Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 162 301 actions in 70 seconds

The complete image data is not only extremely precious data, but also conclusive evidence. Vice Minister Liang dared to show it to Li Zhan before he handed over the flight report, which showed that the three investigation teams had unified their opinions and came up with the investigation results, and may have even been recognized by the superior leadership agency.

Vice Minister Liang and his party are still staying at Beikuchang Station. There is still a lot of investigation work ahead, which is also very important. The first is the interpretation of Li Zhan's flight report and flight parameters, as well as the verification and mutual verification with the data obtained from the No. 27 Radar Station and Camp Doyle.

The follow-up investigation work was more detailed, so on the afternoon when Li Zhan saw the image data, a Coaster brought a dozen investigators composed of professionals drawn from various departments and units to Beikuchang Station. The other two investigation teams also arrived one after another, and they all met together at Beikuchang Station to continue the investigation.

The small courtyard where the medical office of the station health team is located is crowded with people coming and going in a busy city. Li Zhan was writing a flight report while accepting various inquiries. Xue Xiangdong has informed him that after the investigation team's work is over, he will immediately compile the technical report on the 4-1 low-altitude penetration live ammunition shooting. This is the result of the "228" major project.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Li Zhan to continue experimental flights in April. However, he needs to teach the pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade. He will not teach anything but 4-1 low-altitude penetration. Live ammunition shooting is an example of this battle. It's really a war example.

It took Li Zhan a whole week and seven supplementary explanations before he produced the flight report the investigation team needed.

When Vice Minister Liang read the flight report, he accidentally learned from Xue Xiangdong that the Second Division had always wanted to transfer Li Zhan back, and issued a death order on the spot, "I order you to keep Li Zhan in the 101st Regiment at all costs!"

"Chief, I will change my job at the end of the year!"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to change your career. Can you work as a political worker? I will ask my superiors for instructions immediately after I return. You must stay and watch Li Zhan! You don't have to do anything! It's a great achievement to keep an eye on him!" Vice Minister Liang He said decisively.

Xue Xiangdong was stunned on the spot and stammered when he spoke, "Chief, Chief, I, my transfer report has been handed in. The division has probably approved it long ago. Now I am in the military area, just waiting to complete the formalities."

"Don't worry about it!" Vice Minister Liang waved his hand impatiently, "If I say you have to stay, you have to stay. You can't leave even if you want to! You did 301 actions in seventy seconds. Based on this, Li Zhan is a golden pimple!"

The flight data showed that from the radar warning to the final escape from danger, from the first action of turning on the afterburner to the end of turning on the afterburner during the final vertical climb, it lasted 70 seconds. During this time, the flight recorder recorded The operating actions are 301 operating actions.

An average of 4.3 operations per second!

And there are no unnecessary moves or wrong moves!

Regardless of the factor of fighter aircraft, there is only one pilot in the entire army who can achieve this level of accuracy at this frequency. Your second division still wants to go back?

Vice Minister Liang doesn't need to look at other abilities at all. This alone is enough to make all pilots in the army reach the peak of gods!

Xue Xiangdong was so excited that he almost burst into tears. The surprise came too suddenly. In the past six months, since Li Zhan was transferred to the 101st Regiment, he began to work with the mentality of doing more for the army before retiring from the army and returning to his hometown. Demobilization from the army was a certainty, and he never expected to return to the army. There is a chance to stay!

Who is willing to leave if he can stay?

"Please rest assured, chief! No matter what position the organization places me in, I will resolutely complete the work assigned by the organization and resolutely fulfill the mission of a revolutionary soldier!" Xue Xiangdong expressed his position loudly, "As long as I am here, no one can take away Li Zhan! You can’t even take it away!”

Then, he changed the subject and asked, "Chief, I can still fly, so don't let me do political work."

"Okay! If you think well of someone, you can talk about anything!"

Vice Minister Liang said to Xue Xiangdong in a deep voice, "The actual impact of the April 1st combat is far-reaching. Not to mention the long-term impact, the retirement speed of the J-7 series fighters will definitely be accelerated. It is of great significance."

"Yes, if all Identification Friend or Foe codes could be connected, there would not be such an error." Xue Xiangdong said with deep sympathy.

The J-7 series fighters do not have IFF, and it was not until the E-type modification and G-type that IFF was installed.

Vice Minister Liang shook his head and said, "The bigger problem you are talking about is that even if the J-7 exists, it cannot be connected to the Doyle Camp. I have asked that the Army's Doyle Camp has not yet been able to connect to its own Identification Friend or Foe system. "

"It's not just once or twice that Mao Zi is disgusting. In his early years, wasn't it because Su Liangqi was unable to form combat effectiveness for a long time due to coding problems, including the problem of the source code of the Identifier Friend or Foe." Xue Xiangdong said with a sneer.

Vice Minister Liang waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. I will bring the data back immediately. Experts from all over the army will be organized to conduct research. I don't think I will be able to fully understand the data in a few years."

"Chief, I have something I don't know whether to say or not." Xue Xiangdong said hesitantly.

"This is not your style, Xue Dapao. If you have anything to say, you will have nothing to say. I don't have time to waste time with you." Deputy Minister Liang packed up his things and said.

Xue Xiangdong said, "Li Zhan cannot be copied. I think these flying parameters are of little significance. Of course, they are absolutely qualified as a tactical envelope. I talked with him and he had the same opinion. From entering Beiku All the operations from the mountain range to the final distress were carried out at the limit and in accordance with formal procedures. His idea at the time was to fly out of the envelope, and based on this, he would slowly move forward. Let’s explore and find the most balanced combat training standards.”

