Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 152 A large number of transitions

The weather in the Beiku area was very good on March 14th, with clear skies, great visibility, and ideal surface wind direction and speed.

At least for now.

Zhang Yuan predicts that there will be no more heavy snowfall from today on. There will be a small amount of snowfall, but there will not be the heavy knee-deep snowfall before the Spring Festival. Undoubtedly, this is good news for the 101st Regiment. It will show the lowest weather without going too far, which is the type that Li Zhan likes.

At 15:00 in the afternoon, Xue Xiangdong and Yang Jinshan arrived at the tower on time, and stood beside the duty commander Li Zhan, one on the left and one on the right.

"Are you ready?" Xue Xiangdong asked.

Li Zhan said, "The regiment commander and deputy regiment are all ready, the hangar and the apron are all ready. Even if one division comes, I can eat it."

"Don't be naughty with me. You have no experience in commanding large aircraft groups to take off and land. You must cheer up." Xue Xiangdong warned seriously.

Yang Jinshan said, "The regiment leader is right. You can't take it lightly. You should do it well and let your old leader see your progress after joining the 101st regiment."

"Deputy commander, if you say that, I'll start it." Li Zhan said with a smile.

"Do it, do it fiercely, you must impress them." Yang Jinshan laughed.

Xue Xiangdong glanced at the position of the weatherman, frowned and asked, "Where is the weatherman?"

"Oh, deputy station chief Zhang Yuan is on duty today, and he hasn't come here yet." Li Zhan looked at the time and saw that Zhang Yuan was late. This is not a good sign.

When Yang Jinshan saw that Xue Xiangdong's expression was not quite right, he quickly said, "Yes, Zhang Yuan is also here from the Second Division. Haha, it's good. You can meet the old leaders and comrades."

Xue Xiangdong was not that easy to fool. He pointed at Li Zhan and said, "Call him."

The weatherman is the second most important position. The commanders have arrived, but the weatherman is late. This is relatively rare. Xue Xiangdong was not angry because Zhang Yuan was late, but worried that the weather would change. Zhang Yuan is a very professional technical deputy director. He will not be late for no reason.

Yang Jinshan was worried that Xue Xiangdong's anger would affect the relationship with the Beiku Meteorological Observatory, and did not think of the deeper reason.

Li Zhan thought about it. He was more worried about bad changes in the weather than anyone else. After preparing for so long, aren't you just waiting to show off in front of your old comrades today? If Xue Xiangdong hadn't refused to approve, Li Zhan would have even flown a plane up to greet him in the air.

Of course, these are not the most important things. It is okay to talk about it as a joke, but it must not be taken lightly.

A total of twenty-four fighter planes flew more than 4,000 kilometers on a long-distance transfer, but they were unable to land when they arrived at Beiku. Even if it was due to weather conditions, the higher-ups had some opinions on your Beiku station. Taking off and landing is never a one-sided matter. In many cases, an excellent tower commander is an important guarantee for safe takeoff and landing.

At that time, Li Zhan was able to turn several dangerous situations he encountered in the Second Division into relief, and the tower commander was indispensable. For example, when the engine compartment suffered a lightning strike and caught fire, it was deputy commander Yu Chenglin who keenly saw the flash of fire under extremely low visibility, thus alerting Li Zhan in time and gaining valuable time for the emergency landing. time. Otherwise, when the fire spreads to the middle of the fuselage, it is still unclear whether Li Zhan can fly the plane back!

Commanding a large fleet to land is more difficult than commanding to take off, which greatly tests the tower commander's dispatching and coordination abilities. If required according to wartime standards, it also needs to be completed in the shortest possible time. Everything in the army is time-consuming, and the faster the better. You will never find any subject or thing for which slower is better. Speed ​​is always one of the keys to victory.

"Captain, the duty room of the meteorological station said that Deputy Director Zhang Yuan is already on the way." Li Zhan put down the phone and said.

Xue Xiangdong felt a little relieved. If the weather changes, Zhang Yuan calls the tower directly and asks to cancel the pick-up. Because if there are no landing conditions at Beiku Station, then Lanzhi must quickly arrange for the fleet of aircraft flying to Beiku in the air at this moment to implement an alternate landing plan. So Zhang Yuan will not come over to report. He wants to come over and explain that there are conditions for takeoff and landing here.

"Confirm the ground preparations." Xue Xiangdong sat down and said.

Li Zhan immediately contacted all ground units to confirm that each department had completed preparations, and then reported to Xue Xiangdong. Xue Xiangdong picked up the dedicated phone and reported to the division, which meant that Beikuchang Station was ready for everything. This procedure is very important, and Lanzhi will make the next decision based on the specific conditions of Beikuchang Station.

"They went well and are expected to arrive in thirty minutes." Xue Xiangdong hung up the phone and said to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan subconsciously rolled up his sleeves and said, "I hope everything goes well!"

There was a rush of footsteps, and Zhang Yuan arrived.

"Captain Xue." Zhang Yuan saluted and said hello, "I have confirmed again and again that the weather is fine. Li Zhan, land from Nantou."

As he spoke, he signed his name on the duty list, which meant that he would be responsible for the take-off and landing direction. The next step was Li Zhan, the duty commander.

Li Zhan said, "Understood, from south to north."

This determines the direction of takeoff and landing. Different from civil aviation, the army does not use Arabic numerals and English letters as runway codes, but directly states them. The principle of using military terminology is that the simpler and clearer the better, avoid complex expressions.

At 16:05 in the afternoon, the Beikut tower received a call from the first pilot of the Second Division's transition unit, and the voice came out very clearly through the loudspeaker.

