Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 156 What the hell is this so fast?

The best way is to use mobile radar to fill blind spots. As an emergency means, blind filling radars are not only used for homeland air defense, but also for theater air defense.

Li Zhan was also thinking about what method Radar Station No. 27 would use to kill him, but the focus of his thinking was how Radar Station No. 27 would shorten the time to lock in the attack. Detecting light is meaningless. Just because you see it doesn't mean you can shoot it down. You have to launch anti-air missiles.

He didn't understand how Radar Station No. 27 would do it until takeoff, but he must have guessed the method of using mobile radar to fill blind spots. The radar force has a professional blind-filling radar, which was developed to solve this problem.

The average altitude of the Beiku Mountains is over 2,000 meters. There are many peaks between 3,000 and 4,000 meters, and there are also many hills between 1,000 and 2,000 meters. The height difference is relatively large, thus forming many steep and deep canyons. The route Li Zhan chose was optimized based on the actual terrain characteristics and the first breakthrough route. This optimization does not make flying easier, but increases the difficulty. The purpose is to fly at a lower altitude.

From the perspective of exploring tactics, Li Zhan's role at this time is that of a tactical test pilot. He wants to fly to the limit of low-altitude penetration in mountainous areas, at least infinitely close to the limit. His limit, the limit of fighter planes, and the limit of tactical use, It can be understood as the envelope of low-altitude penetration tactics in mountainous areas.

It is extremely important to fly out the envelope line so that there will be a ceiling standard line for future group training.

So, he flew lower.

Because of the curvature of the earth, it is difficult for radar to detect low-altitude targets at long distances. So, after the low-altitude blinding radar was deployed at Radar Station No. 27, does it still make sense to fly at a lower altitude? Absolutely, don't forget the mountainous background.

The mountains are the best cover. The radar will also receive the radar beam reflected back from the mountain. The beam reflected back from the fighter plane will be mixed with the reflected beam from the mountain. At least it can interfere with the radar operator. You can at least To interpret.

This is the time Li Zhan wants to fight for.

The faster the flight speed, the better, and the lower the altitude, the better. This is a two-dimensional law for penetrating deep into the enemy's defenses.

After Li Zhan plunged into the famous Nameless Canyon, Radar Station No. 27 was blinded. Their blind-filling radar obviously cannot cover all blind spots, and it is even more difficult to detect canyons blocked by mountains. However, Qu Hongbo was also prepared. He deployed a mobile radar vehicle on the top of the mountain in the middle of the canyon, with the detection direction overlooking the canyon. This extreme approach was also forced by Li Zhan.

In addition, Qu Hongbo also has a trump card.

The sky was gray, there was some light fog in the canyon, and there was a lot of turbulence. Li Zhan did not dare to take risks, so he adopted the most cautious flying attitude in his life. He operated the No. 037 fighter very well and carefully avoided the peak ahead. , sneaking west along the rugged canyon.

He set the airspeed at three hundred kilometers per hour, leaving himself about fifty kilometers of margin. He placed the flaps at three and kept the engine speed at a high speed. The entire flying style was very cautious. Li Zhan's flying style has always given people the impression of being bold to rough, precise to delicate, and the two extremes are perfectly combined and presented in him.

From the training base to the Second Division and then to the 73rd Division, his style has not changed.

Now in order to obtain the most accurate and objective flight parameters as possible, he must make every operation he performs well-founded and universally significant. If you develop a method that only a few pilots other than you can master, it is meaningless if there is no way to popularize it.

The difficulty is that Li Zhan must not only consider the popularity of the operation, but also push the limits as much as possible. This is a very contradictory concept, so much so that he is now considering whether to use up the 50 kilometers per hour speed margin, or to increase the speed as much as possible. Whether you are pursuing fast or slow, both are limits and envelopes to fly out of.

The fastest and the slowest have to be flown out, just like a test pilot wants to fly out the maximum airspeed and minimum airspeed of an unfinished fighter aircraft. Both speed limits are closely related to the aerodynamic layout of the fighter aircraft. This is also the main reason why the J-7 and J-8 series have been criticized since the beginning of the 21st century - the aerodynamic layout can no longer meet the requirements of modern warfare.

At this time, Li Zhan was flying the J-7, which was criticized for being unsuitable for ground strikes. Even if it was the E-type with double delta wings, it was still a model mainly focused on close-range air combat.

Even if there are no conditions, we must create conditions.

On the other hand, Li Zhan's research on the "228" project in a fighter plane that is least suitable for ground attack is not a silent irony of other third-generation aircraft units, especially those fighter pilots who claim to be aces. Looking at it from another perspective, what is the reason why the Air Force put the "228" project in the 73rd Division instead of the third-generation aircraft unit that is more suitable for this topic?

Even the No. 73 Division's three major world-wide difficult subjects were integrated and submitted as a large "228" topic, and the aviation department quickly approved it.

What's the reason behind this?

