Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 157 Don’t die!

I saw the target, but so what?

What's the point if you can't hit it after seeing it?

The mobile radar vehicle deployed by Radar Station No. 27 on the top of the mountain to illuminate the canyon clearly detected the No. 037 fighter jet. However, faced with a fighter jet speeding more than 100 meters above the river at an airspeed of nearly 800 kilometers per hour, it was difficult to detect the fighter jet. what else can we do?

Qu Hongbo received the synchronized target parameters from the mobile radar vehicle on the top of the mountain in almost three seconds. He went crazy.

"Is he crazy? He doesn't want his life! Check the altitude and speed!" Qu Hongbo shouted in shock.

The staff officer beside him said with great certainty, "It's very clear, the altitude and speed are correct!"

Everyone was shocked.

The flying altitude of more than 100 meters is already shocking, and he is still flying at an airspeed of nearly 800 kilometers! How can you still live like this? This is an unprecedented spectacle, perhaps it can only be described as a spectacle.

Wang Dongyang was the first to calm down and said in a deep voice, "We found him but there is no way to simulate an attack. We are the ones who failed."

"We have no way to hit him! Not to mention whether the fire control radar can lock on, even if it can be locked on, his height is completely lower than the minimum shooting height of the surface-to-air missile, and there is no way to hit him." Qu Hongbo stared. Eyes said loudly, "Is he human? How did he do that? It's incredible!"

You can imagine a racing car running at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour in an alley with nine twists and turns that can barely accommodate a car.

The back section of the Nameless Canyon is relatively straight, but becomes narrower on the left and right. At the narrowest point, the woods on the mountains on both sides are only more than 20 meters away from the wingtips on both sides of the fighter plane. This is a crazy distance. As long as Li Zhan's hand holding the pole trembles just a little bit, he will hit the mountain.

Besides, there are strong air currents!

Surface-to-air missiles have a minimum firing height. Even for short-range surface-to-air missiles, the minimum firing height exceeds 100 meters. It is basically impossible to pose a threat to targets with a flying height of only 100 meters. The Army's short-range field air defense systems, such as artillery and artillery integrated air defense systems and field air defense missile systems, can threaten Li Zhan, but the Air Force does not have that equipment.

In fact, even the army's integrated artillery and artillery air defense systems, field air defense systems, anti-aircraft guns, etc., can pose extremely limited threats to fighters with an airspeed of nearly 800 kilometers.

Why is low-altitude penetration considered a difficult subject worldwide? Firstly, it is very difficult to achieve this. Secondly, the effect is very significant, especially in terms of tactical strikes in theaters. Once the enemy penetrates deep from low altitude, our own side will basically be Not much power to fight back.

High risk, high reward.

Li Zhan was not making a low-altitude penetration at this time, but an ultra-low-altitude penetration in a mountainous area that was close to the limit!

To put it bluntly, if something happened at this time, Li Zhan would not even have a chance to parachute. Even if he jumped out, he would not be able to escape death. The flight application he submitted only mentioned flying at the lowest altitude possible and at the highest possible airspeed. Xue Xiangdong approved it, and the division also approved it, because no one could think that it would be the current extreme altitude and speed. Who could have imagined that it is possible to fly at a relative height of more than 100 meters in a mountain canyon at a speed of nearly 800 kilometers per hour?

No one would believe that this was a fact. When this fact was presented in front of the officers and soldiers at Radar Station No. 27, it would be strange if they didn't go crazy.

There is not much time left for Radar Station No. 27. At such a fast speed, Li Zhan will be able to fly out of the canyon very quickly. Once he turns southeast, he will appear on the south side of the Beiku Mountains. At this stage, No. 27 The radar station has no chance to carry out a lock-on attack anymore. It can only wait for Li Zhan to launch an attack and take advantage of the short window of one or two minutes.

Qu Hongbo said, "Deputy station commander, the only hope is the Army Field Air Defense Force at the western exit of the canyon. I originally thought that this trump card would not be used. At least all our previous deployments will have some effect. Now it seems that we The strength of this pilot we face is far beyond imagination. I can guarantee that he is not from the 101st Regiment. The 101st Regiment cheated!"

"Immediately ask about the situation of the pilots of the 101st Regiment and find out what is going on. If they cheat, I will immediately ask the station commander to file a lawsuit with them!" Wang Dongyang pointed to the staff sergeant next to him and said.

The staff sergeant immediately called Beikuchang Station and received a conclusive answer.

"We should have learned more about the pilot's situation after the last confrontation. Have you noticed that this pilot's combat style is very similar to the last time." Wang Dongyang said calmly.

Qu Hongbo took off his hat and scratched his head and said, "Deputy station commander, I am not only worried about him hitting the mountain, but also worried that the Army's field air defense troops will not be able to deal with him! The leader of the 73rd Division is very courageous. He actually let He does such dangerous flying maneuvers!”

"We'll ask about the specific situation after the confrontation is over, and you immediately coordinate the Army's field air defense forces." Wang Dongyang pointed to the target signal that appeared on the radar screen and was moving rapidly along the back section of the nameless canyon.

