Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 153 Nan Batian suffered heavy losses

Looking at the small suite with simple layout and complete functions, Yu Chenglin said with emotion, "Gold will shine wherever it is. This truth is correct. The conditions here are no less generous than those in the Second Division."

Li Zhan made tea, asked Yu Chenglin to sit down, pointed to the small living room that had been converted into an office function, walked to the desk, patted the computer monitor, and said, "Our group has taken on an important topic from the aviation department. , these were all newly configured, it turned out to be just a desk and a map on the wall.”

He just casually picked up a topic to start the topic, how could the Tattered King Master be compared to the famous Nanba Tianshi.

"How's it going? Is your work going well here? The major is in camp and doing a good job." Yu Chenglin motioned for Li Zhan to sit down and said without logic, "Yes, whatever topic you are working on, the flight commander will also From the military area?”

Li Zhan said, "The aviation department's low-altitude penetration and strike group training method. We applied to combine the two subjects of combat training under complex meteorological conditions and the elimination of height differences in free air combat with low-altitude penetration and strike group training. , is actually a big topic, offensive and defensive training methods under complex weather conditions.”

Yu Chenglin was dumbfounded and looked at Li Zhan with incredible eyes.

On the contrary, Li Zhan was surprised by Cheng Lin's expression, which was nothing!

"Cancel the height difference free air combat? Some time ago, Yao Dongming of the 300th Division was beaten by a pilot of the 73rd Division and lost his temper. Is it you?" Yu Chenglin asked with eyes wide open.

Li Zhan smiled shyly and nodded, "It's me, he is my apprentice."

"He still worships you as his disciple?" Yu Chenglin almost stood up, surprised.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "Ang."

It took more than a minute for Yu Chenglin to recover from the shock and sighed, "The commander hopes you can return to the second division. It seems he will be disappointed."

"Haha." Li Zhan laughed.

Yu Chenglin stared at Li Zhan and said, "Do you know who Yao Dongming is?"

"He is my apprentice." Li Zhan said.

Yu Chenglin shook his head and sighed, "Although he is young, his flying hours have caught up with mine. He has flown all the main models currently in service and is recognized as one of the top ten aces of the Air Force. Hainan Airlines is going to conduct carrier-based fighter pilot training. I made several reports to the Air Force Commander to transfer him, but Commander Baiou of the 300 Division held him down and refused to let him go. Do you know what Yao Dongming means to the 300 Division?"

Li Zhan shrugged, but he didn't say that Yao Dongming was my apprentice.

Pointing at Li Zhan, Yu Chenglin said, "Yao Dongming means to the 300 Division what you mean to the 2nd Division. Commander Qi Hong seems to have made a wrong move. Yao Dongming is the benchmark and the one who leads the 300 Division." The benchmark for training, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the weather vane, which is of great significance.”

Yao Dongming is very powerful, and capable people are somewhat arrogant, but Yao Dongming actually put down his attitude and worshiped Li Zhan as his teacher. What does this mean? Yu Chenglin couldn't even imagine whether Li Zhan's military qualities had any limits.

Li Zhan said, "Deputy commander, you are ridiculous. No one is irreplaceable."

"I know you have resentment in your heart." Yu Chenglin said, "The matter has been investigated clearly. The division commander is here to talk to you personally and clear your name. At the same time, he will also talk to the leaders of the 73rd Division. Talk, please go back to the Second Division. I know that you are very important here and have important issues at hand, but in the long run, whether it is for your personal development or the construction of the army, you should go back to the Second Division. "

Yu Chenglin said in a serious voice, "To be fair, the teacher's approach to that matter was a bit extreme, but it was at the cusp of the storm at the time, and he couldn't explain it unless he dealt with it. Besides, his original intention was to let you do it on the 73rd I will stay here with the division for a while, so I can experience life, and then return to the second division. Who would have thought that this would be the situation."

"Deputy regiment, I did have grievances, but I have completely let it go now. For me personally, I really don't care where I serve. I decided to go to the Second Division because it was close to home and it was convenient to take care of my family. Now Thinking about it, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both, and I should have had this awareness when I chose to be a soldier. As for the matter of buying a wife, it is ridiculous and absurd in itself, and I don’t want to mention it anymore." Li Zhan said calmly.

The calmer he became at Chenglin, the colder his heart became. This really showed that Li Zhan had made up his mind to stay in the 73rd Division. Even if Qi Hong has the ability to persuade Chen Hualin, if Li Zhan is determined not to return to the Second Division, the organization may not be able to make transfers. After all, Li Zhan is not an ordinary cadre, but a key talent registered in the aviation department. Moreover, Li Zhan now has such an important issue in his hands. Even if the military region orders it, Chen Hualin will probably do everything possible to block it.

Don't underestimate the energy that the commander of the army exerts to retain a talented person, and that is the commander of the fighter division!

"A few days ago, your little girlfriend found the division and explained the situation clearly to the division commander and political commissar. The division commander coordinated with the relevant local departments to conduct an in-depth investigation and found out the ins and outs." Yu Chenglin sighed. He said, "Do you have any impression of Wang Gang? Chen Fei's classmate is the one who caused the trouble. He has already served his sentence and was involved in some commercial crimes. Have you ever offended him?"