Although Li Zhan spends a lot of time pulling rods and spending a lot of money, he studied under Liu Guojian and has his own original and unique views on the development of the Air Force. He can often hit the nail on the head when he sees problems. He was very disappointed with the Air Force's decision to put the "228" topic in the 73rd Division. He also has a different view on the reasons behind the 101 group.

It has a lot to do with him, his master, and the special geographical location of the 101st Regiment.

At the same time, it also reflects the indecisive mentality of the chiefs of the aviation department. They are not very confident about whether this can be done or not, and they have some ideas of treating a dead horse as a live horse.

Otherwise, how can one explain putting such an important subject in the hands of Master Shattered King?

Li Zhan had a clear understanding of this, which further motivated him to strengthen his confidence in completing the "228" project and achieve good results. He even suggested that the three topics be combined into one big topic, with the purpose of impressing the flight attendant. Of course, the premise is that he can come up with it.

There is no point in boasting loudly. The details still lie in implementation. Li Zhan has always believed in one sentence - empty talk will harm the country, but hard work will create the future.

Therefore, he had to restrain his passionate desire to fly and use the most common operations to fly the fighter plane with extreme tactical maneuvers in the extreme combat environment.

After the blind-filling radar unit started working and still could not see the target, Qu Hongbo, who was in charge of the specific command, did not hesitate at all and immediately ordered the mobile radar vehicle on the top of the mountain to start a continuous search for the back section of the nameless canyon. As long as Li Zhan entered the back section, he would have nowhere to hide, and the back section was a relatively straight section, and the terrain was not conducive to cover unless you flew close to the surface of the Seasonal River below the canyon.

Victory or defeat can be determined in an instant. If the best search time is missed, Radar Station No. 27 will make the same mistake again. With all the preparations they had made, it was difficult for them to endure a second failure. Therefore, it is better to activate the mobile radar vehicle at the top of the mountain in advance to fill in the most critical blind spot.

Qu Hongbo folded his arms and waited quietly for the report of finding the target. He didn't believe that Li Zhan could escape such a dragnet. Besides, he still has a trump card, and he won't use it unless absolutely necessary.

But as time went by, he became more and more nervous.

At this time, Li Zhan was fighting against the turbulence in the canyon. About a hundred meters away from the still dry river surface, Li Zhan was already flying at a relative altitude that was infinitely close to the limit. He slowly accelerated, and the airspeed increased linearly from 300 kilometers per hour to 600 kilometers per hour. The mountain peaks in front rushed over at a faster speed, and the high-speed flying fighter plane was more affected by the turbulence. Li Zhan was basically unable to distract himself from paying attention to whether there were mobile radar vehicles on the surrounding mountaintops. He was completely focused on controlling the fighter plane. He even became a little confused when he encountered strong airflow during a sharp turn.

Fighter No. 037 flew precariously in the canyon. Looking from the outside, she often made a sharp turn when she was about to hit the mountain in front. The auxiliary fuel tank on the belly pylon almost brushed the mountain before it evened out. , another mountain peak appeared ahead, and Fighter No. 037 hurriedly turned right again, drawing an "S" shaped flight path in the canyon.

The most frightening thing is that Fighter No. 037 is only more than a hundred meters away from the dry river below!

For a fighter jet traveling at 600 kilometers per hour, a distance of more than 100 meters is only a few tenths of a second. If Li Zhan's operation actions were delayed or advanced by a few milliseconds, there would be only one result - the machine would be destroyed and everyone would be killed. His operating movements must be extremely precise, and there must be absolutely no deviation in any movement during the entire process, let alone any mistakes.

Flying back to No. 037 again gave Li Zhan a lot of confidence that he could become one with No. 037. He was familiar with every part of her body, every inch of aluminum alloy, every rivet, and knew his control. The reaction time of the movement being transmitted to her designated parts through the hydraulic transmission system is very clear when her climax will burst out.

Without these foundations, Li Zhan would not have dared to run wildly in the canyon at a relative height of more than 100 meters at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour!

Fighter No. 037 was screaming hoarsely, and her body was undergoing a major test. Under the violent maneuvers, the fuselage made a heartbreaking sound. Even though Li Zhan knew that the strength of the fuselage could fully withstand it, he couldn't help but worry that No. 037 would fall apart.

On the other hand, the presence of mounts and auxiliary fuel tanks has had some impact on the flexibility of the fighter, which undoubtedly adds more difficulty to Li Zhan.

This was probably his most attentive flight, even more attentive than the time when he used the J-8FR to blow up mountains in complex weather. The most important difference was that the flight speed at this time reached 600 kilometers per hour!

Li Zhan also wants to try to increase the airspeed, he wants to fly to the limit.

So, when the No. 037 fighter jet plunged into the back section of the nameless canyon like an arrow off the string, the officers and soldiers in the mobile radar vehicle on the top of the mountain were all dumbfounded.

What the hell is this so fast?

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