Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 137 The unruly pilot

At 20:20 in the evening, people in the eastern region have already ushered in the dark night, while the sky in the Beiku region is still full of sunset. The setting sun was hiding behind the west peak, half-hidden and reluctant to leave.

Li Zhan led Li Zixin in a cautious and meticulous descent to 2,000, and flew at an ultra-low altitude in the canyon. At this time, their relative height is actually only four to five hundred meters, and it is constantly changing. Such a flight tests the pilot's control of the fighter plane and judgment of the terrain.

The biggest threat is the air currents in the mountains.

But God was kind. Although there was light snow, the airflow in the mountains was actually very stable.

Li Zhan relaxed a little, but radar station No. 27 exploded.

"The 101st regiment doesn't follow the rules. Isn't this disorderly behavior? What do we think when we get down to altitude? Are you giving us eye drops during the Chinese New Year?" Qu Hongbo, the captain's staff officer on duty, complained to Wang Dongyang, the deputy station chief on duty who arrived. road.

Wang Dongyang didn't drink, but he ate a lot at dinner. He burped and asked, "Have you contacted the 101 group? Ask them what they are doing."

"After contacting me, their duty leader said that everything should be based on actual combat, and the soldiers should practice the same way as they fight in the war. You are singing a high note with me!" Qu Hongbo was furious, "We should train the soldiers in the same way as we fight in the war. When it comes to singing, just those crappy planes they have?"

The phased array radar at Radar Station No. 27 is the latest model currently in service and is at the leading international level. Its detection range for small fighter aircraft has reached 500 kilometers, and it has functions such as locking, tracking and fire control. It has comprehensive combat capabilities. Very powerful equipment.

They have the right to look down on the shabby aircraft of the 73rd Division.

However, that phased array radar will not be turned on around the clock. It will only turn on the air warning radar at ordinary times to save the service life of the phased array radar. Moreover, ordinary air warning radars consume much less resources than phased array radars.

Wang Dongyang touched his belly and said, "Which leader is on duty?"

"Ma, Ma Feng." Qu Hongbo thought for a moment and said, "Chief of Staff of the Regiment."

Wang Dongyang also searched his memory for a while, "Is it the one with the horse face? He has only been in office for less than a year, right? He is somewhat capable. He has worked in the Northeast Red Flag Division and is relatively experienced."

"Deputy station director, I don't care where he has done it. We can't explain what he did to the superiors. How do we write a report? Say that the target cannot be detected? Isn't this the New Year? Today is New Year's Eve!" Qu Hongbo compared Excited.

No matter who this happens to, everyone will be excited.

If it's normal, forget it. This clearly shows that the carriages and horses are celebrating the Chinese New Year. Once the flight crew checks it out, just follow the original process. What are you doing?

"Is there no trace at all?" Wang Dongyang walked to stand behind the radar operator and asked.

The radar operator shook his head and said, "No, there is nothing. They must have entered the mountains. That is the radar blind spot."

"Their pilots know our radar blind spots very well. They can avoid them if they want to." Qu Hongbo took a large-scale topographic map of the Beiku Mountains, drew a line on it with his finger, and said, "Deputy Stationmaster, look, as long as they fly at a low altitude along this route, we can't detect them."

Wang Dongyang frowned.

The troops have no horses and weapons to put into storage at Nanshan, but in a long-term non-war state, it is inevitable that the string of being always ready for war will be relaxed. Therefore, there will continue to be top instructions asking for closeness to actual combat, closeness to actual combat, and tightness of time. The strings of war. Compared with the southeast, due south, northeast, and other coastal areas where the situation is complex, the environment where the troops are stationed in the North Kurdistan Region is relatively relaxed. External pressure is relatively small, and the troops will not be very nervous. This is normal.

Over the past many years, the 101st Regiment and other aviation units have established procedures for conducting joint air-ground exercises and simulated confrontations with ground forces. Everyone just follows the process and that's it, don't mess around. This kind of thinking is widespread.

Why would Li Zhan's arrival have such a big impact on the 101st Regiment?

It was not his legendary experience, but the sharp combat training viewpoints he brought that tore apart the combat training methods and operational thinking implemented by the 101st Regiment for so many years. Everything bloody was revealed, and everyone could understand more clearly. I saw the mess inside.

Did Ma Feng have the courage to break the rules in the past?

There is absolutely no chance that he would, regardless of whether he had served in the Red Flag Division or flown in the Eagle Division. Human thinking is easily solidified under the influence of the environment. On the contrary, as a new pilot but with more skills and experience than the veteran pilots, Li Zhan will be more objective, calm and see things more clearly when looking at problems.

Covering one's ears and stealing the bell will only make a joke.

It is better to tear off the disguise of kindness yourself than to let the enemy tear it away.

Li Zhan wants to go straight to the core, even if it is just a simple simulated confrontation. He believes that the impact it will bring will definitely make the brother units think and reflect.

Now this impact has been produced.

At least Wang Dongyang was dizzy.

"They don't want their lives? It's still snowing outside, how dare they fly at low altitude in the mountainous area?" Wang Dongyang was very depressed and scratched his head.

Qu Hongbo said, "The light snow does not matter. I have read the weather report. The light snow in the mountainous areas is basically negligible. However, the airflow in the mountains is more complicated. Generally, it is not possible to fly into the mountains. I don't think Ma Feng has the courage." , 80% of it was ordered by Commander Xue. Deputy Station Chief, you’d better contact Commander Xue, don’t make everyone look so ugly.”

