Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 138 He is opening up history

What is it like to drive a J-7 through the valley in dim visibility?

It's like driving a car on a winding mountain road with no headlights under the gradually darkening sky. You can vaguely see the front, but you are often frightened out of cold sweat by the obstacles hidden in the shadows.

Li Zhan is currently in such a situation.

He wisely chose to continue flying westward. Although he did not know that Radar Station No. 27 was ready and turned on all the radars in order to find him, he knew very well that he would climb into the attack at the end of the blind channel in the Beiku Mountains. After the route is completed, the reaction time of radar station 27 will be delayed to two minutes.

In this way, it must take more than three minutes for the surface-to-air missile unit to launch the first missile.

This way he can be very calm.

Compress the attack time as much as possible, and even return to ultra-low altitude after completing the attack to escape the detection range of the No. 27 radar station.

This is the ideal situation.

No matter how the situation changes at Radar Station 27, Li Zhan has decided to do this. Once it is actual combat, you must find the safest way to attack. Incomplete penetration actually means that the operation has failed. There is no percentage in fighting, one is one, two is two, it is difficult to quantify, just look at the final result.

At this moment, no one realizes that Li Zhan is opening up history and the history of the Chinese aviation force.

Aerial penetration occurs at low altitudes in mountainous areas. This low altitude is not an ordinary low altitude. From a relative altitude perspective, it is an ultra-low altitude, and it is a western mountainous and hilly area with complex and changeable terrain.

At this moment, the naval aviation unit has not yet begun to carry out sea skimming and penetration attacks!

The most critical thing is that Li Zhan drove an early model J-7B that was so backward that it almost lost its value for recycling! A shabby second-generation aircraft that doesn’t even have an airborne radar or omnidirectional warning device! He flies entirely by sight, his keen sense of combat, and his psychological quality as cold as an iceberg!

It's impossible to describe to others how the scenes passing before my eyes again and again are so similar to this moment. He stabilized his heart that was about to plunge into blood and fire, widened his eyes that could see through life and death, and drove the old J-7B fighter in the mountains at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour. He swayed left and right to avoid the mountain peaks that were coming towards him one after another, and flew towards the goal resolutely.

He once determined to embrace death with life and use death to support the nobility of life.

Master said that if you don’t have the courage to embrace death, you can’t be a combat pilot!

But he is a common man after all, and he cannot escape his emotions and desires, and he cannot let go of the plants and trees in this world and his relatives.

But who can say that living is definitely more enjoyable than dying?

The scenes of the past should have faded away long ago, and the future must be bright!

The No. 101 J-7B suddenly climbed up a steep slope from an unexpected position. When the phased array radar of the No. 27 radar station captured the target, Li Zhan had already entered the attack program. He used the cannon design program to simulate a missile ground attack that the J-7B could not do. He even made a dive gesture and disappeared from the display screen of Radar Station No. 27 again. When Radar Station No. 27 saw the target again, Li Zhan had climbed up a steep slope and turned around to enter the return route.

Qu Hongbo, who had been staring at the screen, his eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Who is this! He doesn't want his life! It's already dark and he still crawls into the mountains to return? How can his broken plane do this? ?”

Wang Dongyang was no less shocked than Qu Hongbo, and he even knew better what kind of risks the pilot who had put them on the chopping board was taking. How did the pilot do it in the absence of visibility?

"Remind Beiku Tower to call him. It's dangerous for him to do this after dark!" Wang Dongyang put aside victory and defeat and ordered Qu Hongbo.

"But, if we conduct the drill this way, we still have a chance to defeat him." Qu Hongbo hesitated.

Wang Dongyang said solemnly, "It's meaningless. If it were an actual combat, the target we were protecting would have been blown to pieces. Let's end it and notify the Beikut Tower. In addition, all radars must keep detecting, which is also a training for our team." In short, we should be embarrassed tonight."

"Can't? It still depends on the judgment of the aircrew." Qu Hongbo said without any confidence.

Wang Dongyang shook his head slowly, "No one can see it more clearly than us. Two minutes, he has two full minutes, he can even have fun after firing the ammunition and then leave, but we still can't find him .”

Yes, doesn’t Radar Station No. 27 know the specific situation best?

Qu Hongbo contacted Beikutai and told Ma Feng that the drill was over. The news was timely, and Ma Feng was so anxious that after receiving the news, he immediately ordered Li Zhan to return to altitude. Fortunately, the contact was not interrupted!

Li Zhan climbed up. Even if Ma Feng didn't give instructions, he would still climb up because he couldn't see anymore. It was completely dark and he couldn't see his fingers.

Returning home at lightning speed, the snow on the main runway had just been cleared away. The No. 101 J-7B fighter jet dragged its drag chute for a full kilometer before slowing down and sliding off the runway. After getting off the plane, the first thing Li Zhan said to his crew chief Miao Yu was to take off the film from the camera gun and send it immediately for interpretation.

Despite this, he himself did not know how much impact the information parameters recorded in the film would have on the future training methods of the Air Force. The opinions he inadvertently put forward at the training base were written into the teaching materials.

Li Zixin, who had been waiting for him to return home on the tarmac, walked over with his flight helmet under his arm. His eyes were bright and he seemed to be trying his best to control his excitement. He pretended to be frustrated and said, "Captain, the radar station No. 27 just reported that I Shot down before launch, alas.”