"Beikut tower, communication frequency 8494:49, my name is 020037, the distance is ten kilometers, request to land, completed." It was Yu Chenglin's voice.

Extraordinarily kind.

Li Zhan remembered that the day before he left the Second Division, when he left the division commander's office and went downstairs, Yu Chenglin was waiting for him downstairs, but in anger, he ignored Yu Chenglin and they had not seen each other for more than half a year. Recalling the nine months in the Second Division, Yu Chenglin was very good to Li Zhan, otherwise it would have been difficult for Li Zhan to make a comeback as soon as possible after many dangerous situations.

"020037, this is Beiku Tower. The radar has seen you. Maintain altitude and speed to enter the field and land from south to north. Please be careful and land directly. Over." Li Zhan replied happily.

Yu Chenglin obviously heard Li Zhan's voice and said, "Copy that, keep approaching, land directly from south to north, over."

One minute later, No. 037 J-7E continued to descend in altitude. The familiar double delta wing shape was full of flexibility. It touched the ground lightly, released its parachute, and roared to the end of the runway. The parachute detached and the fighter plane slid out of the main runway. track.

"Deputy Commander Yu, welcome to Beiku." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Yu Chenglin smiled, looked sideways in the direction of the tower, even though he couldn't see Li Zhan at all, and said, "Comrade Li Zhan, we meet again, thank you!"

"Teacher is the last one." Yu Chenglin reminded.

"Understood, please follow the guide car into the apron." Li Zhan's expression changed slightly and he said.


The guidance vehicle led the No. 037 fighter plane into the apron. There were already officers and soldiers there towing away the drag chute on the main runway and conducting a quick inspection of the runway. When they left, the second fighter plane also arrived in the distance. This field is located ten kilometers away.

One after another, twenty-four fighter planes landed in Beikuchang Station in a column under the command of Li Zhan. The busy appearance once resembled a civil aviation international airport. After landing ten planes, Li Zhan asked the subsequent fighters not to release their parachutes when landing, but to glide directly to the end of the runway and out from the end of the runway, speeding up the landing speed.

The last fighter plane landed at Beikuku Field Station. Xue Xiangdong led a team of regimental leaders, Zheng Kaiyun led the station team, the director of the meteorological observatory and several key personnel were already waiting on the apron. The commander of the Second Division personally led the team to transfer. In the absence of Chen Hualin, the leaders of the 101st Regiment, Beikuku Field Station, and Beikuku Meteorological Observatory basically had to come out to greet them. This kind of welcoming and sending-off culture is not good, but it has always been the case. If you don't do this, you are ignorant.

Of course Li Zhan didn't come over. After signing his name on the duty list, he went directly to Yu Chenglin. The first is to meet the old comrades, and the second is to see the old friend No. 037 Fighter.

"Brother No. 1!" A pilot ran over excitedly carrying a flying helmet, waving to Li Zhan on the commuter bus and shouted, that person was Tang Leile.

Jeep 212 stopped on the parallel road. On one side of the No. 037 fighter plane were the pilots of the Second Division and the Fourth Regiment lined up neatly. Yu Chenglin stood in front of the team and spoke briefly. At this time, he also stopped, turned around and looked at Li Zhan with a smile.

Li Zhan punched Tang Leilei's arm and said, "Tang Leilei, what a good boy. He has become a lot stronger. Well, this new flight suit looks good."

"The experimental version has not been finalized yet." Tang Leilei looked at the tall flying gear he was wearing, and then at the black old-fashioned flight jacket Li Zhan was wearing. He realized that he could not continue chatting on this topic, and hurriedly Said, "Brother Yi, everyone misses you very much."

"I miss you too." Li Zhan patted Tang Leilei's shoulder and walked towards his old comrades in the Fourth Regiment, saluting Yu Chenglin and the team.

Yu Chenglin laughed and said, "Our first brother is here. Come on, comrades, please ask the first brother to say a few words. Let's all chirp."

"Okay!" the old comrades cheered.

Li Zhan stood in front of the team and saluted everyone again. He looked at the more than two dozen familiar faces and said with emotion, "Hello, old comrades, I am very excited to see you again. It has been more than half a year since we last seen each other. I would like to ask , did the four teams take first place in this year’s basketball game?”

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed, and they laughed even harder when they thought of Li Zhan's terrifying accuracy.

Li Zhan's face straightened and he said, "Welcome to Beiku, comrades, you have worked hard all the way! Everyone has seen that the conditions in Beiku are not as good as those in Xi County, and the environment is also worse. There is nothing to entertain, but beef and mutton I have enough control over it, if you want to take a sip, you can come to me!"

"Okay!" Everyone applauded wildly.

Yu Chenglin waved his hand, "I'm still here. Okay, Tang Leilei will lead the team and follow the comrades from Beiku. Let's settle down first and follow the order to assemble for dinner and disband!"

Tang Leilei quickly came over and led the team onto the minibus nearby, roaring to the hostel at the station. At the other end, Xue Xiangdong and others were talking around the tall and handsome Qi Hong. Qi Hong wore big sunglasses and looked very stylish, comparing Xue Xiangdong and his gang to bumpkins.

Seeing Qi Hong being cheered and cheered for, he was assigned to the 101st Regiment by the old Military District Coaster after more than ten years. Yu Chenglin looked up at the sky and said, "It's eight or nine o'clock here." Isn’t it already dark? Let’s have a chat?”

"Deputy regiment, I will resolutely obey orders." Li Zhan said with a smile and invited Yu Chenglin to the Warrior commuter bus.

What is supposed to come will still come.

Spend some money on the levers, and there will be updates this Saturday and Sunday.

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