"Xue Xiangdong won't do this. He won't do so many things when he is waiting for someone to change his job." Wang Dongyang shook his head and thought for a while, then said, "The radar of Xiaobeikushan can't see it either?"

Qu Hongbo shook his head, "I tried it, but I can't see it. The flying altitude must be very low. I guess I'm flying in a canyon with mountains on both sides, so I can't detect it at all. I can't open the phased array, right?"

"The phased array may not be able to detect them, if they are actually in the canyon." Wang Dongyang said in a deep voice.

Qu Hongbo said anxiously, "What should we do? The cucumbers and vegetables will be cold by the time they pull us up."

Everyone knows that pulling up a fighter plane means entering an attack state and simulating the launch of ammunition. An experienced pilot can control this time within one minute. What can you do in one minute? Even if you detect it, you won't have enough time to launch the surface-to-air missile.

At this moment, everyone at the surface-to-air missile site is anxiously waiting for news from radar station No. 27. If the target data here is not transmitted, there will be no way to lock in the attack. How can you hit the target if you can't even see it?

"Open the phased array! Aren't the 101st group serious? Then let's play with them! I don't believe those two broken planes can hide in the mountains forever." Wang Dongyang made a decision.

Qu Hongbo immediately conveyed the order, and the most advanced radar system was turned on, and it started faster than other radars.

When Wang Dongyang thought about the possibility of losing to the 101st Regiment, the last flying group in the millennium, he suddenly felt as uncomfortable as eating flies. To be on the safe side, he gritted his teeth and said, "All radars are on! We must dig them out!"

In fact, there is not much time left for them at this time, and five minutes are counted as full.

However, the two-plane formation of Li Zhan and Li Zixin in the mountains also encountered problems that they would eventually encounter - the sky darkened and visibility dropped sharply. In this case, flying a J-7 in the mountains is not much different from committing suicide.

"Two hooks, you launch the attack and return at a high altitude." Li Zhan instructed Li Zixin.

Tactics must be used.

Li Zixin immediately raised his horse and entered the attack route in advance.

As soon as he climbed up like this, Radar Station No. 27 immediately saw a strong signal. The radar waves bounced back as if they were free, as clear as possible. Almost at the same time, the phased array radar completed its startup. All the location information of Li Zixin's target was instantly reflected on the terminal. The dedicated line was immediately transmitted to the surface-to-air missile launch position. In just one minute, the surface-to-air missile was completed. If it were an actual battle, the two surface-to-air missiles would have gone straight to Li Zixin at this time.

Radar Station No. 27 is so awesome, so naturally it has the confidence to do so. This speed is quite fast. Judging from the simulated attack, Li Zixin was shot into the air before he could fire the ammunition, which meant that his action failed.

However, if Li Zixin has this realization, he is simply cannon fodder.

This is what wingmen usually do, to move forward or climb when they need to attract firepower, and cover the lead aircraft for the most lethal attack.

Radar Station No. 27 is not a freeloader. All radars, including the phased array radar, are turned on, which means that the blind zone has been compressed to a very small range. The problem is that Li Zixin did not know that he had been shot down.

At this time, Qu Hongbo played a trick. He said to Wang Dongyang, "Don't they want to play close to actual combat? Let him do close to actual combat! Don't report the situation on our side to the 101st Regiment Tower. With their poor perception capability, it is difficult for the remaining fighter to tell that this fighter has been shot down."

Wang Dongyang smiled and agreed, "It's okay to come back and not reciprocate. That's fine. Let's do it."

According to regulations, Radar Station No. 27 must report the situation to the 101st Regiment, such as shooting down or discovering your aircraft, or the failure or partial failure of your operation. In this way, the 101st regiment tower can report the situation to the pilots, so that they can have peace of mind.

The J-7B type B does not have an omnidirectional radar warning device and does not know that it has been locked by the fire control radar. Therefore, Li Zixin has no way of knowing that he has been shot down and cannot report the situation to Li Zhan. He can only continue to complete the attack according to the established plan. Although it is meaningless, then return from high altitude.

The problem inadvertently turned to Li Zhan. If he climbed into the attack route and launched an attack as planned, the surface-to-air missile troops waiting on the ground could launch missiles at him within a minute. The two-shot damage rate of the new domestically produced medium-range anti-air missiles equipped by the surface-to-air missile force reached 95%. In other words, once locked, Li Zhan will undoubtedly die.

With such a damage rate, the aircrew will definitely judge the fighter plane to have been shot down.

Maybe Li Zhan could try his best to complete the attack program before being shot down, but it would be a miserable victory. He had deliberately wanted to give a big gift to Radar Station No. 27, and he had to win something beautiful. He ordered Li Zixin to climb ahead of time to attack. His original intention was not to sacrifice Li Zixin, and he had no way of knowing the specific situation at Radar Station No. 27. The fundamental reason is that the sky is getting dark, and it will be very dangerous to continue flying at low altitude in the mountains.

In the final analysis, the equipment does not allow the pilot to do this.

If you are flying a third-generation aircraft with a terrain matching system, will darkness be a problem? Will low visibility be a problem?

Invisibly, whether the New Year's Eve gift is given to the 101st Regiment to the 27th Radar Station or the 27th Radar Station to them all depends on Li Zhan's next choice.

If he continues to fly at low altitude in the mountains to shorten the distance between him and his target, he will eventually succeed. Otherwise, he will be completely defeated and the entire army will be wiped out.

Brothers, the guaranteed monthly tickets are out, how about a good fight in November? Let’s start with a steep climb!

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