Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 148 The resentment of the little prince who pulls the lever

Returning to Youhuchang Station again, the pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade had almost come out of the huge psychological gap. On the one hand, I personally felt the huge combat readiness pressure of the brother divisions on the eastern front line, which was reflected in the many sorties dispatched every day, corresponding to the frequent air conditions. On the other hand, I saw that the training intensity of the 300 Division was very high, and it was far away. Above the 73rd Division.

The best division in the world is truly worthy of its name. After all, there are very few outliers like Li Zhan.

When Li Zhan and others returned to Youhuchang Station for the last two days of visiting and studying, a small earthquake was happening over at Kongsi.

The complete report of the combat training under complex weather conditions conducted by the 101st Regiment’s Kuangmo Brigade was submitted to the Air Force by the Military Air Force. As usual, the relevant business bureau of the Air Force conducted research and archived it. As a result, during the research, it was found that the combat training under complex weather conditions conducted by the 101st Regiment was conducted under the lowest weather conditions, and a low-altitude penetration training in mountainous areas was also conducted in the middle. The report from Radar Station No. 27 also corroborated this point. During the entire penetration process, they failed to detect the very old J-7B of the 101st Regiment, and even the ground anti-aircraft missile units did not have enough reaction time.

After several days of repeated research and data simulation, the head of the aviation department was stunned by the report of the 101st regiment. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine what that concept is. In an environment where the entire military aviation force is training according to the training methods that have existed for many years, a catfish suddenly appeared and wanted to break the rules. Not only did it conduct combat takeoff and landing training when everyone thought it was impossible, but it also We conducted low-altitude penetration training in plateau and mountainous areas under complex meteorological conditions with very high difficulty levels all over the world. During the entire process, the No. 27 radar station with the highest combat capability could not detect the target!

You can't see the enemy planes that have penetrated deep. Isn't this concept shocking enough?

For a moment, Kong Si fell into a brief state of aphasia. At the same time, many people fell silent and reflected.

On the day Li Zhan and others said goodbye to the 300th Division, an order was issued directly from the Kongsi to the 73rd Division.

Of course, Yao Dongming or Bai Ou, don't expect to recruit Li Zhan to the 300 Division. Chen Hualin and Xue Xiangdong guarded Li Zhan like guards during those two days, and the people of the 300 Division could not find Li Zhan at all. Opportunities for personal contact. Even if he could have personal contact with Li Zhan, he probably wouldn't be able to impress Li Zhan, who was determined to take root in the west.

Baiou personally sent Chen Hualin and his party to the airport, and Yao Dongming naturally wanted to see his master off in person.

When saying goodbye, Yao Dongming said to Li Zhan, "Master, let's make an agreement. Remember to send me a copy of the experience you compiled, and I will organize the troops to practice."

Li Zhan was a little absent-minded and said, "No problem, transfer it through the Military Region Air Force, and you will definitely receive it."

"Okay, Master, come and visit the lake when you have more time. I promise to play with the simulator as much as you want." Yao Dongming said with a guarantee.

Li Zhan chuckled, "I will definitely come over when I have time."

As he spoke, he kept looking towards the two division commanders who were talking, as if he was making a difficult decision and hesitated to speak.

"Master, why don't you think about it again and apply to be transferred to the 300th Division? Commander Baiou will definitely be able to coordinate the establishment relationship." Yao Dongming looked at Li Zhan and felt a little more hope in his heart, his voice was very loud. Low, for fear that Xue Xiangdong not far away would hear it.

Li Zhan shook his head, "No, no, no, I'm quite adaptable to the 73rd Division. The west side is quite interesting, and Commander Chen Hualin and Commander Xue Xiangdong treat me very well, so I won't consider changing places for the time being."

"Oh, alas." Yao Dongming still couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Li Zhan hesitated for a moment, tugged Yao Dongming's arm, glanced at Bai Ou, lowered his voice and said, "Yes, Captain Yao, you can find a chance to help me ask Bai Ou later." Commander, how do I settle the rod fee? Didn’t I have a confrontation with you that day? The fighter plane drove up to the sky. If I remember correctly, it took a little more than two hours to land and shut down. I don’t feel comfortable asking Commander Bai directly. Woolen cloth……"

Yao Dongming was stunned.

