Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 139 Visiting and studying at the No. 1 Division in the World

During the entire Spring Festival, in addition to talking on the phone with his family, Li Zhan kept going to the war room, staying for half a day and half a day to research tactics. Xue Xiangdong persuaded him to go out to Beikucheng several times to relax and relax, and at the best, to participate in the group's recreational activities, such as basketball games between the teams. Li Zhan laughed and said that if he could not beat me, he would solve the problem by putting me on the bench.

As a result, Li Zhan didn't need to play at all.

On the last day of the holiday, Li Zhan forced Xue Xiangdong to apply to visit and study in the brother army. Xue Xiangdong was about to have a chat with Li Zhan about relaxing the altitude difference in combat training. However, Li Zhan's request for a visit and study trip disrupted his rhythm. He had to apply to the division to temporarily relax the altitude difference. Putting the matter of battle training aside, he continued to feel uncomfortable holding it in his heart.

Let go of the altitude difference for free air combat, what a joke!

Xue Xiangdong disagreed, and planned to correct Li Zhan's training ideas!

What kind of training can you do if you don’t care about the height difference?

Isn't this a joke?

Xue Xiangdong originally planned to severely criticize Li Zhan's plan, but as soon as it was planned, Li Zhan applied to visit and study in his brother's army, which caught him off guard. Moreover, he welcomed Li Zhan's request in his heart. With the extra buffer time, maybe after the visit and study, he could see the gap, and Li Zhan would not have the extremely dangerous idea of ​​"cancel the altitude difference free air combat" .

Therefore, Xue Xiangdong attached great importance to it, and went to Chen Hualin for hard work. He actually contacted the Southeast Military Region through the Military Region on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. Based on the fact that he wanted to visit and study, he would visit and study the best troops, so he negotiated and decided on three hundred troops in Youhu City. The teacher visited and studied, and it was finalized before getting off work that afternoon, which was very fast.

This incident also reflects the current strong desire of various units within the Air Force to communicate with each other. It also reflects that there are great shortcomings in the internal communication mechanism within the force.

On the morning of the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, under the personal leadership of Chen Hualin, Xue Xiangdong and all 18 pilots of the 101st Regiment Kuangmo Brigade flew to Youhu City in two batches on civil flights. The deputy commander of the Air Force 300 Division came to the airport to greet them very warmly. The poor brothers from the west were picked up on the Coaster bus.

The reason why they were divided into two batches was to consider safety issues. Once the plane crashed, there would not be an elite reinforcement group suddenly gone.

Li Zhan and his brothers felt the comfortable seats of Coaster and compared them with the Iveco field transport vehicle they were sitting in at home. Their sour envy could not be concealed. Li Zhan looked at himself and his brothers. The casual clothes that had not been worn out for many years were no longer the same style as those from many years ago. Compared with the pedestrians on the street outside, they looked like bumpkins from the mountains.

The person facing Li Zhan was Yao Dongming, captain of the 7th Brigade of the 9th Regiment. He was a well-known ace pilot in the army. He was young and promising and had won the first place in the total ground attack score in a competition. Seeing Yao Dongming, who was high-spirited and combed his hair very clearly and orderly, Li Zhan thought of Zhang Xueyang. I don’t know how the sunny and handsome guy is doing in the Flying Sharks training team.

Li Zhan couldn't help but ask, "Brigade Yao, does anyone from your division join the Flying Sharks training team?"

Yao Dongming, who was sitting in the row with him, patted his thigh and said, "Why not? It's just that our division went there more. We got ten places in one go, and they were all top-notch ones. Alas, the division refused to let me go. Otherwise, I would also like to challenge the most difficult flight in the world."

"The division can't insist on it, right? Building a carrier-based fighter force is the highest task." Li Zhan said.

Yao Dongming said with a smile, "It is the highest task of the Navy. The Air Force Chief's promise to select ten top people from our division is already the greatest support. The Chief of the Air Force Division said, I have to stop fighting, right? This is actually the truth. , it can be said that our division is supporting the entire southeast."

The Second Division did not dare to say this, but the Three Hundred Division did.

Li Zhan fell into a long silence.

People are more infuriating than people.

What kind of division is the Three Hundred Division?

The best division in the world, truly the best!

The overall record in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea ranks first, and the top three in personal records are all pilots from this division. The famous Wang Hai Brigade is in this division. Among the six first-class heroes of the Volunteer Air Force, four are from the 300 Division, Wang Hai, Zhao Baotong, and Sun Shenglu Martyr and Liu Yudi are all familiar names. In particular, Zhao Baotong was awarded special merit twice and was the only pilot to receive this honor.

If that's old history, then look at the division's performance in subsequent homeland air defense operations, including the southeastern coast, the transition to Guangdong Province, the aid to Vietnam to resist the United States, and the counterattack to defend southern Xinjiang...

At that time, the only key construction unit of the Air Force was the 300 Division, and even the Second Division was not ranked!

The first batch of twelve SU-27SK and SU-27UBK bought back in the 1990s when foreign exchange was so tight, were all equipped with the Ninth Regiment of the division, and the second batch of twelve were also all placed in the Ninth Regiment. How poor were people in that era? He was so poor that his soldier's allowance was only a dozen yuan! One can imagine how determined the country is to buy back these fighter planes.

