Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 154 Hey, you still want to go back?

The development of things was worse than the worst situation Qi Hong imagined.

Let alone meeting and chatting with Chen Hualin, he had no chance to meet Chen Hualin at all. Not only Chen Hualin, but also the political commissar of the 73rd Division did not come. He did talk to Xue Xiangdong, but all he got was cynicism. Xue Xiangdong is a person who is waiting to change his career. He wants to escort Li Zhan's big project and contribute more to the army. Will he be afraid of the pressure exerted by Qi Hong?

Not to mention Qi Hong, even if the head of the military region came, Xue Xiangdong would dare to push back.

The 101st Regiment and even the 73rd Division have been working hard for so long, and finally they have been waiting for an opportunity to work hard. If you want to transfer my key cadres, I will fight you to the death. Leaders come up from the grassroots. How can they not understand the front-line army commanders, so they will never use orders to destroy this situation.

You've eaten pork for so many years, why don't I drink some soup?

Therefore, when Qi Hong stayed at Beikuchang Station for three days, Xue Xiangdong was absolutely polite and enthusiastic, but once the matter of Li Zhan's transfer was mentioned, there was no response.

Qi Hong wanted to meet and chat with Li Zhan, but Li Zhan went to the division for a meeting the next day. Even when Qi Hong left with his troops, Li Zhan still hadn't come back. This was not because Li Zhan deliberately avoided it, but because a research team from the Military Training Department of the Air Force came down and wanted to talk to him about the development of the "228" project. The discussion lasted a week.

Li Zhan's wish to chat with his old comrades from the Fourth Regiment for two more days came to nothing. Being a soldier means you have no freedom. Once the order comes, no matter what the circumstances, you must immediately complete the specified tasks within the specified time without any discounts.

However, Li Zhan also learned about the current situation of Nie Jianfeng and Chen Fei from Tang Leilei. They both participated in the selection of the Flying Sharks training team, but both failed. During this time, they have been receiving psychological intervention at the Xixian Station. It is said that only a dozen people were selected from the aviation force of the entire army, and only Zhang Xueyang was selected from the Second Division. This gave Li Zhan an intuitive impression of the selection requirements for the Feisha training team.

Nie Jianfeng and Chen Fei are both very powerful pilots. Even they failed to be selected. You can imagine how high the requirements of the Flying Shark training team are.

When Li Zhan returned to Beikuchang Station, he had Shang Fang's sword in his hand, and he had an additional identity - a member of the "228" project research team. The leader and deputy leader of this research group are the head of the headquarters, the head of the aviation department, and the head of the military region. The standards are extremely high.

There are many big leaders, but Li Zhan is the one who does the specific things.

The 101st Regiment's Crazy Demon Brigade is the only research unit of the "228" project, which also prompted the Crazy Demon Brigade to be directly upgraded to the only simulated blue army unit of the military air force.

A military train loaded with aviation fuel slowly drove into the Beikou Station. After it stopped, the officers and soldiers who had been waiting for a long time quickly began to unload the aviation fuel and transported it to the oil depot one by one. For a few minutes, it was glorious. period scene.

In the past, Li Zhan begged the station for jet fuel. In order to get more jet fuel, he threw all his face and self-esteem to the dogs. They even asked their pilots to "not do their job" to buy aviation snowplows, and then use them to change aviation oil at the station.

Things have turned around. Now, Zheng Kaiyun took the application form and ran to Office 228 of the 101st Regiment Building to see Li Zhan. She said politely, "Team Li, are you busy? I'm going to produce a batch of oil. You sign it." A word."

"Stationmaster Zheng, why did you come here in person? Just say hello and I'll be there." Li Zhan, who was writing a training plan at his desk, put down his pen, stood up quickly, and asked Zheng Kaiyun to sit down.

Zheng Kaiyun's flattered look was very funny, and she said, "Everything in person or not is all for work. Besides, everyone in the station knows that your team, Team Li, is very busy during this period. I came here because I'm afraid it will disturb your work." of."