He thought Li Zhan was going to tell him something secret, or teach him some secret tricks. He was full of expectations, but it turned out that he was talking about the draw fee that eight poles could not reach.

What he didn't expect even more was that the master was actually such a person?

Tie rod fee?

Isn't there something more important than the rod fee?

"Li Zhan, let's go!" Xue Xiangdong greeted over there.

Li Zhan quickly said to Yao Dongming, "Well, if you feel embarrassed, forget it! It's just a few hundred yuan, it doesn't matter. I'm leaving. See you when I have the chance."

Seeing the pain in Li Zhan's flesh, Yao Dongming seriously suspected that he was seeing another person now, and he was so stunned that he even forgot to say goodbye.

Then there is the appearance of a super ace pilot who shocked the entire 300 Division!

Until all the people of the 73rd Division entered the security checkpoint, Yao Dongming was still in a daze, unable to turn this corner.

Bai Ou came over, looked at Yao Dongming with a frown, and said, "What are you doing? Why are you so dazed?"

"Teacher, Commander, he, he asked me for money, no, no, he asked about the rod fee for that day's flight." Yao Dongming suddenly came back to his senses and said it subconsciously.

Bai Ou didn't understand, so he asked with his hands behind his back, "What's the rod fee? What nonsense."

"Li Zhan, he asked me to ask you how to settle the rod fee for his flight that day!" Yao Dongming came to his senses completely and said in surprise.

Bai Ou also turned to stone immediately, and subconsciously glanced towards the security checkpoint. In the priority channel, a group of people had already entered.

The two were messed up in the wind.

At this time, Baiou's confidential staff officer answered the phone and rushed over to report in a low voice, "Division Commander, the military region called and asked you to come over immediately. There is an emergency meeting."

"Do you know what the meeting is?" Baiou immediately walked towards the car and asked.

The confidential staff officer said, "The military region office did not elaborate. It was a meeting about training methods. The military region office required that we arrive before 15 p.m."


Baiou quickly left in an Audi car.

Yao Dongming didn't know what happened, so he had to take the others on the Coaster and go home.

The civil aviation dual-channel passenger plane landed at Beiku Airport around 15:00 in the afternoon. Chen Hualin called as soon as he landed. He took Xue Xiangdong back to the division headquarters and asked Li Zhan to lead the troops back to Beiku Field Station first. Everyone clearly felt the emergency atmosphere, but they didn't know what was going on.

But everyone did not think that it would be a very important military matter. There were many similar emergency meetings. The army is a special group that is always ready for war. Military orders are urgent. Even if it is a small matter, it must be done at the required time. completed within the country, not just important military affairs.

With half satisfaction and half regret, Li Zhan led his troops back to the Beikuchang Station. He went directly to the health team to find a flight doctor for a pre-flight physical examination and stamp. Then he ran to the tower and proposed to Ma Feng, the regiment chief of staff on duty, to participate in the night flight in the evening. aviation training.

Ma Feng is doing preparations before the night flight. The weather today is very good, and it is a good time to get up to speed and engage in night flight training. Every year there is a prescribed amount of training that must be achieved. In other words, if your regiment is given so much aviation fuel this year, you must use it all, otherwise the training will not be up to standard. This was unimaginable in the past. After all, the military's training funds are increasing year by year.

Therefore, the training pressure of each unit is gradually increasing, and training must be organized in every possible way. And there are not only quantitative requirements, but also standard requirements and assessment requirements, which can only be accomplished through multiple trainings.

Ma Feng asked Xue Xiangdong for instructions on the spot, but Xue Xiangdong refused and said to him, "That boy was resented in the 300 Division and is feeling angry in his heart. Ignore him and let him quickly organize the troops to summarize this visit and exchange." experience.”

"Hey, didn't you teach the ace of the Three Hundred Division a lesson? Why are you so resentful?" Ma Feng asked strangely. Could it be that the information I got was wrong?

Xue Xiangdong said angrily, "Yes, he won, and he won beautifully, but he actually asked the 300th Division for a draw fee! Can someone give it to him? He's so embarrassed that he's been thrown to the east!"

Ma Feng looked at Li Zhan in surprise. The latter rubbed his palms and asked expectantly, "Chief of Staff, has the regiment leader agreed?"

Seeing Li Zhan's wretched and anxious look for compensation, Ma Feng suddenly lost his mood for group training.

Who are these people!

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