To what extent do you attach importance to the Three Hundred Division?

Later, I bought SU-30MKK and gave it to the Ninth Regiment of the Three Hundred Division without giving it to anyone. They replaced the SU-27 they had used for less than eight years. It was a certain division from Jikong who picked up this precious batch. second-hand goods. That is, from that time on, the principle of focusing more attention on the construction of troops was established.

Not long after the 300th Division was equipped with the SU-27, in about two or three years, the Second Division was also identified as a key construction unit and became the second batch of units of the Chinese Air Force equipped with third-generation aircraft, also using SU-27SK and SU- 27UBK, the ones used by the Sixth Group.

It is said that the Sixth Regiment will soon modify the J-11B, and the eliminated SU-27s are expected to be handed over to the troops in the central region.

From a geographical perspective, the Air Force's fighter configuration appears to be heavier in the east and lighter in the west, and the farther west it is, the worse the fighter aircraft are. This is decided based on geographical relations. Whichever direction has the greatest pressure on combat readiness, the most advanced fighters will be placed in that direction.

The significance of the SU-27 series fighter jets to the Chinese Air Force is not only a leap forward in the development of fighter jets, but even when purchasing this fighter jet, they did not even think that far ahead! If for many nights, a powerful enemy always shines lasers from the sky into your living room or bedroom, and all you have in your hands are tattered curtains and a kite, what would you think?

Your first thought is to buy curtains that can block lasers, and buy advanced rope-free kites that can drive away laser-emitting flies in the sky!

Even if you try to sell iron, you still have to buy it!

The Sukhoi fighter jets and S-300 came to China under this background.

Even from a certain perspective, the political significance contained in the SU-27 is more important than the military significance.

Five years ago, the Eighth Regiment of the 300 Division became the second J-10 fighter regiment. One can imagine how important the position of this division is, and how highly this division is valued by superiors.

Yao Dongming told Li Zhan a shocking news. He said confidently, "The Seventh Regiment is renovating the J-11B type. The process arranges for you to visit the Seventh Regiment. Then you can have a good look at the domestic Sukhoi and original The difference in the product will be beyond your imagination.”

"What? So your division is full of third-generation pilots?" Li Zhan was surprised.

Yao Dongming smiled modestly and nodded, "Yes, the army's first all-third-generation aircraft unit, so you came at the right time. China's most advanced fighters are all in our division."

This news is too shocking.

In Li Zhan's case, based on the information he learned and the situation of the 300 Division, he could draw at least two judgments. First, the output of the aircraft factory has increased, which also means that the heart problem that has troubled the J-11B for many years has been solved; second, the top superiors are working hard to speed up the troop replacement! The constant changes in modification tasks and changes in time encountered by the Fourth Regiment of the Second Division and the old army just confirmed the above judgment.

"This is really good news!" Li Zhan said sincerely with eyes shining.

The faster speed of equipment replacement means that the elimination of old fighters will be accelerated, so the Rag King will have better junk to pick up. In the past, you could only pick up J-7s and the like, but maybe in the future you can pick up J-8s or even original SU-27s that have been in service for more than ten or twenty years.

Yao Dongming didn't know that Li Zhan immediately thought of picking up rags. He just felt that the captain of the brother's army was not stable enough. It's not like you were remodeling. Why are you excited?

"Captain Li, our J-7 should have the most experience in the entire army. We have used several major models, as well as models you have never seen before. I will definitely not hide anything, we are all brothers. Troops should help each other." Yao Dongming said with a smile.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, what Yao Dongming said was true.

But Han Hongjun, who was sitting in the row of seats at the back and had been listening to their chat, couldn't help but burst out laughing. He thought to himself, "Comparing the experience of using the J-7 with our captain?" Aren't you making yourself uncomfortable? If you knew that three of the four first-class achievements of our captain were obtained by driving the J-7, you would probably slap yourself in the face.

Li Zhan couldn't wait to ask Yao Dongming, "Captain Yao, how big is the difference between the E-type Su Liangqi and the J-7? Simply speaking from a technical level."

Yao Dongming laughed and looked out the window. Wuling Macro happened to be driving by, followed by a luxury car. He pointed and said, "Jianqi is the minivan and Su Liangqi is the luxury car. The difference... …I can’t describe it, but it can be said to be epoch-making.”

"Is this the same as the early Su Liangqi?" Li Zhan asked with a frown.

Yao Dongming nodded firmly, "Yes, the gap will only get bigger."

Li Zhan was silent again. When he was in the Second Division, he didn't even have the opportunity to sit in the SU-27 cockpit a few times, let alone fly it or get on the simulator.

He didn't think Yao Dongming would deliberately exaggerate, so there was a huge gap.

Li Zhan couldn't imagine the scene of confronting the Three Hundred Division. He was simply asking for humiliation.

While chatting all the way, the second group of Western country bumpkins, led by Xue Xiangdong, drove into the Youhuchang station where the 300th Division Headquarters and the Ninth Regiment were stationed in a Coaster, and walked into the world-famous and super-rich No. 1 Division. The main camp of the Ninth Regiment.

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