"It's expected." Li Zhan was in a bad mood. Looking at the phone being picked up and removed by the maintenance staff, he lost his strong self-confidence for the first time.

The disadvantages of equipment are difficult to make up for with pilot skills.

Li Zixin couldn't control his excitement. He grinned and said, "But radar station No. 27 can't find you, so we probably won. From beginning to end, they only detected you when you attacked, less than two seconds before and after." Minutes, not enough time to launch anti-air missiles. We win!"

"But it's not a good win. Fighters don't have the ability to fly close to the ground. They can only fly from high altitudes when returning. Sooner or later they will be shot down." Li Zhan sighed lightly.

Li Zixin stared, his voice trembling, and said, "Captain, do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean? Isn't it just that we won the No. 27 radar station once? The Spring Festival will add trouble to them and promote their training." Li Zhan said casually.

Li Zixin said in a deep voice, "Captain, you don't know, our group has never won against Radar Station No. 27, never. As far as I know, in the past ten or twenty years, we have never really won against Radar Station No. 27! We They can see the plane as soon as it takes off, and they can't get rid of their tracking until it lands!"

Li Zhan was shocked, "Ten or twenty years? Are you kidding me?"

"Really, if you don't believe me, ask the team leader. Radar Station No. 27 is not simple. Even though the level is not as high as our comprehensive station, they are veritable aces. Their equipment is world-leading, and many of them have it." Practical experience is amazing!" Li Zixin said.

Li Zhan was doubtful, "Where does the actual combat experience come from?"

"I heard it from hearsay, who knows if it's true or not, but the 27th is much better than the comprehensive station at our station." Li Zixin said.

Li Zhan shook his head, "The nature of the mission is different. The comprehensive station at our station is mainly for early warning. On the 27th, it will focus on air defense operations."

"Anyway, I feel proud this time. I don't think I'll have a good time this year on the 27th. Anyway, tomorrow the Air Force's decision will be clear." Li Zixin grinned.

Li Zhan suddenly asked, "In this simulated low-altitude raid tonight, if I give you a third-generation aircraft, can you guarantee that you won't be shot down?"

"Well... I don't know what a third-generation machine looks like." Li Zixin said in embarrassment.

Li Zhan fell into deep thought and seemed to be talking to himself, "It seems that we need to find a way to organize everyone to visit and study in the third-generation aircraft unit. We don't have it, but we have to understand it. If we fight in the future, you won't know how fast others can fly. How high and how to do it.”

"Our military region doesn't have a third-generation aircraft unit, right?" Li Zixin said.

Li Zhan frowned and thought, gritted his teeth and said, "If not, just go to other military regions to visit. This matter must be done as soon as possible. I will ask the regiment for instructions. I don't care about other brigades. Every pilot in the Crazy Demon Brigade must Understand third-generation aircraft.”

There is no doubt that Li Zhan has prepared for a rainy day. He is even ready to fight with second-generation and third-generation aircraft. After arriving at the 73rd Division, Li Zhan no longer had high hopes of flying a third-generation aircraft in a short time. Before disbanding the troops, you have a choice: stay in Beikong and fly J-10s, or return to the Second Division in your hometown and fly SU-27s. After going through some things, he chose to stay closer to home, but he failed to fly the SU-27 as he wished. However, he did fly the J-7E and J-8FR, which were second-generation aircraft that barely had some of the performance of the third-generation aircraft. type. Even so, I am still not satisfied.

As a result, things took a turn for the worse. When the Fourth Regiment of the old army was preparing to modify the J-10, it was "devolved" to the Ragged King Division in the west because of its lack of rigor in doing things.

However, Li Zhan, who should have been depressed and full of resentment, became more and more courageous. Instead of being negative, he faced reality more actively, took the initiative to conduct training based on actual conditions, and proposed creative training methods.

Life is short, if you kick me out today, I will make it impossible for you to reach tomorrow. But how can a young man in his twenties, sixties or seventies, not have such a spirit of unwillingness to admit defeat or accept his fate?

Furthermore, Li Zhan already knew that Chen Hualin "teared up" the agreement with Fang Chenghe in order to assign his organizational relationship to the 101st Regiment of the 73rd Division, and would rather not have the J-7E than Li Zhan. Compared with Qi Hong's action of kicking him out, this kind of courage was, at least in Li Zhan's mind, a clear distinction.

One cannot understand how to be grateful!

Although Li Zhan had served in the Second Division for nine months, no one in the Second Division had yet seen where Li Zhan's limits were. People like Qi Hongfang Chenghe had no idea where Li Zhan's limits were. Many times, one soldier can transform a unit from unknown to an advanced unit that is well-known throughout the country. Especially in non-war periods, it is very difficult to emerge as a great example. There is not much value in just training out typical examples, and Li Zhan’s contribution is precisely to successfully deal with the problems that are very likely to be encountered in actual combat, to produce a large amount of valuable data, and to form several sets of dangerous situation handling plans.

For example, a power outage in the cockpit has never happened to J-7 series fighters, but who can guarantee that it will not happen again in the future? Don’t worry if it happens again in the future. The data Li Zhan obtained is enough to give other pilots a very reference handling method.

Many people will be shocked by Li Zhan's determination to do things. They have no idea about the power of a genius combat pilot who is determined to embrace death!

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