Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 146 I gave you a chance but you didn’t use it!

Yao Dongming entered from east to west, while Li Zhan entered just the opposite direction. That is to say, Li Zhan's climbing direction was towards the sun and against the light.

When Yao Dongming realized that he couldn't pursue in the backlight, it was already too late. To be fair, his reaction speed was already very fast. After realizing the problem, he immediately rolled to due north, climbed sideways toward the sun, and at the same time visually searched for Li Zhan to the right.

However, Li Zhan disappeared.

"Where are the people? The ones who were there just now can teleport?" Yao Dongming felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Excellent pilots often have an extremely sensitive sense of danger, which is formed after countless repeated trainings and requires a large amount of aviation fuel to develop. Yao Dongming, an ace pilot of the 300th Division, drank thousands of tons of aviation fuel. Whether it was flight time or combat experience, he was far ahead of Li Zhan, even though he was only thirty years old.

But, it's so strange, Li Zhan disappeared.

Yao Dongming decisively gave up climbing and instead performed an escape maneuver. He then turned his back to the sun and flew levelly, his eyes constantly searching for Li Zhan's figure in all directions.

"He's behind you! Behind you! Fisherman!" Bai Ou's roar rang on the radio, startling Yao Dongming.

Without any hesitation, Yao Dongming pressed down on the stick and dived and rolled, a standard evasive maneuver.

However, the alarm sound of the omnidirectional alarm suddenly sounded.

Keeps ringing, keeps ringing, keeps ringing...

No matter how Yao Dongming tried to evade or escape, the omnidirectional alarm kept ringing and ringing...

For thirty-nine seconds, Yao Dongming tried his best to perform seven or eight evasive maneuvers. Doing seven or eight evasive maneuvers in thirty-nine seconds meant that the pilot had to complete nearly a hundred maneuvers. This was already It is enough to prove his super ability.

However, he had no way to get rid of Li Zhan's lock.

If it were an actual battle, Yao Dongming would have been shot down by Li Zhan seven or eight times.

It is really impossible to die.

No one could have imagined such a result, including Chen Hualin, Xue Xiangdong and all the pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade. They knew that Yao Dongming basically represented the highest level of the Three Hundred Division, but he had no power to fight back in front of Li Zhan.

This is not confrontation, this is abuse!

The SU-30MKK who rushed over to take the photo was dumbfounded. Is this the end? They didn't even have time to open the reconnaissance pod at high altitude, and the battle was over.

No one knows how Li Zhan did it, including everyone in the tower who has always clearly seen Li Zhan's location information. It is also difficult to immediately analyze Li Zhan's specific tactical actions from this information. Bai Ou could see some clues under his old eyes. Li Zhan was indeed climbing at supersonic speed toward the sun, but at the moment when Yao Dongming's sight was blocked by the sun, Li Zhan suddenly pressed down and dived to drop the altitude sharply. When Yao Dongming came back to his senses and turned to get away, Li Zhan was actually behind him. Then Li Zhan climbed from the side and rear at supersonic speed and followed Yao Dongming, so there was almost no suspense behind the radar locking attack...

There are no complicated actions, but the results are unexpected. If there is a difference, Li Zhan basically completed most of his actions at supersonic speed. Bai Ou even noticed that the entire battle process was completed within the duration of afterburner, indicating that Li Zhan was very calm and knew very well when all actions should be completed.

A sudden dive while climbing at supersonic speed means that the fighter jet dived at supersonic speed. In other words, the overload caused by this transition should be close to the limit of the fighter jet.

Can Li Zhan withstand an overload of ten G?

"Tower! The fisherman requests one more time! Over!" Yao Dongming shouted through gritted teeth.

I originally wanted to show off my air combat skills, but in the end, there was no chance to take action. It made him hold back his emotions that had reached the critical point. It was more uncomfortable than constipation in a month!

The white gull was calm after all. He said, "Fisherman, return, Fighting Falcon, you are also returning. Today's confrontation is over. Is it clear?"

"Received the Fighting Falcon, I don't have much fuel anymore. Let's return now. It's over." Li Zhan said that he really didn't have much fuel. Going supersonic speed is good for everything, but it consumes more fuel.

Yao Dongming felt angry, but he didn't dare to disobey the order, so he could only reply in a muffled voice and fly back.

The two fighter planes landed one after another, and when they left the runway and taxied to the apron, several leaders from the tower came over by commuter bus and asked the two pilots about the situation directly on the apron. In fact, the main thing was to understand the situation from Li Zhan. After Baiou faced the facts, as the first commander, he had to figure out how Li Zhan made Yao Dongming unable to fight back.

With his flight helmet between his legs, Li Zhan was a little nervous under the resentful looks of Bai Ou, Chen Hualin, Xue Xiangdong and the other protagonist Yao Dongming. He said with a smile, "It's not that complicated, just being dazzled by the sun in the Yao Brigade." When I lost my eyesight, I quickly descended, probably more than a thousand meters in five seconds. At this time, I was in the blind spot of Team Yao's observation. He couldn't see me, but I could clearly see him. I saw him. Then there was a U-shaped maneuver, and then I caught up with the Yao brigade and activated the fire control radar to lock in and enter the attack program. I also simulated several cannon attacks. This will be clear when looking at the camera gun later. "

Not only did you lock the radar, but also simulated several cannon attacks? You are a tentacle monster and you are so fast!

Bai Ou frowned and asked, "You suddenly dived at supersonic speed, how many G's?"

"There should be ten of them. The J-7 can withstand it. I know the strength of this aircraft's fuselage very well." Li Zhan was afraid that Bai Ou would blame him for not feeling sorry for flying someone else's aircraft, so he quickly explained.

Baiou stared and said, "Ten G's are approaching the limit of the J-7. What about you, can you withstand ten G's?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's okay." Li Zhan raised his hand, and his white labor protection gloves were very eye-catching.

Bai Ou was stunned, and Yao Dongming was naturally dumbfounded.

Chen Hualin and Xue Xiangdong were also shocked because they didn't know that Li Zhan could actually withstand ten G overload.

Simply put, it can be understood that Li Zhan endured a gravity ten times his own weight. Withstanding an overload of nine G is already the limit of a pilot. If it is any greater, black vision will occur, which is extremely dangerous. Fighters are designed with redundancy. It makes no sense to use the overload that a fighter can withstand as a standard. If you give a fighter that can withstand twenty Gs and the pilot can only withstand eight or nine Gs, you can only You can fly to eight or nine, but you can never fly to twenty Gs.

Just judging from Li Zhan's ability to withstand ten G's of overload, it means that he has entered the ranks of the world's top pilots.

Li Zhan knew what this meant, so he explained, "The instantaneous large overload is no problem. I timed it very accurately and pulled it up before the black vision appeared, which was about three to three and a half seconds. "

Seeing Li Zhan's understatement, Yao Dongming suddenly lost his resentment and aggrievedness.

If he also had this ability, he could be as good as Li Zhan.

The problem is, even if it is an instantaneous ten G overload of three seconds or three and a half seconds, can anyone bear it? No pilot in the Three Hundred Division can do this!

It’s not a bad loss!

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