Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 161 The most precious image data in the history of aviation (more updates on the apple tree

"Chief, what do you want to ask?"

Li Zhan was eating mutton steamed buns with noodle soup, and found Vice Minister Liang staring at him with a smile, somewhat embarrassed, and asked slightly embarrassed, but his eating movements were not affected.

He had never seen anything like this, and the senior colonel officer was not enough to disturb his mind. He had come across such dangerous two waves of missile attacks that were so closely connected, and the other scenes really didn't matter.

"If I say no, it's definitely wrong. If I say yes, I don't have much to ask. The main thing is to meet you. You should be the only pilot in the world who can escape the attack of two Bolt missiles." Vice Minister Liang Very kind, said with a slight smile.

Li Zhan smiled helplessly and said, "I was forced."

"I would like to inform you of the results of the investigation. I believe you would also like to know which part of the problem went wrong," said Vice Minister Liang.

Li Zhan stuffed all the remaining food into his mouth, swallowed it in a few times, drank all the noodle soup in one gulp, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and sat up straight.

Vice Minister Liang said, “The reasons are both simple and complex.”

He lit up a cigarette and handed over the soft Chinese in his hand. "Pilots are not allowed to smoke, but I guess you usually smoke and drink too much. Come on, have one, otherwise you will have to smoke secondhand smoke."

Li Zhan accepted it happily, "Thank you, chief."

While he was taking a nice puff of his after-dinner cigarette, Vice Minister Liang said, “It is simple because the two cadres at the grassroots level did not work seriously, which led to serious differences in the understanding of the content of collaborative operations between the two parties in the collaborative operations training. Deviation. To say that it is complicated actually involves the problem of the connectivity mechanism between the services and arms. In current terms, there is no joint data link among the three services and no open information platform. There are communication barriers between the Army and the Air Force. .”

Taking another puff of cigarette, Vice Minister Liang said, "If we don't talk about complex issues, the military region commander won't be able to solve them in the short term. We deal with and solve simple issues. Please inform Comrade Li Zhan about the investigation status."

He pointed at the bespectacled Army lieutenant colonel.


Army Lieutenant Colonel Siyanzai opened the folder and looked at it, and said, "The Air Force's 27th Radar Station is conducting a joint air defense exercise with Camp Doyle, a certain army unit. At the same time, the 27th Radar Station and the 101st Regiment are also your unit. , has a long-term plan for confrontation drills. On March 1, that is, yesterday, the 101st Regiment implemented live-fire training in accordance with the established plan, and added low-altitude penetration confrontation training on this basis, that is, the confrontation at the No. 27 Radar Station The long-term plan for the exercise has been combined. We have verified this matter. Comrade Li Zhan, the First Flying Group led by you is the simulated Blue Army Flying Group piloted by the military region, and is responsible for major research projects. You also informed all the plans to Radar station 27."

He paused, "The main problem arises with Qu Hongbo from Radar Station No. 27. This comrade is the combat staff officer at Radar Station No. 27. According to him, in order to deal with low-altitude penetration targets in mountainous areas, he found a certain person in the Army. The Doyle Battalion hopes to conduct an air defense drill with the Doyle Battalion mainly targeting low-altitude targets. However, the comrade did not clearly explain to the Doyle Battalion that it was a simulated anti-aircraft shooting training, causing the Doyle Battalion to regard your live-fire shooting training as a The content of coordinated training. Out of selfish motives, the comrade did not inform you of the fact that Doyle Battalion joined the coordinated operations. Under the influence of the above factors, this friendly fire incident occurred. "

"There was no incident of friendly fire. I came back intact. The Army brothers still have some shortcomings in actual combat." Li Zhan said decisively.

The desire to survive is super strong.

Vice Minister Liang explained, "Comrade Li Zhan, I will talk about how you responded in a moment. Let me explain to you a few other issues. The reason why a certain army department approved Doyle Camp to join live fire is based on the radar station No. 27 The training plan they reported was actually drawn up by Qu Hongbo. He did not clearly distinguish between the live-fire training of the 101st Regiment and the simulated confrontation training between the 101st Regiment and No. 27 Radar Station, which directly led to a series of mistakes later. .”

"Human factors?" Li Zhan asked, raising his brows.

Vice Minister Liang nodded slightly, "The main responsibility lies with Qu Hongbo of Radar Station No. 27. His insensitive and careless work attitude directly led to the accident. In addition, Doyle Camp needs to bear secondary responsibility. Their relevant person in charge did not check carefully. The content of collaborative training indirectly led to the accident."

Li Zhan said, "That was an accident caused by the lax work of two or more cadres specifically responsible."

"Yes." Vice Minister Liang said.

The reason is indeed very simple. Due to the negligence and extremely lax work attitude of individual cadres, they mistakenly regarded the live-fire training of the 101st Regiment as the content of the ground-to-air force confrontation drill, which led to the accident.

Li Zhan nodded slowly and said in a deep voice, "That's the only way to explain it."

