Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 144 Silly, you ran in the wrong direction

The sky is bright, and the sun hanging slanting in the east is quite friendly. The light is not too strong or insufficient, which is exactly what the east coast should look like in winter.

Below is the East China Sea. When Li Zhan looked sideways, he could even see clearly which country's flag was hanging on the mast of the ocean-going ship trailing a long track.

He was less than fifty meters from the sea, which was already below the ultra-low altitude standard. He was basically flying across the sea. Therefore, he had to avoid the ship's route, otherwise he would collide with a giant ship that was thirty or forty meters high!

At this time, Li Zhan has the mentality of a poor boy. He has been holding back his energy for many years and is determined to impress his cousin who is the big boss and prove that although he is poor, I am better at picking up girls than you!

At this time, Hainan Airlines' Flying Leopard fleet had not yet started training on this subject, so Li Zhan started to do it in the J-7G. He was flying the J-7B type with a delta-wing aerodynamic layout and the J-8FR, both of which dared to travel at low altitudes in mountainous areas. At this time, he was driving the J-7G with a double-delta-wing aerodynamic layout on flatter seas and coastal plains. It becomes even more convenient. The low-altitude hovering performance of the J-7G is much better than that of the J-7B. To put it bluntly, it can fly at a lower speed and a lower altitude without worrying about stalling.

Fifty meters above the sea, this is an extremely dangerous flying altitude, especially when the sea and sky are almost the same color. As long as there is a moment of confusion for a few tenths of a second, the fighter plane will plunge into the sea. For a fighter jet traveling at hundreds of kilometers per hour, it's several fifty meters in the blink of an eye.

An oil tanker with a displacement of at least 300,000 tons was traveling at an economic cruising speed on the left wing. The cockpit on the ship's building was at least 30 meters above the sea level.

Li Zhan flew over a few hundred meters away from its port side, attracting side glances from the crew in the cockpit. They all ran to the port side to see the fighter jet flying almost close to the sea. There was a crew member who was taking pictures of sea scenery and seabirds with a SLR. He had quick eyes and quick hands. He aimed at the fighter plane and took a series of "click click" shots while exclaiming "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

I’ve seen a lot of airplanes, but this is the first time I’ve seen one flying at such a low altitude.

Li Zhan turned his head and raised his right hand in a salute. Unexpectedly, this scene was captured by the crew member's telephoto lens.

Seeing that there were no ships on the route, Li Zhan actually rolled to the left continuously at an altitude of fifty meters, pointing the nose of the aircraft to the southwest and flying close to the coastline. Before taking off, he quickly studied the topography around Youhuchang Station, memorized several important landmarks, and had a roughly "V" penetration route in his mind. First, fly roughly southwest along the coastline. When you reach the first landmark, you immediately turn around and turn north. Using the almost connected urban agglomeration as cover, you jump directly to the sky above Youhuchang Station.

This is a very difficult penetration route. It not only has to pass through five cities, but also avoids three large civil aviation airports, two air force stations and one army airport station.

But this is also a route that cannot be seen by the radar of Youhuchang Station.

Li Zhan leisurely passed by a beach. On a nice morning, there were many people playing on the beach, swimming, riding motorboats, and sunbathing. In winter, you can probably only see such a scene along the southeastern coast.

Of course, Li Zhan couldn't hear the cheers of tourists on the beach.

He was leisurely and leisurely, and he was blinded by Youhu Tower and Yao Dongming. The Youhu Tower, which serves as the Red Army command post, cannot see Li Zhan and has no way to give Yao Dongming any guidance. Yao Dongming can only rely on himself.

The trump card of the Three Hundred Division is not empty.

Yao Dongming made a judgment based on the location where Li Zhan finally lost his signal. He believed that Li Zhan should have descended to an altitude of less than 500 meters. He climbed decisively and immediately turned on the radar to search, using the limited downward vision of the fire control radar. ability.

He was confident that he could find Li Zhan.

Unfortunately, he soon became anxious.

Li Zhan threw the auxiliary fuel tank into the sea, then turned around and headed north, avoiding the civil aviation airport, and passed through the city at low altitude and high speed. Over a field, he accelerated his speed to subsonic speed, rushed forward quickly, and quickly zoomed in and out. Distance from Huchang Station.

If this were a real battle, Yuhuchang Station would be the target. Li Zhan wants to blow up the Youhu Field Station, and Yao Dongming wants to stop him. This is both a simple confrontation and a complex battle. The victory or defeat all depends on the pilot's thoughts.

"Tower, the target has gone east. I can't see him. I'm searching east. It's over." Yao Dongming called the tower.

Bai Ou was so anxious that he wanted to reveal the information to Yao Dongming.

Just after turning on the Beidou system carried by the Fighting Falcon, the specific position of the Fighting Falcon was clearly displayed on the big screen, and after the system automatically calculated according to the set conditions, it showed that the Fighting Falcon had reached the attack position. time, there is a countdown.

Yao Dongming only has two minutes left, and if Yao Dongming searches eastward at this time, his position will be completely opposite to that of Li Zhan!

The personnel on duty in the tower were extremely anxious, but they couldn't report the location of the Fighting Falcon to Yao Dongming. Unless the radar could see the Fighting Falcon, it would be cheating!

You can't install a positioning device on an enemy aircraft!

Baiou resisted the desire to reveal information and replied to Yao Dongming, "Fisherman, there is no feedback from the ground radar. Please decide the search direction by yourself. Over!"

How he hoped Yao Dongming could hear the bias in this very neutral sentence!

But Yao Dongming's attention was all on searching, and he didn't taste Baiou's words carefully. Even if he tasted Baiou's words carefully, he might not be able to understand other meanings from such an extremely objective sentence.

"The fisherman understands and is searching eastward. It's over." Yao Dongming replied, confidently saying, "He must think that there are dense civil aviation routes in the east and going there will have unexpected effects."

As soon as he said this, Bai Ou couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead, feeling extremely embarrassed. The pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade smiled kindly, but it was extremely harsh in the ears of the officers and soldiers of the 300 Division. Some even secretly scolded Yao Dongming for being stupid.

You idiot, you are running in the wrong direction. You are running in the wrong direction!

Chen Hualin was in a very good mood, smiling and comforting Bai Ou, "Mr. Bai, it's just an exchange. Friendship comes first, competition comes second."

"There is still time, Zhan Falcon may not be able to win." Bai Ou endured his displeasure, his expression naturally not very friendly.

Chen Hualin pointed to the location of the Fighting Falcon and said with a smile, "The Fighting Falcon will be able to reach the attack point at 30 kilometers very soon. It is estimated that when the radar sees him, he will have already started the attack process."

Only a minute and a half left.

"Mr. Chen, you are such a risky pilot!" Baiou changed the topic, pointed at the height of the fighting falcon, and said coldly, "There are cities here, all kinds of high-rise buildings, and many airports. He It’s very easy to go wrong when flying at this altitude! Look here! This is a national wetland, and there are many migratory birds spending the winter, which is a great threat to low-flying fighter planes!”

He said, shaking his head resolutely, "No, this won't work. It's too dangerous. He must be allowed to climb higher. If it doesn't work, I can only stop!"

"Hey, Mr. Bai, aren't you being a rogue?" Chen Hualin almost jumped up when he heard this. He saw that you were about to lose. Do you want to stop at this time?

Up high?

Go up high so your radar can see it clearly, right?

Isn’t this a rogue act? ?

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