Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 145 Aren’t you looking for me? I’ll give you a chance!

"Mr. Chen, why are you acting rogue? This is for safety. You don't want your soldiers to be in danger, right?" Bai Ou frowned and said, "I have to take responsibility."

Chen Hualin fought back hard, "Commander Bai, I have confidence in my soldiers, and I can sign the duty list. If there is any problem, I will be responsible!"

Seeing that the winner was decided in just over a minute, and it was an absolutely beautiful and absolute victory, how could Chen Hualin ask Bai Ou to stop!

It is impossible for soldiers to be bloodless, and for leaders who can lead combat troops to be bloodless, it is impossible for leaders to be bloodless. No matter how great the risk is, you must insist on finishing this to the last trembling! Why is the 73rd Division ranked among the front-line combat troops with the worst equipment? Is it just because there is less pressure on combat readiness in that direction? Or is the pressure on combat readiness in that direction really small in the long run?

The most important thing is that the 73rd Division is far more bloody than some of its brothers! Dare to fight and win with a brave and fearless fighting style!

Laozi's Tattered King Division was the absolute ace unit of the Chinese Air Force fifty years ago!

Is Chen Hualin, the division commander, necessarily less valuable than other aviation division commanders? I tell you! His status in the Air Force aviation unit is comparable to that of a new ace division commander like Qi Hong! Not because of anything else, just because he is the commander of the 73rd Division!

The King of Rags in the West is a veteran team!

Looking at it from another angle, the 73rd Division chose to temporarily sacrifice itself for the development of the Air Force! First, give good equipment to the brothers who are under the greatest pressure. So what if our 73rd Division is called the King of Rags Division? As long as we can better protect the airspace of the motherland and protect the tranquility of the people of the motherland, whoever will go to hell will go to hell if I don’t!

At the moment when the stalemate was tense, the lonely and silent warrior appeared on the radar screen. The radar operator ignored his sore eyes and shouted the report, "Target detected! Target detected! Distance is twenty kilometers! Heading due south!"

"Fisherman! The target is due south! Twenty kilometers away from the station! The altitude is three thousand!" The white gull stared and reported the information about the fighting falcon to Yao Dongming as quickly as possible!

It's too late.

Even if Yao Dongming came over at a top speed of Mach 2.5, it would be too late!

Almost as the countdown reached zero, Li Zhan's voice sounded steadily through the loudspeaker, "Tower, Fighting Falcon reports that the attack procedure has been completed, completed."

Before everyone in the tower could react, they heard a huge roar coming from the south, rolling in like rolling thunder.

"The target has disappeared again!" the radar operator reported subconsciously.

The white gull suddenly looked at the time. It took less than a minute from the time it launched its attack to the time it dived down into the radar blind spot. Not to mention that Yao Dongming had no time to intercept, it was basically impossible for the ground air defense forces to make an effective interception in such a short period of time!

They won't give you any excuse at all!

Even if your ground air defense troops can't do anything to me, let's see what else you have to say!

The deafening sound came, and the people on the 73rd Division were not surprised, but the 300th Division's eyes widened, and then they watched in disbelief as the fighting falcon passed through the field at low altitude at a speed close to the speed of sound! Li Zhan passed the field at low altitude! He flashed across the runway at a speed of more than 900 kilometers per hour!

If supersonic low-altitude flight hadn't scrapped all the glass at Youhuchang Station, Li Zhan would have done that!

I passed by at low altitude over the station, and I was invisible to your radar. Is this convincing enough?

Are you convincing? ?

Are you convincing? ? ?

Li Zhan pulled up and looked at the fuel gauge. There was still a lot of fuel. After thinking about it, he asked the tower for instructions, "Tower, the Fighting Falcon is asking for instructions to enter the next stage of air combat as planned. It's over."

These words stung Bai Ou's ears.

They've finished fucking the ground attack, but your Yao Dongming is still rushing here. Don't even expect to get a hot bite. Now that people say it's okay, I'll give you another chance to win back a round. Isn't this just stabbing a knife in your heart?