"No, no. Logically speaking, it's my turn to look for you. How can I ask the leader to come here?" Li Zhan said with a smile.

Zheng Kaiyun suggested, now you have the right to approve the use of more than half of the aviation fuel in the oil depot. Another train has arrived today. You are now a landlord, old and wealthy. If I want to use some unplanned aviation fuel, I have to ask for your approval. I Do you dare to run to my office and sign for me?

"Team Li, let's not see each other outside. Look at this and sign it for me." Zheng Kaiyun handed over the application form in a very low-key manner.

Li Zhan took it, glanced at it, and said, "Stationmaster Zheng, you are the leader. I have to follow the internal affairs regulations. This, oh, you are not easy to criticize."

"Why?" Zheng Kaiyun's expression changed.

Li Zhan put down the application form and said, "There are regulations in the military region. The aviation fuel in my hand is for special use and can only be used for research on Project 228. You should report the shortage of your inventory to the superiors. Why don't you contact me?" Use it."

Zheng Kaiyun endured her anger and tried to be as friendly as possible, saying, "Captain Li, you know very well what happened to this batch of aviation fuel. I just asked you to return it to me. There is no such thing as restocking."

Xue Xiangdong: Lao Zheng, you are stupid. You want him to spit out the things that have gone into his mouth? It would be polite of him not to eat all your inventory! He is someone who doesn’t even care about the fee for a few minutes! what are you thinking! Isn’t this uncomfortable?

"Stationmaster Zheng, what you said is wrong." Li Zhan pretended to settle accounts, "My aviation fuel was all planned. When did I owe you aviation fuel?"

Zheng Kaiyun's smile slowly disappeared, "Team Li is such a noble person and forgets things. I won't talk about the aviation snowplow. Before that, I gave you three tons. Later, one of my recruits got a screwdriver. You took advantage of it. They gave me a batch of welfare and 20 tons of aviation fuel. Not to mention the welfare, this is our station's apology to the comrades of the 101st Regiment. But you have to return the 23 tons of aviation fuel to me. These are all There is aviation fuel in the bomber division’s plan, and I can’t explain it if we can’t get it back.”

"Hey, hey, stationmaster Zheng, if you want to say that, I'm going to settle the account carefully. Your recruits caused such a big safety accident. You haven't forgotten what I said at the time. We've negotiated, everyone. Keep a low profile, hello, hello, everyone, those twenty tons of jet fuel are for us, not borrowed. And those three tons of jet fuel, stationmaster Zheng Da, you won’t count on me for just three tons of jet fuel. Pay the bill?" Li Zhan argued hard and never thought about returning it.

Zheng Kaiyun waved her hands and said, "If you don't want those three tons, just give me twenty tons, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the bomber."

"That's your business, stationmaster Zheng. How can a mere twenty tons of aviation fuel stump you?" Li Zhan spread his hands and smiled.

Zheng Kaiyun held back her anger and said, "Li Zhan, let me tell you straight. Yes, I can handle twenty tons of aviation fuel, but that is the station's annual supply of motor aviation fuel. You have thousands of them now." Tons of aviation fuel, there is a dedicated planned aviation fuel, so you don’t have to worry about lack of fuel. Just return these twenty tons to me, so that my work can be carried out easier. Okay?”

"No." Li Zhan refused without thinking.

Facing Zheng Kaiyun who suddenly stood up and stared, Li Zhan showed no fear at all. He stood up and said slowly, "Webmaster Zheng, Project 228 will not be short of oil, but there is not even a drop of it that is superfluous. Sorry, this I’m really busy and can’t help you.”

"No, okay, okay, Li Zhan, you're doing a good job, I'll go find Xue Xiangdong!" Zheng Kaiyun pointed at Li Zhan angrily, like a beaten student who wanted to tell the teacher.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Stationmaster Zheng, please walk slowly!"

