Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 149 If you want to do it, do it with big votes

After all, Li Zhan failed to fly at night, and it was impossible for Xue Xiangdong to fly at night. The first thing to consider was the impact of a week of continuous visits and exchanges on the body, and he was not at ease with the aviation doctor's signature. Secondly, Xue Xiangdong knew very well that Li Zhan was unbalanced and couldn't get over it, so he wanted to make up for it. Of course Xue Xiangdong would not tolerate this problem of his.

Li Zhan had been depressed for several days, and the pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade could clearly feel that the captain was not in a high mood. They have already understood that the captain is very open-minded and will not argue with you about many things, or he will not take it to heart at all if he says something or does something you think is hurtful.

But that's not the case when it comes to tie rod fees. Every penny has to be accounted for. The logistics and finance department responsible for accounting last time seemed to have rounded off a few minutes, but Li Zhan came to the door with the stipulated terms and forced someone to change it.

"I can't lose a penny that I deserve, and I don't want a penny that I don't deserve." Li Zhan often said to the pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade, "I hope you are the same, you must have principles in everything you do, and you must have principles in everything you do. Don’t do it, you must fight for what you can.”

On this day, Xue Xiangdong finally came back from the military region.

On the day he returned from Youhuchang Station, he followed Chen Hualin to the division headquarters for a meeting. After staying there for two days, he went directly to the military region and held meetings for another two days, exactly one week before and after.

He was in a good mood and strode into the war room.

The war room is very large, with a large sand table in the middle, and the topography of the Beiku Mountains above. It is very similar to the war room of the army. Topography plays a great role in air combat and is an objective factor that can directly affect the situation of the battle, so it is very important.

Li Zhan stood by the sand table with his arms folded, frowning and thinking, not knowing what he was sketching in his mind.

"I heard that you have been spending time in the war room these days. How are you doing? Do you have any new ideas?" Xue Xiangdong held a cowhide envelope in his hand, looked up and asked directly.

Li Zhan didn't even look at him. He touched his chin and seemed to be talking to himself, "I was reviewing the offensive and defensive confrontation with Radar Station No. 27 last time. Hey, Commander, you are back."

"Let me tell you two things first. Here, take it." Xue Xiangdong handed the cowhide envelope to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan took it doubtfully, opened it and saw, oh, it was banknotes, several hundred yuan.

"The Three Hundred Division gave you the rod fee. Now you are famous throughout the army. Are you satisfied? For your rod fee, the Three Hundred Division asked the military region for instructions. They coordinated for several days and transferred it to our military region through their military region. , the military region will be transferred to the division, and the division will be transferred to me. For these few hundred yuan for you, it is the coordination of the three-level agencies of the two military regions. Comrade Li Zhan, look how awesome you are." Xue Xiangdong said with a sneer. .

Li Zhan smiled brightly and the unhappiness in his heart was wiped away. He did not realize that he had worked so much for the higher-level leadership agencies for a few hundred yuan. Instead, he felt that he was justified and said, "That's a problem with the mechanism. This money should have been given to me in the first place." Yes, the relevant regulations are very clear. There is a rod fee for flying. This is not a matter of money but a matter of principle!"

"Okay, okay, that means Mr. Bai has a good impression of you. Someone else can scold you to death." Xue Xiangdong was unwilling to waste even one more second on this topic with Li Zhan. He pointed to the sand table and said, "What did you just say?" What are you talking about, what was the problem with the offensive and defensive confrontation with Radar Station No. 27 last time?"

Li Zhan put the cowhide envelope well into his pocket. The unhappiness of the past few days was gone. He felt relaxed. He picked up his baton and pointed out roughly his low-altitude penetration route on the sand table and said, " There is a very fatal problem. When I launch the attack, the time from being exposed to the detection range of the ground radar to the time I complete the attack is about one minute and thirty seconds."

"One minute and thirty seconds is already the best result. At least no one in our military region can surpass this result." Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan shook his head slowly, "No, it can be compressed completely. Moreover, I have studied the combat methods of Radar Station No. 27 in the past two days. They are actually a linked ground air defense network with relatively high informatization. From detecting the target to It takes them at least two minutes to launch the missile.”

"What if they could reduce reaction time to one minute and thirty?"

Xue Xiangdong was doubtful, "Can they do it in one minute and thirty seconds? I know what level they are at, but they don't have this ability."

"Just because it didn't exist before doesn't mean it doesn't exist now." Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "The big gift on New Year's Eve must have stimulated them. I also read the aviation department's briefing, and the criticism against them was quite harsh. I don't believe it. They will think of every possible way. Moreover, there is definitely a way to shorten the reaction time."

Xue Xiangdong fell into deep thought. It would be easy to understand Li Zhan's meaning in another way - no one put pressure on them, so they thought that the two-minute reaction time was good enough. Now that someone is putting huge pressure on them, can they not work hard? Should the reaction time be further compressed?