The synthesis of radar station No. 27 is very good. The signals searched by the mobile radar vehicle can be displayed on the display screen at the command station almost simultaneously, and the specific parameters of the target will also be displayed in real time. This is probably the prototype of the air force radar unit data link. In the future, it will be integrated with the real air force tactical data link being tested by the 300th Division to form a systematic combat capability.

However, there was no way to transmit the target parameters of Radar Station No. 27 to the Army field air defense forces cooperating with them in real time. There is currently no joint tactical data link between the various services, and it is foreseeable that a true tri-service tactical data link may not be built and perfected in the next ten years.

Compared with visible equipment upgrading, invisible information construction is actually more important. To integrate all combat units, we must rely on the data link system. To build its own strategic and tactical data link system, it is necessary to complete the most basic construction-the comprehensive completion of the Beidou satellite system.

Do you want to use a Yankee’s GPS to build a network?

Qu Hongbo's trump card is the Army field air defense force stationed nearby, which is a surface-to-air missile battalion under an artillery brigade. It is equipped with the imported "Doyle" field air defense missile system, which has strong field air defense capabilities. It is also the Army's The best equipped unit among the field air defense units.

It is the trump card and the last resort.

In order to get assistance from the Daoer camp, Qu Hongbo went there many times to coordinate, and Wang Dongyang also made two trips, and finally promoted the matter through the higher-level leadership agency. Camp Doyle was in ambush near the mountain pass on the west side of the Nameless Canyon, waiting for notification from Radar Station No. 27.

Qu Hongbo was very reluctant to use the Doyle Camp. Once he used this trick, it meant that the No. 27 Radar Station was at the end of its rope, and even if it won, it would not have much glory. But for Radar Station No. 27, who is eager to get back in the game, even a miserable victory is better than another defeat!

The artillery brigade to which Camp Doyle belongs, and even the group army leadership organization to which the artillery brigade belongs, are actually very willing to try to engage in coordinated operations with the Air Force radar unit. This is their first coordinated air defense combat training, and it will accumulate experience for future joint operations. Some experience will be beneficial to both parties.

Therefore, the Doyle Battalion attached great importance to this collaborative combat training, and directly brought the entire battalion over. A dozen launch vehicles formed a fire net, waiting for Li Zhan to appear. The advantage of the Doyle field air defense system is that missiles, radars and guidance are concentrated on an armored platform, and there are no separate launch vehicles, radar search vehicles, etc. A Doyle vehicle is a highly concentrated basic combat unit that is mobile, flexible, fast and can even fight while on the move. In addition to the command vehicles, support vehicles and bomb carriers, the entire field air defense system has been highly streamlined.

The most critical thing is that the theoretical minimum shooting height of the Doyle field air defense system is only ten meters, and the missile speed can reach Mach 2.5.

Unless Li Zhan burrows into the ground, once he is locked by the Doyle field air defense system, he will basically be dead - the damage rate of a single live ammunition shot by the Doyle field air defense system in the past has reached 98%. The damage rate of double-shot live ammunition is 100%!

That is a field short-range air defense system specially designed to deal with low-altitude, high-speed, low-altitude, low-speed targets!

Camp Doyle received the target notification from Radar Station No. 27, and more than a dozen fire control radars continued to search for the outside world centered on the mountain pass, with the main direction heading toward the depths of the unknown canyon in the northeast. The battalion commander of Camp Doyle was very experienced. Instead of concentrating all his forces together, he arranged four launch companies in an oval shape. Each company was ten kilometers apart. Based on the missile's maximum range of twelve kilometers, After all, it formed an airtight air defense firepower network with no gaps.

This is the first time to cooperate with the Air Force. The big brother of the Army will naturally do his best to teach his little brother how to behave.

After Qu Hongbo reported the enemy situation to Camp Doyle, he could do nothing but wait. The mobile radar vehicle deployed on the top of the mountain had a limited search range and lost its target at this time. Li Zhan disappeared from everyone's sight again.

Li Zhan was very sure that even if he was discovered by Radar Station No. 27, the fixed air defense forces and surface-to-air missile forces working with them would not be able to simulate an attack on him.

In the homeland air defense system, the Air Force ground air defense forces mainly target large medium and high-altitude targets, such as fighter planes, guided missiles, etc., which are used to attack flying targets that invade the homeland. Therefore, the fixed air defense missile force belongs to the Air Force, and the medium and long-range surface-to-air missile force belongs to the Air Force. The purpose of some Air Force ground-to-air forces equipped with portable air defense missiles is to protect their own troops, which is somewhat different from the Army's usage principles, while the Army uses short-range missiles. It mainly focuses on air defense equipment, mainly field air defense and battlefield air defense, which accompany ground combat troops in operations.

Therefore, Li Zhan was determined that as long as he could maintain this altitude and speed, travel through canyons or even fly in the Gobi Desert, Radar Station No. 27 would be unable to do anything to him.

He never expected that Radar Station No. 27 would actually call in the Army Big Brother's Camp Doyle!

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