"I know." Vice Minister Liang said without any surprise, "But what the higher-level leadership agencies want to see is the limit. You don't know where the limit is and what the standards of combat training are. You, the pattern of looking at the problem is still too small. Li Zhan knows what he should do. You have to do a good job in logistics support and other tasks, especially ideological education. After all, he is still young, and the stupid things he did in the Second Division cannot happen again. "

The commander-in-chief knows everything!

"Yes! I understand!" Xue Xiangdong saluted.

Vice Minister Liang said, "One more thing. The Army Chronicle column wants to interview Li Zhan. Please make arrangements as soon as possible. They will arrive tomorrow."

"I'm afraid this is not good. Chief, Comrade Li Zhan has always resisted being interviewed. Last time the division asked him to be interviewed, he also refused." Xue Xiangdong said awkwardly.

Vice Minister Liang said, "It is published internally and used as teaching materials for cadres above the regiment level."

"This is absolutely no problem!" Xue Xiangdong said in surprise and immediately agreed.

This is an honor!

Not only the honor of Li Zhan, but also the honor of the 101st Regiment, the 73rd Division and even Lan Kong!

Xue Xiangdong agreed on behalf of Li Zhan, but when he told Li Zhan about it, Li Zhan refused without thinking and said, "Captain, I told you earlier that I will not accept any interviews, and those published internally will not accept any interviews." No, there is no room for negotiation on this matter. My report is already exhaustive and can be used as an internal teaching material, but the interview video seems superfluous."

Li Zhan's tone was so tough, Xue Xiangdong really had no choice!

Now Li Zhan is not the benchmark of the 101st Regiment, but the "treasure of the store" of the 101st Regiment and even the 73rd Division!

Xue Xiangdong had no choice but to report truthfully. What else could his superiors do? They could only let the reporter of the Army Chronicle go back and forth wherever he wanted. He couldn't even get in through the gate of Beikuchang Station.

The investigation that took half a month is over, and Li Zhan has basically completed the writing of the first part of his technical standards, which mainly covers the essentials of ultra-low-altitude penetration operations and tactical essentials in mountainous areas. He listed the forced actual combat with the surface-to-air missile force as an independent part to study slowly, because this part has almost no replicability and can only exist as a ceiling to the limit.

The maintenance team reported to Li Zhan that there were no problems with the body structure and wings of fighter No. 037, and there were no problems with the engine. Everything was normal. This surprised Li Zhan so much that he couldn't even explain it himself. However, among the products produced by the same batch of workers in the same factory and the same batch of raw materials, some break after one or two years of use, some break after reaching the design life, and some can still be used normally after their service life is greatly exceeded. This phenomenon itself It's hard to explain clearly.

Li Zhan and the brothers in the maintenance team can only think that the No. 037 fighter is an outlier among the fighters that were produced at the same time. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that everything was still normal after experiencing two 10G large overload maneuvers and extreme over-stall, and even made Cobra maneuver!

On April 18, Li Zhan officially resumed flying. He had no problems to begin with.

However, his main task was to direct the pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade in the air to conduct low-altitude penetration training, first on the flat Gobi desert, and then gradually increasing the difficulty to the Beiku Mountains. He flew out of the ceiling, and there was a basis for it. As long as he did not exceed the envelope he flew out of, everything was controllable.

The great thing about test pilots is that they fly the flight envelope of the fighter aircraft. The simple technical parameter data of the fighter aircraft embodies the hard work and even life of the test pilot. Maximum speed Minimum speed Maximum climb rate Minimum climb rate Maximum take-off weight Minimum take-off distance...

The greatness of Li Zhan is that he flew out the ceiling of low-altitude penetration, with the lowest altitude and maximum speed. Under this premise, the key elements of complex weather and mountainous areas are all complete. It can be said that Li Zhan's approach can be used as a ceiling standard in any aviation unit.

As long as you operate according to the operating standards it flew out, under the same conditions and environment, as long as you do not exceed this envelope, you will be fine.

This is Li Zhan's major contribution to the Air Force.

The pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade were also guinea pigs. During the two weeks in the second half of April, they were trained severely by the Demon Captain Captain, one standard a day and one plan a day. They were also exploring the best way to meet actual combat requirements and Universal standard solution.

Li Zhan still set the standards a little too high. He always believed that training standards that left room for improvement were not conducive to improving the combat capabilities of the troops. As a result, the pilots and maintenance officers and soldiers of the Mad Demon Brigade were in pain and happiness, and the officers and soldiers at the station were also in pain and happiness, and they all had to follow suit. No one dared to hold back before, and even less so now.

Thousands of tons of special aviation fuel were consumed rapidly until the last day of April. The superiors ordered the 101st Regiment to hold a military meeting of the whole regiment on May 3. Division leaders such as Deputy Minister Liang of the Military Region and Commander Chen Hualin of the 73rd Division were to attend and preside over the meeting. All officers and soldiers of the three deputy regiment-level units including the field station, meteorological observatory and repair shop were present.

Obviously something big is going to happen.

Today’s third update, I would like to thank Apple Tree Under the Dome again for the reward of 100,000 book coins. The daily writing envelope for the rifle is 15,000 words (five chapters). If the rod fee is paid and the fuel (time) is sufficient, it can fly 10 G overload.

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