Thousands of tons are not enough for me. You still ask me for 20 tons, not even 20 grams!

Zheng Kaiyun was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. She went directly to Xue Xiangdong's office. As soon as she entered the door, she said, "Xue Xiangdong, you don't care about your soldiers, you are lawless!"

"Hey, Lao Zheng, what's wrong with you? Don't be angry. Don't be angry. Sit down." This is, drink some tea, drink some tea."

Zheng Kaiyun crossed her arms and said coldly, "Let me ask you, are you no longer in charge of Li Zhan? Are you still the leader?"

"Of course I am the leader, why did he hit you?" Xue Xiangdong sat down and asked quickly. The station cannot be offended easily. The station is responsible for the food, drink, and eating of the entire regiment and the fighter planes. Zheng Kaiyun's signature is much more valuable than Xue Xiangdong's.

Zheng Kaiyun was still angry and said, "I asked him to return twenty tons of jet fuel to me, but that guy refused without even thinking about it! Is this ridiculous? He has thousands of tons of jet fuel in his hand, and I don't Is it just twenty tons? Besides, those twenty tons of aviation fuel are mine!"

"Wait a minute, what's twenty tons of jet fuel? No, what do you need jet fuel for? Do the vehicles at your station also need to burn jet fuel?" Xue Xiangdong was confused after hearing this.

Zheng Kaiyun said angrily, "Don't you forget that he extorted 20 tons of aviation fuel from me last time about the screwdriver incident? I took those 20 tons of aviation fuel from the bomber division's share. They will come to station in June." If I don’t make up for the training, those people won’t let me go easily!”

"Oh, you're talking about the twenty tons of jet fuel!" Xue Xiangdong suddenly realized, "No, don't you know what happened to the twenty tons of jet fuel? Do you still want to go back?"

Zheng Kaiyun said, "He, Li Zhan, now has more aviation fuel than I, the station manager, have. He is not short of fuel. He wants to give me back twenty tons to make my work easier. Is it so difficult?"

"It's difficult, it's very difficult. I can tell you responsibly that you will definitely not come back. It's not just you, I won't come back either. Don't tell me. I really have nothing to do with him. All work must be centered around 228 project is being carried out, in this regard his words are more effective than those of me, the group leader." Xue Xiangdong simply made Zheng Kaiyun give up completely.

Of course Zheng Kaiyun knows the priorities. Li Zhan is holding the 228 research project. This is a top priority. All actions must make way for him. If you hold him back for something, your superiors will not let you go. But in Zheng Kaiyun's view, isn't it just twenty tons of aviation fuel? Li Zhan did it with a stroke of his pen. Compared with the volume of thousands of tons, it is really nothing.

It can only be said that Zheng Kaiyun does not understand Li Zhan.

"Then what should I do? Where can I find twenty tons of aviation fuel?" Zheng Kaiyun asked angrily.

Xue Xiangdong narrowed his eyes and said, "Stop pretending, you don't have aviation fuel for combat? Do you want me to go to the small oil depot to help you count it? Clear your small oil depot quickly. Li Zhan wants as much as you have." Just give it to him quickly. Don’t blame me for not reminding you that whoever holds back the 228 subject will be dealt with seriously by your superiors. You cannot bear this responsibility."

"Why, I didn't want the oil back, but I wanted to give it to him instead?" Zheng Kaiyun let go of her hands and sat upright.

"I've already said it, the overall situation is more important, don't make small calculations. Don't ignore the importance." Xue Xiangdong said seriously.

Zheng Kaiyun slowly calmed down and fell into deep thinking.

Well, I wanted to make up for it, but not only did I not succeed, but I also had to add a small oil depot that had been operating for a long time. What's wrong with this!

Today is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Air Force. The People's Air Force is magnificent! Long live the People's Air Force! ! I'm going to fly a plane, so I need to pay for some drawbar fees.

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