As long as you think about it, there is nothing you can't do. There are definitely technical requirements, especially for the radar unit.

Li Zhan said, "Actually, they have a very simple solution."

"What method?" Xue Xiangdong asked, somewhat surprised.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "First shoot out the missile, and then transmit the target information to the missile's seeker. As long as you can determine the approximate location of the target and launch a few more missiles, the target will be dead. According to me As far as I know, it is not difficult for the radar force to do this with the existing technology, and it seems that it has had actual combat experience before."

"Can surface-to-air missiles be used like this?" Xue Xiangdong was surprised.

Li Zhan said firmly, "Absolutely. This is not a highly technical problem. Even theoretically speaking, it is no problem to use old-fashioned wire-guided missiles."

"You take it for granted, don't they have this technology?" It just doesn’t make sense.”

Li Zhan said, "Commander, you have forgotten that the target enemy aircraft must be pulled up to enter the attack route. How can we launch ammunition without altitude?"

"Well, that's right." Xue Xiangdong was stunned, patted his head, and said, "So the victory or defeat of both sides will be the moment when the fighter plane pulls up and enters the attack route. Specifically, it is the moment when the ammunition is fired."

"That's right, in that minute and a half, when the F-117 and B-2 were shot down, wasn't it because they opened the magazine when launching ammunition and destroyed the radar's stealth state? As long as they are captured by the radar , those fighter planes cannot escape." Li Zhan said solemnly, "What I did at the time was to dive down after completing the attack, but such an action is not universal. I am not bragging. Such a large overload maneuver cannot How many people can do it, and it’s in a mountainous area. So I have to think of a way that is both effective and can be learned by most people.”

Xue Xiangdong smiled and said, "Is there such a good thing? Can you come back with all your beards and tails without taking risks? There is something I haven't told you yet, and it is directly related to your low-altitude penetration on New Year's Eve."

"Hey, yes, you just said there are two things, yes, what is the second thing?" Li Zhan asked.

Xue Xiangdong couldn't help being happy and said, "What a happy event. The aviation commander was shocked after reading your low-altitude penetration report on New Year's Eve, and immediately organized personnel to conduct preliminary research. What is the final conclusion? The army must carry out this As a result, our 101st Regiment Madman Brigade became a test team. A few days ago, I went to the military region for a meeting mainly to study this matter. So you have to come up with a complete combat training outline, rather than just Let me just say this briefly. Listen carefully, this is an issue for the aviation department and it is related to the collective honor. It is up to you in the year-end summary whether our regiment can become an advanced unit for military training in the entire army."

"Hey, the flight commander's project is of a high enough level." Li Zhan gasped.

"Our group has not received such a high-level research project in almost 20 years. You have to give me some snacks to work on. Not only the practice, but also the theory must be solid." Xue Xiangdong took out a cigarette and lit one. When it comes to smoking, he is waiting to change jobs, and his flying time is gradually decreasing, so he smokes more and more unscrupulously.

Li Zhan also wanted to smoke, but he was a little hesitant. Xue Xiangdong just threw the cigarette over. Li Zhan naturally lit one and started smoking. His head was a little dizzy, but he felt super good afterwards.

Xue Xiangdong said, "After this topic has been developed, all aviation units in the army will conduct training based on the research results. The entire army, including Hainan Airlines, and maybe Army Aviation's helicopters will also learn from our experience. Put your other things aside first Let’s go, let’s catch this subject first.”

"I have an idea." Li Zhan rolled his eyes and said.

Xue Xiangdong felt uneasy for no reason, "Say."

Li Zhan said with a smile, "Commander, let's just do it for fun. What's the point of just studying low-altitude penetration tactics? Let's combine combat training under complex weather conditions and cancel altitude differences in free air combat. A big subject.”

Before Xue Xiangdong could speak, Li Zhan hurriedly said, "Commander, think about it, the aviation commander gave us a small topic, and we handed over a big topic, and the content of this big topic is rich enough for the entire aviation force to digest. In the past ten years, tell me, what kind of commendation will the aviation commander give us? Is it just an advanced unit in annual military training? I think it’s not difficult to create a collective first-class and second-class meritorious service!"

Sure enough, after saying this, Xue Xiangdong suppressed his intention to refuse and fell into deep thought. He is now in a state of being alone, thinking about leaving something more for the 101st Regiment before resigning, and doing something more for the army that has served for so many years. Before, he had been thinking about what he could leave behind, but until Li Zhan arrived, he finally saw the possibility of leaving more things behind.

He is eager to do more things for the army in his final time, more meaningful things.

"Captain, you have seen how I fly in these three subjects, so there must be no problem. I am not sure that I can teach the whole group, but I can definitely guarantee the success of the Mad Demon Brigade." Li Zhan persuaded.

Xue Xiangdong thought for a long time and suddenly said, "Do you know what is happening to the J-7G type you drove in the 300th Division?"


"The engine is being replaced."


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