"Comrade Li Zhan, if it were you, what do you think the reason would be?" Vice Minister Liang asked.

Li Zhan said, "There was a deviation in communication, and there is no second explanation. Ammunition management is very strict. The Army Field Air Defense Force must fire live ammunition and must report it to the military region's leading authority for filing. No problems were found during the review, which is obvious." There was a serious mistake in reporting and asking for instructions at the grassroots level."

The application report was fundamentally wrong, and the grassroots should bear the main responsibility. Specifically, it was Radar Station No. 27, of which Qu Hongbo was the main person responsible. On the contrary, a certain department of the Army was wronged, but objectively they also had the problem of loose communication, and at least one of them had a loose working attitude.

"Chief, fortunately, I came back intact, and my fighter plane has no, uh, should be no problem. Instead, I think the Army field air defense force should reflect on their combat capabilities. Two waves of four Doyles. Even the missiles couldn’t knock me down. I was flying a J-7, which in theory has the performance of a quasi-third-generation fighter but is actually still a second-generation fighter.”

Li Zhan said with a smile, "Of course, the No. 27 radar station exposed more problems. Last time they failed to detect me, this time they should have detected me, but there was no way to lock on me, let alone attack. The same meaning is of little significance. However, Radar Station No. 27 can think of cooperating with the Army's field air defense forces to conduct joint air defense operations. This move is of positive significance."

Vice Minister Liang was stunned for a moment, and the two army lieutenant colonels looked at Li Zhan with admiration.

If such a thing happens to any one person, he will have sufficient reason and confidence to attack all relevant units. Li Zhan even mentioned the No. 27 Radar Station, the Army's Doyle Camp, and even their superiors. It is completely human nature to scold and scold him. It can even be said that it is surprising that Li Zhan did not do this.

"Are you begging for mercy on their behalf?" Vice Minister Liang asked with a smile.

Li Zhan chuckled and said, "I'm just a pilot, so I'm not qualified to plead for mercy."

"No, you are qualified." Vice Minister Liang shook his head and said, "You are the most qualified, no one else is qualified for you. Comrade Li Zhan, you surprised me deeply. Before I met you, I especially watched the video of that time After that, I kept thinking about who you are and what you would be like after experiencing this. All my guesses were wrong. I must admit that miracles exist and genius is right in front of me."

"Video? What video?" Li Zhan immediately caught the key word.

Vice Minister Liang pointed to the Army Lieutenant Colonel who was not wearing glasses and said, "Give Brigade Li a break."

The Army lieutenant colonel, who did not wear glasses, took out his computer from his laptop bag and placed it on the coffee table. He opened an image file, which was from the perspective of the Second Launch Company of Camp Doyle, and clicked the play button.

Vice Minister Liang said, "The Army Chronicle column team is filming the program at Camp Doyle these days. It happened to capture all the conditions on the scene at that time. There are three fixed camera positions and two mobile camera positions. This is the most comprehensive one. Look at the angle.”

"Ah? Did you get it?"

Li Zhan was immediately pleasantly surprised. No one wanted to see the scene from an outsider's perspective more than him.

"These image data have been classified as top secret, but I can leave you an original version for your teaching of simulating the Blue Army brigade." Deputy Minister Liang said.

There is no doubt that the image data accidentally captured by the Army Chronicle column team will become the most precious and shocking top secret information in the People's Air Force and even the world's aviation history.

The camera gun on the J-7E can only capture scenes from a certain angle in the direction of the aircraft's nose. In addition, there are only radar images of Camp Doyle, which are not enough to intuitively and completely reproduce the scene at that time. The Army Chronicle column team deployed several cameras to film the live-fire target practice at Camp Doyle. Their shooting angles all covered the scene, and they even had telephoto lenses!

From the time when Fighter No. 037 rushed out of the mountain pass to when she used rockets, cannons, and auxiliary fuel tanks to kill the second wave of missiles and then climbed vertically, the entire process was recorded with complete clarity.

You can imagine how precious such image data is!

The main angle video played to Li Zhan was not long, because the entire incident itself lasted only a few minutes. The professional quality of the cameraman at this position was undoubtedly excellent, and he must have been shocked, but he still did not forget to take close-up tracking shots to record how the No. 037 fighter jet responded to two waves of four missiles. The process of attack!

What was recorded in just a few minutes of video data was an unprecedented, miraculous and transcendent confrontation between fighter planes and missiles that was probably never seen again.

Li Zhan was dumbfounded. When he looked at his posture from an outsider's perspective, he was stunned and broke out in cold sweat!

His reaction was no different from the reaction of the few people who had seen these video materials!

After all, he is still an ordinary person, but when he goes up to the sky and sits in the cockpit of a fighter jet, he is a god!

He murmured to himself in surprise:

"Am I so awesome?"

The Apple Tree Under the Dome offered a reward of 100,000 book coins, fulfilled its promise, and added another chapter!

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