flight helmet was at hand, and all other equipment was already put on. When the order came, they just picked up the helmet and rushed out.

Compared with the Second Division, which has a more complicated surrounding environment in the area, the Seventy-third Division is relatively peaceful. One is a long-term friendly strategic partnership, while the others simply cannot afford the air force. In some countries, the entire air force does not have as many fighters as the 73rd Division.

Li Zhan really couldn't imagine what kind of situation the 73rd Division would encounter. In fact, his idea was right. So he was mentally prepared to sit on the bench, so that when the order suddenly came, he hesitated for a second...

It's the last day of the month. Brothers, please check out your monthly tickets. The weather conditions are quite complicated.

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