Li Zhan was extremely surprised. He had no idea that there was such a factor behind it.

"I know Wang Gang. I met Chen Fei several times. I understand, yes, he has a reason to retaliate against me." Li Zhanquan remembered, "At that time, Wang Gang was going to build a high-rise building in the building block of Xi County. The location It happened to be under the take-off and landing route of the West County Station. According to regulations, high-rise buildings cannot be built, but he didn't know how to operate it and built more than 20 floors, which greatly exceeded the prescribed height. He wanted to drag Chen Fei into the water, so I asked him Local friends investigated and stopped Chen Fei in time. It must have been this incident that made him hate me."

Yu Chenglin nodded affirmatively, "Yes, that building has been sealed and the relevant local departments are handling it, but it is said that it is not going well. In short, the matter has been clarified. You were framed and there was no such thing as buying a wife."

"Wait, wait." Li Zhan suddenly remembered that Yu Chenglin had just mentioned the keyword "little girlfriend", "Deputy team member, what kind of little girlfriend? When did a little girlfriend appear?"

Yu Chenglin was also confused and said, "Ying Wanjun, aren't you in love with that little girl from Xi'an Jiaotong University? The little girl said that you gave the 60,000 yuan to her parents."

"She!" Li Zhan was greatly surprised, and then he didn't know how to respond.

If you say no, how do you explain the 60,000 yuan? If you say yes, that’s inappropriate. There is obviously no relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend!

Yu Chenglin waved his hands and said, "Don't dwell on this matter. The little girl is an adult. Your relationship with her does not violate any military laws and orders. This is your own private matter."

His mind was obviously not on this aspect. He was always concerned about the big topic Li Zhan was working on.

"Tell me, why did you cancel the height difference free air combat? Commander Chen Hualin would let you do this?" Yu Chenglin said with a frown.

Ordinary people cannot understand the meaning of "cancellation of altitude-difference free air combat." For veterans like Cheng Lin, these words mean that an air combat training model that has been followed for decades will be ended, and new training will Patterns will appear.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a revolution in military training.

It’s not that the Second Division didn’t smell something. In the past few years, there have been more and more mentions of practical training, which is already a trend. However, everyone can't help but wonder, is this for real this time or is it just like before, shouting slogans and passing by? You can’t say that the training methods that have been followed for decades are wrong. After all, they have been tested for a long time. Do you think they will be changed if they are changed?

In fact, they are all hesitating and waiting.

As a result, the 73rd Division, whose equipment in the far west was so shabby that it couldn't stand anymore, took action. Once it was done, it became a comprehensive and big issue! This means that when the 73rd Division comes up with results on this big topic, in the future all aviation units of the army will be trained using the training syllabus they developed.

This is a very high honor.

Complex meteorological conditions, low-altitude penetration strikes, and free air combat without height differences are all difficult subjects in the world when taken individually, but the 101st Regiment dares to combine them and do them together.

After Yu Chenglin completely digested these concepts, he became more aware of the important burden Li Zhan carried on his shoulders. It can even be said that the 73rd Division had the courage to do this, wasn't it just because of Li Zhan?

This just confirmed his evaluation of Li Zhan just now - like Yao Dongming, he is a heavyweight talent who can greatly influence an army.

"Deputy commander, don't look at me like that, it's scary." Li Zhizhi said, slightly embarrassed, "I have flown in complex weather, and many pilots in my brigade have flown in it. The last time the flight commander randomly checked the combat readiness, we and 27 The No. 1 radar station conducted an offensive and defensive drill. I penetrated from a low altitude in the mountainous area. Their radar could not see me. I was only exposed for a minute and a half when I climbed into the attack. Now we are trying to find ways to shorten the exposure time and not give The opportunity for the ground anti-aircraft fire network to fire. It was the lowest weather at that time. Oh, you know, cancel the height difference free air combat, it was the confrontation between the 300 Division and Yao Dongming. He couldn't find me, so I simulated shooting about eight times."

"Eight times?" Yu Chenglin was about to turn to stone.

This concept is completely outside the scope of textbooks.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "Yes. The training of the 300th Division is too rigid. The root cause is that the current free air combat training method does not meet the requirements of actual combat. The existence of altitude difference actually stifles the pilots' imagination and binds them. The pilot's hands and feet are tied up. Fighting is also an art, and air combat is a confrontation with a literary and artistic atmosphere. It is difficult for pilots without imagination to survive in the battle, let alone annihilate the enemy."

"Imagination..." Yu Chenglin fell into thought.

This is another unheard of definition. Does it take imagination to fly a fighter jet to fight a war? When I think about it carefully, I find that imagination may really be the basic thinking ability to expand combat effectiveness. Counting the ace pilots in the history of air combat, many of them had a very artistic way of thinking that most people do not possess.

In the final analysis, Li Zhan has already given a summary - the altitude difference binds the pilot's hands and feet, and also limits the pilot's imagination. From a macro perspective, it is that the combat training awareness of the entire army is no longer able to adapt to the requirements of military struggle under the new situation.

Yu Chenglin slowly raised his head and said in a deep voice, "The Second Division may have missed the best development opportunity in decades, maybe because it missed you."

"I won't go back to the Second Division even if you pay three times the lever fee."

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