Of course Yao Dongming could hear the conversation between Li Zhan and the tower, and he was already furious.

However, when he calmed down like the people in the tower and carefully recalled Li Zhan's breakthrough route, he could probably feel what difficulties Li Zhan overcame and what kind of thrills he experienced to successfully complete it. Just as the white gull expected, Li Zhan flew over the national wetland and narrowly avoided flocks of migratory birds.

The most important thing is that in the city that Li Zhan flew over, many people today saw a scene that they had only seen in movies before: a fighter jet passed through the high-rise buildings of the city at high speed, and galloped away into the distance with a vigorous and unrestrained posture. You can still feel the strong shock until you can no longer see it.

That’s just the J-7G!

It's just a famous first-generation aircraft that can never reach the level of third-generation aircraft no matter how much it is modified!

Li Zhan: Aren’t you looking for me? I’ll give you a chance!

Bai Ou suppressed his anger and tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, "Fisherman, Fighting Falcon, considering the full program of the confrontation, I order you to continue the next stage of the air combat confrontation and pay attention to keeping the minimum distance. Is it clear? "

"Zhan Falcon received it, it's clear, it's over!" Li Zhan said happily.

"Fisherman received it! It's over!" Yao Dongming held his breath in his heart.

Xue Xiangdong looked at the time and said to Chen Hualin in a low voice, suppressing a smile, "Sir, that boy Li Zhan must be thinking about the rod fee."

"Huh? What, the lever fee? What a mess." Chen Hualin didn't come back to his senses.

"If we continue to play for more than an hour, we can get two hours of rod fees. If we land now, it will only be one hour at most." Xue Xiangdong looked particularly awkward as he suppressed a smile.

Chen Hualin came to his senses, frowned and scolded in a low voice, "What are you thinking about? This is the territory of the Three Hundred Division. Besides, is this his level of consciousness?"

Xue Xiangdong stopped talking and said to himself, "Okay, I won't talk too much, let the teacher see for himself."

The two fighter planes were approaching quickly, nose to nose. Since it is an air battle, there will be attacks beyond visual range. However, this link was omitted. Melee combat is the subject that tests the pilot's true ability, so the dog fight started directly.

Li Zhan turned on the afterburner and pulled up the nose of the plane at the same time. The fighter roared and climbed rapidly, getting faster and faster, breaking through the speed of sound cleanly and hitting the ground with a deafening sound.

"He climbed! He climbed at supersonic speed! Attention, fisherman!" Bai Ou stopped caring about anything and directly reminded Yao Dongming.

This is not a foul. He is both the referee and the Red Army commander, and Li Zhan can be seen on radar. He notified Yao Dongming of the information as the Red Army commander, so there is no big deal.

But in everyone's opinion, this is somewhat inappropriate. They've said it's close combat, so just let the pilot do what he wants!

Yao Dongming couldn't find Li Zhan before, and he couldn't see the target with his fists drawn out. The suffocation of his breath made his chest hurt. Now that he knew where Li Zhan was, his only thought was to concentrate all the power he had accumulated. Let’s hit Li Zhan hard together!

Only in this way can we vent our hatred!

"Does he like traveling at supersonic speeds so much?" Bai Ou asked Chen Hualin with wide eyes.

Old God Chen Hualin smiled slightly.

Xue Xiangdong answered on his behalf, "Li Zhan often said that everything can be defeated only by speed. As long as the speed is fast enough, nothing is invincible."

"Essentially, what he emphasizes is lightning-like combat efficiency. The shorter the completion time, the shorter the enemy's reaction time, and the higher the success rate. There is nothing wrong with this." Chen Hualin explained it from his point of view.

"It's dangerous to do this!" Bai Ou has no confidence and can only rely on anger to support him.

"There is no danger in fighting, but Li Zhan has a sense of proportion and will not make low-level mistakes." Chen Hualin said with a smile.

Yao Dongming also accelerated his climb, so he fell into the trap.

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